diff options
authorNextcloud bot <>2021-06-18 03:04:38 +0000
committerNextcloud bot <>2021-06-18 03:04:38 +0000
commit63d3b5a5a23ac86b028abb9980092a44668e4553 (patch)
parent830726a1b96cc2eb221b8aea8f44ae96b22bcb14 (diff)
[tx-robot] updated from transifex
Signed-off-by: Nextcloud bot <>
14 files changed, 14 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/l10n/cs.js b/l10n/cs.js
index 59bb3b24a..d25bc5539 100644
--- a/l10n/cs.js
+++ b/l10n/cs.js
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Token expired or app not enabled! Reload the page!" : "Platnost tokenu skončila nebo aplikace není povolena! Načtěte stránku znovu.",
"Internal server error! Please check your data/nextcloud.log file for additional information!" : "Vnitřní chyba serveru! Podrobnosti naleznete v souboru data/nextcloud.log",
"Request failed, Nextcloud is in currently in maintenance mode!" : "Požadavek se nezdařil, Nextcloud je aktuálně v režimu údržby!",
+ "News feeds" : "Kanály novinek",
"Unread articles" : "Nepřečtené články",
"News" : "Zprávy",
"News folders" : "Nové složky",
diff --git a/l10n/cs.json b/l10n/cs.json
index 6928a0ebe..f6fd0dd5b 100644
--- a/l10n/cs.json
+++ b/l10n/cs.json
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
"Token expired or app not enabled! Reload the page!" : "Platnost tokenu skončila nebo aplikace není povolena! Načtěte stránku znovu.",
"Internal server error! Please check your data/nextcloud.log file for additional information!" : "Vnitřní chyba serveru! Podrobnosti naleznete v souboru data/nextcloud.log",
"Request failed, Nextcloud is in currently in maintenance mode!" : "Požadavek se nezdařil, Nextcloud je aktuálně v režimu údržby!",
+ "News feeds" : "Kanály novinek",
"Unread articles" : "Nepřečtené články",
"News" : "Zprávy",
"News folders" : "Nové složky",
diff --git a/l10n/de_DE.js b/l10n/de_DE.js
index f1e1b69d4..060479934 100644
--- a/l10n/de_DE.js
+++ b/l10n/de_DE.js
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Token expired or app not enabled! Reload the page!" : "Token abgelaufen oder App nicht aktiviert! Bitte laden Sie die Seite neu!",
"Internal server error! Please check your data/nextcloud.log file for additional information!" : "Interner Serverfehler! Bitte kontrollieren Sie data/nextcloud.log für weitere Informationen!",
"Request failed, Nextcloud is in currently in maintenance mode!" : "Anfrage fehlgeschlagen, diese Nextcloud-Instanz befindet sich derzeit im Wartungsmodus.",
+ "News feeds" : "Newsfeeds",
"Unread articles" : "Ungelesene Artikel",
"News" : "News",
"News folders" : "Nachrichtenordner",
diff --git a/l10n/de_DE.json b/l10n/de_DE.json
index ce4dcc22a..f3878fb46 100644
--- a/l10n/de_DE.json
+++ b/l10n/de_DE.json
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
"Token expired or app not enabled! Reload the page!" : "Token abgelaufen oder App nicht aktiviert! Bitte laden Sie die Seite neu!",
"Internal server error! Please check your data/nextcloud.log file for additional information!" : "Interner Serverfehler! Bitte kontrollieren Sie data/nextcloud.log für weitere Informationen!",
"Request failed, Nextcloud is in currently in maintenance mode!" : "Anfrage fehlgeschlagen, diese Nextcloud-Instanz befindet sich derzeit im Wartungsmodus.",
+ "News feeds" : "Newsfeeds",
"Unread articles" : "Ungelesene Artikel",
"News" : "News",
"News folders" : "Nachrichtenordner",
diff --git a/l10n/pl.js b/l10n/pl.js
index 1c2dd2c10..62c962b79 100644
--- a/l10n/pl.js
+++ b/l10n/pl.js
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Token expired or app not enabled! Reload the page!" : "Token wygasł lub aplikacja nie jest włączona! Przeładuj stronę!",
"Internal server error! Please check your data/nextcloud.log file for additional information!" : "Wewnętrzny błąd serwera! Proszę sprawdzić plik data/nextcloud.log w celu uzyskania dodatkowych informacji!",
"Request failed, Nextcloud is in currently in maintenance mode!" : "Nie wykonano żądania, Nextcloud działa obecnie w trybie konserwacji!",
+ "News feeds" : "Kanały wiadomości",
"Unread articles" : "Nieprzeczytane artykuły",
"News" : "Wiadomości",
"News folders" : "Katalogi z wiadomościami",
diff --git a/l10n/pl.json b/l10n/pl.json
index 49bb0138b..72189bcaf 100644
--- a/l10n/pl.json
+++ b/l10n/pl.json
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
"Token expired or app not enabled! Reload the page!" : "Token wygasł lub aplikacja nie jest włączona! Przeładuj stronę!",
"Internal server error! Please check your data/nextcloud.log file for additional information!" : "Wewnętrzny błąd serwera! Proszę sprawdzić plik data/nextcloud.log w celu uzyskania dodatkowych informacji!",
"Request failed, Nextcloud is in currently in maintenance mode!" : "Nie wykonano żądania, Nextcloud działa obecnie w trybie konserwacji!",
+ "News feeds" : "Kanały wiadomości",
"Unread articles" : "Nieprzeczytane artykuły",
"News" : "Wiadomości",
"News folders" : "Katalogi z wiadomościami",
diff --git a/l10n/pt_BR.js b/l10n/pt_BR.js
index 373c3e8d2..70819fbab 100644
--- a/l10n/pt_BR.js
+++ b/l10n/pt_BR.js
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Token expired or app not enabled! Reload the page!" : "Token expirado ou aplicativo não habilitado! Recarregue a página!",
"Internal server error! Please check your data/nextcloud.log file for additional information!" : "Erro interno do servidor! Verifique o arquivo data/nextcloud.log para obter informações adicionais.",
"Request failed, Nextcloud is in currently in maintenance mode!" : "A solicitação falhou pois o Nextcloud está em modo de manutenção!",
+ "News feeds" : "Alimentador de notícias",
"Unread articles" : "Artigos não lidos",
"News" : "Notícias",
"News folders" : "Pastas de notícias",
diff --git a/l10n/pt_BR.json b/l10n/pt_BR.json
index 34d488b27..7d31b5875 100644
--- a/l10n/pt_BR.json
+++ b/l10n/pt_BR.json
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
"Token expired or app not enabled! Reload the page!" : "Token expirado ou aplicativo não habilitado! Recarregue a página!",
"Internal server error! Please check your data/nextcloud.log file for additional information!" : "Erro interno do servidor! Verifique o arquivo data/nextcloud.log para obter informações adicionais.",
"Request failed, Nextcloud is in currently in maintenance mode!" : "A solicitação falhou pois o Nextcloud está em modo de manutenção!",
+ "News feeds" : "Alimentador de notícias",
"Unread articles" : "Artigos não lidos",
"News" : "Notícias",
"News folders" : "Pastas de notícias",
diff --git a/l10n/zh_CN.js b/l10n/zh_CN.js
index 4eac07ebd..2468bb7ae 100644
--- a/l10n/zh_CN.js
+++ b/l10n/zh_CN.js
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Token expired or app not enabled! Reload the page!" : "令牌过期或者应用没有启用!重新加载页面!",
"Internal server error! Please check your data/nextcloud.log file for additional information!" : "内部服务器错误!请检查您的 data/nextcloud.log 文件获取更多详细信息!",
"Request failed, Nextcloud is in currently in maintenance mode!" : "请求失败,Nextcloud 现处于维护模式!",
+ "News feeds" : "新闻源",
"Unread articles" : "未读文章",
"News" : "新闻",
"News folders" : "News 文件夹",
diff --git a/l10n/zh_CN.json b/l10n/zh_CN.json
index f402da390..d29e40a5f 100644
--- a/l10n/zh_CN.json
+++ b/l10n/zh_CN.json
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
"Token expired or app not enabled! Reload the page!" : "令牌过期或者应用没有启用!重新加载页面!",
"Internal server error! Please check your data/nextcloud.log file for additional information!" : "内部服务器错误!请检查您的 data/nextcloud.log 文件获取更多详细信息!",
"Request failed, Nextcloud is in currently in maintenance mode!" : "请求失败,Nextcloud 现处于维护模式!",
+ "News feeds" : "新闻源",
"Unread articles" : "未读文章",
"News" : "新闻",
"News folders" : "News 文件夹",
diff --git a/l10n/zh_HK.js b/l10n/zh_HK.js
index 529a27b39..49678fe0f 100644
--- a/l10n/zh_HK.js
+++ b/l10n/zh_HK.js
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Token expired or app not enabled! Reload the page!" : "權杖已過期或應用程式未啟用!請重新載入頁面!",
"Internal server error! Please check your data/nextcloud.log file for additional information!" : "內部伺服器錯誤!請檢查您的 data/nextcloud。log 檔案以取得額外資訊!",
"Request failed, Nextcloud is in currently in maintenance mode!" : "請求失敗,Nextcloud 目前正處於維護模式!",
+ "News feeds" : "新聞提要",
"Unread articles" : "未讀文章",
"News" : "新聞",
"News folders" : "新聞資料夾",
diff --git a/l10n/zh_HK.json b/l10n/zh_HK.json
index d266aa291..d2e999f4e 100644
--- a/l10n/zh_HK.json
+++ b/l10n/zh_HK.json
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
"Token expired or app not enabled! Reload the page!" : "權杖已過期或應用程式未啟用!請重新載入頁面!",
"Internal server error! Please check your data/nextcloud.log file for additional information!" : "內部伺服器錯誤!請檢查您的 data/nextcloud。log 檔案以取得額外資訊!",
"Request failed, Nextcloud is in currently in maintenance mode!" : "請求失敗,Nextcloud 目前正處於維護模式!",
+ "News feeds" : "新聞提要",
"Unread articles" : "未讀文章",
"News" : "新聞",
"News folders" : "新聞資料夾",
diff --git a/l10n/zh_TW.js b/l10n/zh_TW.js
index 72c1031f0..c27c306aa 100644
--- a/l10n/zh_TW.js
+++ b/l10n/zh_TW.js
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Token expired or app not enabled! Reload the page!" : "權杖已過期或應用程式未啟用!請重新載入頁面!",
"Internal server error! Please check your data/nextcloud.log file for additional information!" : "內部伺服器錯誤!請檢查您的 data/nextcloud.log 檔案以取得額外資訊!",
"Request failed, Nextcloud is in currently in maintenance mode!" : "請求失敗,Nextcloud 目前正處於維護模式!",
+ "News feeds" : "新聞 feed",
"Unread articles" : "未讀文章",
"News" : "新聞",
"News folders" : "新聞資料夾",
diff --git a/l10n/zh_TW.json b/l10n/zh_TW.json
index cfa634164..da0194c8f 100644
--- a/l10n/zh_TW.json
+++ b/l10n/zh_TW.json
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
"Token expired or app not enabled! Reload the page!" : "權杖已過期或應用程式未啟用!請重新載入頁面!",
"Internal server error! Please check your data/nextcloud.log file for additional information!" : "內部伺服器錯誤!請檢查您的 data/nextcloud.log 檔案以取得額外資訊!",
"Request failed, Nextcloud is in currently in maintenance mode!" : "請求失敗,Nextcloud 目前正處於維護模式!",
+ "News feeds" : "新聞 feed",
"Unread articles" : "未讀文章",
"News" : "新聞",
"News folders" : "新聞資料夾",