/** * @copyright Copyright (c) 2018 John Molakvoæ * * @author John Molakvoæ * * @license GNU AGPL version 3 or any later version * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . * */ import Vue from 'vue' import ICAL from 'ical.js' import Contact from 'Models/contact' import validate from 'Services/validate' const sortData = (a, b) => { var nameA = typeof a.value === 'string' ? a.value.toUpperCase() // ignore upper and lowercase : a.value.toUnixTime() // only other sorting we support is a vCardTime var nameB = typeof b.value === 'string' ? b.value.toUpperCase() // ignore upper and lowercase : b.value.toUnixTime() // only other sorting we support is a vCardTime let score = nameA.localeCompare ? nameA.localeCompare(nameB) : nameB - nameA // if equal, fallback to the key return score !== 0 ? score : a.key.localeCompare(b.key) } const state = { // Using objects for performance // https://codepen.io/skjnldsv/pen/ZmKvQo contacts: {}, sortedContacts: [], orderKey: 'displayName' } const mutations = { /** * Store raw contacts into state * Used by the first contact fetch * * @param {Object} state Default state * @param {Array} contacts Contacts */ appendContacts(state, contacts = []) { state.contacts = contacts.reduce(function(list, contact) { if (contact instanceof Contact) { Vue.set(list, contact.key, contact) } else { console.error('Invalid contact object', contact) } return list }, state.contacts) }, /** * Delete a contact from the global contacts list * * @param {Object} state the store data * @param {Contact} contact the contact to delete */ deleteContact(state, contact) { if (state.contacts[contact.key] && contact instanceof Contact) { let index = state.sortedContacts.findIndex(search => search.key === contact.key) state.sortedContacts.splice(index, 1) Vue.delete(state.contacts, contact.key) } else { console.error('Error while deleting the following contact', contact) } }, /** * Insert new contact into sorted array * * @param {Object} state the store data * @param {Contact} contact the contact to add */ addContact(state, contact) { if (contact instanceof Contact) { // Checking contact validity 🔍🙈 validate(contact) let sortedContact = { key: contact.key, value: contact[state.orderKey] } // Not using sort, splice has far better performances // https://jsperf.com/sort-vs-splice-in-array for (var i = 0, len = state.sortedContacts.length; i < len; i++) { if (sortData(state.sortedContacts[i], sortedContact) >= 0) { state.sortedContacts.splice(i, 0, sortedContact) break } else if (i + 1 === len) { // we reached the end insert it now state.sortedContacts.push(sortedContact) } } // sortedContact is empty, just push it if (state.sortedContacts.length === 0) { state.sortedContacts.push(sortedContact) } // default contacts list Vue.set(state.contacts, contact.key, contact) } else { console.error('Error while adding the following contact', contact) } }, /** * Update a contact * * @param {Object} state the store data * @param {Contact} contact the contact to update */ updateContact(state, contact) { if (state.contacts[contact.key] && contact instanceof Contact) { // replace contact object data state.contacts[contact.key].updateContact(contact.jCal) let sortedContact = state.sortedContacts.find(search => search.key === contact.key) // has the sort key changed for this contact ? let hasChanged = sortedContact.value !== contact[state.orderKey] if (hasChanged) { // then update the new data sortedContact.value = contact[state.orderKey] // and then we sort again state.sortedContacts.sort(sortData) } } else { console.error('Error while replacing the following contact', contact) } }, /** * Update a contact addressbook * * @param {Object} state the store data * @param {Object} data destructuring object * @param {Contact} contact the contact to update * @param {Object} addressbook the addressbook to set */ updateContactAddressbook(state, { contact, addressbook }) { if (state.contacts[contact.key] && contact instanceof Contact) { // replace contact object data by creating a new contact let oldKey = contact.key // hijack reference var newContact = contact // delete old key, cut reference Vue.delete(state.contacts, oldKey) // replace addressbook Vue.set(newContact, 'addressbook', addressbook) // set new key, re-assign reference Vue.set(state.contacts, newContact.key, newContact) // Update sorted contacts list, replace at exact same position let index = state.sortedContacts.findIndex(search => search.key === oldKey) state.sortedContacts[index] = { key: newContact.key, value: newContact[state.orderKey] } } else { console.error('Error while replacing the addressbook of following contact', contact) } }, /** * Update a contact etag * * @param {Object} state the store data * @param {Object} data destructuring object * @param {Contact} contact the contact to update * @param {string} etag the contact etag */ updateContactEtag(state, { contact, etag }) { if (state.contacts[contact.key] && contact instanceof Contact) { // replace contact object data state.contacts[contact.key].dav.etag = etag } else { console.error('Error while replacing the etag of following contact', contact) } }, /** * Order the contacts list. Filters have terrible performances. * We do not want to run the sorting function every time. * Let's only run it on additions and create an index * * @param {Object} state the store data */ sortContacts(state) { state.sortedContacts = Object.values(state.contacts) // exclude groups .filter(contact => contact.kind !== 'group') .map(contact => { return { key: contact.key, value: contact[state.orderKey] } }) .sort(sortData) }, /** * Set the order key * * @param {Object} state the store data * @param {string} [orderKey='displayName'] the order key to sort by */ setOrder(state, orderKey = 'displayName') { state.orderKey = orderKey }, /** * Set a contact as `in conflict` with the server data * * @param {Object} state the store data * @param {Object} data destructuring object * @param {Contact} data.contact the contact to update * @param {String} data.etag the etag to set */ setContactAsConflict(state, { contact, etag }) { if (state.contacts[contact.key] && contact instanceof Contact) { state.contacts[contact.key].conflict = etag } else { console.error('Error while handling the following contact', contact) } }, /** * Set a contact dav property * * @param {Object} state the store data * @param {Object} data destructuring object * @param {Contact} data.contact the contact to update * @param {Object} data.dav the dav object returned by the cdav library */ setContactDav(state, { contact, dav }) { if (state.contacts[contact.key] && contact instanceof Contact) { contact = state.contacts[contact.key] Vue.set(contact, 'dav', dav) } else { console.error('Error while handling the following contact', contact) } } } const getters = { getContacts: state => state.contacts, getSortedContacts: state => state.sortedContacts, getContact: (state) => (key) => state.contacts[key], getOrderKey: state => state.orderKey } const actions = { /** * Delete a contact from the list and from the associated addressbook * * @param {Object} context the store mutations * @param {Object} data destructuring object * @param {Contact} data.contact the contact to delete * @param {boolean} [data.dav=true] trigger a dav deletion */ async deleteContact(context, { contact, dav = true }) { // only local delete if the contact doesn't exists on the server if (contact.dav && dav) { await contact.dav.delete() .catch((error) => { console.error(error) OC.Notification.showTemporary(t('contacts', 'An error occurred')) }) } context.commit('deleteContact', contact) context.commit('deleteContactFromAddressbook', contact) context.commit('removeContactFromGroups', contact) }, /** * Add a contact to the list, the associated addressbook and to the groups * * @param {Object} context the store mutations * @param {Contact} contact the contact to delete */ async addContact(context, contact) { await context.commit('addContact', contact) await context.commit('addContactToAddressbook', contact) await context.commit('extractGroupsFromContacts', [contact]) }, /** * Replac a contact by this new object * * @param {Object} context the store mutations * @param {Contact} contact the contact to update * @returns {Promise} */ async updateContact(context, contact) { // Checking contact validity 🙈 validate(contact) // Update REV const rev = new ICAL.VCardTime() rev.fromUnixTime(Date.now() / 1000) contact.rev = rev let vData = ICAL.stringify(contact.vCard.jCal) // if no dav key, contact does not exists on server if (!contact.dav) { // create contact return contact.addressbook.dav.createVCard(vData) .then(dav => { context.commit('setContactDav', { contact, dav }) }) .catch(error => { throw error }) } // if contact already exists if (!contact.conflict) { contact.dav.data = vData return contact.dav.update() .then(() => { // all clear, let's update the store context.commit('updateContact', contact) }) .catch(error => { console.info(error) // wrong etag, we most likely have a conflict if (error && error.status === 412) { // saving the new etag so that the user can manually // trigger a fetchCompleteData without any further errors context.commit('setContactAsConflict', { contact, etag: error.xhr.getResponseHeader('etag') }) console.error('This contact is outdated, the server refused it', contact) } }) } else { console.error('This contact is outdated, refusing to push', contact) } }, /** * Fetch the full vCard from the dav server * * @param {Object} context the store mutations * @param {Object} data destructuring object * @param {Contact} data.contact the contact to fetch * @param {string} data.etag the contact etag to override in case of conflict * @returns {Promise} */ async fetchFullContact(context, { contact, etag = '' }) { if (etag.trim() !== '') { await context.commit('updateContactEtag', { contact, etag }) } return contact.dav.fetchCompleteData() .then((response) => { let newContact = new Contact(contact.dav.data, contact.addressbook) context.commit('updateContact', newContact) }) .catch((error) => { throw error }) } } export default { state, mutations, getters, actions }