{ "translations": { "Details" : "Detalles", "All contacts" : "Tolos contautos", "Loading contacts …" : "Cargando los contautos…", "There are no contacts yet" : "Nun hai nengún contautu", "There are no contacts in this group" : "Nun hai nengún contautu nesti grupu", "Add contacts" : "Amestar contautos", "Loading …" : "Cargando…", "Add member" : "Amestar un miembru", "Contacts settings" : "Configuración de Contautos", "General settings" : "Configuración xeneral", "Export" : "Esportar", "Contact groups" : "Grupos de contautos", "This group already exists" : "Esti grupu yá esiste", "Download" : "Baxar", "Delete" : "Desaniciar", "Copied" : "Copióse", "Copy link" : "Copiar l'enllaz", "_%n contact_::_%n contacts_" : ["%n contautu","%n contautos"], "_%n group_::_%n groups_" : ["%n grupu","%n grupos"], "Unable to change permissions" : "Nun ye posible camudar los permisos", "Import contacts" : "Importar contautos", "First name" : "Nome", "Last name" : "Apellíos", "Phonetic first name" : "Nome fonéticu", "Phonetic last name" : "Apellíos fonéticos", "Display name" : "Nome visible", "An error happened during the config change" : "Prodúxose un error demientres el cambéu de la configuración", "Save" : "Guardar", "Description" : "Descripción", "More fields" : "Más campos", "Company" : "Compaña", "Edit" : "Editar", "Generate QR Code" : "Xenerar un códigu QR", "{title} at {organization}" : "{title} en: {organization}", "An error occurred while trying to move the contact" : "Prodúxose un error al tentar de mover el contautu", "An error occurred while trying to copy the contact" : "Prodúxose un error al tentar de copiar el contautu", "Unable to update contact" : "Nun ye posible anovar el contautu", "Loading members list …" : "Cargando la llista de miembros…", "New contact" : "Contautu nuevu", "Unable to create the contact." : "Nun ye posible crear el contautu.", "_{count} error_::_{count} errors_" : ["{count} error","{count} errores"], "Link copied to the clipboard" : "L'enllaz copióse nel cartafueyu", "Not grouped" : "Ensin grupu", "Members need to accept invitation" : "Los miembros precisen aceptar la invitación", "Members can also invite" : "Los miembros tamién puen convidar", "Prefix" : "Prefixu", "Suffix" : "Sufixu", "Nickname" : "Nomatu", "Notes" : "Notes", "Website" : "Sitiu web", "Post office box" : "Oficina de Correos", "City" : "Ciudá", "State or province" : "Estáu o provincia", "Postal code" : "Códigu postal", "Country" : "País", "Instant messaging" : "Mensaxería instantanea", "Fax" : "Fax", "Pager" : "Buscapersones", "Father" : "Pá", "Agent" : "Axente" },"pluralForm" :"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);" }