{ "translations": { "Details" : "Detaljer", "All contacts" : "Alla kontakter", "Contacts" : "Kontakter", "A contacts app for Nextcloud" : "En kontakt-app för Nextcloud", "The Nextcloud contacts app is a user interface for Nextcloud's CardDAV server. Easily sync contacts from various devices with your Nextcloud and edit them online.\n\n* 🚀 **Integration with other Nextcloud apps!** Currently Mail and Calendar – more to come.\n* 🎉 **Never forget a birthday!** You can sync birthdays and other recurring events with your Nextcloud Calendar.\n* đŸ‘„ **Sharing of Adressbooks!** You want to share your contacts with your friends or coworkers? No problem!\n* 🙈 **We’re not reinventing the wheel!** Based on the great and open SabreDAV library." : "Nextclouds kontakt-app Ă€r ett grĂ€nssnitt för Nextclouds CardDAV-server. Synkronisera enkelt kontakter mellan olika apparater och ditt Nextcloud och redigera dem online.\n\n* 🚀 **Integration med andra Nextcloud-appar!** För nĂ€rvarande E-post och Kalendrar – fler Ă€r pĂ„ gĂ„ng.\n* 🎉 **Glöm inte en födelsedag!** Du kan synkronisera födelsedagar och andra Ă„terkommande hĂ€ndelser med din Nextcloud-kalender.\n* đŸ‘„ **Dela adressböcker!** Vill du dela kontakter med dina vĂ€nner eller kollegor? Inga problem!\n* 🙈 **Vi uppfinner inte hjulet igen!** Kontakter Ă€r baserat pĂ„ det utmĂ€rkta och öppna SabreDAV-biblioteket.", "Copy to full name" : "Kopiera till fullstĂ€ndigt namn", "Omit year" : "UtelĂ€mna Ă„r", "Allow updating avatars from social media" : "TillĂ„t uppdatering av profilbilder frĂ„n sociala nĂ€tverk", "Please select a circle" : "VĂ€lj en cirkel", "Loading circle 
" : "Laddar cirkel 
", "Your request to join this circle is pending approval" : "Din begĂ€ran att ansluta till denna cirkel invĂ€ntar godkĂ€nnande", "You are not a member of {circle}" : "Du Ă€r inte med i {circle}", "There was an error fetching the member list" : "Ett fel intrĂ€ffade nĂ€r medlemslistan hĂ€mtades", "Loading contacts 
" : "Laddar kontakter ...", "There are no contacts yet" : "Det finns inga kontakter Ă€nnu", "Create contact" : "Skapa kontakt", "There are no contacts in this group" : "Det finns inga kontakter i denna grupp", "Create contacts" : "Skapa kontakter", "Add contacts" : "LĂ€gg till kontakter", "Loading 
" : "LĂ€ser in ...", "Add member" : "LĂ€gg till medlem", "Leave circle" : "LĂ€mna cirkel", "Delete circle" : "Radera cirkel", "Contacts settings" : "KontaktinstĂ€llningar", "General settings" : "AllmĂ€nna instĂ€llningar", "Update avatars from social media" : "Uppdatera avatarer frĂ„n sociala medier", "(refreshed once per week)" : "(uppdateras en gĂ„ng i veckan)", "Address books" : "Adressböcker", "Export" : "Exportera", "Send email" : "Skicka e-post", "Send email as BCC" : "Skicka e-post som BCC", "Contact groups" : "Kontaktgrupper", "Create a new contact group" : "Skapa en ny kontaktgrupp", "Contact group name" : "Namn pĂ„ kontaktgrupp", "Circles" : "Cirklar", "Create a new circle" : "Skapa en ny cirkel", "Show all groups" : "Visa alla grupper", "Collapse groups" : "Dölj grupper", "Show all circles" : "Visa alla cirklar", "Collapse circles" : "Dölj cirklar", "This group already exists" : "Denna grupp existerar redan", "This circle already exists" : "Cirkeln finns redan", "An error happened during the creation of the circle" : "Ett fel intrĂ€ffade nĂ€r cirkeln skapades", "{addressbookname} (Disabled)" : "{addressbookname} (Inaktiverad)", "Download" : "HĂ€mta", "Show" : "Visa", "Rename" : "Byt namn", "Delete" : "Ta bort", "Copied" : "Kopierad", "Cannot copy" : "Kan inte kopieria", "Copy link" : "Kopiera lĂ€nk", "Toggling of address book was not successful" : "VĂ€xling av adressbok lyckades inte", "This will delete the address book and every contacts within it" : "Detta tar bort adressboken och alla kontakter i den", "Delete {addressbook}?" : "Vill du radera {addressbook}?", "Deletion of address book was not successful." : "Radering av adressboken lyckades inte.", "Renaming of address book was not successful." : "Namnbyte av adressboken lyckades inte.", "_%n contact_::_%n contacts_" : ["%n kontakt","%n kontakter"], "_%n group_::_%n groups_" : ["%n grupp","%n grupper"], "_Shared with {num} entity_::_Shared with {num} entities_" : ["Delad med {num} enhet","Delad med {num} enheter"], "Share with users or groups" : "Dela med anvĂ€ndare eller grupper", "Share with users" : "Dela med anvĂ€ndare", "No users or groups" : "Inga anvĂ€ndare eller grupper", "can edit" : "kan redigera", "Unable to delete the share" : "Kunde inte radera delningen", "Unable to change permissions" : "Kunde inte Ă€ndra behörigheter", "Import contacts" : "Importera kontakter", "Import into the {addressbookName} address book" : "Importera till adressboken {addressbookName}", "Select local file" : "VĂ€lj lokal fil", "Import from files" : "Importera frĂ„n filer", "Importing is disabled because there are no address books available" : "Importering Ă€r inaktiverat eftersom att det inte finns nĂ„gra adressböcker tillgĂ€ngliga", "Choose a vCard file to import" : "VĂ€lj en vCard-fil att importera", "Add new address book" : "LĂ€gg till ny adressbok", "An error occurred, unable to create the address book" : "Ett fel uppstod, kunde inte skapa adressboken", "First name" : "Förnamn", "Last name" : "Efternamn", "Phonetic first name" : "Fonetiskt förnamn", "Phonetic last name" : "Fonetiskt efternamn", "Display name" : "Visningsnamn", "Last modified" : "Senast Ă€ndrad", "Sort by {sorting}" : "Sortera efter {sorting}", "Manages" : "Leder", "Oversees" : "Har uppsikt över", "An error happened during the config change" : "Ett fel uppstod vid instĂ€llningsĂ€ndringen", "Password protection" : "Lösenordsskydd", "Enforce password protection on files shared to this circle" : "PĂ„tvinga lösenordsskydd pĂ„ filer som delas med denna cirkel", "Use a unique password for all shares to this circle" : "AnvĂ€nd ett unikt lösenord för alla delningar till denna cirkel", "Unique password 
" : "Unikt lösenord 
", "Save" : "Spara", "Change unique password" : "Ändra unikt lösenord", "Failed to save password. Please try again later." : "Misslyckades att lagra lösenord. Försök igen senare.", "Circle name" : "Cirkelnamn", "Circle owned by {owner}" : "Cirkel Ă€gs av {owner}", "Request to join" : "MedlemsförfrĂ„gan", "Description" : "Beskrivning", "There is no description for this circle" : "Det finns ingen beskrivning för denna cirkel", "Enter a description for the circle" : "Ange en beskrivningtext för cirkeln", "An error happened during description sync" : "Ett fel intrĂ€ffade vid avstĂ€mning av beskrivningstext", "An error happened during name sync" : "Ett fel intrĂ€ffade vid avstĂ€mning av namn", "Add more info" : "LĂ€gg till mer information", "More fields" : "Fler fĂ€lt", "Crop contact photo" : "BeskĂ€r kontaktfoto", "Cancel" : "Avbryt", "Upload a new picture" : "Ladda upp en ny bild", "Choose from Files" : "VĂ€lj frĂ„n Filer", "Get from " : "HĂ€mta frĂ„n", "Download picture" : "HĂ€mta bild", "Delete picture" : "Ta bort bild", "Please select a valid format" : "VĂ€lj ett giltigt format", "Invalid image" : "Ogiltig bild", "Error cropping picture" : "Det gick inte att beskĂ€ra bilden", "Pick an avatar" : "VĂ€lj en avatar", "Error while processing the picture." : "Fel vid bearbetning av bilden.", "Avatar downloaded from social network" : "Avatar hĂ€mtades frĂ„n socialt nĂ€tverk", "Avatar already up to date" : "Avatar Ă€r redan den aktuella", "Avatar download failed" : "Avatar misslyckades att hĂ€mtas", "No contact selected" : "Ingen kontakt vald", "Select a contact on the list to begin" : "VĂ€lj en kontakt i listan för att börja", "Name" : "Namn", "Title" : "Titel", "Company" : "Företag", "This contact was broken and received a fix. Please review the content and click here to save it." : "Denna kontakt var felaktig och Ă„tgĂ€rdades. Granska innehĂ„llet och klicka hĂ€r för att spara det.", "Edit" : "Redigera", "Clone contact" : "Klona kontakt", "Generate QR Code" : "Generera QR-kod", "Contact vCard as QR code" : "Kontaktens vCard som QR-kod", "Pick an address book" : "VĂ€lj en adressbok", "Select address book" : "VĂ€lj adressbok", "Go to talk conversation" : "GĂ„ till Talk-konversation", "View profile" : "Visa profil", "This contact is in read-only mode. You do not have permission to edit this contact." : "Den hĂ€r kontakten Ă€r skrivskyddad. Du har inte behörighet att redigera den hĂ€r kontakten.", "The contact you were trying to edit has changed. Please manually refresh the contact. Any further edits will be discarded." : "Kontakten du försökte redigera har Ă€ndrats. Uppdatera kontakten manuellt. Eventuella ytterligare Ă€ndringar kommer att kasseras.", "Address book" : "Adressbok", "Add contact to Birthday Calendar" : "LĂ€gg till kontakt i födelsedagskalendern", "Exclude contact from Birthday Calendar" : "Uteslut kontakt frĂ„n födelsedagskalendern", "{title} at {organization}" : "{title} pĂ„ {organization}", "New contact" : "Ny kontakt", "Syntax error. Cannot open the contact." : "Syntaxfel. Kan inte öppna kontakten.", "The contact does not exist on the server anymore." : "Kontakten finns inte lĂ€ngre pĂ„ servern.", "Unable to retrieve the contact from the server, please check your network connection." : "Kan inte hĂ€mta kontakten frĂ„n servern, vĂ€nligen kontrollera nĂ€tverksanslutningen.", "An error occurred while trying to move the contact" : "Ett fel uppstod nĂ€r du försökte flytta kontakten", "An error occurred while trying to copy the contact" : "Ett fel uppstod vid försök att kopiera kontakten", "Unable to update contact" : "Det gick inte att uppdatera kontakten", "Search contacts 
" : "Sök kontakter ...", "Add to {group}" : "LĂ€gg till i {group}", "Remove {type}" : "Ta bort {type}", "Search {types}" : "Sök {types}", "Search for people to add" : "Sök efter personer att lĂ€gga till", "No results" : "Inga resultat", "Add to group" : "LĂ€gg till grupp", "Add {type}" : "LĂ€gg till {type}", "New circle name" : "Nytt namn pĂ„ cirkel", "Personal circle" : "Personlig cirkel", "This circle will only be visible to you. Other members will not be able to see or use it." : "Denna cirkel Ă€r enbart synlig för dig. Andra medlemmar kan inte se eller anvĂ€nda den.", "Local circle" : "Lokal cirkel", "This circle will not be shared with the other instances of the global scale" : "Denna cirkel kommer inte att delas med andra instanser pĂ„ den globala skalan", "Create circle" : "Skapa cirkel", "Loading members list 
" : "HĂ€mtar lista över medlemmar 
", "The list of members is only visible to members of this circle" : "Medlemslistan Ă€r bara synlig för cirkelns medlemmar", "You currently have no access to the member list" : "Du har för nĂ€rvarande inte tillgĂ„ng till medlemslistan", "Add members" : "LĂ€gg till medlemmar", "Show circle details" : "Visa information om cirkeln", "Add to {circle}" : "LĂ€gg till i {circle}", "Unable to get the recommendations list" : "Kunde inte hĂ€mta listan över rekommendationer", "Unable to get the results" : "Kunde inte hĂ€mta resultaten", "Some members could not be added" : "Vissa medlemmar kunde inte lĂ€ggas till", "There was an issue adding members to the circle" : "Misslyckades att lĂ€gga till medlemmar till cirkeln", "Accept membership request" : "Acceptera medlemsförfrĂ„gan", "Reject membership request" : "AvslĂ„ medlemsförfrĂ„gan", "Manage level" : "Hantera nivĂ„", "Remove member" : "Ta bort medlem", "Pending" : "VĂ€ntande", "Promote as sole owner" : "Gör till ensam Ă€gare", "Promote to {level}" : "Befordra till {level}", "Demote to {level}" : "Degradera till {level}", "Could not delete the member {displayName}" : "Kunde inte radera medlemmen {displayName}", "Could not change the member level to {level}" : "Kunde inte Ă€ndra medlemmens behörighet till {level}", "Could not accept membership request" : "Kunde inte godkĂ€nna medlemsskapsbegĂ€ran", "Chart" : "Diagram", "Select chart 
" : "VĂ€lj schema ...", "Select type" : "VĂ€lj typ", "Select Date" : "VĂ€lj datum", "Add contact in group" : "LĂ€gg till kontakt i grupp", "none" : "ingen", "Select option" : "VĂ€lj alternativ", "Add property of this type" : "LĂ€gg till egenskap av denna typ", "Unable to create the contact." : "Kunde inte skapa kontakten.", "Contact not found" : "Kontakt hittades inte", "Group {group} not found" : "Gruppen {group} hittades inte", "Close" : "StĂ€ng", "_{success} contact added to {name}_::_{success} contacts added to {name}_" : ["{success} kontakt tillagd till {name}","{success} kontakter tillagda till {name}"], "_Adding {success} contact to {name}_::_Adding {success} contacts to {name}_" : ["LĂ€gger till {success} kontakt till {name}","LĂ€gger till {success} kontakter till {name}"], "_{count} error_::_{count} errors_" : ["{count} fel","{count} fel"], "_Importing %n contact into {addressbook}_::_Importing %n contacts into {addressbook}_" : ["Importerar %n kontakt till {addressbook}","Importerar %n kontakter till {addressbook}"], "_Done importing %n contact into {addressbook}_::_Done importing %n contacts into {addressbook}_" : ["Klar med import av %n kontakt till {addressbook}","Klar med import av %n kontakter till {addressbook}"], "Import" : "Importera", "Could not copy" : "Kunde inte kopiera", "Join circle" : "GĂ„ med i crikel", "You are about to leave {circle}.\nAre you sure?" : "Du Ă€r pĂ„ vĂ€g att lĂ€mna {circle}.\nÄr du sĂ€ker?", "Please confirm circle leave" : "BekrĂ€fta uttrĂ€de ur cirkeln", "Could not leave the circle {displayName}" : "Kunde inte lĂ€mna cirkeln {displayName}", "Unable to join the circle" : "Kunde inte gĂ„ med i cirkeln", "You are about to delete {circle}.\nAre you sure?" : "Du Ă€r pĂ„ vĂ€g att radera {circle}.\nÄr du sĂ€ker?", "Please confirm circle deletion" : "BekrĂ€fta radering av cirkeln", "Unable to delete the circle" : "Kunde inte radera cirkeln", "Link copied to the clipboard" : "LĂ€nken har kopierats till urklipp", "Could not copy link to the clipboard." : "Kunde inte kopiera lĂ€nken till urklipp.", "Not grouped" : "Inte grupperad", "Recently contacted" : "Nyligen kontaktade", "Organization chart" : "Organisationsschema", "Circles are groups of people that you can create yourself and with whom you can share data. They can be made up of other accounts or groups of accounts of the Nextcloud instance, but also of contacts from your address book or even external people by simply entering their e-mail addresses." : "Cirklar Ă€r grupper av mĂ€nniskor som du kan skapa sjĂ€lv och som du kan dela data med. De kan bestĂ„ av andra konton eller grupper av konton frĂ„n Nextcloud, men ocksĂ„ av kontakter frĂ„n din adressbok eller till och med externa personer genom att helt enkelt ange deras e-postadresser.", "Circle" : "Cirkel", "User" : "AnvĂ€ndare", "Group" : "Grupp", "Email" : "E-post", "Contact" : "Kontakt", "Member" : "Medlem", "Moderator" : "Moderator", "Admin" : "Administratör", "Owner" : "Ägare", "Invites" : "Inbjudningar", "Anyone can request membership" : "Vem som helst kan begĂ€ra medlemskap", "Members need to accept invitation" : "Medlemmar mĂ„ste godkĂ€nna inbjudan", "Memberships must be confirmed/accepted by a Moderator (requires Open)" : "Medlemsskap mĂ„ste bekrĂ€ftas/godkĂ€nnas av en moderator (requires Open)", "Members can also invite" : "Medlemmar kan ocksĂ„ bjuda in", "Visibility" : "Synlighet", "Visible to everyone" : "Synlig för alla", "Circle membership" : "Cirkelmedlemmar", "Prevent circle from being a member of another circle" : "Förhindra cirkel frĂ„n att bli medlem av en annan cirkel", "Users" : "AnvĂ€ndare", "Email addresses" : "E-postadresser", "Detailed name" : "Detaljerat namn", "Additional names" : "Mellannamn", "Prefix" : "Prefix", "Suffix" : "Suffix", "Nickname" : "Smeknamn", "Notes" : "Anteckningar", "Website" : "Webbplats", "Location" : "Plats", "Federated Cloud ID" : "Federerat Moln-ID", "Home" : "Hem", "Work" : "Arbete", "Other" : "Övrigt", "Address" : "Adress", "Post office box" : "Postbox", "Extended address" : "Utökad adress", "City" : "Stad", "State or province" : "LĂ€n eller Kommun", "Postal code" : "Postnummer", "Country" : "Land", "Birthday" : "Födelsedag", "Anniversary" : "Jubileum", "Date of death" : "Dödsdag", "Instant messaging" : "Snabbmeddelanden", "Phone" : "Telefon", "Mobile" : "Mobil", "Work mobile" : "Mobil arbete", "Home mobile" : "Mobil hem", "Fax" : "Fax", "Fax home" : "Fax hem", "Fax work" : "Fax arbete", "Pager" : "Personsökare", "Voice" : "Röst", "Car" : "Bil", "Work pager" : "Personsökare Arbete", "Manager" : "Chef", "Social network" : "Socialt nĂ€tverk", "Relationship to you" : "Relation till dig", "Spouse" : "Make/Maka", "Child" : "Barn", "Mother" : "Mor", "Father" : "Far", "Parent" : "FörĂ€lder", "Brother" : "Bror", "Sister" : "Syster", "Relative" : "SlĂ€kting", "Friend" : "VĂ€n", "Colleague" : "Kollega", "Assistant" : "Assistent", "Related contacts" : "Förknippade kontakter", "Agent" : "Agent", "Emergency" : "Nödsituation", "Co-worker" : "Kollega", "Gender" : "Kön", "Female" : "Kvinna", "Male" : "Man", "None" : "Ingen", "Unknown" : "OkĂ€nd", "Time zone" : "Tidszon", "Spoken languages" : "Talade sprĂ„k", "_{failed} contact failed to be read_::_{failed} contacts failed to be read_" : ["{failed} kontakt kunde inte lĂ€sas","{failed} kontakter kunde inte lĂ€sas"], "An error has occurred in circle(s). Check the console for more details." : "Ett fel har uppstĂ„tt i cirklar. Kontrollera konsolen för mer information.", "Unable to create circle {circleName}" : "Kunde inte skapa cirkeln {circleName}", "Unable to delete circle {circleId}" : "Kunde inte radera cirkeln {circleId}", "Unable to delete contact" : "Kunde inte radera kontakten" },"pluralForm" :"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);" }