path: root/vendor/riimu/kit-pathjoin/src
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authorBernhard Posselt <>2015-08-15 13:52:32 +0200
committerBernhard Posselt <>2015-08-15 13:57:23 +0200
commit94575cc761c016b68135b398445d554bc984b1d5 (patch)
tree35f2decbb4cfed12e65f420228e5e1e150f36068 /vendor/riimu/kit-pathjoin/src
parent44733bc8b4f5f1a6fb26dea01b9d33c7b0321d67 (diff)
swap out unlicensed lib
Diffstat (limited to 'vendor/riimu/kit-pathjoin/src')
2 files changed, 187 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/vendor/riimu/kit-pathjoin/src/Path.php b/vendor/riimu/kit-pathjoin/src/Path.php
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..df62e7d22
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/riimu/kit-pathjoin/src/Path.php
@@ -0,0 +1,175 @@
+namespace Riimu\Kit\PathJoin;
+ * Cross-platform library for normalizing and joining file system paths.
+ * @author Riikka Kalliomäki <>
+ * @copyright Copyright (c) 2014, Riikka Kalliomäki
+ * @license MIT License
+ */
+class Path
+ /**
+ * Normalizes the provided file system path.
+ *
+ * Normalizing file system paths means that all forward and backward
+ * slashes in the path will be replaced with the system directory separator
+ * and multiple directory separators will be condensed into one.
+ * Additionally, all `.` and `..` directory references will be resolved in
+ * the returned path.
+ *
+ * Note that if the normalized path is not an absolute path, the resulting
+ * path may begin with `..` directory references if it is not possible to
+ * resolve them simply by using string handling. You should also note that
+ * if the resulting path would result in an empty string, this method will
+ * return `.` instead.
+ *
+ * If the `$prependDrive` option is enabled, the normalized path will be
+ * prepended with the drive name on Windows platforms using the current
+ * working directory, if the path is an absolute path that does not include
+ * a drive name.
+ *
+ * @param string $path File system path to normalize
+ * @param bool $prependDrive True to prepend drive name to absolute paths
+ * @return string The normalizes file system path
+ */
+ public static function normalize($path, $prependDrive = true)
+ {
+ $path = self::join((string) $path);
+ if ($path[0] === DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR && $prependDrive) {
+ return strstr(getcwd(), DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, true) . $path;
+ }
+ return $path;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Joins the provided file systems paths together and normalizes the result.
+ *
+ * The paths can be provided either as multiple arguments to this method
+ * or as an array. The paths will be joined using the system directory
+ * separator and the result will be normalized similar to the normalization
+ * method (the drive letter will not be prepended however).
+ *
+ * Note that unless the first path in the list is an absolute path, the
+ * entire resulting path will be treated as a relative path.
+ *
+ * @param string[]|string $paths File system paths to join
+ * @return string The joined file system paths
+ */
+ public static function join($paths)
+ {
+ $paths = self::getPaths(func_get_args());
+ $parts = self::getParts($paths);
+ $absolute = self::isAbsolute($paths[0]);
+ $root = $absolute ? array_shift($parts) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR : '';
+ $parts = self::resolve($parts, $absolute);
+ if ($parts === []) {
+ return $root ?: '.';
+ }
+ return $root . implode(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $parts);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns the paths from the arguments list.
+ * @param array $args The arguments list
+ * @return string[] Paths from the arguments list
+ * @throws \InvalidArgumentException If the path array is empty
+ */
+ private static function getPaths($args)
+ {
+ if (is_array($args[0])) {
+ $args = $args[0];
+ if ($args === []) {
+ throw new \InvalidArgumentException('You must provide at least one path');
+ }
+ }
+ return $args;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Merges the paths and returns the individual parts.
+ * @param string[] $paths Array of paths
+ * @return string[] Parts in the paths merged into a single array
+ */
+ private static function getParts(array $paths)
+ {
+ return array_map('trim', explode('/', str_replace('\\', '/', implode('/', $paths))));
+ }
+ /**
+ * Tells if the path is an absolute path.
+ * @param string $path The file system path to test
+ * @return bool True if the path is an absolute path, false if not
+ */
+ private static function isAbsolute($path)
+ {
+ $path = trim($path);
+ if ($path === '') {
+ return false;
+ }
+ $length = strcspn($path, '/\\');
+ return $length === 0 || $path[$length - 1] === ':';
+ }
+ /**
+ * Resolves parent directory references and removes redundant entries.
+ * @param string[] $parts List of parts in the the path
+ * @param bool $absolute Whether the path is an absolute path or not
+ * @return string[] Resolved list of parts in the path
+ */
+ private static function resolve(array $parts, $absolute)
+ {
+ $resolved = [];
+ foreach ($parts as $path) {
+ if ($path === '..') {
+ self::resolveParent($resolved, $absolute);
+ } elseif (self::isValidPath($path)) {
+ $resolved[] = $path;
+ }
+ }
+ return $resolved;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Tells if the part of the path is valid and not empty.
+ * @param string $path Part of the path to check for redundancy
+ * @return bool True if the path is valid and not empty, false if not
+ * @throws \InvalidArgumentException If the path contains invalid characters
+ */
+ private static function isValidPath($path)
+ {
+ if (strpos($path, ':') !== false) {
+ throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Invalid path character ":"');
+ }
+ return $path !== '' && $path !== '.';
+ }
+ /**
+ * Resolves the relative parent directory for the path.
+ * @param string[] $parts Path parts to modify
+ * @param bool $absolute True if dealing with absolute path, false if not
+ * @return string|null The removed parent or null if nothing was removed
+ */
+ private static function resolveParent(& $parts, $absolute)
+ {
+ if ($absolute || !in_array(end($parts), ['..', false], true)) {
+ return array_pop($parts);
+ }
+ $parts[] = '..';
+ }
diff --git a/vendor/riimu/kit-pathjoin/src/autoload.php b/vendor/riimu/kit-pathjoin/src/autoload.php
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..bc8572d6d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/riimu/kit-pathjoin/src/autoload.php
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+// Autoloader for loading the library when composer is not available
+spl_autoload_register(function ($class) {
+ if (strncmp($class, $ns = 'Riimu\\Kit\\PathJoin\\', strlen($ns)) === 0) {
+ $file = substr_replace($class, '\\', 0, strlen($ns)) . '.php';
+ $path = __DIR__ . str_replace('\\', DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $file);
+ if (file_exists($path)) {
+ require $path;
+ }
+ }