{ "translations": { "Contacts" : "Contactes", "Download" : "Baixa", "Copy link" : "Copiar enllaç", "Click to copy the link to your clipboard" : "Feu clic per copiar l'enllaç al porta-retalls", "Toggle sharing" : "Canviar compartició", "Delete" : "Suprimeix", "Rename" : "Renombra", "Share with users or groups" : "Comparteix amb usuaris o grups", "can edit" : "pot editar", "Close" : "Tanca", "Copied!" : "Copiat!", "Not supported!" : "No suportat!", "Press ⌘-C to copy." : "Prem ⌘-C per copiar.", "Press Ctrl-C to copy." : "Prem Ctrl-C per copiar.", "Address book name" : "Nom de la llibreta d'adreces", "Only these special characters are allowed: -_.!?#|()" : "Només es permeten aquests caràcters especials: -_.!? # | ()", "Address book could not be created." : "No s'ha pogut crear la llibreta d'adreces.", "The selected image is too big (max 1MB)" : "La imatge seleccionada és massa gran (màxim 1MB)", "This card is corrupted and has been fixed. Please check the data and trigger a save to make the changes permanent." : "Aquesta targeta estava corrompuda i s'ha arreglat. Comprova la informació i guarda-la per fer els canvis permanents.", "No contacts in here" : "No hi ha contactes", "Name" : "Nom", "Organization" : "Organització", "Title" : "Títol", "Add field …" : "Afegeix un camp ...", "Save changes" : "Desa els canvis", "Address book" : "Llibreta d'adreces", "Loading contacts …" : "S'estan carregant contactes ...", "Import into" : "Importa a", "Importing..." : "Important...", "Select your addressbook" : "Escull la teva llibreta d'adreces", "No search result for {query}" : "No s'han trobat resultats per {query}", "All contacts" : "Tots els contactes", "Post office box" : "Apartat de Correus", "Postal code" : "Codi postal", "City" : "Ciutat", "State or province" : "Estat o província", "Country" : "País", "Address" : "Adreça", "(new group)" : "(grup nou)", "Last name" : "Cognom", "First name" : "Nom", "Additional names" : "Noms addicionals", "Prefix" : "Prefix", "Suffix" : "Sufix", "Importing into" : "Important a", "New contact" : "Contacte nou", "Not grouped" : "Sense grup", "Sort by" : "Ordena per", "{addressbook} shared by {owner}" : "{addressbook} compartida per {owner}", "Contact not found." : "No s'ha trobat el contacte", "Contact could not be created." : "No s'ha pogut crear el contacte.", "No contacts in file. Only vCard files are allowed." : "No hi ha contactes al fitxer. Només estan permesos fitxers vCard.", "Only vCard version 4.0 (RFC6350) or version 3.0 (RFC2426) are supported." : "Només compatible amb VCard versió 4.0 (RFC6350) o versió 3.0 (RFC2426).", "Contact could not be saved." : "No s'ha pogut desar el contacte.", "Display name" : "Nom mostrat", "Nickname" : "Sobrenom", "Detailed name" : "Nom detallat", "Notes" : "Anotacions", "Website" : "Pàgina web", "Federated Cloud ID" : "ID de núvol federat", "Home" : "Casa", "Work" : "Feina", "Other" : "Un altre", "Groups" : "Grups", "Birthday" : "Aniversari", "Anniversary" : "Aniversari", "Date of death" : "Data de la mort", "Email" : "Correu electrònic", "Instant messaging" : "Missatgeria instantània", "Phone" : "Telèfon", "Mobile" : "Mòbil", "Fax" : "Fax", "Fax home" : "Fax (casa)", "Fax work" : "Fax (feina)", "Pager" : "Paginador", "Voice" : "Veu", "Social network" : "Xarxa social", "Relationship" : "Relació", "Spouse" : "Parella", "Child" : "Fill", "Mother" : "Mare", "Father" : "Pare", "Parent" : "Pares", "Brother" : "Germà", "Sister" : "Germana", "Relative" : "Parent", "Friend" : "Amic", "Colleague" : "Company", "Manager" : "Gestor", "Assistant" : "Assistent", "Gender" : "Gènere", "Female" : "Femení", "Male" : "Masculí", "Details" : "Detalls", "Settings" : "configuració" },"pluralForm" :"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);" }