path: root/js/build/tests/services/persistenceSpec.js
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Diffstat (limited to 'js/build/tests/services/persistenceSpec.js')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 346 deletions
diff --git a/js/build/tests/services/persistenceSpec.js b/js/build/tests/services/persistenceSpec.js
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--- a/js/build/tests/services/persistenceSpec.js
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-// Generated by CoffeeScript 1.4.0
-ownCloud - News
-@author Bernhard Posselt
-@copyright 2012 Bernhard Posselt
-This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-modify it under the terms of the GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE
-License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
-version 3 of the License, or any later version.
-This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public
-License along with this library. If not, see <>.
-(function() {
- describe('_Persistence', function() {
- var _this = this;
- beforeEach(module('News'));
- beforeEach(inject(function(_Persistence, $rootScope) {
- _this._Persistence = _Persistence;
- _this.$rootScope = $rootScope;
- _this.req = {
- post: jasmine.createSpy('POST'),
- get: jasmine.createSpy('GET').andCallFake(function(url, p1, p2, callback) {
- if (callback) {
- return callback();
- }
- })
- };
- _this.config = {
- itemBatchSize: 12
- };
- = {
- getType: function() {
- return 3;
- },
- getId: function() {
- return 1;
- }
- };
- return _this.loading = {
- increase: function() {},
- decrease: function() {}
- };
- }));
- it('should should show a loading sign when init', function() {
- var loading, pers;
- loading = {
- increase: jasmine.createSpy('loading'),
- decrease: jasmine.createSpy('finished loading')
- };
- pers = new _this._Persistence(_this.req, loading, _this.config,, _this.$rootScope);
- pers.init();
- expect(loading.increase).toHaveBeenCalled();
- return expect(loading.decrease).toHaveBeenCalled();
- });
- /*
- */
- it('should get all feeds', function() {
- var pers;
- pers = new _this._Persistence(_this.req, _this.loading, _this.config,, _this.$rootScope);
- pers.getAllFeeds();
- return expect(_this.req.get).toHaveBeenCalledWith('news_feeds', {}, {}, angular.noop);
- });
- it('should get a feed by id', function() {
- var pers, url;
- url = {
- feedId: 1
- };
- pers = new _this._Persistence(_this.req, _this.loading, _this.config,, _this.$rootScope);
- pers.getFeedById(url.feedId);
- return expect(_this.req.get).toHaveBeenCalledWith('news_feed', url);
- });
- it('create a correct request for moving a feed', function() {
- var data, pers, url;
- data = {
- folderId: 4
- };
- url = {
- feedId: 3
- };
- pers = new _this._Persistence(_this.req, _this.loading, _this.config,, _this.$rootScope);
- pers.moveFeed(url.feedId, data.folderId);
- return expect('news_move_feed', url, data);
- });
- it('shoud send a correct request for marking all items read', function() {
- var data, pers, url;
- data = {
- highestItemId: 4
- };
- url = {
- feedId: 3
- };
- pers = new _this._Persistence(_this.req, _this.loading, _this.config,, _this.$rootScope);
- pers.setFeedRead(url.feedId, data.highestItemId);
- return expect('news_set_feed_read', url, data);
- });
- it('send a correct feed update request', function() {
- var pers, url;
- url = {
- feedId: 3
- };
- pers = new _this._Persistence(_this.req, _this.loading, _this.config,, _this.$rootScope);
- pers.updateFeed(url.feedId);
- return expect('news_update_feed', url);
- });
- it('send a correct get active feed request', function() {
- var pers, succs;
- succs = angular.noop;
- pers = new _this._Persistence(_this.req, _this.loading, _this.config,, _this.$rootScope);
- pers.getActiveFeed(succs);
- return expect(_this.req.get).toHaveBeenCalledWith('news_active_feed', {}, {}, succs);
- });
- it('send a correct feed delete request', function() {
- var pers, url;
- url = {
- feedId: 3
- };
- pers = new _this._Persistence(_this.req, _this.loading, _this.config,, _this.$rootScope);
- pers.deleteFeed(url.feedId);
- return expect('news_delete_feed', url);
- });
- it('send a correct feed create request', function() {
- var data, onerror, onsuccess, pers;
- data = {
- parentFolderId: 5,
- url: ''
- };
- onsuccess = angular.noop;
- onerror = angular.noop;
- pers = new _this._Persistence(_this.req, _this.loading, _this.config,, _this.$rootScope);
- pers.createFeed(data.url, data.parentFolderId, onsuccess, onerror);
- return expect('news_create_feed', {}, data, onsuccess, onerror);
- });
- /*
- */
- it('should do a proper get all folders request', function() {
- var pers;
- pers = new _this._Persistence(_this.req, _this.loading, _this.config,, _this.$rootScope);
- pers.getAllFolders();
- return expect(_this.req.get).toHaveBeenCalledWith('news_folders', {}, {}, angular.noop);
- });
- it('should get a folder by id', function() {
- var pers, url;
- url = {
- folderId: 5
- };
- pers = new _this._Persistence(_this.req, _this.loading, _this.config,, _this.$rootScope);
- pers.getFolderById(url.folderId);
- return expect(_this.req.get).toHaveBeenCalledWith('news_folder', url);
- });
- it('send a correct collapse folder request', function() {
- var pers, url;
- url = {
- folderId: 3
- };
- pers = new _this._Persistence(_this.req, _this.loading, _this.config,, _this.$rootScope);
- pers.collapseFolder(url.folderId);
- return expect('news_collapse_folder', url);
- });
- it('send a correct open folder request', function() {
- var pers, url;
- url = {
- folderId: 3
- };
- pers = new _this._Persistence(_this.req, _this.loading, _this.config,, _this.$rootScope);
- pers.openFolder(url.folderId);
- return expect('news_open_folder', url);
- });
- it('should do a proper folder create request', function() {
- var data, onerror, onsuccess, pers;
- data = {
- folderName: 'check',
- parentFolderId: 4
- };
- onsuccess = function() {
- return 1;
- };
- onerror = function() {
- return 2;
- };
- pers = new _this._Persistence(_this.req, _this.loading, _this.config,, _this.$rootScope);
- pers.createFolder(data.folderName, data.parentFolderId, onsuccess, onerror);
- return expect('news_create_folder', {}, data, onsuccess, onerror);
- });
- it('should do a proper folder delete request', function() {
- var pers, url;
- url = {
- folderId: 2
- };
- pers = new _this._Persistence(_this.req, _this.loading, _this.config,, _this.$rootScope);
- pers.deleteFolder(url.folderId);
- return expect('news_delete_folder', url);
- });
- it('should do a proper folder rename request', function() {
- var data, pers, url;
- url = {
- folderId: 2
- };
- data = {
- folderName: 'host'
- };
- pers = new _this._Persistence(_this.req, _this.loading, _this.config,, _this.$rootScope);
- pers.renameFolder(url.folderId, data.folderName);
- return expect('news_rename_folder', url, data);
- });
- /*
- */
- it('should send a autopaging request', function() {
- var data, pers, success;
- data = {
- type: 2,
- id: 5,
- limit: _this.config.itemBatchSize,
- offset: 3
- };
- success = angular.noop;
- pers = new _this._Persistence(_this.req, _this.loading, _this.config,, _this.$rootScope);
- pers.getItems(data.type,, data.offset, success, null);
- return expect(_this.req.get).toHaveBeenCalledWith('news_items', {}, data, success);
- });
- it('should send a load newest items request', function() {
- var data, pers, success;
- data = {
- type: 2,
- id: 5,
- updatedSince: 1333
- };
- success = angular.noop;
- pers = new _this._Persistence(_this.req, _this.loading, _this.config,, _this.$rootScope);
- pers.getItems(data.type,, 0, success, data.updatedSince);
- return expect(_this.req.get).toHaveBeenCalledWith('news_items', {}, data, success);
- });
- it('send a correct get item by id request', function() {
- var pers, url;
- url = {
- itemId: 5
- };
- pers = new _this._Persistence(_this.req, _this.loading, _this.config,, _this.$rootScope);
- pers.getItemById(url.itemId);
- return expect(_this.req.get).toHaveBeenCalledWith('news_item', url);
- });
- it('send a correct get starred items request', function() {
- var pers, success;
- success = angular.noop;
- pers = new _this._Persistence(_this.req, _this.loading, _this.config,, _this.$rootScope);
- pers.getStarredItems(success);
- return expect(_this.req.get).toHaveBeenCalledWith('news_starred_items', {}, {}, success);
- });
- it('send a correct star item request', function() {
- var pers, url;
- url = {
- itemId: 2
- };
- pers = new _this._Persistence(_this.req, _this.loading, _this.config,, _this.$rootScope);
- pers.starItem(url.itemId);
- return expect('news_star_item', url);
- });
- it('send a correct unstar item request', function() {
- var pers, url;
- url = {
- itemId: 2
- };
- pers = new _this._Persistence(_this.req, _this.loading, _this.config,, _this.$rootScope);
- pers.unstarItem(url.itemId);
- return expect('news_unstar_item', url);
- });
- it('send a correct read item request', function() {
- var pers, url;
- url = {
- itemId: 2
- };
- pers = new _this._Persistence(_this.req, _this.loading, _this.config,, _this.$rootScope);
- pers.readItem(url.itemId);
- return expect('news_read_item', url);
- });
- it('send a correct unread item request', function() {
- var pers, url;
- url = {
- itemId: 2
- };
- pers = new _this._Persistence(_this.req, _this.loading, _this.config,, _this.$rootScope);
- pers.unreadItem(url.itemId);
- return expect('news_unread_item', url);
- });
- /*
- */
- it('should have an export request', function() {
- var pers;
- pers = new _this._Persistence(_this.req, _this.loading, _this.config,, _this.$rootScope);
- pers.exportOPML();
- return expect(_this.req.get).toHaveBeenCalledWith('news_export_opml');
- });
- /*
- */
- it('should do a proper get user settings read request', function() {
- var pers;
- pers = new _this._Persistence(_this.req, _this.loading, _this.config,, _this.$rootScope);
- pers.userSettingsRead();
- return expect(_this.req.get).toHaveBeenCalledWith('news_user_settings_read', {}, {}, angular.noop);
- });
- it('should do a proper get user settings read req and call callback', function() {
- var callback, pers;
- callback = function() {
- return 1 + 1;
- };
- pers = new _this._Persistence(_this.req, _this.loading, _this.config,, _this.$rootScope);
- pers.userSettingsRead(callback);
- return expect(_this.req.get).toHaveBeenCalledWith('news_user_settings_read', {}, {}, callback);
- });
- it('should do a proper user settings read show request', function() {
- var pers;
- pers = new _this._Persistence(_this.req, _this.loading, _this.config,, _this.$rootScope);
- pers.userSettingsReadShow();
- return expect('news_user_settings_read_show');
- });
- return it('should do a proper user settings read hide request', function() {
- var pers;
- pers = new _this._Persistence(_this.req, _this.loading, _this.config,, _this.$rootScope);
- pers.userSettingsReadHide();
- return expect('news_user_settings_read_hide');
- });
- });