{ "translations": { "Details" : "Details", "All contacts" : "Alle kontakte", "Contacts" : "Kontakte", "A contacts app for Nextcloud" : "’n Kontakte-toep vir Nextcloud", "Loading …" : "Laai …", "Download" : "Laai Af", "Rename" : "Hernoem", "Delete" : "Skrap", "Copied" : "Gekopieer", "Copy link" : "Kopieer skakel", "Share with users or groups" : "Deel met gebruikers of groepe", "No users or groups" : "Geen gebruikers of groepe", "can edit" : "kan wysig", "First name" : "Naam", "Last name" : "Van", "Display name" : "Vertoonnaam", "Last modified" : "Laas gewysig", "Save" : "Bewaar", "Description" : "Beskrywing", "Invalid image" : "Ongeldige beeld", "Name" : "Naam", "Company" : "Maatskappy", "Title" : "Titel", "Cancel" : "Kanselleer", "New contact" : "Nuwe kontak", "Search contacts …" : "Soek kontakte …", "Pending" : "Hangend", "Select type" : "Kies tipe", "Select Date" : "Kies Datum", "Select option" : "Kies opsie", "Close" : "Sluit", "Import" : "Voer In", "Not grouped" : "Nie gegroepeer", "User" : "Gebruiker", "Group" : "Groep", "Email" : "E-pos", "Contact" : "Kontak", "Admin" : "Admin", "Owner" : "Eienaar", "Users" : "Gebruikers", "Detailed name" : "Gedetailleerde naam", "Additional names" : "Addisionele name", "Prefix" : "Voorvoegsel", "Suffix" : "Agtervoegsel", "Nickname" : "Bynaam", "Notes" : "Notas", "Website" : "Webwerf", "Location" : "Ligging", "Federated Cloud ID" : "Gefedereerde Wolk-ID", "Home" : "Tuis", "Work" : "Werk", "Other" : "Ander", "Address" : "Adres", "Post office box" : "Posbus", "Extended address" : "Uitgebreide adres", "City" : "Stad/dorp", "State or province" : "Staat/provinsie", "Postal code" : "Poskode", "Country" : "Land", "Birthday" : "Verjaardag", "Anniversary" : "Herdenking", "Date of death" : "Sterfdatum", "Instant messaging" : "Kitsboodskapdiens", "Phone" : "Foon", "Mobile" : "Mobiel", "Work mobile" : "Werkmobiel", "Home mobile" : "Tuismobiel", "Fax" : "Faks", "Fax home" : "Faks tuis", "Fax work" : "Faks werk", "Pager" : "Pagineerder", "Voice" : "Stem", "Car" : "Motorkar", "Manager" : "Bestuurder", "Social network" : "Sosiale netwerk", "Spouse" : "Eggenoot", "Child" : "Kind", "Mother" : "Moeder", "Father" : "Vader", "Parent" : "Ouer", "Brother" : "Broer", "Sister" : "Suster", "Relative" : "Familielid", "Friend" : "Vriend", "Colleague" : "Kollega", "Assistant" : "Assistent", "Agent" : "Agent", "Emergency" : "Noodgeval", "Co-worker" : "Medewerker", "Gender" : "Geslag", "Female" : "Vroulik", "Male" : "Manlik", "None" : "Geen", "Unknown" : "Onbekend" },"pluralForm" :"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);" }