path: root/coffee
diff options
authorBernhard Posselt <>2013-02-07 00:39:13 +0100
committerBernhard Posselt <>2013-02-07 00:39:13 +0100
commit9325aafb84476c779b96eb9260c69a0144e55bc8 (patch)
tree01a822aa6afd4dc78b8e04dd6d514836bc6367d3 /coffee
parent2c7f779af5d902d1e323c0cec8e35a184e519de0 (diff)
spaces to tabs
Diffstat (limited to 'coffee')
6 files changed, 157 insertions, 153 deletions
diff --git a/coffee/Makefile b/coffee/Makefile
index 8ca06f068..966a6ba76 100644
--- a/coffee/Makefile
+++ b/coffee/Makefile
@@ -2,15 +2,15 @@ all: watch
- cd $(CURDIR)
- npm install --save-dev
+ cd $(CURDIR)
+ npm install --save-dev
watch: compile
- $(CURDIR)/node_modules/.bin/grunt --config $(CURDIR)/ run
+ $(CURDIR)/node_modules/.bin/grunt --config $(CURDIR)/ run
- mkdir -p $(CURDIR)/build
- $(CURDIR)/node_modules/.bin/grunt --config $(CURDIR)/ compile
+ mkdir -p $(CURDIR)/build
+ $(CURDIR)/node_modules/.bin/grunt --config $(CURDIR)/ compile
- rm -rf $(CURDIR)/build
+ rm -rf $(CURDIR)/build
diff --git a/coffee/ b/coffee/
index 28cd48462..538babc1f 100644
--- a/coffee/
+++ b/coffee/
@@ -1,60 +1,64 @@
module.exports = (grunt) ->
+ grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-contrib-coffee')
- grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-contrib-coffee')
+ grunt.initConfig
+ meta:
+ pkg: '<json:package.json>'
+ version: '<%= meta.pkg.version %>'
+ banner: '/**\n' +
+ ' * <%= meta.pkg.description %> - v<%= meta.version %>\n' +
+ ' *\n' +
+ '<% _.forEach(meta.pkg.contributors, function(contributor){ %>' +
+ ' * Copyright (c) <%="yyyy") %> - ' +
+ '<%= %> <<%= %>>\n' +
+ '<% }) %>' +
+ ' *\n' +
+ ' * This file is licensed under the Affero General Public License version 3 or later.\n' +
+ ' * See the COPYING-README file\n' +
+ ' *\n' +
+ ' */'
+ prefix: '(function(angular, $, OC, oc_requesttoken){'
+ suffix: '})(window.angular, jQuery, OC, oc_requesttoken);'
+ build: 'build/'
+ production: '../js/'
- grunt.initConfig
+ concat:
+ app:
+ src: [
+ '<banner:meta.banner>'
+ '<banner:meta.prefix>'
+ '<%= %>main.js'
+ '<banner:meta.suffix>'
+ ]
+ dest: '<%= meta.production %>app.js'
+ owncloud:
+ src: ['lib/', 'lib/services/*.coffee']
+ dest: '<%= %>'
+ news:
+ src: [
+ ''
+ 'services/*.coffee'
+ 'controllers/*.coffee'
+ 'directives/*.coffee'
+ 'filters/*.coffee'
+ ]
+ dest: '<%= %>'
+ coffee:
+ compile:
+ files:
+ '<%= %>main.js': [
+ '<%= %>'
+ '<%= %>'
+ ]
- meta:
- pkg: '<json:package.json>'
- version: '<config:meta.pkg.version>'
- banner: '/*! <%= meta.pkg.description %> - v<%= meta.version %> - ' +
- '<%="yyyy-mm-dd") %>\n' +
- ' *\n' +
- '<% _.forEach(meta.pkg.contributors, function(contributor){ %>' +
- ' * Copyright (c) <%="yyyy") %> ' +
- '<%= %> <<%= %>>\n' +
- '<% };) %>' +
- ' * Licensed AGPL \n' +
- ' */'
- prefix: '(function(angular, $, OC, oc_requesttoken){'
- suffix: '})(window.angular, jQuery, OC, oc_requesttoken);'
- build: 'build/'
- production: '../js/'
+ watch:
+ app:
+ files: './**/*.coffee',
+ tasks: 'compile'
- concat:
- app:
- src: [
- '<banner:meta.prefix>'
- '<%= %>main.js'
- '<banner:meta.suffix>'
- ]
- dest: '<%= meta.production %>app.js'
- owncloud:
- src: ['lib/', 'lib/services/*.coffee']
- dest: '<%= %>'
- news:
- src: [
- ''
- 'services/*.coffee'
- 'controllers/*.coffee'
- 'directives/*.coffee'
- 'filters/*.coffee'
- ]
- dest: '<%= %>'
- coffee:
- compile:
- files:
- '<%= %>main.js': [
- '<%= %>'
- '<%= %>'
- ]
- watch:
- app:
- files: './**/*.coffee',
- tasks: 'compile'
- grunt.registerTask('run', 'watch')
- grunt.registerTask('compile', 'concat:owncloud concat:news coffee concat:app')
+ grunt.registerTask('run', 'watch')
+ grunt.registerTask('compile', 'concat:owncloud concat:news coffee concat:app')
diff --git a/coffee/lib/ b/coffee/lib/
index bd10650d5..c4cc2a336 100644
--- a/coffee/lib/
+++ b/coffee/lib/
@@ -14,16 +14,16 @@
angular.module('OC', []).config ['$httpProvider', ($httpProvider) ->
- # Always send the CSRF token by default
- $httpProvider.defaults.get['requesttoken'] = oc_requesttoken
- $['requesttoken'] = oc_requesttoken
- # needed because crap PHP does not understand JSON
- $['Content-Type'] = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
- $httpProvider.defaults.get['Content-Type'] = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
- $httpProvider.defaults.transformRequest = (data) ->
- if angular.isDefined(data)
- return data
- else
- return $.param(data)
+ # Always send the CSRF token by default
+ $httpProvider.defaults.get['requesttoken'] = oc_requesttoken
+ $['requesttoken'] = oc_requesttoken
+ # needed because crap PHP does not understand JSON
+ $['Content-Type'] = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
+ $httpProvider.defaults.get['Content-Type'] = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
+ $httpProvider.defaults.transformRequest = (data) ->
+ if angular.isDefined(data)
+ return data
+ else
+ return $.param(data)
] \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/coffee/lib/services/ b/coffee/lib/services/
index 39d4ddd43..4d8788726 100644
--- a/coffee/lib/services/
+++ b/coffee/lib/services/
@@ -15,40 +15,40 @@
angular.module('OC').factory '_Publisher', ->
- class Publisher
- constructor: ->
- @subscriptions = {}
- # Use this to subscribe to a certain hashkey in the returned json data
- # dictionary.
- # If you send JSON from the server, you'll receive something like this
- #
- # {
- # data: {
- # modelName: {
- # create: [{id: 1, name: 'john'}, {id: 2, name: 'ron'}],
- # update: [],
- # delete: []
- # }
- # }
- # }
- #
- # To get the array ['one', 'two'] passed to your model, just subscribe
- # to the key:
- # Publisher.subscribeModelTo('modelName', myModelInstance)
- #
- subscribeModelTo: (model, name) ->
- @subscriptions[name] or= []
- @subscriptions[name].push(model)
- # This will publish data from the server to all registered subscribers
- # The parameter 'name' is the name under which subscribers have registered
- publishDataTo: (data, name) ->
- for subscriber in @subscriptions[name] || []
- subscriber.handle(data)
- return Publisher \ No newline at end of file
+ class Publisher
+ constructor: ->
+ @subscriptions = {}
+ # Use this to subscribe to a certain hashkey in the returned json data
+ # dictionary.
+ # If you send JSON from the server, you'll receive something like this
+ #
+ # {
+ # data: {
+ # modelName: {
+ # create: [{id: 1, name: 'john'}, {id: 2, name: 'ron'}],
+ # update: [],
+ # delete: []
+ # }
+ # }
+ # }
+ #
+ # To get the array ['one', 'two'] passed to your model, just subscribe
+ # to the key:
+ # Publisher.subscribeModelTo('modelName', myModelInstance)
+ #
+ subscribeModelTo: (model, name) ->
+ @subscriptions[name] or= []
+ @subscriptions[name].push(model)
+ # This will publish data from the server to all registered subscribers
+ # The parameter 'name' is the name under which subscribers have registered
+ publishDataTo: (data, name) ->
+ for subscriber in @subscriptions[name] || []
+ subscriber.handle(data)
+ return Publisher \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/coffee/lib/services/ b/coffee/lib/services/
index 16f6db5cc..15b4b9013 100644
--- a/coffee/lib/services/
+++ b/coffee/lib/services/
@@ -11,64 +11,64 @@
angular.module('OC').factory '_Request', ->
- class Request
+ class Request
- constructor: (@_$http, @_$rootScope, @_publisher, @_token, @_router) ->
- @_initialized = false
- @_shelvedRequests = []
+ constructor: (@_$http, @_$rootScope, @_publisher, @_token, @_router) ->
+ @_initialized = false
+ @_shelvedRequests = []
- @_$rootScope.$on 'routesLoaded', =>
- @_executeShelvedRequests()
- @_initialized = true
- @_shelvedRequests = []
+ @_$rootScope.$on 'routesLoaded', =>
+ @_executeShelvedRequests()
+ @_initialized = true
+ @_shelvedRequests = []
- request: (route, routeParams={}, data={}, onSuccess=null, onFailure=null, config={}) ->
- # if routes are not ready yet, save the request
- if not @_initialized
- @_shelveRequest(route, routeParams, data, method, config)
- return
+ request: (route, routeParams={}, data={}, onSuccess=null, onFailure=null, config={}) ->
+ # if routes are not ready yet, save the request
+ if not @_initialized
+ @_shelveRequest(route, routeParams, data, method, config)
+ return
- url = @_router.generate(route, routeParams)
+ url = @_router.generate(route, routeParams)
- defaultConfig =
- method: 'GET'
- url: url
- data: data
+ defaultConfig =
+ method: 'GET'
+ url: url
+ data: data
- # overwrite default values from passed in config
- for key, value of config
- defaultConfig[key] = value
+ # overwrite default values from passed in config
+ for key, value of config
+ defaultConfig[key] = value
- @_$http(config)
- .success (data, status, headers, config) =>
- if onSuccess
- onSuccess(data, status, headers, config)
+ @_$http(config)
+ .success (data, status, headers, config) =>
+ if onSuccess
+ onSuccess(data, status, headers, config)
- # publish data to models
- for name, value of
- @publisher.publishDataTo(name, value)
+ # publish data to models
+ for name, value of
+ @publisher.publishDataTo(name, value)
- .error (data, status, headers, config) ->
- if onFailure
- onFailure(data, status, headers, config)
+ .error (data, status, headers, config) ->
+ if onFailure
+ onFailure(data, status, headers, config)
- _shelveRequest: (route, routeParams, data, method, config) ->
- request =
- route: route
- routeParams: routeParams
- data: data
- config: config
- method: method
+ _shelveRequest: (route, routeParams, data, method, config) ->
+ request =
+ route: route
+ routeParams: routeParams
+ data: data
+ config: config
+ method: method
- @_shelvedRequests.push(request)
+ @_shelvedRequests.push(request)
- _executeShelvedRequests: ->
- for req in @_shelvedRequests
- @post(req.route, req.routeParams,, req.method, req.config)
+ _executeShelvedRequests: ->
+ for req in @_shelvedRequests
+ @post(req.route, req.routeParams,, req.method, req.config)
- return Request
+ return Request
diff --git a/coffee/lib/services/ b/coffee/lib/services/
index ace9596cf..71ed24332 100644
--- a/coffee/lib/services/
+++ b/coffee/lib/services/
@@ -13,4 +13,4 @@
# Inject router into angular to make testing easier
angular.module('OC').factory 'Router', ->
- return OC.Router \ No newline at end of file
+ return OC.Router \ No newline at end of file