/** * @copyright Copyright (c) 2018 John Molakvoæ * * @author John Molakvoæ * * @author Team Popcorn * * @license GNU AGPL version 3 or any later version * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . * */ import { showError } from '@nextcloud/dialogs' import pLimit from 'p-limit' import Vue from 'vue' import Contact, { MinimalContactProperties } from '../models/contact.js' import client from '../services/cdav.js' import parseVcf from '../services/parseVcf.js' const addressbookModel = { id: '', displayName: '', enabled: true, owner: '', shares: [], contacts: {}, url: '', readOnly: false, dav: false, } const state = { addressbooks: [], } /** * map a dav collection to our addressbook object model * * @param {object} addressbook the addressbook object from the cdav library * @return {object} */ export function mapDavCollectionToAddressbook(addressbook) { return { // get last part of url id: addressbook.url.split('/').slice(-2, -1)[0], displayName: addressbook.displayname, enabled: addressbook.enabled !== false, owner: addressbook.owner, readOnly: addressbook.readOnly === true, url: addressbook.url, dav: addressbook, shares: addressbook.shares ? addressbook.shares.map(sharee => Object.assign({}, mapDavShareeToSharee(sharee))) : [], } } /** * map a dav collection to our addressbook object model * * @param {object} sharee the sharee object from the cdav library shares * @return {object} */ export function mapDavShareeToSharee(sharee) { const id = sharee.href.split('/').slice(-1)[0] const name = sharee['common-name'] ? sharee['common-name'] : id return { displayName: name, id, writeable: sharee.access[0].endsWith('read-write'), isGroup: sharee.href.startsWith('principal:principals/groups/'), uri: sharee.href, } } const mutations = { /** * Add addressbook into state * * @param {object} state the store data * @param {object} addressbook the addressbook to add */ addAddressbook(state, addressbook) { // extend the addressbook to the default model const newAddressbook = Object.assign({}, addressbookModel, addressbook) // force reinit of the contacts object to prevent // data passed as references newAddressbook.contacts = {} state.addressbooks.push(newAddressbook) }, /** * Delete addressbook * * @param {object} state the store data * @param {object} addressbook the addressbook to delete */ deleteAddressbook(state, addressbook) { state.addressbooks.splice(state.addressbooks.indexOf(addressbook), 1) }, /** * Toggle whether a Addressbook is Enabled * * @param {object} context the store mutations * @param {object} addressbook the addressbook to toggle */ toggleAddressbookEnabled(context, addressbook) { addressbook = state.addressbooks.find(search => search.id === addressbook.id) addressbook.enabled = !addressbook.enabled }, /** * Rename a Addressbook * * @param {object} context the store mutations * @param {object} data destructuring object * @param {object} data.addressbook the addressbook to rename * @param {string} data.newName the new name of the addressbook */ renameAddressbook(context, { addressbook, newName }) { addressbook = state.addressbooks.find(search => search.id === addressbook.id) addressbook.displayName = newName }, /** * Append a list of contacts to an addressbook * and remove duplicates * * @param {object} state the store data * @param {object} data destructuring object * @param {object} data.addressbook the addressbook to add the contacts to * @param {Contact[]} data.contacts array of contacts to append */ appendContactsToAddressbook(state, { addressbook, contacts }) { addressbook = state.addressbooks.find(search => search.id === addressbook.id) // convert list into an array and remove duplicate addressbook.contacts = contacts.reduce((list, contact) => { if (list[contact.uid]) { console.info('Duplicate contact overrided', list[contact.uid], contact) } Vue.set(list, contact.uid, contact) return list }, addressbook.contacts) }, /** * Add a contact to an addressbook and overwrite if duplicate uid * * @param {object} state the store data * @param {Contact} contact the contact to add */ addContactToAddressbook(state, contact) { const addressbook = state.addressbooks.find(search => search.id === contact.addressbook.id) Vue.set(addressbook.contacts, contact.uid, contact) }, /** * Delete a contact in a specified addressbook * * @param {object} state the store data * @param {Contact} contact the contact to delete */ deleteContactFromAddressbook(state, contact) { const addressbook = state.addressbooks.find(search => search.id === contact.addressbook.id) Vue.delete(addressbook.contacts, contact.uid) }, /** * Share addressbook with a user or group * * @param {object} state the store data * @param {object} data destructuring object * @param {object} data.addressbook the addressbook * @param {string} data.user the userId * @param {string} data.displayName the displayName * @param {string} data.uri the sharing principalScheme uri * @param {boolean} data.isGroup is this a group ? */ shareAddressbook(state, { addressbook, user, displayName, uri, isGroup }) { addressbook = state.addressbooks.find(search => search.id === addressbook.id) const newSharee = { displayName, id: user, writeable: false, isGroup, uri, } if (!addressbook.shares.some((share) => share.uri === uri)) { addressbook.shares.push(newSharee) } }, /** * Remove Sharee from addressbook shares list * * @param {object} state the store data * @param {object} data destructuring object * @param {object} data.addressbook the addressbook * @param {string} data.uri the sharee uri */ removeSharee(state, { addressbook, uri }) { addressbook = state.addressbooks.find(search => search.id === addressbook.id) const shareIndex = addressbook.shares.findIndex(sharee => sharee.uri === uri) addressbook.shares.splice(shareIndex, 1) }, /** * Toggle sharee's writable permission * * @param {object} state the store data * @param {object} data destructuring object * @param {object} data.addressbook the addressbook * @param {string} data.uri the sharee uri */ updateShareeWritable(state, { addressbook, uri }) { addressbook = state.addressbooks.find(search => search.id === addressbook.id) const sharee = addressbook.shares.find(sharee => sharee.uri === uri) sharee.writeable = !sharee.writeable }, } const getters = { getAddressbooks: state => state.addressbooks, } const actions = { /** * Retrieve and commit addressbooks * * @param {object} context the store mutations * @return {object[]} the addressbooks */ async getAddressbooks(context) { const addressbooks = await client.addressBookHomes[0] .findAllAddressBooks() .then(addressbooks => { return addressbooks.map(addressbook => { // formatting addressbooks return mapDavCollectionToAddressbook(addressbook) }) }) addressbooks.forEach(addressbook => { context.commit('addAddressbook', addressbook) }) return addressbooks }, /** * Append a new address book to array of existing address books * * @param {object} context the store mutations * @param {object} addressbook The address book to append * @return {Promise} */ async appendAddressbook(context, addressbook) { return client.addressBookHomes[0] .createAddressBookCollection(addressbook.displayName) .then((response) => { addressbook = mapDavCollectionToAddressbook(response) context.commit('addAddressbook', addressbook) }) .catch((error) => { throw error }) }, /** * Delete Addressbook * * @param {object} context the store mutations Current context * @param {object} addressbook the addressbool to delete * @return {Promise} */ async deleteAddressbook(context, addressbook) { return addressbook.dav .delete() .then((response) => { // delete all the contacts from the store that belong to this addressbook Object.values(addressbook.contacts) .forEach(contact => context.commit('deleteContact', contact)) // then delete the addressbook context.commit('deleteAddressbook', addressbook) }) .catch((error) => { throw error }) }, /** * Toggle whether a Addressbook is Enabled * * @param {object} context the store mutations Current context * @param {object} addressbook the addressbook to toggle * @return {Promise} */ async toggleAddressbookEnabled(context, addressbook) { addressbook.dav.enabled = !addressbook.enabled return addressbook.dav .update() .then((response) => { context.commit('toggleAddressbookEnabled', addressbook) if (addressbook.enabled && Object.values(addressbook.contacts).length === 0) { context.dispatch('getContactsFromAddressBook', { addressbook }) } }) .catch((error) => { throw error }) }, /** * Rename a Addressbook * * @param {object} context the store mutations Current context * @param {object} data.addressbook the addressbook to rename * @param {string} data.newName the new name of the addressbook * @param data.addressbook.addressbook * @param data.addressbook.newName * @return {Promise} */ async renameAddressbook(context, { addressbook, newName }) { addressbook.dav.displayname = newName return addressbook.dav .update() .then((response) => context.commit('renameAddressbook', { addressbook, newName })) .catch((error) => { throw error }) }, /** * Retrieve the contacts of the specified addressbook * and commit the results * * @param {object} context the store mutations * @param {object} importDetails = { vcf, addressbook } * @param importDetails.addressbook * @return {Promise} */ async getContactsFromAddressBook(context, { addressbook }) { return addressbook.dav .findAllAndFilterBySimpleProperties(MinimalContactProperties) .then((response) => { // We don't want to lose the url information // so we need to parse one by one let failed = 0 const contacts = response .reduce((contacts, item) => { try { const contact = new Contact(item.data, addressbook) Vue.set(contact, 'dav', item) contacts.push(contact) } catch (error) { // PARSING FAILED console.error('Error reading contact', item.url, item.data) console.error(error) failed++ } return contacts }, []) if (failed > 0) { showError(n( 'contacts', '{failed} contact failed to be read', '{failed} contacts failed to be read', failed, { failed } )) } context.commit('appendContactsToAddressbook', { addressbook, contacts }) context.commit('appendContacts', contacts) context.commit('extractGroupsFromContacts', contacts) context.commit('sortContacts') return contacts }) .catch((error) => { // unrecoverable error, if no contacts were loaded, // remove the addressbook // TODO: create a failed addressbook state and show that there was an issue? context.commit('deleteAddressbook', addressbook) console.error(error) }) }, /** * * @param {object} context the store mutations * @param {object} importDetails = { vcf, addressbook } * @param importDetails.vcf * @param importDetails.addressbook */ async importContactsIntoAddressbook(context, { vcf, addressbook }) { const contacts = parseVcf(vcf, addressbook) context.commit('changeStage', 'importing') // max simultaneous requests const limit = pLimit(3) const requests = [] // create the array of requests to send contacts.map(async contact => { console.info(contact) // Get vcard string try { const vData = contact.toStringStripQuotes() // push contact to server and use limit requests.push(limit(() => contact.addressbook.dav.createVCard(vData) .then((response) => { // setting the contact dav property Vue.set(contact, 'dav', response) // success, update store context.commit('addContact', contact) context.commit('addContactToAddressbook', contact) context.commit('extractGroupsFromContacts', [contact]) context.commit('incrementAccepted') }) .catch((error) => { // error context.commit('incrementDenied') console.error(error) }) )) } catch (e) { context.commit('incrementDenied') } }) Promise.all(requests).then(() => { context.commit('changeStage', 'done') }) }, /** * Remove sharee from Addressbook * * @param {object} context the store mutations Current context * @param {object} data destructuring object * @param {object} data.addressbook the addressbook * @param {string} data.uri the sharee uri */ async removeSharee(context, { addressbook, uri }) { try { await addressbook.dav.unshare(uri) context.commit('removeSharee', { addressbook, uri }) } catch (error) { console.error(error) throw error } }, /** * Toggle permissions of Addressbook Sharees writeable rights * * @param {object} context the store mutations Current context * @param {object} data destructuring object * @param {object} data.addressbook the addressbook * @param {string} data.uri the sharee uri * @param {boolean} data.writeable the sharee permission */ async toggleShareeWritable(context, { addressbook, uri, writeable }) { try { await addressbook.dav.share(uri, writeable) context.commit('updateShareeWritable', { addressbook, uri, writeable }) } catch (error) { console.error(error) throw error } }, /** * Share Adressbook with User or Group * * @param {object} context the store mutations Current context * @param {object} data.addressbook the addressbook * @param {string} data.user the userId * @param {string} data.displayName the displayName * @param {string} data.uri the sharing principalScheme uri * @param {boolean} data.isGroup is this a group ? * @param data.addressbook.addressbook * @param data.addressbook.user * @param data.addressbook.displayName * @param data.addressbook.uri * @param data.addressbook.isGroup */ async shareAddressbook(context, { addressbook, user, displayName, uri, isGroup }) { // Share addressbook with entered group or user try { await addressbook.dav.share(uri) context.commit('shareAddressbook', { addressbook, user, displayName, uri, isGroup }) } catch (error) { console.error(error) throw error } }, /** * Move a contact to the provided addressbook * * @param {object} context the store mutations * @param {object} data destructuring object * @param {Contact} data.contact the contact to move * @param {object} data.addressbook the addressbook to move the contact to * @return {Contact} the new contact object */ async moveContactToAddressbook(context, { contact, addressbook }) { // only local move if the contact doesn't exists on the server if (contact.dav) { try { await contact.dav.move(addressbook.dav) } catch (error) { console.error(error) throw error } } await context.commit('deleteContactFromAddressbook', contact) await context.commit('updateContactAddressbook', { contact, addressbook }) await context.commit('addContactToAddressbook', contact) return contact }, /** * Copy a contact to the provided addressbook * * @param {object} context the store mutations * @param {object} data destructuring object * @param {Contact} data.contact the contact to copy * @param {object} data.addressbook the addressbook to move the contact to * @return {Contact} the new contact object */ async copyContactToAddressbook(context, { contact, addressbook }) { // init new contact & strip old uid const vData = contact.vCard.toString().replace(/^UID.+/im, '') const newContact = new Contact(vData, addressbook) try { const response = await contact.dav.copy(addressbook.dav) // setting the contact dav property Vue.set(newContact, 'dav', response) } catch (error) { console.error(error) throw error } // success, update store await context.commit('addContact', newContact) await context.commit('addContactToAddressbook', newContact) return newContact }, } export default { state, mutations, getters, actions }