{ "translations": { "Details" : "详情", "All contacts" : "全部联系人", "Contacts" : "联系人", "A contacts app for Nextcloud" : "适用于 Nextcloud 的联系人应用", "The Nextcloud contacts app is a user interface for Nextcloud's CardDAV server. Easily sync contacts from various devices with your Nextcloud and edit them online.\n\n* 🚀 **Integration with other Nextcloud apps!** Currently Mail and Calendar – more to come.\n* 🎉 **Never forget a birthday!** You can sync birthdays and other recurring events with your Nextcloud Calendar.\n* 👥 **Sharing of Adressbooks!** You want to share your contacts with your friends or coworkers? No problem!\n* 🙈 **We’re not reinventing the wheel!** Based on the great and open SabreDAV library." : "“日历”是 Nextcloud CalDav 服务器的一个用户界面应用。通过使用此应用,您可以在不同的设备上同步您的活动并进行在线编辑。\n\n* 🚀 **集成了其他的 Nextcloud 应用!** 现在仅仅集成了联系人功能 - 将来将会集成更多。\n* 🌐 **支持WebCal!** 想要在您的日历上看到您最喜爱的球队的比赛时间?没问题!\n* 🙋 **参与人功能!** 邀请他人参与您的活动。\n* 🙈 **我们不是在做无用功!** 基于出色的 [davclient.js](https://github.com/evert/davclient.js), [ical.js](https://github.com/mozilla-comm/ical.js) 和 [fullcalendar](https://github.com/fullcalendar/fullcalendar) 库开发.", "Copy to full name" : "复制到全名", "Omit year" : "忽略年份", "Allow updating avatars from social media" : "允许从社交媒体资料更新头像", "Please select a circle" : "请选择一个圈子", "Loading circle …" : "正在加载圈子 ...", "Your request to join this circle is pending approval" : "你加入这个圈子的请求正在等待批准 ", "You are not a member of {circle}" : "你并非 {circle} 的成员", "There was an error fetching the member list" : "获取成员列表时发生一个错误", "Loading contacts …" : "加载联系人…", "There are no contacts yet" : "尚无联系人", "Create contact" : "创建联系人", "There are no contacts in this group" : "该群组中没有联系人", "Create contacts" : "新建联系人", "Add contacts" : "添加联系人", "Loading …" : "正在加载…", "Add member" : "添加成员", "Leave circle" : "离开圈子", "Delete circle" : "删除圈子", "Contacts settings" : "联系人设置", "General settings" : "一般设置", "Update avatars from social media" : "从社交媒体更新头像", "(refreshed once per week)" : "(每周刷新)", "Address books" : "通讯录", "Download" : "下载", "Send email" : "发送邮件", "Circles" : "圈子", "Create a new circle" : "新建一个圈子", "Show all groups" : "显示所有小组", "Collapse groups" : "折叠小组", "Show all circles" : "显示所有圈子", "Collapse circles" : "折叠圈子", "This group already exists" : "该群组已存在", "This circle already exists" : "这个圈子已经存在", "An error happened during the creation of the circle" : "创建圈子时发生一个错误", "Rename" : "重命名", "Enabled" : "已启用", "Delete" : "删除", "Copied" : "已复制", "Cannot copy" : "无法复制", "Copy link" : "复制链接", "Toggling of address book was not successful" : "通讯录切换不成功", "This will delete the address book and every contacts within it" : "这将删除通讯录和其中的每个联系人", "Delete {addressbook}?" : "删除 {addressbook} ?", "Deletion of address book was not successful." : "通讯录删除不成功", "Renaming of address book was not successful." : "通讯录重命名不成功", "_Shared with {num} entity_::_Shared with {num} entities_" : ["与 {num} 个实体共享"], "Share with users or groups" : "和用户或者组群共享", "No users or groups" : "无用户或群组", "can edit" : "可编辑", "Unable to delete the share" : "无法删除共享", "Unable to change permissions" : "无法更改权限", "Import contacts" : "导入联系人", "Import into the {addressbookName} address book" : "导入 {addressbookName} 通讯录", "Select local file" : "选择本地文件", "Import from Files" : "从文件导入", "Importing is disabled because there are no address books available" : "导入已被禁用,因为没有可用的地址簿", "Choose a vCard file to import" : "选择要导入的 vCard(电子名片) 文件", "Add new address book" : "添加新通讯录", "An error occurred, unable to create the address book" : "发生错误,无法创建通讯录", "First name" : "名", "Last name" : "姓", "Phonetic first name" : "语音名字", "Phonetic last name" : "语音姓氏", "Display name" : "显示名称", "Last modified" : "上一次更改", "Sort by {sorting}" : "以 {sorting} 排序", "Manages" : "管理", "Oversees" : "监督", "An error happened during the config change" : "更改配置时发生一个错误", "Password protection" : "密码保护", "Enforce password protection on files shared to this circle" : "对分享到该圈子中的文件强制使用密码保护", "Use a unique password for all shares to this circle" : "对分享到该圈子中的文件使用独一无二的密码", "Unique password …" : "独一无二的密码 …", "Save" : "保存", "Change unique password" : "修改独一无二的密码", "Failed to save password. Please try again later." : "保存密码失败。请稍后重试。", "Circle name" : "圈子名称", "Circle owned by {owner}" : "圈子所有者为 {owner}", "Request to join" : "请求加入", "Description" : "描述", "There is no description for this circle" : "这个圈子没有描述", "Enter a description for the circle" : "为这个圈子输入一个描述", "An error happened during description sync" : "描述同步期间发生一个错误", "An error happened during name sync" : "名称同步期间发生了一个错误", "Add new property" : "新增属性", "Choose property type" : "选择属性类型", "Upload a new picture" : "上传一张新的图片", "Choose from Files" : "从文件中选择", "Get from " : "获取自", "Download picture" : "下载图片", "Delete picture" : "删除图片", "Invalid image" : "无效的图像", "Image is too big (max 1MB)." : "图片过大(最大1MB)", "Pick an avatar" : "选择一个头像", "Error while processing the picture." : "处理图片时出错。", "Avatar downloaded from social network" : "已从社交媒体下载头像", "Avatar already up to date" : "头像已是最新", "Avatar download failed" : "头像下载失败", "No contact selected" : "请选择联系人", "Select a contact on the list to begin" : "请先在列表里选择联系人", "Name" : "名称", "Company" : "公司", "Title" : "头衔", "This contact was broken and received a fix. Please review the content and click here to save it." : "此联系人已损坏但接收到了一个修复。请查看内容并点击这里以保存它。", "Clone contact" : "克隆联系人", "Generate QR Code" : "生成二维码", "Contact vCard as QR code" : "联系人名片作为二维码", "Pick an address book" : "选择一个地址簿", "Select address book" : "选择地址簿", "Cancel" : "取消", "This contact is not yet synced. Edit it to save it to the server." : "此联系人尚未同步。 编辑它以将其保存到服务器。", "This contact is in read-only mode. You do not have permission to edit this contact." : "此联系人处于只读模式。 您无权编辑此联系人。", "The contact you were trying to edit has changed. Please manually refresh the contact. Any further edits will be discarded." : "您尝试编辑的联系人已更改。 请手动刷新联系人。 任何进一步的编辑都不会被保存。", "Address book" : "地址簿", "Add contact to Birthday Calendar" : "添加联系人到生日日历", "Exclude contact from Birthday Calendar" : "从生日日历中排除联系人", "New contact" : "新建联系人", "Syntax error. Cannot open the contact." : "语法错误。不能打开联系人。", "Unable to retrieve the contact from the server, please check your network connection." : "无法从服务器取回联系人,请检查你的网络连接。", "An error occurred while trying to move the contact" : "尝试移动联系人时出错", "An error occurred while trying to copy the contact" : "尝试复制联系人时出错", "Search contacts …" : "搜索联系人 …", "Add to {group}" : "添加到 {group}", "Remove {type}" : "移除 {type}", "Search {types}" : "搜索 {types}", "Search for people to add" : "搜索要添加的人", "No results" : "无结果", "Add to group" : "添加到群组", "Add {type}" : "添加 {type}", "New circle name" : "新的圈子名称", "Personal circle" : "个人圈子", "This circle will only be visible to you. Other members will not be able to see or use it." : "这个圈子仅对你可见。其他成员无法看见或使用它", "Local circle" : "本地圈子", "This circle will not be shared with the other instances of the global scale" : "这个圈子不会与 GlobalScale 的其他实例共享 ", "Create circle" : "创建圈子", "Loading members list …" : "加载成员列表中 ...", "The list of members is only visible to members of this circle" : "成员列表仅对这个圈子的成员可见", "Add members" : "添加成员", "Show circle details" : "显示圈子详情", "Add to {circle}" : "添加到 {circle}", "Unable to get the recommendations list" : "无法获取推荐列表", "Unable to get the results" : "无法获得结果", "Some members could not be added" : "无法添加一些成员", "There was an issue adding members to the circle" : "添加成员到这个圈子时出错", "Accept membership request" : "接受成员身份请求", "Reject membership request" : "拒绝成员身份请求", "Manage level" : "管理级别", "Remove member" : "删除成员", "Pending" : "待定", "Promote as sole owner" : "提升为唯一所有人", "Promote to {level}" : "提升为 {level}", "Demote to {level}" : "降级为 {level}", "Could not delete the member {displayName}" : "无法删除成员 {displayName}", "Could not change the member level to {level}" : "无法更改成员级别到 {level}", "Could not accept membership request" : "无法接受成员身份请求", "Chart" : "图表", "Select chart …" : "选择图表 …", "Select type" : "选择类型", "Select Date" : "选择日期", "Add contact in group" : "添加联系人到群组", "Select option" : "选择选项", "Unable to create the contact." : "未能成功创建联系人。", "Contact not found" : "未找到联系人", "Group {group} not found" : "未找到小组 {group} ", "Close" : "关闭", "_{success} contact added to {name}_::_{success} contacts added to {name}_" : ["{success} 位联系人已添加到 {name}"], "_Adding {success} contact to {name}_::_Adding {success} contacts to {name}_" : ["正在添加 {success} 位联系人到 {name}"], "_{count} error_::_{count} errors_" : ["{count} 个错误"], "_Importing %n contact into {addressbook}_::_Importing %n contacts into {addressbook}_" : ["正在导入 %n 个联系人到 {addressbook}"], "_Done importing %n contact into {addressbook}_::_Done importing %n contacts into {addressbook}_" : ["已将 %n 个联系人导入到 {addressbook}"], "Import" : "导入", "Could not copy" : "无法复制", "Join circle" : "加入圈子", "You are about to leave {circle}.\nAre you sure?" : "你即将离开 {circle}\n确定吗?", "Please confirm circle leave" : "请确认退圈", "Could not leave the circle {displayName}" : "无法离开圈子 {displayName}", "Unable to join the circle" : "无法加入这个圈子", "You are about to delete {circle}.\nAre you sure?" : "你即将删除 {circle}\n确定吗?", "Please confirm circle deletion" : "请确认删除操作", "Unable to delete the circle" : "无法删除圈子", "Link copied to the clipboard" : "链接已复制到剪贴板", "Could not copy link to the clipboard." : "无法复制链接到剪贴板", "Not grouped" : "未分组", "Recently contacted" : "最近联系", "Organization chart" : "组织图", "Circles allow you to create groups with other users on a Nextcloud instance and share with them." : "Circles 允许你在 Nextcloud 实例上与其他用户创建组并与他们分享。", "Circle" : "圈子", "User" : "用户", "Group" : "小组", "Email" : "电子邮件", "Contact" : "联系", "Member" : "成员", "Moderator" : "版主", "Admin" : "管理员", "Owner" : "所有者", "Invites" : "邀请", "Anyone can request membership" : "任何人均可请求成员资格", "Members need to accept invitation" : "成员需要接受邀请", "Memberships must be confirmed/accepted by a Moderator (requires Open)" : "成员资格必须由一名版主进行确认/接受 (需要开放)", "Members can also invite" : "成员也可以进行邀请", "Visibility" : "可见性", "Visible to everyone" : "对所有人可见", "Circle membership" : "圈子成员资格", "Prevent circle from being a member of another circle" : "防止圈子成为另一个圈子的成员", "Users" : "用户", "Nickname" : "昵称", "Detailed name" : "全名", "Additional names" : "其他名称", "Prefix" : "前缀", "Suffix" : "后缀", "Notes" : "说明", "Website" : "网站", "Location" : "地点", "Federated Cloud ID" : "联合云 ID", "Home" : "家庭", "Work" : "工作", "Other" : "其它", "Address" : "地址", "Post office box" : "邮政信箱", "Extended address" : "附加地址", "City" : "城市", "State or province" : "州/省", "Postal code" : "邮政编码", "Country" : "国家", "Birthday" : "生日", "Anniversary" : "周年", "Date of death" : "去世日期", "Instant messaging" : "即时通讯", "Phone" : "电话", "Mobile" : "手机", "Work mobile" : "工作电话", "Home mobile" : "家庭移动电话", "Fax" : "传真", "Fax home" : "家庭传真", "Fax work" : "工作传真", "Pager" : "传呼机", "Voice" : "语音", "Car" : "车", "Work pager" : "工作传呼机", "Manager" : "经理", "Social network" : "社交网络", "Relationship to you" : "和您的关系", "Spouse" : "配偶", "Child" : "子女", "Mother" : "母亲", "Father" : "父亲", "Parent" : "父母", "Brother" : "兄弟", "Sister" : "姐妹", "Relative" : "关系", "Friend" : "朋友", "Colleague" : "同事", "Assistant" : "助理", "Related contacts" : "相关联系人", "Agent" : "代理", "Emergency" : "紧急", "Co-worker" : "同事", "Gender" : "性别", "Female" : "女性", "Male" : "男性", "None" : "无", "Unknown" : "未知", "Time zone" : "时区", "Spoken languages" : "口语", "_{failed} contact failed to be read_::_{failed} contacts failed to be read_" : ["{failed} 个联系人读取失败"], "Unable to create circle {circleName}" : "无法创建圈子 {circleName}", "Unable to delete circle {circleId}" : "无法删除圈子 {circleId}", "Unable to delete contact" : "无法删除联系人" },"pluralForm" :"nplurals=1; plural=0;" }