path: root/js-old/tests/unit/controller/ContentControllerSpec.js
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'js-old/tests/unit/controller/ContentControllerSpec.js')
1 files changed, 589 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/js-old/tests/unit/controller/ContentControllerSpec.js b/js-old/tests/unit/controller/ContentControllerSpec.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b410b7f95
--- /dev/null
+++ b/js-old/tests/unit/controller/ContentControllerSpec.js
@@ -0,0 +1,589 @@
+ * Nextcloud - News
+ *
+ * This file is licensed under the Affero General Public License version 3 or
+ * later. See the COPYING file.
+ *
+ * @author Bernhard Posselt <>
+ * @copyright Bernhard Posselt 2014
+ */
+describe('ContentController', function () {
+ 'use strict';
+ beforeEach(module('News', function ($provide) {
+ $provide.constant('BASE_URL', 'base');
+ $provide.constant('ITEM_BATCH_SIZE', 5);
+ $provide.constant('ITEM_AUTO_PAGE_SIZE', 1);
+ $provide.constant('FEED_TYPE', {
+ FEED: 0,
+ FOLDER: 1,
+ });
+ $provide.constant('$route', {
+ current: {
+ $$route: {
+ type: 3
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ }));
+ it('should publish data to models',
+ inject(function ($controller, Publisher, FeedResource, ItemResource) {
+ Publisher.subscribe(ItemResource).toChannels(['items']);
+ Publisher.subscribe(FeedResource).toChannels(['feeds']);
+ var controller = $controller('ContentController', {
+ data: {
+ 'items': [
+ {id: 3, fingerprint: 'a'},
+ {id: 4, fingerprint: 'b'}
+ ]
+ }
+ });
+ expect(controller.getItems().length).toBe(2);
+ }));
+ it('should clear data on url change', inject(function ($controller,
+ ItemResource) {
+ ItemResource.clear = jasmine.createSpy('clear');
+ $controller('ContentController', {
+ data: {}
+ });
+ expect(ItemResource.clear).toHaveBeenCalled();
+ }));
+ it('should sort feed items', inject(function ($controller) {
+ var ctrl = $controller('ContentController', {
+ data: {}
+ });
+ var first = {value: 11, type: 'number'};
+ var second = {value: 12, type: 'number'};
+ var third = {value: 101, type: 'number'};
+ expect(ctrl.sortIds(first, second)).toBe(1);
+ expect(ctrl.sortIds(second, first)).toBe(-1);
+ expect(ctrl.sortIds(second, second)).toBe(-1);
+ expect(ctrl.sortIds(first, third)).toBe(1);
+ }));
+ it('should return order if custom ordering',
+ inject(function ($controller, SettingsResource, FeedResource,
+ var route = {
+ current: {
+ $$route: {
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ FeedResource.receive([
+ {id: 1, folderId: 3, url: 'ye', unreadCount: 45, ordering: 1},
+ ]);
+ var ctrl = $controller('ContentController', {
+ data: {},
+ $route: route,
+ $routeParams: {
+ id: 1
+ }
+ });
+ expect(ctrl.oldestFirst).toBe(true);
+ SettingsResource.set('oldestFirst', false);
+ expect(ctrl.oldestFirst).toBe(true);
+ }));
+ it('should mark read', inject(function ($controller, ItemResource,
+ FeedResource, Publisher) {
+ Publisher.subscribe(ItemResource).toChannels(['items']);
+ ItemResource.markItemRead = jasmine.createSpy('markRead');
+ FeedResource.markItemOfFeedRead = jasmine.createSpy('markRead');
+ var ctrl = $controller('ContentController', {
+ ItemResource: ItemResource,
+ FeedResource: FeedResource,
+ data: {
+ 'items': [
+ {
+ id: 3,
+ feedId: 4,
+ fingerprint: 'a',
+ unread: true
+ },
+ {
+ id: 5,
+ feedId: 4,
+ fingerprint: 'b',
+ keepUnread: true
+ },
+ {
+ id: 9,
+ feedId: 5,
+ fingerprint: 'c',
+ unread: false
+ }]
+ },
+ });
+ ctrl.markRead(3);
+ ctrl.markRead(5);
+ ctrl.markRead(9);
+ expect(ItemResource.markItemRead).toHaveBeenCalledWith(3);
+ expect(FeedResource.markItemOfFeedRead).toHaveBeenCalledWith(4);
+ expect(ItemResource.markItemRead.calls.count()).toBe(1);
+ expect(FeedResource.markItemOfFeedRead.calls.count()).toBe(1);
+ }));
+ it('should toggle keep unread when unread',
+ inject(function ($controller, ItemResource, FeedResource, Publisher) {
+ Publisher.subscribe(ItemResource).toChannels(['items']);
+ var ctrl = $controller('ContentController', {
+ ItemResource: ItemResource,
+ FeedResource: FeedResource,
+ data: {
+ 'items': [{
+ id: 3,
+ feedId: 4,
+ unread: true
+ }]
+ },
+ });
+ ctrl.toggleKeepUnread(3);
+ expect(ItemResource.get(3).keepUnread).toBe(true);
+ }));
+ it('should toggle keep unread when read',
+ inject(function ($controller, ItemResource, FeedResource, Publisher) {
+ Publisher.subscribe(ItemResource).toChannels(['items']);
+ ItemResource.markItemRead = jasmine.createSpy('markRead');
+ FeedResource.markItemOfFeedUnread = jasmine.createSpy('markRead');
+ var ctrl = $controller('ContentController', {
+ ItemResource: ItemResource,
+ FeedResource: FeedResource,
+ data: {
+ 'items': [{
+ id: 3,
+ feedId: 4,
+ unread: false,
+ keepUnread: true
+ }]
+ },
+ });
+ ctrl.toggleKeepUnread(3);
+ expect(ItemResource.get(3).keepUnread).toBe(false);
+ expect(ItemResource.markItemRead).toHaveBeenCalledWith(3, false);
+ expect(FeedResource.markItemOfFeedUnread).toHaveBeenCalledWith(4);
+ }));
+ it('should get a feed', inject(function ($controller, FeedResource,
+ Publisher) {
+ Publisher.subscribe(FeedResource).toChannels(['feeds']);
+ var ctrl = $controller('ContentController', {
+ FeedResource: FeedResource,
+ data: {
+ 'feeds': [{
+ id: 3,
+ url: 4
+ }]
+ },
+ });
+ expect(ctrl.getFeed(3).url).toBe(4);
+ }));
+ it('should toggle starred', inject(function ($controller, ItemResource) {
+ ItemResource.toggleStar = jasmine.createSpy('star');
+ var ctrl = $controller('ContentController', {
+ ItemResource: ItemResource,
+ data: {},
+ });
+ ctrl.toggleStar(3);
+ expect(ItemResource.toggleStar).toHaveBeenCalledWith(3);
+ }));
+ it('should publish compactview', inject(function ($controller,
+ SettingsResource) {
+ SettingsResource.set('compact', true);
+ var ctrl = $controller('ContentController', {
+ SettingsResource: SettingsResource,
+ data: {},
+ });
+ expect(ctrl.isCompactView()).toBe(true);
+ }));
+ it('should publish compact expand setting',
+ inject(function ($controller, SettingsResource) {
+ SettingsResource.set('compactExpand', true);
+ var ctrl = $controller('ContentController', {
+ SettingsResource: SettingsResource,
+ data: {},
+ });
+ expect(ctrl.isCompactExpand()).toBe(true);
+ }));
+ it('should publish markread', inject(function ($controller,
+ SettingsResource) {
+ SettingsResource.set('preventReadOnScroll', true);
+ var ctrl = $controller('ContentController', {
+ SettingsResource: SettingsResource,
+ data: {},
+ });
+ expect(ctrl.markReadEnabled()).toBe(false);
+ }));
+ it('should publish autopaging', inject(function ($controller) {
+ var ctrl = $controller('ContentController', {
+ data: {},
+ });
+ expect(ctrl.autoPagingEnabled()).toBe(true);
+ }));
+ it('should mark multiple items read',
+ inject(function ($controller, ItemResource, FeedResource, Publisher) {
+ Publisher.subscribe(ItemResource).toChannels(['items']);
+ ItemResource.markItemsRead = jasmine.createSpy('markRead');
+ FeedResource.markItemsOfFeedsRead = jasmine.createSpy('markRead');
+ var ctrl = $controller('ContentController', {
+ ItemResource: ItemResource,
+ FeedResource: FeedResource,
+ data: {
+ 'items': [
+ {
+ id: 3,
+ fingerprint: 'a',
+ feedId: 6
+ },
+ {
+ id: 2,
+ fingerprint: 'b',
+ feedId: 4,
+ keepUnread: true
+ },
+ {
+ id: 1,
+ fingerprint: 'c',
+ feedId: 4
+ },]
+ },
+ });
+ ctrl.scrollRead([3, 2, 1]);
+ expect(ItemResource.markItemsRead).toHaveBeenCalledWith([3, 1]);
+ expect(FeedResource.markItemsOfFeedsRead)
+ .toHaveBeenCalledWith([6, 4]);
+ }));
+ it('should not autopage if less than 0 elements',
+ inject(function ($controller, ItemResource, Publisher,
+ SettingsResource, Loading) {
+ SettingsResource.set('oldestFirst', true);
+ SettingsResource.set('showAll', false);
+ var $location = {
+ search: jasmine.createSpy('search').and.returnValue({
+ search: 'some+string'
+ })
+ };
+ var $route = {
+ current: {
+ $$route: {
+ type: 3
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ var $routeParams = {
+ id: 2
+ };
+ Publisher.subscribe(ItemResource).toChannels(['items']);
+ ItemResource.autoPage = jasmine.createSpy('autoPage')
+ .and.callFake(function () {
+ return {
+ then: function (callback) {
+ callback({
+ data: {'items': []}
+ });
+ return {
+ finally: function (callback) {
+ callback();
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ };
+ });
+ var ctrl = $controller('ContentController', {
+ $routeParams: $routeParams,
+ $route: $route,
+ Publisher: Publisher,
+ ItemResource: ItemResource,
+ SettingsResource: SettingsResource,
+ data: {'items': [{id: 3}, {id: 4}]},
+ $location: $location
+ });
+ expect(ctrl.autoPagingEnabled()).toBe(true);
+ ctrl.autoPage();
+ expect(ctrl.autoPagingEnabled()).toBe(false);
+ expect(Loading.isLoading('autopaging')).toBe(false);
+ expect(ItemResource.autoPage)
+ .toHaveBeenCalledWith(3, 2, true, false, 'some+string');
+ }));
+ it ('should toggle active item', inject(function ($controller) {
+ var ctrl = $controller('ContentController', {
+ data: {'items': [{id: 3}, {id: 4}]}
+ });
+ expect(ctrl.isItemActive(3)).toBe(false);
+ ctrl.setItemActive(3);
+ expect(ctrl.isItemActive(4)).toBe(false);
+ expect(ctrl.isItemActive(3)).toBe(true);
+ }));
+ it('should autopage if more than 0 elements',
+ inject(function ($controller, ItemResource, Publisher) {
+ var $route = {
+ current: {
+ $$route: {
+ type: 3
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ var $routeParams = {
+ id: 2
+ };
+ Publisher.subscribe(ItemResource).toChannels(['items']);
+ ItemResource.autoPage = jasmine.createSpy('autoPage')
+ .and.callFake(function () {
+ return {
+ then: function (callback) {
+ callback({
+ data: {
+ 'items': [
+ {items: [{id: 3, fingerprint: 'a'}]}]}
+ });
+ return {
+ finally: function () {
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ };
+ });
+ var ctrl = $controller('ContentController', {
+ $routeParams: $routeParams,
+ $route: $route,
+ Publisher: Publisher,
+ ItemResource: ItemResource,
+ data: {
+ 'items': [{
+ id: 3, fingerprint: 'a'
+ }, {
+ id: 4, fingerprint: 'b'
+ }]
+ },
+ });
+ expect(ctrl.autoPagingEnabled()).toBe(true);
+ ctrl.autoPage();
+ expect(ctrl.autoPagingEnabled()).toBe(true);
+ expect(ItemResource.size()).toBe(3);
+ }));
+ it('should autopage if error',
+ inject(function ($controller, ItemResource, Publisher) {
+ var $route = {
+ current: {
+ $$route: {
+ type: 3
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ var $routeParams = {
+ id: 2
+ };
+ Publisher.subscribe(ItemResource).toChannels(['items']);
+ ItemResource.autoPage = jasmine.createSpy('autoPage')
+ .and.callFake(function () {
+ return {
+ then: function (callback, errorCallback) {
+ callback({
+ data: {'items': []}
+ }, errorCallback({}));
+ return {
+ finally: function () {
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ };
+ });
+ var ctrl = $controller('ContentController', {
+ $routeParams: $routeParams,
+ $route: $route,
+ Publisher: Publisher,
+ ItemResource: ItemResource,
+ data: {
+ 'items': [
+ {
+ id: 3,
+ fingerprint: 'a'
+ }, {
+ id: 4,
+ fingerprint: 'b'
+ }]
+ },
+ });
+ expect(ctrl.autoPagingEnabled()).toBe(true);
+ ctrl.autoPage();
+ expect(ctrl.autoPagingEnabled()).toBe(true);
+ }));
+ it('should refresh the page', inject(function ($controller) {
+ var route = {
+ current: {
+ $$route: {
+ type: 3
+ }
+ },
+ reload: jasmine.createSpy('reload')
+ };
+ var ctrl = $controller('ContentController', {
+ data: {},
+ $route: route
+ });
+ ctrl.refresh();
+ expect(route.reload).toHaveBeenCalled();
+ }));
+ it('should tell if a feed is shown', inject(function ($controller,
+ var $route = {
+ current: {
+ $$route: {
+ type: 0
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ var ctrl = $controller('ContentController', {
+ $route: $route,
+ data: {}
+ });
+ Object.keys(FEED_TYPE).forEach(function (key) {
+ $route.current.$$route.type = FEED_TYPE[key];
+ if (key === 'FEED') {
+ expect(ctrl.isFeed()).toBe(true);
+ } else {
+ expect(ctrl.isFeed()).toBe(false);
+ }
+ });
+ }));
+ it('should publish showall', inject(function ($controller,
+ SettingsResource) {
+ SettingsResource.set('showAll', true);
+ var ctrl = $controller('ContentController', {
+ SettingsResource: SettingsResource,
+ data: {},
+ });
+ expect(ctrl.isShowAll()).toBe(true);
+ }));
+ it('should return the correct media type', inject(function ($controller) {
+ var ctrl = $controller('ContentController', {
+ data: {},
+ });
+ expect(ctrl.getMediaType('audio/test')).toBe('audio');
+ expect(ctrl.getMediaType('video/test')).toBe('video');
+ expect(ctrl.getMediaType('vides/test')).toBe(undefined);
+ }));