{ "translations": { "Contacts" : "Contacts", "Details" : "DĂ©tails", "A contacts app for Nextcloud" : "Application contacts pour Nextcloud", "The Nextcloud contacts app is a user interface for Nextcloud's CardDAV server. Easily sync contacts from various devices with your Nextcloud and edit them online.\n\n* 🚀 **Integration with other Nextcloud apps!** Currently Mail and Calendar – more to come.\n* 🎉 **Never forget a birthday!** You can sync birthdays and other recurring events with your Nextcloud Calendar.\n* đŸ‘„ **Sharing of Adressbooks!** You want to share your contacts with your friends or coworkers? No problem!\n* 🙈 **We’re not reinventing the wheel!** Based on the great and open SabreDAV library." : "L'application de contacts Nextcloud est une interface utilisateur pour le serveur CardDAV de Nextcloud. Synchronisez facilement les contacts de divers appareils avec votre Nextcloud et modifiez-les en ligne.\n\n* 🚀 ** IntĂ©gration avec d'autres applications Nextcloud! ** Actuellement Mail et agenda - plus Ă  venir.\n* 🎉 ** N'oubliez jamais plus d'anniversaire! ** Vous pouvez synchroniser les anniversaires et autres Ă©vĂ©nements rĂ©currents avec votre agenda Nextcloud.\n* đŸ‘„ ** Partage de carnet d’adresses ! ** Vous souhaitez partager vos contacts avec vos amis ou vos collĂšgues? Aucun problĂšme!\n* 🙈 ** Nous ne rĂ©inventons pas la roue! ** BasĂ© sur la superbe bibliothĂšque ouverte SabreDAV.", "Select a contact on the list to begin" : "SĂ©lectionnez un contact dans la liste pour commencer", "This contact is not yet synced. Edit it to trigger a change." : "Ce contact n'est pas encore synchronisĂ©. Modifiez-le afin de lancer sa synchronisation.", "This contact is in read-only mode. You do not have permission to edit this contact." : "Ce contact est en lecture seule. Vous n'avez pas les droits pour modifier ce contact.", "The contact you were trying to edit has changed. Please manually refresh the contact. Any further edits will be discarded." : "Le contact que vous essayiez de modifier a changĂ©. Merci de rafraĂźchir manuellement le contact. Vos modifications seront abandonnĂ©es. ", "Download" : "TĂ©lĂ©charger", "Delete" : "Supprimer", "Addressbook" : "Carnet d'adresses", "New contact" : "Nouveau contact", "The contact doesn't exists anymore on the server." : "Le contact n'existe plus sur le serveur.", "Select Date" : "SĂ©lectionnez une date", "No results" : "Aucun rĂ©sultat", "Copy link" : "Copier le lien", "Copied" : "CopiĂ©", "Can not copy" : "Impossible de copier", "Rename" : "Renommer", "Enabled" : "ActivĂ©", "Disabled" : "DĂ©sactivĂ©", "Enabled toggle of addressbook was not successful." : "L'activation/dĂ©sactivation du carnet d'adresses Ă  Ă©chouĂ©.", "Deletion of addressbook was not successful." : "La suppression du carnet d'adresses a Ă©chouĂ©.", "Renaming of addressbook was not successful." : "Le renommage du carnet d'adresses Ă  Ă©chouĂ©.", "Addressbook copied to clipboard" : "Carnet d'adresses copiĂ© dans le presse-papier", "Addressbook was not copied to clipboard." : "Le carnet d'adresses n'a pas Ă©tĂ© copiĂ© dans le presse-papier.", "_Shared with {num} entity_::_Shared with {num} entities_" : ["PartagĂ© avec {num} entitĂ©","PartagĂ© avec {num} entitĂ©s"], "Share with users or groups" : "Partager avec des utilisateurs ou des groupes", "No users or groups" : "Aucun utilisateur ou groupe", "Unable to delete the share." : "Impossible de supprimer le partage.", "Unable to change permissions." : "Impossible de changer les droits.", "Importing into" : "Importer dans", "Import into" : "Importer vers", "An error occurred, unable to create the addressbook." : "Une erreur est survenue, impossible de crĂ©er le carnet d'adresses.", "First name" : "PrĂ©nom", "Last name" : "Nom", "All contacts" : "Tous les contacts", "Contact not found" : "Contact introuvable", "Nickname" : "Surnom", "Detailed name" : "Nom complet", "Additional names" : "Noms supplĂ©mentaires", "Prefix" : "PrĂ©fixe", "Suffix" : "Suffixe", "Notes" : "Notes", "Website" : "Site web", "Federated Cloud ID" : "Federated Cloud ID", "Home" : "Domicile", "Work" : "Travail", "Other" : "Autre", "Address" : "Adresse", "Post office box" : "BoĂźte postale", "Extended address" : "Adresse Ă©tendue", "City" : "Ville", "State or province" : "État ou rĂ©gion", "Postal code" : "Code postal", "Country" : "Pays", "Groups" : "Groupes", "Birthday" : "Anniversaire", "Anniversary" : "Autre date", "Date of death" : "Date de dĂ©cĂšs", "Email" : "Courriel", "Instant messaging" : "Messagerie instantanĂ©e", "Phone" : "TĂ©lĂ©phone", "Mobile" : "Mobile", "Work mobile" : "TĂ©lĂ©phone portable professionnel", "Home mobile" : "TĂ©lĂ©phone portable personnel", "Fax" : "Fax", "Fax home" : "Fax personnel", "Fax work" : "Fax pro", "Pager" : "Bipeur", "Voice" : "Voix", "Car" : "Voiture", "Work pager" : "Bipper professionnel", "Social network" : "RĂ©seau social", "The url of the profile. e.g. https://www.facebook.com/Nextclouders/ " : "L'adresse du profil. Par ex. https://www.facebook.com/Nextclouders/", "Relationship" : "Relation", "Specify a relationship between you and the entity represented by this vCard." : "Indique une relation entre vous et l'entitĂ© reprĂ©sentĂ©e par cette vCard.", "Spouse" : "Conjoint", "Child" : "Enfant", "Mother" : "MĂšre", "Father" : "PĂšre", "Parent" : "Parent", "Brother" : "FrĂšre", "Sister" : "SƓur", "Relative" : "Membre de la famille", "Friend" : "Ami", "Colleague" : "CollĂšgue", "Manager" : "Directeur", "Assistant" : "Assistant", "Related" : "ApparentĂ©", "Specify a relationship between another entity and the entity represented by this vCard." : "SpĂ©cifie une relation entre l'entitĂ© reprĂ©sentĂ©e par cette vCard et une autre entitĂ©.", "Contact" : "Contact", "Agent" : "Agent", "Emergency" : "Urgence", "Co-worker" : "Collaborateur", "Gender" : "Sexe", "Female" : "Femme", "Male" : "Homme", "An error occurred" : "Une erreur est survenue" },"pluralForm" :"nplurals=2; plural=(n > 1);" }