path: root/js/tests/services/businesslayer/
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authorBernhard Posselt <>2014-05-15 03:00:53 +0200
committerBernhard Posselt <>2014-05-15 03:00:53 +0200
commit3ce894af1e72c9488b8cb3340fd61656122f7d50 (patch)
treea603121e8b1e860201370399f8095121cd9c6bf7 /js/tests/services/businesslayer/
parent10d76fff64363ea59d916b550854cf3540dadfbc (diff)
use markdown, refactor js
Diffstat (limited to 'js/tests/services/businesslayer/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 266 deletions
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index 75804323d..000000000
--- a/js/tests/services/businesslayer/
+++ /dev/null
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-ownCloud - News
-@author Bernhard Posselt
-@copyright 2012 Bernhard Posselt
-This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-modify it under the terms of the GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE
-License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
-version 3 of the License, or any later version.
-This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public
-License along with this library. If not, see <>.
-describe 'ItemBusinessLayer', ->
- beforeEach module 'News'
- beforeEach module ($provide) =>
- @persistence = {}
- $provide.value 'Persistence', @persistence
- return
- beforeEach inject (@ItemModel, @ItemBusinessLayer, @StatusFlag, @ActiveFeed
- @FeedType, @FeedModel, @StarredBusinessLayer,
- @NewestItem) =>
- @item1 = {id: 5, title: 'hi', unreadCount:134, url: 'a3', folderId: 3}
- @FeedModel.add(@item1)
- @ActiveFeed.handle({type: @FeedType.Feed, id: 3})
- it 'should return all items', =>
- item1 = {id: 6, feedId: 5, guidHash: 'a1'}
- item2 = {id: 3, feedId: 5, guidHash: 'a2'}
- item3 = {id: 2, feedId: 5, guidHash: 'a3'}
- @ItemModel.add(item1)
- @ItemModel.add(item2)
- @ItemModel.add(item3)
- items = @ItemBusinessLayer.getAll()
- expect(items).toContain(item1)
- expect(items).toContain(item2)
- expect(items).toContain(item3)
- it 'should tell if no feed is active', =>
- @ActiveFeed.handle({type: @FeedType.Folder, id: 0})
- expect(@ItemBusinessLayer.noFeedActive()).toBe(true)
- @ActiveFeed.handle({type: @FeedType.Subscriptions, id: 0})
- expect(@ItemBusinessLayer.noFeedActive()).toBe(true)
- @ActiveFeed.handle({type: @FeedType.Starred, id: 0})
- expect(@ItemBusinessLayer.noFeedActive()).toBe(true)
- @ActiveFeed.handle({type: @FeedType.Shared, id: 0})
- expect(@ItemBusinessLayer.noFeedActive()).toBe(true)
- @ActiveFeed.handle({type: @FeedType.Feed, id: 0})
- expect(@ItemBusinessLayer.noFeedActive()).toBe(false)
- it 'should return the correct feed title', =>
- item2 = {id: 2, feedId: 5, guidHash: 'a3'}
- @ItemModel.add(item2)
- expect(@ItemBusinessLayer.getFeedTitle(2)).toBe('hi')
- it 'should set an item unstarred', =>
- @persistence.unstarItem = jasmine.createSpy('star item')
- item2 = {id: 2, feedId: 5, guidHash: 'a3', status: 0}
- @ItemModel.add(item2)
- item2.setStarred()
- @ItemBusinessLayer.toggleStarred(2)
- expect(item2.isStarred()).toBe(false)
- expect(@StarredBusinessLayer.getUnreadCount()).toBe(-1)
- expect(@persistence.unstarItem).toHaveBeenCalledWith(5, 'a3')
- it 'should set an item starred', =>
- @persistence.starItem = jasmine.createSpy('unstar item')
- item2 = {id: 2, feedId: 5, guidHash: 'a3', status: 0}
- @ItemModel.add(item2)
- item2.setUnstarred()
- @ItemBusinessLayer.toggleStarred(2)
- expect(item2.isStarred()).toBe(true)
- expect(@StarredBusinessLayer.getUnreadCount()).toBe(1)
- expect(@persistence.starItem).toHaveBeenCalledWith(5, 'a3')
- it 'should set an item read', =>
- @persistence.readItem = jasmine.createSpy('read item')
- item = {id: 2, feedId: 5, guidHash: 'a3', status: 0}
- @ItemModel.add(item)
- item.setUnread()
- @ItemBusinessLayer.setRead(2)
- expect(item.isRead()).toBe(true)
- expect(@persistence.readItem).toHaveBeenCalledWith(2)
- it 'should not set an item read if its kept unread', =>
- @persistence.readItem = jasmine.createSpy('read item')
- item = {id: 2, feedId: 5, guidHash: 'a3', status: 0, keptUnread: true}
- @ItemModel.add(item)
- item.setUnread()
- @ItemBusinessLayer.setRead(2)
- expect(item.isRead()).toBe(false)
- expect(@persistence.readItem).not.toHaveBeenCalled()
- it 'should no set an item read if its already read', =>
- @persistence.readItem = jasmine.createSpy('read item')
- item = {id: 2, feedId: 5, guidHash: 'a3', status: 0}
- @ItemModel.add(item)
- item.setRead()
- @ItemBusinessLayer.setRead(2)
- expect(@persistence.readItem).not.toHaveBeenCalled()
- it 'should return false when item kept unread does not exist', =>
- expect(@ItemBusinessLayer.isKeptUnread(2)).toBe(false)
- it 'should return false if an item is not kept unread', =>
- item = {id: 2, feedId: 5, guidHash: 'a3', status: 0}
- @ItemModel.add(item)
- expect(@ItemBusinessLayer.isKeptUnread(2)).toBe(false)
- it 'should toggle an item as kept unread', =>
- @persistence.unreadItem = jasmine.createSpy('unread item')
- item = {id: 2, feedId: 5, guidHash: 'a3', status: 0}
- @ItemModel.add(item)
- expect(@ItemBusinessLayer.isKeptUnread(2)).toBe(false)
- @ItemBusinessLayer.toggleKeepUnread(2)
- expect(@ItemBusinessLayer.isKeptUnread(2)).toBe(true)
- @ItemBusinessLayer.toggleKeepUnread(2)
- expect(@ItemBusinessLayer.isKeptUnread(2)).toBe(false)
- it 'should set an item as unread', =>
- @persistence.unreadItem = jasmine.createSpy('unread item')
- item = {id: 2, feedId: 5, guidHash: 'a3', status: 0}
- @ItemModel.add(item)
- item.setRead()
- @ItemBusinessLayer.setUnread(2)
- expect(item.isRead()).toBe(false)
- expect(@persistence.unreadItem).toHaveBeenCalledWith(2)
- it 'should not set an item as unread if its unread', =>
- @persistence.unreadItem = jasmine.createSpy('unread item')
- item = {id: 2, feedId: 5, guidHash: 'a3', status: 0}
- @ItemModel.add(item)
- item.setUnread()
- @ItemBusinessLayer.setUnread(2)
- expect(item.isRead()).toBe(false)
- expect(@persistence.unreadItem).not.toHaveBeenCalled()
- it 'should set item as unread if kept unread is toggled and it is read', =>
- @persistence.unreadItem = jasmine.createSpy('unread item')
- item = {id: 2, feedId: 5, guidHash: 'a3', status: 0}
- @ItemModel.add(item)
- item.setRead()
- @ItemBusinessLayer.toggleKeepUnread(2)
- expect(item.isRead()).toBe(false)
- expect(@persistence.unreadItem).toHaveBeenCalledWith(2)
- it 'should lower the unread count of a feed when its items get read', =>
- @persistence.readItem = jasmine.createSpy('read item')
- item = {id: 2, feedId: 5, guidHash: 'a3', status: 0}
- @ItemModel.add(item)
- item.setUnread()
- @ItemBusinessLayer.setRead(2)
- expect(@item1.unreadCount).toBe(133)
- it 'should increase the unread count of a feed when its items get unread', =>
- @persistence.unreadItem = jasmine.createSpy('unread item')
- item = {id: 2, feedId: 5, guidHash: 'a3', status: 0}
- @ItemModel.add(item)
- item.setRead()
- @ItemBusinessLayer.setUnread(2)
- expect(@item1.unreadCount).toBe(135)
- it 'should load the next items', =>
- @NewestItem.handle(13)
- @persistence.getItems = jasmine.createSpy('autopage')
- callback = ->
- @ItemModel.add({id: 2, guidHash: 'abc', feedId: 2, status: 16})
- @ItemModel.add({id: 3, guidHash: 'abcd', feedId: 2, status: 16})
- @ItemModel.add({id: 1, guidHash: 'abce', feedId: 2, status: 16})
- @ItemModel.add({id: 6, guidHash: 'abcf', feedId: 2, status: 16})
- @ItemBusinessLayer.loadNext(callback)
- expect(@persistence.getItems).toHaveBeenCalledWith(
- @FeedType.Feed, 3, 1, jasmine.any(Function))
- it 'should load the next items', =>
- @NewestItem.handle(13)
- @persistence.getNewItems = jasmine.createSpy('loadnew')
- callback = ->
- @ItemModel.add({id: 2, guidHash: 'abc', feedId: 2, lastModified: 2})
- @ItemModel.add({id: 3, guidHash: 'abcd', feedId: 2, lastModified: 4})
- @ItemModel.add({id: 1, guidHash: 'abce', feedId: 2, lastModified: 3})
- @ItemModel.add({id: 6, guidHash: 'abcf', feedId: 2, lastModified: 1})
- @ItemBusinessLayer.loadNew(callback)
- expect(@persistence.getNewItems).toHaveBeenCalledWith(
- @FeedType.Feed, 3, 4, callback)