path: root/l10n
diff options
authorNextcloud bot <>2016-09-07 00:48:48 +0000
committerNextcloud bot <>2016-09-07 00:48:48 +0000
commit761e7a68b72243658556b13fef23c1a2e20d75c2 (patch)
tree72eb483809c2f21f73a0cc2f82556a5704d90257 /l10n
parentd154321da12d27fd91da9c067b9d5b680fe0ee55 (diff)
[tx-robot] updated from transifex
Diffstat (limited to 'l10n')
35 files changed, 238 insertions, 4410 deletions
diff --git a/l10n/ast.php b/l10n/ast.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 57ac5b32f..000000000
--- a/l10n/ast.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,144 +0,0 @@
-"Request failed, network connection unavailable!" => "El pidimientu falló, ¡conexón de rede non disponible!",
-"Request unauthorized. Are you logged in?" => "Solicitú non autorizada. ¿Tas conectáu?",
-"Request forbidden. Are you an admin?" => "Solicitú prohibida. ¿Yes alministrador?",
-"Token expired or app not enabled! Reload the page!" => "¡Token caducáu o l'aplicación nun ta activada! ¡Recarga la páxina!",
-"Feed contains invalid XML" => "Feed contién un XML inválidu",
-"Feed not found: either the website does not provide a feed or blocks access. To rule out blocking, try to download the feed on your server's command line using curl: curl " => "Nun s'alcontró el Feed: yá sía'l sitiu web nun apurre'l feed o bloquia l'accesu. Pa escartar el bloquéu, intente descargar el feed dende la llínea de comandos del servidor utilizando curl: curl",
-"Detected feed format is not supported" => "Detectáu formatu del feed non soportáu",
-"Website not found" => "Sitiu web non alcontráu",
-"More redirects than allowed, aborting" => "Más redirecciones de lo permitíu, albortando",
-"Bigger than maximum allowed size" => "Más grande que'l tamañu máximu permitíu",
-"Request timed out" => "Tiempu d'espera escosáu",
-"Required credentials for feed were either missing or incorrect" => "Les credenciales riquíes pal feed o tán perdíes o son incorrectes",
-"Forbidden to access feed" => "Accesu prohibíu al feed",
-"Certificate error: A problem occurred somewhere in the SSL/TLS handshake. Could be certificates (file formats, paths, permissions), passwords, and others." => "Fallu de certificáu: Asocedió un erru na negociación SSL/TLS. Puede ser el certificáu (Formatu del ficheru, ruta, permisos), la contraseña o otres coses.",
-"Certificate error: The remote server's SSL certificate or SSH md5 fingerprint was deemed not OK." => "Fallu de certificáu : el certificáu SSL del servidor remotu o la buelga dixital SSH MD5 nun ye correuta.",
-"Certificate error: Problem with the local client certificate." => "Fallu de certificáu: Problema col certificáu del veceru llocal.",
-"Certificate error: Couldn't use specified cipher." => "Fallu de certificáu: Non pudo usase'l cifráu especificáu.",
-"Certificate error: Peer certificate cannot be authenticated with known CA certificates." => "Fallu de certificáu: El certificáu de par nun pudo autentificase colos certificaos CA conocíos.",
-"Certificate error: Requested FTP SSL level failed." => "Fallu de certificáu: Nivel SSL FTP solicitáu falló.",
-"Certificate error: Initiating the SSL Engine failed." => "Fallu de certificáu: Empecipiando'l motor SSL falló.",
-"Certificate error: Problem with reading the SSL CA cert (path? access rights?)" => "Fallu de certificáu: Problema cola llectura del certificáu SSL CA (¿Camín? ¿Derechos d'accesu?)",
-"Certificate error: Issuer check failed" => "Fallu de certificáu: La comprobación del emisor falló",
-"Unknown SSL certificate error!" => "SSL desconocíu, ¡fallu de certificáu!",
-"Can not add feed: Exists already" => "Nun pue amestase'l feed: Yá esiste",
-"Articles without feed" => "Artículos ensin fonte",
-"Can not add folder: Exists already" => "Nun pue amestase la carpeta: Yá esiste",
-"Disable this if you run a custom updater such as the Python updater included in the app" => "Desavilita esto si tas executando un anovador personalizáu como l'anovador Python incluyío nesta app",
-"Purge interval" => "Intervalu de purga",
-"Minimum amount of seconds after deleted feeds and folders are removed from the database; values below 60 seconds are ignored" => "Los Feeds y les carpetes son borraes de la base de datos darréu; los valores embaxu 60 segudos son inoraos. ",
-"Maximum read count per feed" => "Númberu máximu de llectura per feed",
-"Defines the maximum amount of articles that can be read per feed which won't be deleted by the cleanup job; if old articles reappear after being read, increase this value; negative values such as -1 will turn this feature off completely" => "Define las cantidá máxima d'artículos que pueden lleese per feed y que nun serán borraos pol procesu de llimpieza; si reapaecen vieyos artículos dempués de lleese, auméntase esti valor; valores negativos como -1 desaniciaránse dafechu",
-"Maximum redirects" => "Redirecciones máximes",
-"How many redirects the feed fetcher should follow" => "Másimu tamañu de páxina del feed",
-"Maximum feed page size" => "Máximu tamañu de páxina del feed",
-"Maximum feed size in bytes. If the RSS/Atom page is bigger than this value, the update will be aborted" => "Máximu tamañu del feed en bytes. Si la páxina RSS/Atom ye más grande qu'esti valor, l'actualización va ser atayada",
-"Feed fetcher timeout" => "Tiempo escosao p'algamar el feed",
-"Maximum number of seconds to wait for an RSS or Atom feed to load; if it takes longer the update will be aborted" => "Númeru máximu de segundos d'espera pa que cargue una RSS o un feed Atom; si lleva más tiempu, la xubida albortarase. ",
-"Explore Service URL" => "Esplorar URL del serviciu",
-"If given, this service's URL will be queried for displaying the feeds in the explore feed section. To fall back to the built in explore service, leave this input empty" => "Si ye'l casu, la URL d'esti serviciu va ser consultada pa la visualización de los feeds na sección de gueta de feeds. Pa volver al serviciu d'esploración integráu, dexe esti campu baleru.",
-"For more information check the Wiki" => "Pa más información consultar la Wiki",
-"Saved" => "Guardáu",
-"Download" => "Descargar",
-"Close" => "Zarrar",
-"Ajax or Web cron mode detected! Your feeds will not be updated!" => "¡Detectóse mou d'Ajax o de cron Web! ¡Los feeds nun van ser actualizaos!",
-"How to set up the operating system cron" => "Cómo configurar el cron del sistema operativu",
-"Install and set up a faster parallel updater that uses the News app's update API" => "Instalar y configurar un actualizador más rápidu paralelu qu'utilice l'API d'actualización de l'aplicación Noticies",
-"filter" => "filtru",
-"Language" => "Llingua",
-"Subscribe" => "Soscríbete",
-"Got more awesome feeds? Share them with us!" => "¿Tienes otros feeds prestosos? ¡Compartilos col nuesu equipu!",
-"No articles available" => "Nun hai artículos disponibles",
-"No unread articles available" => "Nun hai artículios ensin lleer disponibles",
-"Open website" => "Abrir sitiu web",
-"Star article" => "Artículu favoritu",
-"Unstar article" => "Artículu non destacáu",
-"Keep article unread" => "Caltener artículu ensín lleer",
-"Remove keep article unread" => "Desaniciar artículu ensín lleer",
-"by" => "por",
-"from" => "Dende",
-"Play audio" => "Reproducir audiu",
-"Download video" => "Descargar video",
-"Download audio" => "Descargar audiu",
-"Keyboard shortcut" => "Atayu de tecláu",
-"Description" => "Descripción",
-"right" => "Derecha",
-"Jump to next article" => "Salta a l'artículu siguiente",
-"left" => "Izquierda",
-"Jump to previous article" => "Salta a l'artículu previu",
-"Toggle star article" => "Marcar como favoritu",
-"Star article and jump to next one" => "Fae favoritu l'artículu y salta'l siguiente",
-"Toggle keep current article unread" => "Marcar como non lleíu",
-"Open article in new tab" => "Abre l'artículu nuna pestaña nueva",
-"Toggle expand article in compact view" => "Espandir artículu en vista compacta",
-"Refresh" => "Anovar",
-"Load next feed" => "Carga'l siguiente feed",
-"Load previous feed" => "Carga'l feed anterior",
-"Load next folder" => "Carga'l siguiente direutoriu",
-"Load previous folder" => "Carga'l direutoriu anterior",
-"Scroll to active navigation entry" => "Movese hasta la entrada de navegación activa",
-"Focus search field" => "campu de gueta d'enfoque",
-"Mark current article's feed/folder read" => "Marcar tolos articulos actuales como lleíos",
-"Web address" => "Direición web",
-"Feed exists already!" => "¡Esti feed yá esiste!",
-"Folder" => "Carpeta",
-"No folder" => "Ensín carpeta",
-"New folder" => "Carpeta nueva",
-"Folder name" => "Nome de la carpeta",
-"Go back" => "Atrás",
-"Folder exists already!" => "¡La carpeta yá esiste!",
-"Advanced settings" => "Axustes avanzaos",
-"Credentials" => "Credenciales",
-"HTTP Basic Auth credentials must be stored unencrypted! Everyone with access to the server or database will be able to access them!" => "¡Les credenciales d'autenticación básica d'HTTP tienen de ser almacenaos ensin encriptar! ¡Cualesquier que pueda aportar al sirvidor o base de datos va ser capaz d'aportar a ellos!",
-"Username" => "Nome d'usuariu",
-"Password" => "Contraseña",
-"New Folder" => "Carpeta nueva",
-"Create" => "Crear",
-"Explore" => "Esplorar",
-"Update failed more than 50 times" => "L'actualización falló más de 50 vegaes",
-"Deleted feed" => "Desaniciar feed",
-"Undo delete feed" => "Desfacer desaniciu del feed",
-"Rename" => "Renomar",
-"Menu" => "Menú",
-"Unpin feed from the top" => "Desanclar feed dende la parte cimera",
-"Pin feed to the top" => "Anclar feed a la parte cimera",
-"No feed ordering" => "Feeds non ordenaos",
-"Reversed feed ordering" => "Ordenación de feed al revés",
-"Normal feed ordering" => "Ordenación de feeds normal",
-"Enable full text feed fetching" => "Habilitar la recuperación de testu de feeds completa",
-"Disable full text feed fetching" => "Deshabilitar la recuperación de testu de feeds completa",
-"Keep updated articles as is" => "Caltenga artículos actualizaos como tan",
-"Mark updated articles unread" => "Caltener artículos actualizaos ensin lleer",
-"Rename feed" => "Renomar fonte",
-"Delete feed" => "Desaniciar feed",
-"Mark all articles read" => "Conseñar tolos artículos como lleíos",
-"Dismiss" => "Encaboxar",
-"Collapse" => "Contrayer",
-"Deleted folder" => "Desaniciar carpeta",
-"Undo delete folder" => "Desfacer desaniciu de la carpeta",
-"Rename folder" => "Renomar carpeta",
-"Delete folder" => "Desaniciar carpeta",
-"Starred" => "Favoritos",
-"Unread articles" => "Artículos ensin lleer",
-"All articles" => "Tolos artículos",
-"Settings" => "Axustes",
-"Disable mark read through scrolling" => "Deshabilita marcar como lleíu al desplazar",
-"Compact view" => "Vista compauta",
-"Expand articles on key navigation" => "Espandir los artículos al navegar con tecles",
-"Show all articles" => "Amosar tolos artículos",
-"Reverse ordering (oldest on top)" => "Ordenamientu inversu (el más antiguu na parte cimera)",
-"Subscriptions (OPML)" => "Soscripciones (OPML)",
-"Import" => "Importar",
-"Export" => "Esportar",
-"Error when importing: file does not contain valid OPML" => "Fallu al importar: el ficheru nun contién OPML válidu",
-"Error when importing: OPML is does neither contain feeds nor folders" => "Fallu al importar: OPML nun contién nin feeds nin carpetes",
-"Unread/Starred Articles" => "Artículos Non lleíos y Favoritos",
-"Error when importing: file does not contain valid JSON" => "Fallu al importar: el ficheru nun contién JSON válidu",
-"Help" => "Ayuda",
-"Keyboard shortcuts" => "Atayos de tecláu",
-"Documentation" => "Documentación",
-"Report a bug" => "Informar un fallu"
-$PLURAL_FORMS = "nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);";
diff --git a/l10n/bg_BG.php b/l10n/bg_BG.php
deleted file mode 100644
index e2f699ede..000000000
--- a/l10n/bg_BG.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,116 +0,0 @@
-"Request failed, network connection unavailable!" => "Неуспешна заявка, няма налична мрежова връзка!",
-"Request unauthorized. Are you logged in?" => "Неавторизирана заявка. Влезли ли сте?",
-"Request forbidden. Are you an admin?" => "Забранен достъп. Администратор ли сте?",
-"Token expired or app not enabled! Reload the page!" => "Изтекъл \"Token\" или приложението не е активирано! Презаредете страницата!",
-"Feed contains invalid XML" => "Потокът съдържа невалидно XML съдържание",
-"Detected feed format is not supported" => "Форматът на намереният поток не е поддържан",
-"Website not found" => "Страницата не е открита",
-"More redirects than allowed, aborting" => "Пренасочване повече от разрешеното, прекратяване",
-"Bigger than maximum allowed size" => "Размер по-голям от разрешения максимум",
-"Request timed out" => "Изтекло време на заявка",
-"Can not add feed: Exists already" => "Неможа да се добави потока: Вече съществува",
-"Articles without feed" => "Статии без свързан поток",
-"Can not add folder: Exists already" => "Неможа да добави папката: Вече съществува",
-"Disable this if you run a custom updater such as the Python updater included in the app" => "Изключи тази функция ако използваш свое собствено приложение за обновяване като Python приложението включено в тази програма",
-"Purge interval" => "Интервал за изтриване",
-"Minimum amount of seconds after deleted feeds and folders are removed from the database; values below 60 seconds are ignored" => "Минимално време в секунди, след което изтрити потоци и папки биват премахвани от базата данни; стойности под 60 секунди ще бъдат игнорирани",
-"Maximum read count per feed" => "Максимален брой прочитания на поток",
-"Defines the maximum amount of articles that can be read per feed which won't be deleted by the cleanup job; if old articles reappear after being read, increase this value; negative values such as -1 will turn this feature off completely" => "Задава максималния брой статии, които могат да бъдат проченеи за всеки поток, които няма да бъдат изтрити от автоматичната програма за почистване; ако стари статии се появят отново след като са били прочетени, увеличи тази стойност; отрицателни стойности, като '-1', изключват изцяло тази функционалност",
-"Maximum redirects" => "Максимлен брой пренасочвания",
-"How many redirects the feed fetcher should follow" => "Колко пренасочвания да последва автоматичната програма за потоци",
-"Maximum feed page size" => "Максимален размер на страница на поток",
-"Maximum feed size in bytes. If the RSS/Atom page is bigger than this value, the update will be aborted" => "Максимален размер на поток в байтове. Ако RSS/Atom страницата е по-голяма от тази стойност, обновяването се прекратява.",
-"Feed fetcher timeout" => "Максимално време за автоматичната програма за потоци",
-"Maximum number of seconds to wait for an RSS or Atom feed to load; if it takes longer the update will be aborted" => "Максималното време в секунди за изчакване на зареждане на RSS или Atom; ако отнема по-дълго обновлението ще бъде преустановено",
-"Explore Service URL" => "Редактирай URL на Услугата",
-"If given, this service's URL will be queried for displaying the feeds in the explore feed section. To fall back to the built in explore service, leave this input empty" => "Ако Ви е даден, този URL на услуги ще бъде заявен за показване на потока, в раздела за зареждане на потоци. За да попадне обратно в редакцията услугата, оставете това поле празно",
-"Saved" => "Запазено",
-"Download" => "Изтегли",
-"Close" => "Затваряне",
-"How to set up the operating system cron" => "Как се настройва работещия системен cron",
-"Language" => "Език",
-"Subscribe" => "Абонирай ме",
-"No articles available" => "Няма налични статии",
-"No unread articles available" => "Няма непрочетени налични статии",
-"Open website" => "Отвори интернет станица",
-"Star article" => "Обележи статия",
-"Unstar article" => "Премахни отбелезка за статия",
-"Keep article unread" => "Запази статията като непрочетена",
-"Remove keep article unread" => "Премахни отбелязването на статията като непрочетена",
-"by" => "от",
-"from" => "от",
-"Play audio" => "Стартирай аудио",
-"Download video" => "Свали видео",
-"Download audio" => "Свали аудио",
-"Keyboard shortcut" => "Клавишни комбинации",
-"Description" => "Описание",
-"right" => "дясно",
-"Jump to next article" => "Отиди на следващата статия",
-"left" => "ляво",
-"Jump to previous article" => "Отиди на предната статия",
-"Toggle star article" => "Промяна отбелязване на статия",
-"Star article and jump to next one" => "Маркирай като любим и се премести на следващата статия",
-"Toggle keep current article unread" => "Промяна запазва статуса на статията като непрочетена",
-"Open article in new tab" => "Отвори статия в нов таб",
-"Toggle expand article in compact view" => "Промяна разширява статията в комапктен изглед",
-"Refresh" => "Опресняване",
-"Load next feed" => "Зареди следващ поток",
-"Load previous feed" => "Зареди преден поток",
-"Load next folder" => "Зареди следваща папка",
-"Load previous folder" => "Зареди предна папка",
-"Scroll to active navigation entry" => "Превъртете до активен навигационен бутон",
-"Focus search field" => "Фокусирай полето за търсене",
-"Mark current article's feed/folder read" => "Маркирай текущият поток/папка със статии като прочетен",
-"Web address" => "Уеб адрес",
-"Feed exists already!" => "Потокът вече съществува!",
-"Folder" => "Папка",
-"No folder" => "Няма папка",
-"New folder" => "Нова папка",
-"Folder name" => "Име на папката",
-"Go back" => "Назад",
-"Folder exists already!" => "Папката вече съществува!",
-"Advanced settings" => "Разширени настройки",
-"Credentials" => "Потр. име и парола",
-"Username" => "Потребителско име",
-"Password" => "Парола",
-"New Folder" => "Нова папка",
-"Create" => "Създай",
-"Explore" => "Проучи",
-"Deleted feed" => "Изтрий потока",
-"Undo delete feed" => "Върни изтриване на потока",
-"Rename" => "Преименуване",
-"Menu" => "Меню",
-"No feed ordering" => "Без подредба на потоците",
-"Reversed feed ordering" => "Обратен ред на потоците",
-"Normal feed ordering" => "Нормален ред на потоците",
-"Rename feed" => "Преименувай потока",
-"Delete feed" => "Изтрий потока",
-"Mark all articles read" => "Маркирай всички статии като прочетени",
-"Dismiss" => "Затвори",
-"Collapse" => "Намали",
-"Deleted folder" => "Изтрий папка",
-"Undo delete folder" => "Върни изтриване на папка",
-"Rename folder" => "Преименувай папката",
-"Delete folder" => "Изтрий папката",
-"Starred" => "Отбелязани",
-"Unread articles" => "Непрочетени статии",
-"All articles" => "Всички статии",
-"Settings" => "Настройки",
-"Disable mark read through scrolling" => "Премахни отбележи като прочетено по време на скролиране",
-"Compact view" => "Компактен изглед",
-"Expand articles on key navigation" => "Разшири статиите от ключовата навигация",
-"Show all articles" => "Покажи всички статии",
-"Reverse ordering (oldest on top)" => "В обратен ред (най-старите отгоре)",
-"Subscriptions (OPML)" => "Абонаменти (OPML)",
-"Import" => "Внасяне",
-"Export" => "Експорт",
-"Error when importing: file does not contain valid OPML" => "Грешка при внасяне: файлът няма валиден OPML",
-"Unread/Starred Articles" => "Непрочетени/Отбелязани статии",
-"Error when importing: file does not contain valid JSON" => "Грешка при внасяне: файлът няма валиден JSON",
-"Help" => "Помощ",
-"Keyboard shortcuts" => "Клавишни комбинации",
-"Documentation" => "Документация"
-$PLURAL_FORMS = "nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);";
diff --git a/l10n/cs_CZ.php b/l10n/cs_CZ.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 9b8b4b196..000000000
--- a/l10n/cs_CZ.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,147 +0,0 @@
-"Request failed, network connection unavailable!" => "Požadavek selhal, síťové připojení není dostupné!",
-"Request unauthorized. Are you logged in?" => "Neautorizovaný požadavek. Jste přihlášeni?",
-"Request forbidden. Are you an admin?" => "Zakázaný požadavek. Jste administrátor?",
-"Token expired or app not enabled! Reload the page!" => "Token vypršel nebo aplikace není povolena! Obnovte stránku!",
-"Internal server error! Please check your data/nextcloud.log file for additional information!" => "Interní chyba serveru! Nahlédněte prosím do souboru data/nextcloud.log pro více informací!",
-"Request failed, Nextcloud is in currently in maintenance mode!" => "Požadavek selhal, Nextcloud je aktuálně v módu údržby!",
-"Feed contains invalid XML" => "Kanál obsahuje neplatné XML",
-"Feed not found: either the website does not provide a feed or blocks access. To rule out blocking, try to download the feed on your server's command line using curl: curl " => "Kanál nenalezen: stránka buď žádný neposkytuje nebo je přístup blokován. Pro vyloučení možnosti blokování zkuste stáhnout kanál pomocí příkazové řádky na serveru za použití curl: curl",
-"Detected feed format is not supported" => "Detekovaný formát kanálu není podporován",
-"Website not found" => "Webová stránka nenalezena",
-"More redirects than allowed, aborting" => "Překročen povolený počet přesměrování, ukončuji",
-"Bigger than maximum allowed size" => "Větší než maximální povolená velikost",
-"Request timed out" => "Požadavek vypršel",
-"Required credentials for feed were either missing or incorrect" => "Přihlašovací údaje pro odběr chybí nebo nejsou správné",
-"Forbidden to access feed" => "Přístup k odběru odepřen",
-"Certificate error: A problem occurred somewhere in the SSL/TLS handshake. Could be certificates (file formats, paths, permissions), passwords, and others." => "Chyba certifikátu: Problém nastal někde v ověření SSL/TLS. Mohou to být certifikáty (formát souboru, cesty, oprávnění), hesla a další.",
-"Certificate error: The remote server's SSL certificate or SSH md5 fingerprint was deemed not OK." => "Chyba certifikátu: SSL certifikát vzdáleného serveru nebo SSH md5 otisk není v pořádku.",
-"Certificate error: Problem with the local client certificate." => "Chyba certifikátu: Problém s certifikátem místního klienta.",
-"Certificate error: Couldn't use specified cipher." => "Chyba certifikátu: Nelze použít uvedený kód.",
-"Certificate error: Peer certificate cannot be authenticated with known CA certificates." => "Chyba certifikátu: Klientský certifikát nemůže být ověřen se známými CA certifikáty.",
-"Certificate error: Requested FTP SSL level failed." => "Chyba certifikátu: Požadavek na FTP SSL selhal.",
-"Certificate error: Initiating the SSL Engine failed." => "Chyba certifikátu: Inicializace SSL Engine selhala.",
-"Certificate error: Problem with reading the SSL CA cert (path? access rights?)" => "Chyba certifikátu: Problém se čtením SSL CA certifikátu (cesta? přístupová práva?)",
-"Certificate error: Issuer check failed" => "Chyba certifikátu: Kontrola zadavatele selhala",
-"Unknown SSL certificate error!" => "Neznámá chyba SSL certifikátu!",
-"Can not add feed: Exists already" => "Nelze přidat kanál: již existuje",
-"Articles without feed" => "Články bez kanálu",
-"Can not add folder: Exists already" => "Nelze přidat adresář: již existuje",
-"Use system cron for updates" => "Pro aktualizace použít systémovou službu cron",
-"Disable this if you run a custom updater such as the Python updater included in the app" => "Toto vypněte, pokud používáte vlastní aplikaci pro aktualizace jako například dostupnou aktualizační službu Python",
-"Purge interval" => "Interval čištění",
-"Minimum amount of seconds after deleted feeds and folders are removed from the database; values below 60 seconds are ignored" => "Minimální časový interval v sekundách, po kterém jsou z databáze smazány odstraněné kanály novinek a adresáře; hodnoty kratší než 60 sekund jsou ignorovány",
-"Maximum read count per feed" => "Maximální počet přečtených novinek na kanál",
-"Defines the maximum amount of articles that can be read per feed which won't be deleted by the cleanup job; if old articles reappear after being read, increase this value; negative values such as -1 will turn this feature off completely" => "Určuje nejvyšší počet článků, které jsou dostupné ke čtení z jednotlivých kanálů a nebudou smazány při čištění; pokud se staré články po přečtení znovu objevují, navyšte tuto hodnotu; negativní hodnoty jako -1 tuto funkci úplně vypnou",
-"Maximum redirects" => "Nejvyšší počet přesměrování",
-"How many redirects the feed fetcher should follow" => "Kolik přesměrování se může sledovat při stahování článků",
-"Maximum feed page size" => "Maximální velikost stránky kanálu",
-"Maximum feed size in bytes. If the RSS/Atom page is bigger than this value, the update will be aborted" => "Maximální velikost kanálu v bajtech. Pokud bude RSS/Atom stránka větší než tato hodnota, aktualizace bude ukončena",
-"Feed fetcher timeout" => "Interval vypršení pro stahování článků",
-"Maximum number of seconds to wait for an RSS or Atom feed to load; if it takes longer the update will be aborted" => "Maximální počet sekund pro aktualizaci RSS nebo Atom zdroje; pokud bude interval překročen, aktualizace se ukončí",
-"Explore Service URL" => "URL prohledávání",
-"If given, this service's URL will be queried for displaying the feeds in the explore feed section. To fall back to the built in explore service, leave this input empty" => "Pokud zadáno, bude tato URL dotazována na zobrazování kanálů v sekci prohledávání kanálu. Pro návrat k výchozí službě hledání ponechte toto pole prázdné.",
-"For more information check the Wiki" => "Více informací lze nalézt v naší wiki",
-"Saved" => "Uloženo",
-"Download" => "Stáhnout",
-"Close" => "Zavřít",
-"Ajax or Web cron mode detected! Your feeds will not be updated!" => "Detekován ajax nebo web cron mód! Kanály nebudou aktualizovány!",
-"How to set up the operating system cron" => "Jak nastavit službu cron operačního systému",
-"Install and set up a faster parallel updater that uses the News app's update API" => "Instalovat a nastavit rychlejší paralelní systém aktualizace používající aktualizační API modulu Novinek",
-"filter" => "filtr",
-"Language" => "Jazyk",
-"Subscribe" => "Odebírat",
-"Got more awesome feeds? Share them with us!" => "Víš o dalších úžasných kanálech? Poděl se o ně s námi!",
-"No articles available" => "Nejsou dostupné žádné články",
-"No unread articles available" => "Nejsou dostupné žádné nepřečtené články",
-"Open website" => "Otevřít webovou stránku",
-"Star article" => "Ocenit článek hvězdičkou",
-"Unstar article" => "Odebrat článku hvězdičku",
-"Keep article unread" => "Ponechat článek jako nepřečtený",
-"Remove keep article unread" => "Odstranit označení článku jako nepřečtený",
-"by" => "sdílí",
-"from" => "z",
-"Play audio" => "Přehrát hudbu",
-"Download video