diff options
14 files changed, 120 insertions, 20 deletions
diff --git a/l10n/cs.js b/l10n/cs.js
index ef4a17ba8..1076e1def 100644
--- a/l10n/cs.js
+++ b/l10n/cs.js
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Request failed, Nextcloud is in currently in maintenance mode!" : "Požadavek se nezdařil, Nextcloud je aktuálně v režimu údržby!",
"News folders" : "Nové složky",
"News" : "Zprávy",
+ "Shared with me" : "Sdíleno se mnou",
"An RSS/Atom feed reader" : "Čtečka RSS/Atom zdrojů",
"The News app is an RSS/Atom feed reader for Nextcloud which can be synced with many mobile devices. A list of all clients and requirements can be found [in the README](\n\nBefore you update to a new version, [check the changelog]( to avoid surprises.\n\n**Important**: To enable feed updates you will need to enable either [Nextcloud system cron]( or use [an updater]( which uses the built in update API and disable cron updates. More information can be found [in the README](" : "Aplikace Novinky je čtečka RSS/Atom zdrojů pro Nextcloud, kterou je možné synchronizovat s mnoha mobilními zařízeními. Seznam všech klientů a požadavky je k nalezení [v souboru README](\n\nPřed provedením přechodu na novou verzi, [se podívejte do výčtu změn](, abyste se vyhnuli nenadálým překvapením.\n\n**Důležité**: Pro zapnutí aktualizací zdrojů je třeba zapnout buď [Nextcloud systémový plánovač]( nebo použít [aktualizátor]( který používá vestavěné aplikační program. rozhraní (API) aktualizací a vypíná aktualizace z plánovače cron. Více informací je k dispozici [v souboru README](",
"Use system cron for updates" : "Pro aktualizace použít službu systémového plánovače cron",
@@ -37,9 +38,17 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Unstar article" : "Odebrat článku hvězdičku",
"Keep article unread" : "Ponechat článek jako nepřečtený",
"Remove keep article unread" : "Odstranit označení článku jako nepřečtený",
+ "Share" : "Sdílet",
+ "Share with users" : "Sdílet s uživateli",
"Username" : "Uživatelské jméno",
+ "No users found" : "Nenalezeni žádní uživatelé",
+ "Error while searching for users" : "Chyba při hledání v uživatelích",
+ "Share on social media" : "Sdílet na sociální média",
+ "I wanted you to see this article" : "Tento článek doporučuji k přečtení",
+ "Check out this article" : "Podívej(te) se na tento článek",
"by" : "sdílí",
"from" : "z",
+ "shared by" : "sdílí",
"Play audio" : "Přehrát hudbu",
"Download audio" : "Stáhnout hudbu",
"Download video" : "Stáhnout video",
@@ -77,6 +86,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Credentials" : "Přihlašovací údaje",
"HTTP Basic Auth credentials must be stored unencrypted! Everyone with access to the server or database will be able to access them!" : "Je třeba, aby přihlašovací údaje pro HTTP Basic Auth byly uloženy nešifrovaně! Každý s přístupem k serveru nebo databázi je bude moci přečíst!",
"Password" : "Heslo",
+ "Auto discover Feed" : "Automaticky objevit kanál",
"New Folder" : "Nová složka",
"Create" : "Vytvořit",
"Explore" : "Prohledat",
diff --git a/l10n/cs.json b/l10n/cs.json
index 881d769e8..753b25d73 100644
--- a/l10n/cs.json
+++ b/l10n/cs.json
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
"Request failed, Nextcloud is in currently in maintenance mode!" : "Požadavek se nezdařil, Nextcloud je aktuálně v režimu údržby!",
"News folders" : "Nové složky",
"News" : "Zprávy",
+ "Shared with me" : "Sdíleno se mnou",
"An RSS/Atom feed reader" : "Čtečka RSS/Atom zdrojů",
"The News app is an RSS/Atom feed reader for Nextcloud which can be synced with many mobile devices. A list of all clients and requirements can be found [in the README](\n\nBefore you update to a new version, [check the changelog]( to avoid surprises.\n\n**Important**: To enable feed updates you will need to enable either [Nextcloud system cron]( or use [an updater]( which uses the built in update API and disable cron updates. More information can be found [in the README](" : "Aplikace Novinky je čtečka RSS/Atom zdrojů pro Nextcloud, kterou je možné synchronizovat s mnoha mobilními zařízeními. Seznam všech klientů a požadavky je k nalezení [v souboru README](\n\nPřed provedením přechodu na novou verzi, [se podívejte do výčtu změn](, abyste se vyhnuli nenadálým překvapením.\n\n**Důležité**: Pro zapnutí aktualizací zdrojů je třeba zapnout buď [Nextcloud systémový plánovač]( nebo použít [aktualizátor]( který používá vestavěné aplikační program. rozhraní (API) aktualizací a vypíná aktualizace z plánovače cron. Více informací je k dispozici [v souboru README](",
"Use system cron for updates" : "Pro aktualizace použít službu systémového plánovače cron",
@@ -35,9 +36,17 @@
"Unstar article" : "Odebrat článku hvězdičku",
"Keep article unread" : "Ponechat článek jako nepřečtený",
"Remove keep article unread" : "Odstranit označení článku jako nepřečtený",
+ "Share" : "Sdílet",
+ "Share with users" : "Sdílet s uživateli",
"Username" : "Uživatelské jméno",
+ "No users found" : "Nenalezeni žádní uživatelé",
+ "Error while searching for users" : "Chyba při hledání v uživatelích",
+ "Share on social media" : "Sdílet na sociální média",
+ "I wanted you to see this article" : "Tento článek doporučuji k přečtení",
+ "Check out this article" : "Podívej(te) se na tento článek",
"by" : "sdílí",
"from" : "z",
+ "shared by" : "sdílí",
"Play audio" : "Přehrát hudbu",
"Download audio" : "Stáhnout hudbu",
"Download video" : "Stáhnout video",
@@ -75,6 +84,7 @@
"Credentials" : "Přihlašovací údaje",
"HTTP Basic Auth credentials must be stored unencrypted! Everyone with access to the server or database will be able to access them!" : "Je třeba, aby přihlašovací údaje pro HTTP Basic Auth byly uloženy nešifrovaně! Každý s přístupem k serveru nebo databázi je bude moci přečíst!",
"Password" : "Heslo",
+ "Auto discover Feed" : "Automaticky objevit kanál",
"New Folder" : "Nová složka",
"Create" : "Vytvořit",
"Explore" : "Prohledat",
diff --git a/l10n/de_DE.js b/l10n/de_DE.js
index 41626eb16..8e47b1557 100644
--- a/l10n/de_DE.js
+++ b/l10n/de_DE.js
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Request failed, Nextcloud is in currently in maintenance mode!" : "Anfrage fehlgeschlagen, diese Nextcloud-Instanz befindet sich derzeit im Wartungsmodus.",
"News folders" : "Nachrichtenordner",
"News" : "News",
+ "Shared with me" : "Mit mir geteilt",
"An RSS/Atom feed reader" : "Ein RSS/Atom-Feed-Reader",
"The News app is an RSS/Atom feed reader for Nextcloud which can be synced with many mobile devices. A list of all clients and requirements can be found [in the README](\n\nBefore you update to a new version, [check the changelog]( to avoid surprises.\n\n**Important**: To enable feed updates you will need to enable either [Nextcloud system cron]( or use [an updater]( which uses the built in update API and disable cron updates. More information can be found [in the README](" : "Die News-App ist ein RSS/Atom-Feed-Reader für Nextcloud der mit vielen Mobilgeräten synchronisiert werden kann. Eine Liste aller Clients und Anforderungen ist [im README]( enthalten.\n\nVor einer Aktualisierung auf eine neuere Version bitte die [Liste der Veränderungen]( überprüfen um Überraschungen zu vermeiden.\n\n**Wichtig**: Um die abonnierten Feeds zu aktualisieren muss entweder der [Nextcloud System Cron](https://docs.nextcloud.orgcom/server/latest10/admin_manual/configuration_server/background_jobs_configuration.html#cron) aktiviert sein oder ein [Updater]( der die eingebaute Update-API verwendet und der Cron-Updater abgeschaltet werden. Weitere Informationen [in der README](",
"Use system cron for updates" : "Verwende System-Cron für Aktualisierungen",
@@ -37,9 +38,17 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Unstar article" : "Markierung aufheben",
"Keep article unread" : "Artikel ungelesenen lassen",
"Remove keep article unread" : "„Artikel ungelesenen lassen“ entfernen",
+ "Share" : "Teilen",
+ "Share with users" : "Mit Benutzern teilen",
"Username" : "Benutzername",
+ "No users found" : "Keine Benutzer gefunden",
+ "Error while searching for users" : "Fehler beim Suchen nach Benutzern",
+ "Share on social media" : "Auf sozialen Medien teilen",
+ "I wanted you to see this article" : "Ich möchte, dass Sie diesen Artikel sehen",
+ "Check out this article" : "Sehen Sie sich diesen Artikel an",
"by" : "von",
"from" : "von",
+ "shared by" : "Geteilt von",
"Play audio" : "Audio wiedergeben",
"Download audio" : "Audio herunterladen",
"Download video" : "Video herunterladen",
@@ -77,6 +86,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Credentials" : "Zugangsdaten",
"HTTP Basic Auth credentials must be stored unencrypted! Everyone with access to the server or database will be able to access them!" : "Die Anmeldeinformationen der HTTP-Standardauthentifizierung müssen unverschlüsselt gespeichert werden! Jeder mit Serverzugriff ist in der Lage diese Daten zu lesen.",
"Password" : "Passwort",
+ "Auto discover Feed" : "Feed automatisch erkennen",
"New Folder" : "Neuer Ordner",
"Create" : "Erstellen",
"Explore" : "Entdecken",
diff --git a/l10n/de_DE.json b/l10n/de_DE.json
index fd3ade826..98483cafb 100644
--- a/l10n/de_DE.json
+++ b/l10n/de_DE.json
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
"Request failed, Nextcloud is in currently in maintenance mode!" : "Anfrage fehlgeschlagen, diese Nextcloud-Instanz befindet sich derzeit im Wartungsmodus.",
"News folders" : "Nachrichtenordner",
"News" : "News",
+ "Shared with me" : "Mit mir geteilt",
"An RSS/Atom feed reader" : "Ein RSS/Atom-Feed-Reader",
"The News app is an RSS/Atom feed reader for Nextcloud which can be synced with many mobile devices. A list of all clients and requirements can be found [in the README](\n\nBefore you update to a new version, [check the changelog]( to avoid surprises.\n\n**Important**: To enable feed updates you will need to enable either [Nextcloud system cron]( or use [an updater]( which uses the built in update API and disable cron updates. More information can be found [in the README](" : "Die News-App ist ein RSS/Atom-Feed-Reader für Nextcloud der mit vielen Mobilgeräten synchronisiert werden kann. Eine Liste aller Clients und Anforderungen ist [im README]( enthalten.\n\nVor einer Aktualisierung auf eine neuere Version bitte die [Liste der Veränderungen]( überprüfen um Überraschungen zu vermeiden.\n\n**Wichtig**: Um die abonnierten Feeds zu aktualisieren muss entweder der [Nextcloud System Cron](https://docs.nextcloud.orgcom/server/latest10/admin_manual/configuration_server/background_jobs_configuration.html#cron) aktiviert sein oder ein [Updater]( der die eingebaute Update-API verwendet und der Cron-Updater abgeschaltet werden. Weitere Informationen [in der README](",
"Use system cron for updates" : "Verwende System-Cron für Aktualisierungen",
@@ -35,9 +36,17 @@
"Unstar article" : "Markierung aufheben",
"Keep article unread" : "Artikel ungelesenen lassen",
"Remove keep article unread" : "„Artikel ungelesenen lassen“ entfernen",
+ "Share" : "Teilen",
+ "Share with users" : "Mit Benutzern teilen",
"Username" : "Benutzername",
+ "No users found" : "Keine Benutzer gefunden",
+ "Error while searching for users" : "Fehler beim Suchen nach Benutzern",
+ "Share on social media" : "Auf sozialen Medien teilen",
+ "I wanted you to see this article" : "Ich möchte, dass Sie diesen Artikel sehen",
+ "Check out this article" : "Sehen Sie sich diesen Artikel an",
"by" : "von",
"from" : "von",
+ "shared by" : "Geteilt von",
"Play audio" : "Audio wiedergeben",
"Download audio" : "Audio herunterladen",
"Download video" : "Video herunterladen",
@@ -75,6 +84,7 @@
"Credentials" : "Zugangsdaten",
"HTTP Basic Auth credentials must be stored unencrypted! Everyone with access to the server or database will be able to access them!" : "Die Anmeldeinformationen der HTTP-Standardauthentifizierung müssen unverschlüsselt gespeichert werden! Jeder mit Serverzugriff ist in der Lage diese Daten zu lesen.",
"Password" : "Passwort",
+ "Auto discover Feed" : "Feed automatisch erkennen",
"New Folder" : "Neuer Ordner",
"Create" : "Erstellen",
"Explore" : "Entdecken",
diff --git a/l10n/kab.js b/l10n/kab.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 70bd47ef9..000000000
--- a/l10n/kab.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
- "news",
- {
- "Download" : "Sider",
- "Close" : "Mdel",
- "Username" : "Isem n useqdac",
- "Password" : "Awal uffir",
- "Delete" : "Kkes",
- "Settings" : "Iɣewwaṛen"
-"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);");
diff --git a/l10n/kab.json b/l10n/kab.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 6aa806667..000000000
--- a/l10n/kab.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-{ "translations": {
- "Download" : "Sider",
- "Close" : "Mdel",
- "Username" : "Isem n useqdac",
- "Password" : "Awal uffir",
- "Delete" : "Kkes",
- "Settings" : "Iɣewwaṛen"
-},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);"
-} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/l10n/pl.js b/l10n/pl.js
index 1497f1989..a50a25188 100644
--- a/l10n/pl.js
+++ b/l10n/pl.js
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Request failed, Nextcloud is in currently in maintenance mode!" : "Nie wykonano żądania, Nextcloud działa obecnie w trybie konserwacji!",
"News folders" : "Foldery z wiadomościami",
"News" : "Wiadomości",
+ "Shared with me" : "Współdzielone ze mną",
"An RSS/Atom feed reader" : "Czytnik kanałów RSS/Atom",
"The News app is an RSS/Atom feed reader for Nextcloud which can be synced with many mobile devices. A list of all clients and requirements can be found [in the README](\n\nBefore you update to a new version, [check the changelog]( to avoid surprises.\n\n**Important**: To enable feed updates you will need to enable either [Nextcloud system cron]( or use [an updater]( which uses the built in update API and disable cron updates. More information can be found [in the README](" : "Aplikacja News to czytnik kanałów RSS/Atom dla usługi Nextcloud, który umożliwia zsynchronizowanie z wieloma urządzeniami mobilnymi. Listę wszystkich klientów i wymagań można znaleźć w [README] (\n\nPrzed aktualizacją do nowej wersji, sprawdź [CHANGELOG] (, aby uniknąć niespodzianek.\n\n** Ważne**: aby włączyć aktualizacje kanałów, musisz włączyć [Nextcloud system cron] ( lub użyć [aktualizatora] (, który używa wbudowany interfejs API aktualizacji i wyłącza aktualizacje cron. Więcej informacji można znaleźć w [README] (",
"Use system cron for updates" : "Użyj systemowego crona do aktualizacji",
@@ -37,9 +38,17 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Unstar article" : "Odznacz gwiazdkę",
"Keep article unread" : "Oznacz jako nieprzeczytany",
"Remove keep article unread" : "Usuń oznaczenie jako nieprzeczytany",
+ "Share" : "Udostępnij",
+ "Share with users" : "Udostępnij użytkownikom",
"Username" : "Nazwa użytkownika",
+ "No users found" : "Nie znaleziono użytkowników",
+ "Error while searching for users" : "Błąd podczas wyszukiwania użytkowników",
+ "Share on social media" : "Udostępnij w mediach społecznościowych",
+ "I wanted you to see this article" : "Chciałem, żebyś zobaczył ten artykuł",
+ "Check out this article" : "Przeczytaj ten artykuł",
"by" : "przez",
"from" : "z",
+ "shared by" : "udostępnione przez",
"Play audio" : "Odtwarzaj plik audio",
"Download audio" : "Pobierz audio",
"Download video" : "Pobierz film",
@@ -77,6 +86,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Credentials" : "Poświadczenia",
"HTTP Basic Auth credentials must be stored unencrypted! Everyone with access to the server or database will be able to access them!" : "Podstawowe poświadczenia uwierzytelnienia HTTP muszą być zapisane odszyfrowane! Każdy posiadający dostęp do serwera lub bazy danych będzie mógł je odczytać!",
"Password" : "Hasło",
+ "Auto discover Feed" : "Automatyczne wykrywanie kanału",
"New Folder" : "Nowy folder",
"Create" : "Utwórz",
"Explore" : "Przeglądaj",
diff --git a/l10n/pl.json b/l10n/pl.json
index 6792441d9..631b33958 100644
--- a/l10n/pl.json
+++ b/l10n/pl.json
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
"Request failed, Nextcloud is in currently in maintenance mode!" : "Nie wykonano żądania, Nextcloud działa obecnie w trybie konserwacji!",
"News folders" : "Foldery z wiadomościami",
"News" : "Wiadomości",
+ "Shared with me" : "Współdzielone ze mną",
"An RSS/Atom feed reader" : "Czytnik kanałów RSS/Atom",
"The News app is an RSS/Atom feed reader for Nextcloud which can be synced with many mobile devices. A list of all clients and requirements can be found [in the README](\n\nBefore you update to a new version, [check the changelog]( to avoid surprises.\n\n**Important**: To enable feed updates you will need to enable either [Nextcloud system cron]( or use [an updater]( which uses the built in update API and disable cron updates. More information can be found [in the README](" : "Aplikacja News to czytnik kanałów RSS/Atom dla usługi Nextcloud, który umożliwia zsynchronizowanie z wieloma urządzeniami mobilnymi. Listę wszystkich klientów i wymagań można znaleźć w [README] (\n\nPrzed aktualizacją do nowej wersji, sprawdź [CHANGELOG] (, aby uniknąć niespodzianek.\n\n** Ważne**: aby włączyć aktualizacje kanałów, musisz włączyć [Nextcloud system cron] ( lub użyć [aktualizatora] (, który używa wbudowany interfejs API aktualizacji i wyłącza aktualizacje cron. Więcej informacji można znaleźć w [README] (",
"Use system cron for updates" : "Użyj systemowego crona do aktualizacji",
@@ -35,9 +36,17 @@
"Unstar article" : "Odznacz gwiazdkę",
"Keep article unread" : "Oznacz jako nieprzeczytany",
"Remove keep article unread" : "Usuń oznaczenie jako nieprzeczytany",
+ "Share" : "Udostępnij",
+ "Share with users" : "Udostępnij użytkownikom",
"Username" : "Nazwa użytkownika",
+ "No users found" : "Nie znaleziono użytkowników",
+ "Error while searching for users" : "Błąd podczas wyszukiwania użytkowników",
+ "Share on social media" : "Udostępnij w mediach społecznościowych",
+ "I wanted you to see this article" : "Chciałem, żebyś zobaczył ten artykuł",
+ "Check out this article" : "Przeczytaj ten artykuł",
"by" : "przez",
"from" : "z",
+ "shared by" : "udostępnione przez",
"Play audio" : "Odtwarzaj plik audio",
"Download audio" : "Pobierz audio",
"Download video" : "Pobierz film",
@@ -75,6 +84,7 @@
"Credentials" : "Poświadczenia",
"HTTP Basic Auth credentials must be stored unencrypted! Everyone with access to the server or database will be able to access them!" : "Podstawowe poświadczenia uwierzytelnienia HTTP muszą być zapisane odszyfrowane! Każdy posiadający dostęp do serwera lub bazy danych będzie mógł je odczytać!",
"Password" : "Hasło",
+ "Auto discover Feed" : "Automatyczne wykrywanie kanału",
"New Folder" : "Nowy folder",
"Create" : "Utwórz",
"Explore" : "Przeglądaj",
diff --git a/l10n/pt_BR.js b/l10n/pt_BR.js
index e986e76be..b4da79a49 100644
--- a/l10n/pt_BR.js
+++ b/l10n/pt_BR.js
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Request failed, Nextcloud is in currently in maintenance mode!" : "A solicitação falhou pois o Nextcloud está em modo de manutenção!",
"News folders" : "Pastas de notícias",
"News" : "Notícias",
+ "Shared with me" : "Compartilhado comigo",
"An RSS/Atom feed reader" : "Um leitor de RSS/Atom",
"The News app is an RSS/Atom feed reader for Nextcloud which can be synced with many mobile devices. A list of all clients and requirements can be found [in the README](\n\nBefore you update to a new version, [check the changelog]( to avoid surprises.\n\n**Important**: To enable feed updates you will need to enable either [Nextcloud system cron]( or use [an updater]( which uses the built in update API and disable cron updates. More information can be found [in the README](" : "O aplicativo News é um leitor de feed RSS/Atom para o Nextcloud, que pode ser sincronizado com vários dispositivos móveis. Uma lista de todos os clientes e requisitos pode ser encontrada [no README] (\n\nAntes de atualizar para uma nova versão, [verifique o changelog] ( para evitar surpresas.\n\n**Importante**: Para ativar as atualizações de feed, você precisará ativar o [cron do Nextcloud] ( ou usar [um atualizador]( que use a API de atualização incorporada e desabilite as atualizações do cron. Mais informações podem ser encontradas [no README] (",
"Use system cron for updates" : "Usar o sistema Cron para atualizações",
@@ -37,9 +38,17 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Unstar article" : "Excluir destaque do artigo",
"Keep article unread" : "Manter artigo não lido",
"Remove keep article unread" : "Excluir manter artigo não lido",
+ "Share" : "Compartilhar",
+ "Share with users" : "Compartilhar com usuários",
"Username" : "Nome de usuário",
+ "No users found" : "Nenhum usuário encontrado",
+ "Error while searching for users" : "Erro ao pesquisar usuários",
+ "Share on social media" : "Compartilhe nas redes sociais",
+ "I wanted you to see this article" : "Eu queria que você visualizasse este artigo",
+ "Check out this article" : "Confira este artigo",
"by" : "por",
"from" : "de",
+ "shared by" : "compartilhado por",
"Play audio" : "Reproduzir áudio",
"Download audio" : "Baixar áudio",
"Download video" : "Baixar vídeo",
@@ -77,6 +86,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Credentials" : "Credenciais",
"HTTP Basic Auth credentials must be stored unencrypted! Everyone with access to the server or database will be able to access them!" : "Credenciais Básicas de Autenticação HTTP devem ser armazenadas sem criptografia! Todos com acesso ao servidor ou banco de dados serão capazes de acessá-los!",
"Password" : "Senha",
+ "Auto discover Feed" : "Auto descoberta de alimentador",
"New Folder" : "Nova pasta",
"Create" : "Criar",
"Explore" : "Explorar",
diff --git a/l10n/pt_BR.json b/l10n/pt_BR.json
index d28ea48bf..1d851ef01 100644
--- a/l10n/pt_BR.json
+++ b/l10n/pt_BR.json
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
"Request failed, Nextcloud is in currently in maintenance mode!" : "A solicitação falhou pois o Nextcloud está em modo de manutenção!",
"News folders" : "Pastas de notícias",
"News" : "Notícias",
+ "Shared with me" : "Compartilhado comigo",
"An RSS/Atom feed reader" : "Um leitor de RSS/Atom",
"The News app is an RSS/Atom feed reader for Nextcloud which can be synced with many mobile devices. A list of all clients and requirements can be found [in the README](\n\nBefore you update to a new version, [check the changelog]( to avoid surprises.\n\n**Important**: To enable feed updates you will need to enable either [Nextcloud system cron]( or use [an updater]( which uses the built in update API and disable cron updates. More information can be found [in the README](" : "O aplicativo News é um leitor de feed RSS/Atom para o Nextcloud, que pode ser sincronizado com vários dispositivos móveis. Uma lista de todos os clientes e requisitos pode ser encontrada [no README] (\n\nAntes de atualizar para uma nova versão, [verifique o changelog] ( para evitar surpresas.\n\n**Importante**: Para ativar as atualizações de feed, você precisará ativar o [cron do Nextcloud] ( ou usar [um atualizador]( que use a API de atualização incorporada e desabilite as atualizações do cron. Mais informações podem ser encontradas [no README] (",
"Use system cron for updates" : "Usar o sistema Cron para atualizações",
@@ -35,9 +36,17 @@
"Unstar article" : "Excluir destaque do artigo",
"Keep article unread" : "Manter artigo não lido",
"Remove keep article unread" : "Excluir manter artigo não lido",
+ "Share" : "Compartilhar",
+ "Share with users" : "Compartilhar com usuários",
"Username" : "Nome de usuário",
+ "No users found" : "Nenhum usuário encontrado",
+ "Error while searching for users" : "Erro ao pesquisar usuários",
+ "Share on social media" : "Compartilhe nas redes sociais",
+ "I wanted you to see this article" : "Eu queria que você visualizasse este artigo",
+ "Check out this article" : "Confira este artigo",
"by" : "por",
"from" : "de",
+ "shared by" : "compartilhado por",
"Play audio" : "Reproduzir áudio",
"Download audio" : "Baixar áudio",
"Download video" : "Baixar vídeo",
@@ -75,6 +84,7 @@
"Credentials" : "Credenciais",
"HTTP Basic Auth credentials must be stored unencrypted! Everyone wit