path: root/l10n/eu.js
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'l10n/eu.js')
1 files changed, 53 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/l10n/eu.js b/l10n/eu.js
index 4648f6f5..1c6452f0 100644
--- a/l10n/eu.js
+++ b/l10n/eu.js
@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Loading circle …" : "Zirkulua kargatzen …",
"Your request to join this circle is pending approval" : "Zirkulura batzeko egin duzun eskaera onarpenaren zain dago",
"You are not a member of {circle}" : "Zu ez zara {circle}-ko kidea",
+ "There was an error fetching the member list" : "Errore bat gertatu da kideen zerrenda eskuratzean",
"Loading contacts …" : "Kontaktuan kargatzen ...",
"There are no contacts yet" : "Oraindik ez dago kontakturik",
"Create contact" : "Sortu kontaktua",
@@ -21,6 +22,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Add contacts" : "Gehitu kontaktuak",
"Loading …" : "Kargatzen …",
"Add member" : "Gehitu kidea",
+ "Leave circle" : "Atera zirkulutik",
"Delete circle" : "Ezabatu zirkulua",
"Download" : "Jaitsi",
"Groups" : "Taldeak",
@@ -29,8 +31,12 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Circles" : "Zirkuluak",
"Create a new circle" : "Sortu zirkulu berria",
"Show all groups" : "Erakutsi talde guztiak",
+ "Collapse groups" : "Tolestu taldeak",
"Show all circles" : "Sortu zirkulu guztiak",
+ "Collapse circles" : "Tolestu zirkuluak",
"This group already exists" : "Talde hau existitzen da dagoeneko",
+ "This circle already exists" : "Zirkulu hau existitzen da dagoeneko",
+ "An error happened during the creation of the circle" : "Errore bat gertatu da zirkulua sortzerakoan",
"Rename" : "Aldatu izena",
"Enabled" : "Gaitua",
"Disabled" : "Desaktibatua",
@@ -40,6 +46,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Copy link" : "Esteka kopiatu",
"Toggling of address book was not successful" : "Ezin izan da helbide-liburuaren egoera aldatu",
"This will delete the address book and every contacts within it" : "Honek helbide-liburua eta bere barruan dauden kontaktu guztiak ezabatuko ditu",
+ "Delete {addressbook}?" : "Ezabatu {addressbook}?",
"Deletion of address book was not successful." : "Ezin izan da helbide-liburua ezabatu.",
"Renaming of address book was not successful." : "Ezin izan da helbide-liburua berrizendatu",
"_Shared with {num} entity_::_Shared with {num} entities_" : ["Entitate {num}ekin partekatuta","{num} entitaterekin partekatuta"],
@@ -49,7 +56,9 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Unable to delete the share" : "Ezin izan da partekatzea ezabatu",
"Unable to change permissions" : "Ezin dira baimenak aldatu",
"Import contacts" : "Inportatu kontaktuak",
+ "Import into the {addressbookName} address book" : "Inportatu {addressbookName} helbide-liburura",
"Select local file" : "Hautatu fitxategi lokala",
+ "Import from Files" : "Inportatu fitxategietatik",
"Importing is disabled because there are no address books available" : "Inportatzea desgaituta dago ez dagoelako helbide-libururik eskuragarri",
"Choose a vCard file to import" : "Aukeratu inportatzeko vCard fitxategi bat",
"Address book name" : "Agenda izena",
@@ -63,8 +72,15 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Sort by {sorting}" : "{sorting}(r)en arabera ordenatu",
"Update avatars from social media" : "Eguneratu avatarrak sare sozialetatik",
"(refreshed once per week)" : "(astean behin freskatzen da)",
+ "An error happened during the config change" : "Errore bat gertatu da ezarpenak aldatzerakoan",
"Circle name" : "Zirkuluaren izena",
+ "Circle owned by {owner}" : "Zirkulu honen jabea {owner} da",
+ "Request to join" : "Eskatu elkartzeko baimena",
"Description" : "Deskribapena",
+ "There is no description for this circle" : "Ez dago deskribapenik zirkulu honentzat",
+ "Enter a description for the circle" : "Gehitu deskribapen bat zirkulu honentzat",
+ "An error happened during description sync" : "Errore bat gertatu da deskribapena sinkronizatzean",
+ "An error happened during name sync" : "Errore bat gertatu da izena sinkronizatzean",
"Add new property" : "Gehitu propietate berria",
"Choose property type" : "Aukeratu propietate mota",
"Upload a new picture" : "Kargatu irudi berri bat",
@@ -86,6 +102,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Title" : "Izenburua",
"This contact was broken and received a fix. Please review the content and click here to save it." : "Kontaktu hau apurtuta zegoen eta konpondu egin da. Mesedez berrikusi edukia eta egin klik hemen gordetzeko.",
"Clone contact" : "Klonatu kontaktua",
+ "Generate QR Code" : "Sortu QR kodea",
"Contact vCard as QR code" : "Kontaktuaren vCard QR kode bezala",
"Pick an address book" : "Aukeratu helbide-liburu bat",
"Select address book" : "Hautatu helbide-liburua",
@@ -100,6 +117,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Unable to retrieve the contact from the server, please check your network connection." : "Ezin izan da kontaktua lortu zerbitzaritik, begiratu ea internet konexio ona duzun.",
"An error occurred while trying to move the contact" : "Errorea gertatu da kontaktua mugitzen saiatzerakoan",
"An error occurred while trying to copy the contact" : "Errorea gertatu da kontaktua kopiatzen saiatzerakoan",
+ "Add to {group}" : "Gehitu {group} taldera",
"Remove {type}" : "Kendu {type}",
"Search {types}" : "Bilatu {types}",
"Search for people to add" : "Bilatu gehitzeko pertsonak",
@@ -108,18 +126,38 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Add {type}" : "Gehitu {type}",
"New circle name" : "Zirkulu izen berria",
"Personal circle" : "Zirkulu pertsonala",
+ "This circle will only be visible to you. Other members will not be able to see or use it." : "Zirkulu hau zuretzat bakarrik egongo da ikusgarri. Beste kideek ezingo dute ikusi edo erabili.",
+ "Local circle" : "Zirkulu lokala",
+ "This circle will not be shared with the other instances of the global scale" : "Zirkulu hau ez da eskala globaleko beste instantziekin partekatuko.",
"Create circle" : "Sortu zirkulua",
+ "Loading members list …" : "Kideen zerrenda kargatzen...",
+ "The list of members is only visible to members of this circle" : "Kideen zerrenda zirkulu honetako kideentzat bakarrik dago ikusgarri",
+ "There is no member in this circle" : "Ez dago kiderik zirkulu honetan",
"Add members" : "Gehitu kideak",
"Show circle details" : "Erakutsi zirkuluaren xehetasunak",
+ "Add to {circle}" : "Gehitu {circle} zirkulura",
+ "Unable to get the recommendations list" : "Ezin da gomendatuen zerrenda eskuratu",
+ "Unable to get the results" : "Ezin dira emaitzak eskuratu",
+ "Some members could not be added" : "Kide batzuk ezin izan dira gehitu",
"There was an issue adding members to the circle" : "Arazo bat izan da kideak zirkulura gehitzean",
+ "Accept membership request" : "Onartu kidetze eskaera",
+ "Reject membership request" : "Ukatu kidetze eskaera",
+ "Manage level" : "Kudeatu maila",
"Remove member" : "Kendu kidea",
"Pending" : "Zain",
+ "Promote as sole owner" : "Igo jabe bakar mailara",
+ "Promote to {level}" : "Igo {level} mailara",
+ "Demote to {level}" : "Jaitsi {level} mailara",
+ "Could not delete the member {displayName}" : "Ezin izan da {displayName} kidea ezabatu",
+ "Could not change the member level to {level}" : "Ezin izan da kidearen maila {level} mailara aldatu",
+ "Could not accept membership request" : "Ezin izan da kidetze eskaera onartu",
"Select type" : "Hautatu mota",
"Select Date" : "Hautatu data",
"Add contact in group" : "Gehitu kontaktua taldera",
"Select option" : "Hautatu aukera",
"Unable to create the contact." : "Ezin izan da kontaktua sortu.",
"Contact not found" : "Kontaktua ez da aurkitu",
+ "Group {group} not found" : "Ez da {group} taldea aurkitu",
"Close" : "Itxi",
"_{success} contact added to {name}_::_{success} contacts added to {name}_" : ["{success} kontaktuak gehitu dira {name}-ra","{success} kontaktuak gehitu dira {name}-ra"],
"_Adding {success} contact to {name}_::_Adding {success} contacts to {name}_" : ["{success} kontaktuak {name}-ra gehitzen","{success} kontaktuak gehitu dira {name}-ra"],
@@ -127,10 +165,20 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"_Importing %n contact into {addressbook}_::_Importing %n contacts into {addressbook}_" : ["Kontaktu %n inportatzen {addressbook}(e)ra","%n kontaktu inportaten {addressbook}(e)ra"],
"_Done importing %n contact into {addressbook}_::_Done importing %n contacts into {addressbook}_" : ["Kontaktu %n inportatu da {addressbook}(e)ra"," %n kontaktu inportatu dira {addressbook}(e)ra"],
"Import" : "Inportatu",
+ "Could not copy" : "Ezin izan da kopiatu",
"Join circle" : "Batu zirkulura",
+ "You are about to leave {circle}.\nAre you sure?" : "{circle} zirkulua uztear zaude. \nZiur zaude?",
+ "Please confirm circle leave" : "Baieztatu zirkulua uztea",
+ "Could not leave the circle {displayName}" : "Ezin izan da {displayName} zirkulua utzi",
+ "Unable to join the circle" : "Ezin izan da zirkulura batu",
+ "You are about to delete {circle}.\nAre you sure?" : "{circle} zirkulua ezabatzear zaude.\nZiur zaude?",
+ "Please confirm circle deletion" : "Baieztatu zirkulua ezabatzea",
+ "Unable to delete the circle" : "Ezin izan da zirkulua ezabatu",
+ "Link copied to the clipboard" : "Esteka arbelera kopiatu da",
"Could not copy link to the clipboard." : "Ezin izan da esteka arbelera kopiatu",
"Not grouped" : "Taldekatu gabe",
"Recently contacted" : "Berriki kontaktatuak",
+ "Circles allow you to create groups with other users on a Nextcloud instance and share with them." : "Zirkuluek aukera ematen dizute beste Nextcloud instantzia bateko erabiltzaileekin taldeak egin eta partekatzeko.",
"Circle" : "Zirkulua",
"User" : "Erabiltzailea",
"Group" : "Taldea",
@@ -141,7 +189,11 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Admin" : "Administratzailea",
"Owner" : "Jabea",
"Anyone can request membership" : "Edonork eskatu dezake kidetza",
+ "Members need to accept invitation" : "Kideek gonbidapena onartu behar dute",
+ "Members can also invite" : "Kideek ere gonbidapenak egin ditzakete",
+ "Visibility" : "Ikusgarritasuna",
"Visible to everyone" : "Denontzat ikusgai",
+ "Circle membership" : "Zirkulu kidetza",
"Users" : "Erabiltzaileak",
"Emails" : "E-postak",
"Nickname" : "Ezizena",
@@ -204,6 +256,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Timezone" : "Ordu-zona",
"Spoken languages" : "Hitz egiteko erabilitako hizkuntzak",
"_{failed} contact failed to be read_::_{failed} contacts failed to be read_" : ["Ezin izan da kontaktu {failed} irakurri","Ezin izan dira {failed} kontaktu irakurri"],
+ "Unable to create circle {circleName}" : "Ezin izan da {circleName} zirkulua sortu",
"Unable to delete circle {circleId}" : "Ezin izan da zirkulua ezabatu",
"Unable to delete contact" : "Ezin izan da kontaktua ezabatu",
"Your web browser is out of date" : "Zure web-arakatzailea zaharkituta dago",