path: root/js/build/tests/services/businesslayer/folderbusinesslayerSpec.js
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'js/build/tests/services/businesslayer/folderbusinesslayerSpec.js')
1 files changed, 577 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/js/build/tests/services/businesslayer/folderbusinesslayerSpec.js b/js/build/tests/services/businesslayer/folderbusinesslayerSpec.js
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/js/build/tests/services/businesslayer/folderbusinesslayerSpec.js
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+// Generated by CoffeeScript 1.6.3
+ownCloud - News
+@author Bernhard Posselt
+@copyright 2012 Bernhard Posselt
+This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+modify it under the terms of the GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE
+License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+version 3 of the License, or any later version.
+This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public
+License along with this library. If not, see <>.
+(function() {
+ describe('FolderBusinessLayer', function() {
+ var _this = this;
+ beforeEach(module('News'));
+ beforeEach(module(function($provide) {
+ _this.persistence = {
+ test: 'folderbusinesslayer'
+ };
+ _this.imagePath = jasmine.createSpy('imagePath');
+ _this.utils = {
+ imagePath: _this.imagePath
+ };
+ $provide.value('Persistence', _this.persistence);
+ $provide.value('Utils', _this.utils);
+ }));
+ beforeEach(inject(function(FolderBusinessLayer, FolderModel, FeedModel, ShowAll, ActiveFeed, FeedType, _ExistsError, $timeout, NewestItem, ItemModel, $rootScope) {
+ _this.FolderBusinessLayer = FolderBusinessLayer;
+ _this.FolderModel = FolderModel;
+ _this.FeedModel = FeedModel;
+ _this.ShowAll = ShowAll;
+ _this.ActiveFeed = ActiveFeed;
+ _this.FeedType = FeedType;
+ _this._ExistsError = _ExistsError;
+ _this.$timeout = $timeout;
+ _this.NewestItem = NewestItem;
+ _this.ItemModel = ItemModel;
+ _this.$rootScope = $rootScope;
+ _this.ShowAll.setShowAll(false);
+ return _this.ActiveFeed.handle({
+ type: _this.FeedType.Feed,
+ id: 0
+ });
+ }));
+ it('should delete folders', function() {
+ var data;
+ data = null;
+ _this.$rootScope.$on('undoMessage', function(scope, data) {
+ return data = data;
+ });
+ _this.FeedModel.add({
+ id: 5,
+ unreadCount: 2,
+ folderId: 3,
+ url: 'a1'
+ });
+ _this.FolderModel.removeById = jasmine.createSpy('remove').andCallFake(function() {
+ return {
+ id: 3,
+ name: 'test'
+ };
+ });
+ _this.FeedModel.removeById = jasmine.createSpy('remove').andCallFake(function() {
+ return {
+ id: 5,
+ name: 'test',
+ folderId: 3
+ };
+ });
+ _this.persistence.deleteFolder = jasmine.createSpy('deletequery');
+ _this.FolderBusinessLayer["delete"](3);
+ expect(_this.FolderModel.removeById).toHaveBeenCalledWith(3);
+ expect(_this.FeedModel.removeById).toHaveBeenCalledWith(5);
+ return expect(_this.persistence.deleteFolder).toHaveBeenCalledWith(3);
+ });
+ it('should return true when folder has feeds', function() {
+ _this.FeedModel.add({
+ id: 5,
+ unreadCount: 2,
+ folderId: 2,
+ url: 'a1'
+ });
+ expect(_this.FolderBusinessLayer.hasFeeds(3)).toBeFalsy();
+ _this.FeedModel.add({
+ id: 2,
+ unreadCount: 35,
+ folderId: 3,
+ url: 'a2'
+ });
+ return expect(_this.FolderBusinessLayer.hasFeeds(3)).toBeTruthy();
+ });
+ it('should toggle folder', function() {
+ _this.persistence.openFolder = jasmine.createSpy('open');
+ _this.persistence.collapseFolder = jasmine.createSpy('collapse');
+ _this.FolderModel.add({
+ id: 3,
+ opened: false,
+ name: 'ho'
+ });
+ _this.FolderBusinessLayer.toggleFolder(4);
+ expect(_this.FolderModel.getById(3).opened).toBeFalsy();
+ _this.FolderBusinessLayer.toggleFolder(3);
+ expect(_this.FolderModel.getById(3).opened).toBeTruthy();
+ expect(_this.persistence.openFolder).toHaveBeenCalledWith(3);
+ _this.FolderBusinessLayer.toggleFolder(3);
+ expect(_this.FolderModel.getById(3).opened).toBeFalsy();
+ return expect(_this.persistence.collapseFolder).toHaveBeenCalledWith(3);
+ });
+ it('should mark folder as read', function() {
+ var item1, item2;
+ _this.NewestItem.handle(25);
+ _this.persistence.setFolderRead = jasmine.createSpy('setFeedRead');
+ item1 = {
+ id: 3,
+ feedId: 5,
+ guidHash: 'a3',
+ status: 0
+ };
+ _this.ItemModel.add(item1);
+ item1.setUnread();
+ item2 = {
+ id: 2,
+ feedId: 3,
+ guidHash: 'a3',
+ status: 0
+ };
+ _this.ItemModel.add(item2);
+ item2.setUnread();
+ _this.FolderModel.add({
+ id: 3,
+ opened: false,
+ name: 'ho'
+ });
+ _this.FeedModel.add({
+ id: 3,
+ unreadCount: 134,
+ folderId: 3,
+ url: 'a1'
+ });
+ _this.FeedModel.add({
+ id: 5,
+ unreadCount: 2,
+ folderId: 2,
+ url: 'a2'
+ });
+ _this.FeedModel.add({
+ id: 1,
+ unreadCount: 12,
+ folderId: 3,
+ url: 'a3'
+ });
+ _this.FolderBusinessLayer.markRead(3);
+ expect(_this.FeedModel.getById(3).unreadCount).toBe(0);
+ expect(_this.FeedModel.getById(1).unreadCount).toBe(0);
+ expect(_this.FeedModel.getById(5).unreadCount).toBe(2);
+ expect(item1.isRead()).toBe(false);
+ expect(item2.isRead()).toBe(true);
+ return expect(_this.persistence.setFolderRead).toHaveBeenCalledWith(3, 25);
+ });
+ it('should not mark folder read when no highest item id', function() {
+ _this.FolderModel.add({
+ id: 5,
+ opened: false,
+ name: 'ho'
+ });
+ _this.persistence.setFolderRead = jasmine.createSpy('setFolderRead');
+ _this.FolderBusinessLayer.markRead(5);
+ return expect(_this.persistence.setFolderRead).not.toHaveBeenCalled();
+ });
+ it('should get the correct unread count', function() {
+ _this.FeedModel.add({
+ id: 5,
+ unreadCount: 2,
+ folderId: 2,
+ url: 'a1'
+ });
+ _this.FeedModel.add({
+ id: 6,
+ unreadCount: 3,
+ folderId: 3,
+ url: 'a2'
+ });
+ _this.FeedModel.add({
+ id: 7,
+ unreadCount: 4,
+ folderId: 2,
+ url: 'a3'
+ });
+ return expect(_this.FolderBusinessLayer.getUnreadCount(2)).toBe(6);
+ });
+ it('should be visible if show all is true', function() {
+ expect(_this.FolderBusinessLayer.isVisible(3)).toBe(false);
+ _this.ShowAll.setShowAll(true);
+ return expect(_this.FolderBusinessLayer.isVisible(3)).toBe(true);
+ });
+ it('should be visible if its active', function() {
+ _this.ActiveFeed.handle({
+ type: _this.FeedType.Folder,
+ id: 3
+ });
+ return expect(_this.FolderBusinessLayer.isVisible(3)).toBe(true);
+ });
+ it('should be visible if one of its subfeeds is active', function() {
+ _this.FeedModel.add({
+ id: 5,
+ unreadCount: 0,
+ folderId: 2,
+ url: 'a1'
+ });
+ _this.FeedModel.add({
+ id: 6,
+ unreadCount: 0,
+ folderId: 3,
+ url: 'a2'
+ });
+ _this.FeedModel.add({
+ id: 7,
+ unreadCount: 0,
+ folderId: 2,
+ url: 'a3'
+ });
+ _this.ActiveFeed.handle({
+ type: _this.FeedType.Feed,
+ id: 6
+ });
+ return expect(_this.FolderBusinessLayer.isVisible(3)).toBe(true);
+ });
+ it('should be visible if showAll is false and it has unread items', function() {
+ _this.FeedModel.add({
+ id: 5,
+ unreadCount: 2,
+ folderId: 2,
+ url: 'a1'
+ });
+ _this.FeedModel.add({
+ id: 6,
+ unreadCount: 3,
+ folderId: 3,
+ url: 'a2'
+ });
+ _this.FeedModel.add({
+ id: 7,
+ unreadCount: 4,
+ folderId: 2,
+ url: 'a3'
+ });
+ _this.ActiveFeed.handle({
+ type: _this.FeedType.Folder,
+ id: 2
+ });
+ return expect(_this.FolderBusinessLayer.isVisible(3)).toBe(true);
+ });
+ it('should return all folders', function() {
+ var item1, item2;
+ item1 = {
+ id: 3,
+ open: false,
+ name: 'ho'
+ };
+ item2 = {
+ id: 4,
+ open: true,
+ name: 'hod'
+ };
+ _this.FolderModel.add(item1);
+ _this.FolderModel.add(item2);
+ expect(_this.FolderBusinessLayer.getAll()).toContain(item1);
+ return expect(_this.FolderBusinessLayer.getAll()).toContain(item2);
+ });
+ it('should not create a folder if it already exists', function() {
+ var item1;
+ item1 = {
+ id: 4,
+ open: true,
+ name: 'john'
+ };
+ _this.FolderModel.add(item1);
+ expect(function() {
+ return _this.FolderBusinessLayer.create('john');
+ }).toThrow(new _this._ExistsError('Exists already'));
+ return expect(function() {
+ return _this.FolderBusinessLayer.create('johns');
+ }).not.toThrow(new _this._ExistsError('Exists already'));
+ });
+ it('should not create folders that are empty', function() {
+ return expect(function() {
+ return _this.FolderBusinessLayer.create(' ');
+ }).toThrow(new Error('Folder name must not be empty'));
+ });
+ it('should create a folder before theres a response from the server', function() {
+ _this.persistence.createFolder = jasmine.createSpy('create folder');
+ _this.FolderBusinessLayer.create('johns');
+ expect(_this.FolderModel.size()).toBe(1);
+ return expect(_this.FolderModel.getByName('johns').opened).toBe(true);
+ });
+ it('should make a create folder request', function() {
+ _this.persistence.createFolder = jasmine.createSpy('add folder');
+ _this.FolderBusinessLayer.create(' johns ');
+ return expect(_this.persistence.createFolder).toHaveBeenCalledWith('johns', 0, jasmine.any(Function));
+ });
+ it('should call the onSuccess function on response status ok', function() {
+ var onSuccess;
+ onSuccess = jasmine.createSpy('Success');
+ _this.persistence.createFolder = jasmine.createSpy('add folder');
+ _this.persistence.createFolder.andCallFake(function(folderName, parentId, success) {
+ _this.response = {
+ status: 'ok',
+ data: 'jooo'
+ };
+ return success(_this.response);
+ });
+ _this.FolderBusinessLayer.create(' johns ', onSuccess);
+ return expect(onSuccess).toHaveBeenCalledWith(;
+ });
+ it('should call the handle a response error when creating a folder', function() {
+ var onFailure, onSuccess;
+ onSuccess = jasmine.createSpy('Success');
+ onFailure = jasmine.createSpy('Failure');
+ _this.persistence.createFolder = jasmine.createSpy('add folder');
+ _this.persistence.createFolder.andCallFake(function(folderName, parentId, success) {
+ _this.response = {
+ status: 'error',
+ msg: 'this is an error'
+ };
+ return success(_this.response);
+ });
+ _this.FolderBusinessLayer.create(' johns ', onSuccess, onFailure);
+ expect(onSuccess).not.toHaveBeenCalled();
+ expect(onFailure).toHaveBeenCalled();
+ return expect(_this.FolderModel.getByName('johns').error).toBe(_this.response.msg);
+ });
+ it('should mark a folder error as read by removing it', function() {
+ _this.FolderModel.add({
+ id: 3,
+ name: 'john'
+ });
+ _this.FolderBusinessLayer.markErrorRead('John');
+ expect(_this.FolderModel.size()).toBe(0);
+ return expect(_this.FolderModel.getByName('john')).toBe(void 0);
+ });
+ it('should return the corret folder for id', function() {
+ var item;
+ item = {
+ id: 3,
+ name: 'john'
+ };
+ _this.FolderModel.add(item);
+ return expect(_this.FolderBusinessLayer.getById(3)).toBe(item);
+ });
+ it('should open a folder', function() {
+ _this.persistence.openFolder = jasmine.createSpy('open');
+ _this.FolderModel.add({
+ id: 3,
+ opened: false,
+ name: 'ho'
+ });
+ expect(_this.FolderModel.getById(3).opened).toBeTruthy();
+ return expect(_this.persistence.openFolder).toHaveBeenCalledWith(3);
+ });
+ it('should not import on empty opml', function() {
+ var xml;
+ _this.persistence.createFolder = jasmine.createSpy('create folder');
+ _this.persistence.createFeed = jasmine.createSpy('create feed');
+ xml = '<?xml version="1.0" ?>\
+ <opml version="1.1">\
+ <!--Generated by NewsBlur ->\
+ <head>\
+ <title>\
+ NewsBlur Feeds\
+ </title>\
+ <dateCreated>\
+ 2013-03-14 16:44:01.356965\
+ </dateCreated>\
+ <dateModified>\
+ 2013-03-14 16:44:01.356965\
+ </dateModified>\
+ </head>\
+ <body>\
+ </body>\
+ </opml>';
+ _this.FolderBusinessLayer["import"](xml);
+ expect(_this.persistence.createFolder).not.toHaveBeenCalled();
+ return expect(_this.persistence.createFeed).not.toHaveBeenCalled();
+ });
+ it('should import a folder', function() {
+ var xml;
+ _this.persistence.createFolder = jasmine.createSpy('create folder');
+ _this.persistence.createFeed = jasmine.createSpy('create feed');
+ xml = '<?xml version="1.0" ?>\
+ <opml version="1.1">\
+ <!--Generated by NewsBlur ->\
+ <head>\
+ <title>\
+ NewsBlur Feeds\
+ </title>\
+ <dateCreated>\
+ 2013-03-14 16:44:01.356965\
+ </dateCreated>\
+ <dateModified>\
+ 2013-03-14 16:44:01.356965\
+ </dateModified>\
+ </head>\
+ <body>\
+ <outline text="Design" title="Design" />\
+ <outline text="test" title="test"></outline>\
+ </body>\
+ </opml>';
+ _this.FolderBusinessLayer["import"](xml);
+ expect(_this.persistence.createFolder).toHaveBeenCalledWith('test', 0, jasmine.any(Function));
+ return expect(_this.persistence.createFeed).not.toHaveBeenCalled();
+ });
+ it('should import a feed', function() {
+ var xml;
+ _this.persistence.createFolder = jasmine.createSpy('create folder');
+ _this.persistence.createFeed = jasmine.createSpy('create feed');
+ xml = '<?xml version="1.0" ?>\
+ <opml version="1.1">\
+ <!--Generated by NewsBlur ->\
+ <head>\
+ <title>\
+ NewsBlur Feeds\
+ </title>\
+ <dateCreated>\
+ 2013-03-14 16:44:01.356965\
+ </dateCreated>\
+ <dateModified>\
+ 2013-03-14 16:44:01.356965\
+ </dateModified>\
+ </head>\
+ <body>\
+ <outline htmlUrl="" text=\
+ "&lt;div&gt;Bret Victor\'s website&lt;/div&gt;"\
+ title="&lt;div&gt;Bret Victor\'s website&lt;/div&gt;"\
+ type="rss"\
+ version="RSS" xmlUrl=""/>\
+ </body>\
+ </opml>';
+ _this.FolderBusinessLayer["import"](xml);
+ expect(_this.persistence.createFolder).not.toHaveBeenCalled();
+ return expect(_this.persistence.createFeed).toHaveBeenCalledWith('', 0, jasmine.any(Function));
+ });
+ it('should import nested folders', function() {
+ var xml;
+ _this.persistence.createFolder = jasmine.createSpy('create folder');
+ _this.persistence.createFolder.andCallFake(function(name, parentId, onSuccess) {
+ var data;
+ data = {
+ data: {
+ folders: [
+ {
+ id: 3
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ };
+ return onSuccess(data);
+ });
+ _this.persistence.createFeed = jasmine.createSpy('create feed');
+ xml = '<?xml version="1.0" ?>\
+ <opml version="1.1">\
+ <!--Generated by NewsBlur ->\
+ <head>\
+ <title>\
+ NewsBlur Feeds\
+ </title>\
+ <dateCreated>\
+ 2013-03-14 16:44:01.356965\
+ </dateCreated>\
+ <dateModified>\
+ 2013-03-14 16:44:01.356965\
+ </dateModified>\
+ </head>\
+ <body>\
+ <outline text="Design" title="Design">\
+ <outline htmlUrl="" text=\
+ "&lt;div&gt;Bret Victor\'s website&lt;/div&gt;"\
+ title="&lt;div&gt;Bret Victor\'s website&lt;/div&gt;"\
+ type="rss"\
+ version="RSS" xmlUrl=""/>\
+ </outline>\
+ </body>\
+ </opml>';
+ _this.FolderBusinessLayer["import"](xml);
+ expect(_this.persistence.createFolder).toHaveBeenCalledWith('Design', 0, jasmine.any(Function));
+ return expect(_this.persistence.createFeed).toHaveBeenCalledWith('', 3, jasmine.any(Function));
+ });
+ it('should use an existing folder when importing a folder', function() {
+ var folder, xml;
+ _this.persistence.createFolder = jasmine.createSpy('create folder');
+ _this.persistence.createFeed = jasmine.createSpy('create feed');
+ _this.persistence.openFolder = jasmine.createSpy('open');
+ folder = {
+ id: 2,
+ name: 'design',
+ opened: false
+ };
+ _this.FolderModel.add(folder);
+ xml = '<?xml version="1.0" ?>\
+ <opml version="1.1">\
+ <!--Generated by NewsBlur ->\
+ <head>\
+ <title>\
+ NewsBlur Feeds\
+ </title>\
+ <dateCreated>\
+ 2013-03-14 16:44:01.356965\
+ </dateCreated>\
+ <dateModified>\
+ 2013-03-14 16:44:01.356965\
+ </dateModified>\
+ </head>\
+ <body>\
+ <outline text="Design" title="Design">\
+ <outline htmlUrl="" text=\
+ "&lt;div&gt;Bret Victor\'s website&lt;/div&gt;"\
+ title="&lt;div&gt;Bret Victor\'s website&lt;/div&gt;"\
+ type="rss"\
+ version="RSS" xmlUrl=""/>\
+ </outline>\
+ </body>\
+ </opml>';
+ _this.FolderBusinessLayer["import"](xml);
+ expect(_this.persistence.createFolder).not.toHaveBeenCalled();
+ expect(_this.persistence.createFeed).toHaveBeenCalledWith('', 2, jasmine.any(Function));
+ expect(folder.opened).toBe(true);
+ return expect(_this.persistence.openFolder).toHaveBeenCalled();
+ });
+ return it('should not import a feed if it already exists', function() {
+ var xml;
+ _this.persistence.createFolder = jasmine.createSpy('create folder');
+ _this.persistence.createFeed = jasmine.createSpy('create feed');
+ _this.FeedModel.add({
+ url: ''
+ });
+ xml = '<?xml version="1.0" ?>\
+ <opml version="1.1">\
+ <!--Generated by NewsBlur ->\
+ <head>\
+ <title>\
+ NewsBlur Feeds\
+ </title>\
+ <dateCreated>\
+ 2013-03-14 16:44:01.356965\
+ </dateCreated>\
+ <dateModified>\
+ 2013-03-14 16:44:01.356965\
+ </dateModified>\
+ </head>\
+ <body>\
+ <outline htmlUrl="" text=\
+ "&lt;div&gt;Bret Victor\'s website&lt;/div&gt;"\
+ title="&lt;div&gt;Bret Victor\'s website&lt;/div&gt;"\
+ type="rss"\
+ version="RSS" xmlUrl=""/>\
+ </body>\
+ </opml>';
+ _this.FolderBusinessLayer["import"](xml);
+ expect(_this.persistence.createFolder).not.toHaveBeenCalled();
+ return expect(_this.persistence.createFeed).not.toHaveBeenCalled();
+ });
+ });