{ "translations": { "Contacts" : "Kontak", "Download" : "Unduh", "Delete" : "Hapus", "Share with users or groups" : "Bagi dengan pengguna atau grup", "can edit" : "dapat menyunting", "Address book name" : "Nama buku alamat", "The selected image is too big (max 1MB)" : "Gambar terpilih terlalu besar (maks 1MB)", "This card is corrupted and has been fixed. Please check the data and trigger a save to make the changes permanent." : "Kartu ini korup dan telah diperbaiki. Harap cek data dan picu simpan untuk membuat perubahan permanen.", "No contacts in here" : "Tidak ada kontak disini", "Name" : "Nama", "Organization" : "Organisasi", "Title" : "Judul", "Save changes" : "Simpan perubahan", "No search result for {query}" : "Tidak ada hasil untuk pencarian {query}", "All contacts" : "Semua kontak", "Post office box" : "PO BOX", "Postal code" : "Kode pos", "City" : "Kota", "State or province" : "Provinsi", "Country" : "Negara", "Address" : "Alamat", "(new group)" : "(grup baru)", "Last name" : "Nama belakang", "First name" : "Nama depan", "Additional names" : "Nama tambahan", "Prefix" : "Prefix", "Suffix" : "Suffix", "New contact" : "Kontak baru", "Not grouped" : "Tidak dikelompokkan", "Sort by" : "Urut berdasarkan", "{addressbook} shared by {owner}" : "{addressbook} dibagikan oleh {owner}", "Contact could not be created." : "Kontak tidak dapat dibuat.", "Display name" : "Nama tampilan", "Nickname" : "Nama panggilan", "Detailed name" : "Nama lengkap", "Notes" : "Catatan", "Website" : "Situs Web", "Federated Cloud ID" : "Federated Cloud ID", "Home" : "Depan", "Work" : "Kantor", "Other" : "Lainnya", "Groups" : "Grup", "Birthday" : "Tanggal lahir", "Anniversary" : "Ulang tahun", "Date of death" : "Tanggal kematian", "Email" : "Email", "Instant messaging" : "Pesan Instan", "Phone" : "Telpon", "Mobile" : "Ponsel", "Fax" : "Fax", "Fax home" : "Fax rumah", "Fax work" : "Fax kerja", "Pager" : "Pager", "Voice" : "Suara", "Social network" : "Media sosial", "Settings" : "Pengaturan" },"pluralForm" :"nplurals=1; plural=0;" }