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# What is Nextcloud?

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A safe home for all your data. Access & share your files, calendars, contacts, mail & more from any device, on your terms.


# How to use this image
This image is designed to be used in a micro-service environment. There are two versions of the image you can choose from.

The `apache` tag contains a full Nextcloud installation including an apache web server. It is designed to be easy to use and gets you running pretty fast. This is also the default for the `latest` tag and version tags that are not further specified.

The second option is a `fpm` container. It is based on the [php-fpm]( image and runs a fastCGI-Process that serves your Nextcloud page. To use this image it must be combined with any webserver that can proxy the http requests to the FastCGI-port of the container.

[![Try in PWD](](

## Using the apache image
The apache image contains a webserver and exposes port 80. To start the container type:

$ docker run -d -p 8080:80 nextcloud

Now you can access Nextcloud at http://localhost:8080/ from your host system.

## Using the fpm image
To use the fpm image, you need an additional web server that can proxy http-request to the fpm-port of the container. For fpm connection this container exposes port 9000. In most cases, you might want use another container or your host as proxy.
If you use your host you can address your Nextcloud container directly on port 9000. If you use another container, make sure that you add them to the same docker network (via `docker run --network <NAME> ...` or a `docker-compose` file).
In both cases you don't want to map the fpm port to your host.

$ docker run -d nextcloud:fpm

As the fastCGI-Process is not capable of serving static files (style sheets, images, ...), the webserver needs access to these files. This can be achieved with the `volumes-from` option. You can find more information in the [docker-compose section](#running-this-image-with-docker-compose).

## Using an external database
By default, this container uses SQLite for data storage but the Nextcloud setup wizard (appears on first run) allows connecting to an existing MySQL/MariaDB or PostgreSQL database. You can also link a database container, e. g. `--link my-mysql:mysql`, and then use `mysql` as the database host on setup. More info is in the docker-compose section.

## Persistent data
The Nextcloud installation and all data beyond what lives in the database (file uploads, etc) are stored in the [unnamed docker volume]( volume `/var/www/html`. The docker daemon will store that data within the docker directory `/var/lib/docker/volumes/...`. That means your data is saved even if the container crashes, is stopped or deleted.

A named Docker volume or a mounted host directory should be used for upgrades and backups. To achieve this, you need one volume for your database container and one for Nextcloud.

- `/var/www/html/` folder where all nextcloud data lives
$ docker run -d \
-v nextcloud:/var/www/html \

- `/var/lib/mysql` MySQL / MariaDB Data
- `/var/lib/postgresql/data` PostgreSQL Data
$ docker run -d \
-v db:/var/lib/mysql \

If you want to get fine grained access to your individual files, you can mount additional volumes for data, config, your theme and custom apps.
The `data`, `config` files are stored in respective subfolders inside `/var/www/html/`. The apps are split into core `apps` (which are shipped with Nextcloud and you don't need to take care of) and a `custom_apps` folder. If you use a custom theme it would go into the `themes` subfolder.

Overview of the folders that can be mounted as volumes:

- `/var/www/html` Main folder, needed for updating
- `/var/www/html/custom_apps` installed / modified apps
- `/var/www/html/config` local configuration
- `/var/www/html/data` the actual data of your Nextcloud
- `/var/www/html/themes/<YOUR_CUSTOM_THEME>` theming/branding

If you want to use named volumes for all of these, it would look like this:
$ docker run -d \
-v nextcloud:/var/www/html \
-v apps:/var/www/html/custom_apps \
-v config:/var/www/html/config \
-v data:/var/www/html/data \
-v theme:/var/www/html/themes/<YOUR_CUSTOM_THEME> \

## Using the Nextcloud command-line interface
To use the [Nextcloud command-line interface]( (aka. `occ` command):
$ docker exec --user www-data CONTAINER_ID php occ
or for docker-compose:
$ docker-compose exec --user www-data app php occ

## Auto configuration via environment variables
The nextcloud image supports auto configuration via environment variables. You can preconfigure everything that is asked on the install page on first run. To enable auto configuration, set your database connection via the following environment variables. ONLY use one database type!

- `SQLITE_DATABASE` Name of the database using sqlite

- `MYSQL_DATABASE` Name of the database using mysql / mariadb.
- `MYSQL_USER` Username for the database using mysql / mariadb.
- `MYSQL_PASSWORD` Password for the database user using mysql / mariadb.
- `MYSQL_HOST` Hostname of the database server using mysql / mariadb.

- `POSTGRES_DB` Name of the database using postgres.
- `POSTGRES_USER` Username for the database using postgres.
- `POSTGRES_PASSWORD` Password for the database user using postgres.
- `POSTGRES_HOST` Hostname of the database server using postgres.

If you set any values, they will not be asked in the install page on first run. With a complete configuration by using all variables for your database type, you can additionally configure your Nextcloud instance by setting admin user and password (only works if you set both):

- `NEXTCLOUD_ADMIN_USER` Name of the Nextcloud admin user.
- `NEXTCLOUD_ADMIN_PASSWORD` Password for the Nextcloud admin user.

If you want, you can set the data directory and table prefix, otherwise default values will be used.

- `NEXTCLOUD_DATA_DIR` (default: _/var/www/html/data_) Configures the data directory where nextcloud stores all files from the users.
- `NEXTCLOUD_TABLE_PREFIX` (default: _""_) Optional prefix for the tables. Used to be `oc_` in the past

One or more trusted domains can be set through environment variable, too. They will be added to the configuration after install.

- `NEXTCLOUD_TRUSTED_DOMAINS` (not set by default) Optional space-separated list of domains

The install and update script is only triggered when a default command is used (`apache-foreground` or `php-fpm`). If you use a custom command you have to enable the install / update with

- `NEXTCLOUD_UPDATE` (default: _0_)

If you want to use Redis you have to create a separate [Redis]( container in your setup / in your docker-compose file. To inform Nextcloud about the Redis container, pass in the following parameters:

- `REDIS_HOST` (not set by default) Name of Redis container
- `REDIS_HOST_PORT` (default: _6379_) Optional port for Redis, only use for external Redis servers that run on non-standard ports.
- `REDIS_HOST_PASSWORD` (not set by default) Redis password

The use of Redis is recommended to prevent file locking problems. See the examples for further instructions.

To use an external SMTP server, you have to provide the connection details. To configure Nextcloud to use SMTP add:

- `SMTP_HOST` (not set by default): The hostname of the SMTP server.
- `SMTP_SECURE` (empty by default): Set to `ssl` to use SSL, or `tls` to use STARTTLS.
- `SMTP_PORT` (default: `465` for SSL and `25` for non-secure connections): Optional port for the SMTP connection. Use `587` for an alternative port for STARTTLS.
- `SMTP_AUTHTYPE` (default: `LOGIN`): The method used for authentication. Use `PLAIN` if no authentication is required.
- `SMTP_NAME` (empty by default): The username for the authentication.
- `SMTP_PASSWORD` (empty by default): The password for the authentication.
- `MAIL_FROM_ADDRESS` (not set by default): Use this address for the 'from' field in the emails sent by Nextcloud.
- `MAIL_DOMAIN` (not set by default): Set a different domain for the emails than the domain where Nextcloud is installed.

Check the [Nextcloud documentation]( for other values to configure SMTP.

# Running this image with docker-compose
The easiest way to get a fully featured and functional setup is using a `docker-compose` file. There are too many different possibilities to setup your system, so here are only some examples of what you have to look for.

At first, make sure you have chosen the right base image (fpm or apache) and added features you wanted (see below). In every case, you  would want to add a database container and docker volumes to get easy access to your persistent data. When you want to have your server reachable from the internet, adding HTTPS-encryption is mandatory! See below for more information.

## Base version - apache
This version will use the apache image and add a mariaDB container. The volumes are set to keep your data persistent. This setup provides **no ssl encryption** and is intended to run behind a proxy.

Make sure to pass in values for `MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD` and `MYSQL_PASSWORD` variables before you run this setup.

version: '2'


    image: mariadb
    command: --transaction-isolation=READ-COMMITTED --binlog-format=ROW
    restart: always
      - db:/var/lib/mysql
      - MYSQL_DATABASE=nextcloud
      - MYSQL_USER=nextcloud

    image: nextcloud
      - 8080:80
      - db
      - nextcloud:/var/www/html
    restart: always


Then run `docker-compose up -d`, now you can access Nextcloud at http://localhost:8080/ from your host system.

## Base version - FPM
When using the FPM image, you need another container that acts as web server on port 80 and proxies the requests to the Nextcloud container. In this example a simple nginx container is combined with the Nextcloud-fpm image and a MariaDB database container. The data is stored in docker volumes. The nginx container also needs access to static files from your Nextcloud installation. It gets access to all the volumes mounted to Nextcloud via the `volumes_from` option.The configuration for nginx is stored in the configuration file `nginx.conf`, that is mounted into the container. An example can be found in the examples section [here](

As this setup does **not include encryption**, it should to be run behind a proxy.

Make sure to pass in values for `MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD` and `MYSQL_PASSWORD` variables before you run this setup.

version: '2'


    image: mariadb
    command: --transaction-isolation=READ-COMMITTED --binlog-format=ROW
    restart: always
      - db:/var/lib/mysql
      - MYSQL_DATABASE=nextcloud
      - MYSQL_USER=nextcloud

    image: nextcloud:fpm
      - db
      - nextcloud:/var/www/html
    restart: always

    image: nginx
      - 8080:80
      - app
      - ./nginx.conf:/etc/nginx/nginx.conf:ro
      - app
    restart: always

Then run `docker-compose up -d`, now you can access Nextcloud at http://localhost:8080/ from your host system.

# Docker Secrets
As an alternative to passing sensitive information via environment variables, _FILE may be appended to the previously listed environment variables, causing the initialization script to load the values for those variables from files present in the container. In particular, this can be used to load passwords from Docker secrets stored in /run/secrets/<secret_name> files. For example:
version: '3.2'

    image: postgres
    restart: always
      - db:/var/lib/postgresql/data
      - POSTGRES_DB_FILE=/run/secrets/postgres_db
      - POSTGRES_USER_FILE=/run/secrets/postgres_user
      - POSTGRES_PASSWORD_FILE=/run/secrets/postgres_password
      - postgres_db
      - postgres_password
      - postgres_user

    image: nextcloud
    restart: always
      - 8080:80
      - nextcloud:/var/www/html
      - POSTGRES_HOST=db
      - POSTGRES_DB_FILE=/run/secrets/postgres_db
      - POSTGRES_USER_FILE=/run/secrets/postgres_user
      - POSTGRES_PASSWORD_FILE=/run/secrets/postgres_password
      - NEXTCLOUD_ADMIN_PASSWORD_FILE=/run/secrets/nextcloud_admin_password
      - NEXTCLOUD_ADMIN_USER_FILE=/run/secrets/nextcloud_admin_user
      - db
      - nextcloud_admin_password
      - nextcloud_admin_user
      - postgres_db
      - postgres_password
      - postgres_user


    file: ./nextcloud_admin_password.txt # put admin password to this file
    file: ./nextcloud_admin_user.txt # put admin username to this file
    file: ./postgres_db.txt # put postgresql db name to this file
    file: ./postgres_password.txt # put postgresql password to this file
    file: ./postgres_user.txt # put postgresql username to this file


# Make your Nextcloud available from the internet
Until here, your Nextcloud is just available from you docker host. If you want your Nextcloud available from the internet adding SSL encryption is mandatory.

## HTTPS - SSL encryption
There are many different possibilities to introduce encryption depending on your setup.

We recommend using a reverse proxy in front of our Nextcloud installation. Your Nextcloud will only be reachable through the proxy, which encrypts all traffic to the clients. You can mount your manually generated certificates to the proxy or use a fully automated solution which generates and renews the certificates for you.

In our [examples]( section we have an example for a fully automated setup using a reverse proxy, a container for [Let's Encrypt]( certificate handling, database and Nextcloud. It uses the popular [nginx-proxy]( and [docker-letsencrypt-nginx-proxy-companion]( containers. Please check the according documentations before using this setup.

# First use
When you first access your Nextcloud, the setup wizard will appear and ask you to choose an administrator account username, password and the database connection. For the database use `db` as host and `nextcloud` as table and user name. Also enter the password you chose in your `docker-compose.yml` file.

# Update to a newer version
Updating the Nextcloud container is done by pulling the new image, throwing away the old container and starting the new one.

**It is only possible to upgrade one major version at a time. For example, if you want to upgrade from version 14 to 16, you will have to upgrade from version 14 to 15, then from 15 to 16.**

Since all data is stored in volumes, nothing gets lost. The startup script will check for the version in your volume and the installed docker version. If it finds a mismatch, it automatically starts the upgrade process. Don't forget to add all the volumes to your new container, so it works as expected.

$ docker pull nextcloud
$ docker stop <your_nextcloud_container>
$ docker rm <your_nextcloud_container>
$ docker run <OPTIONS> -d nextcloud
Beware that you have to run the same command with the options that you used to initially start your Nextcloud. That includes  volumes, port mapping.

When using docker-compose your compose file takes care of your configuration, so you just have to run:

$ docker-compose pull
$ docker-compose up -d

# Adding Features
A lot of people want to use additional functionality inside their Nextcloud installation. If the image does not include the packages you need, you can easily build your own image on top of it.
Start your derived image with the `FROM` statement and add whatever you like.

FROM nextcloud:apache

RUN ...

The [examples folder]( gives a few examples on how to add certain functionalities, like including the cron job, smb-support or imap-authentication.

If you use your own Dockerfile, you need to configure your docker-compose file accordingly. Switch out the `image` option with `build`. You have to specify the path to your Dockerfile. (in the example it's in the same directory next to the docker-compose file)

    build: .