name: "Bug report for contacts" description: "Help us improving by reporting a bug for the contacts feature of this app" labels: ["bug", "0. Needs triage", "feature: contacts"] body: - type: textarea id: description attributes: label: Describe the bug description: | A clear and concise description of what the bug is. - type: textarea id: reproduce attributes: label: Steps to reproduce description: | Describe the steps to reproduce the bug. The better your description is _(go 'here', click 'there'...)_ the fastest you'll get an _(accurate)_ answer. value: | 1. Go to '...' 2. Click on '....' 3. Scroll down to '....' 4. See error validations: required: true - type: textarea id: Expected-behavior attributes: label: Expected behavior description: | Tell us what should happen validations: required: true - type: textarea id: actual-behavior attributes: label: Actual behavior description: Describe what you expected to happen instead. validations: required: true - type: input id: contact-app-version attributes: label: Contact version description: | See apps admin page, e.g. 0.5.3 - type: input id: operating-system attributes: label: Operating system description: | Write down the operating system where Nextcloud Contacts app is installed. - type: dropdown id: php attributes: label: PHP engine version description: | Select PHP engine version serving Nextcloud Server. _Describe in the "Additional info" section if you chose "Other"._ options: - "PHP 7.3" - "PHP 7.4" - "PHP 8.0" - "PHP 8.1" - "Other" - type: dropdown id: webserver attributes: label: Web server description: | Select Webserver serving Nextcloud Server. _Describe in the "Additional info" section if you chose "Other"._ options: - "Apache (supported)" - "Nginx" - "Lighttpd" - "Other" - type: dropdown id: database attributes: label: Database description: | Select Database engine serving Nextcloud Server. _Describe in the "Additional info" section if you chose "Other"._ options: - "MySQL" - "MariaDB" - "PostgreSQL" - "SQLite" - "Oracle" - "Other" - type: textarea id: additional-info attributes: label: Additional info description: Any additional information related to the issue (ex. browser console errors, software versions).