diff options
authorBenjamin Brahmer <>2020-12-17 16:01:23 +0100
committerBenjamin Brahmer <>2020-12-17 16:01:23 +0100
commit090db22cdba546e24f113fce5bfa7e303954cf08 (patch)
parent11f5904dd58cbcb45e0e3e6c466f187e30323155 (diff)
fully automate release
Signed-off-by: Benjamin Brahmer <>
2 files changed, 61 insertions, 39 deletions
diff --git a/.github/workflows/build-release.yml b/.github/workflows/build-release.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 44751fcf0..000000000
--- a/.github/workflows/build-release.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-name: Build and publish app release
- release:
- types: [published]
- APP_NAME: news
- build_and_publish:
- runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- steps:
- - name: Checkout
- uses: actions/checkout@v2
- with:
- path: ${{ env.APP_NAME }}
- - name: Run build
- run: cd ${{ env.APP_NAME }} && make && make appstore
- env:
- app_private_key: ${{ secrets.APP_PRIVATE_KEY }}
- app_public_cert: ${{ secrets.APP_PUBLIC_CERT }}
- - name: Upload app tarball to release
- uses: svenstaro/upload-release-action@v2
- id: attach_to_release
- with:
- repo_token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
- file: ${{ env.APP_NAME }}/build/artifacts/appstore/${{ env.APP_NAME }}.tar.gz
- asset_name: ${{ env.APP_NAME }}.tar.gz
- tag: ${{ github.ref }}
- overwrite: true
- - name: Upload app to Nextcloud appstore
- uses: R0Wi/nextcloud-appstore-push-action@v1
- with:
- app_name: ${{ env.APP_NAME }}
- appstore_token: ${{ secrets.APPSTORE_TOKEN }}
- download_url: ${{ steps.attach_to_release.outputs.browser_download_url }}
- app_private_key: ${{ secrets.APP_PRIVATE_KEY }}
- nightly: ${{ github.event.release.prerelease }} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/.github/workflows/create-release.yml b/.github/workflows/create-release.yml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f0973be8f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.github/workflows/create-release.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+ push:
+ # Sequence of patterns matched against refs/tags
+ tags:
+ - '15.*' # Push events to matching v*, i.e. v1.0, v20.15.10
+name: Create Release
+ build:
+ name: Create Release
+ runs-on: ubuntu-latest
+ steps:
+ - name: Get version from tag
+ id: tag_name
+ run: |
+ echo ::set-output name=current_version::${GITHUB_REF/refs\/tags\//}
+ shell: bash
+ - name: Checkout code
+ uses: actions/checkout@v2
+ - name: Get Changelog Entry
+ id: changelog_reader
+ uses: mindsers/changelog-reader-action@v2
+ with:
+ version: ${{ steps.tag_name.outputs.current_version }}
+ path: ./
+ - name: Create Release
+ id: create_release
+ uses: actions/create-release@v1
+ env:
+ with:
+ # This pulls from the "Get Changelog Entry" step above, referencing it's ID to get its outputs object.
+ # See this blog post for more info:
+ tag_name: ${{ steps.changelog_reader.outputs.version }}
+ release_name: Release ${{ steps.changelog_reader.outputs.version }}
+ body: ${{ steps.changelog_reader.outputs.changes }}
+ prerelease: ${{ steps.changelog_reader.outputs.status == 'prereleased' }}
+ draft: ${{ steps.changelog_reader.outputs.status == 'unreleased' }}
+ - name: Run build
+ run: make && make appstore
+ env:
+ app_private_key: ${{ secrets.APP_PRIVATE_KEY }}
+ app_public_cert: ${{ secrets.APP_PUBLIC_CERT }}
+ - name: Upload app tarball to release
+ uses: svenstaro/upload-release-action@v2
+ id: attach_to_release
+ with:
+ repo_token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
+ file: ./build/artifacts/appstore/news.tar.gz
+ asset_name: news.tar.gz
+ tag: ${{ github.ref }}
+ overwrite: true
+ - name: Upload app to Nextcloud appstore
+ uses: R0Wi/nextcloud-appstore-push-action@v1
+ with:
+ app_name: news
+ appstore_token: ${{ secrets.APPSTORE_TOKEN }}
+ download_url: ${{ steps.attach_to_release.outputs.browser_download_url }}
+ app_private_key: ${{ secrets.APP_PRIVATE_KEY }}
+ nightly: ${{ github.event.release.prerelease }} \ No newline at end of file