path: root/l10n/eu.js
diff options
authorNextcloud bot <>2018-02-12 22:16:46 +0000
committerNextcloud bot <>2018-02-12 22:16:46 +0000
commit6d93add4c980bb9a52ff942d2641b88e8af71ed6 (patch)
tree8e8d5c02768f0065187429d6373528c6b2925a14 /l10n/eu.js
parent5f991fd31c65bf595f783b3b8ae39aeb96ca2a7d (diff)
[tx-robot] updated from transifex
Diffstat (limited to 'l10n/eu.js')
1 files changed, 106 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/l10n/eu.js b/l10n/eu.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..81028ffb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n/eu.js
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+ "contacts",
+ {
+ "Contacts" : "Kontaktuak",
+ "Download" : "Jaitsi",
+ "Copy link" : "Esteka kopiatu",
+ "Click to copy the link to your clipboard" : "Klik egin esteka arbelara kopiatzeko",
+ "Toggle sharing" : "Partekatzea aldatu",
+ "Delete" : "Borratu",
+ "Rename" : "Izena aldatu",
+ "Share with users or groups" : "Erabiltzaile edo taldeekin partekatu",
+ "can edit" : "edita daiteke",
+ "Close" : "Itxi",
+ "Copied!" : "Kopiatuta!",
+ "Not supported!" : "Euskarririk ez!",
+ "Press ⌘-C to copy." : "⌘-C sakatu kopiatzeko.",
+ "Press Ctrl-C to copy." : "Ktrl-C sakatu kopiatzeko",
+ "Address book name" : "Agenda izena",
+ "Only these special characters are allowed: -_.!?#|()" : "Karaktere hauek bakarrik onartzen dira: -_.!?#|()",
+ "Address book could not be created." : "Helbide liburua ezin da sortu",
+ "The selected image is too big (max 1MB)" : "Aukeratutako irudia handiegia da (max 1MB)",
+ "This card is corrupted and has been fixed. Please check the data and trigger a save to make the changes permanent." : "Txartel hau nahastua zegoen eta konpondu da. Datuak konprobatu eta gorde aldaketak betikotzeko",
+ "No contacts in here" : "Kontakturik ez dago",
+ "Name" : "Izena",
+ "Organization" : "Erakundea",
+ "Title" : "Izenburua",
+ "Add field …" : "Eremua gehitu ...",
+ "Save changes" : "Aldaketak gorde",
+ "Address book" : "Helbide liburua",
+ "Loading contacts …" : "Kontaktuan kargatzen ...",
+ "Import into" : "Inportatu hona",
+ "Importing..." : "Inportatzen",
+ "Select your addressbook" : "Helbide liburua hautatu",
+ "No search result for {query}" : "{query} bilaketak ez du emaitzarik heman",
+ "All contacts" : "Kontaktu guztiak",
+ "Post office box" : "Posta kutxatila",
+ "Postal code" : "Posta kodea",
+ "City" : "Hiria",
+ "State or province" : "Estatu edo probintzia",
+ "Country" : "Herrialdea",
+ "Address" : "Helbidea",
+ "(new group)" : "(talde berria)",
+ "Last name" : "Abizena",
+ "First name" : "Izena",
+ "Additional names" : "Tarteko izenak",
+ "Prefix" : "Aurrizkia",
+ "Suffix" : "Atzizkia",
+ "Importing into" : "Informazioa inportatzen",
+ "New contact" : "Kontaktu berria",
+ "Not grouped" : "Taldekatu gabe",
+ "Sort by" : "Antolatu honela",
+ "{addressbook} shared by {owner}" : "{owner}-rek partakatutako {addressbook} ",
+ "Contact not found." : "Kontaktua ez da topatzen",
+ "You don't have permission to write to this addressbook." : "Ez duzu baimenik helbide-liburu honetan idazteko.",
+ "Contact could not be created." : "Kontaktua ezin izan da sortu.",
+ "No contacts in file. Only vCard files are allowed." : "Fitxategian ez dago kontakturik. vCard fitxategiak onartzen dira bakarrik",
+ "Only vCard version 4.0 (RFC6350) or version 3.0 (RFC2426) are supported." : "vCard 4.0 (RFC6350) edo 3.0 (RFC2426) bertsioak onartzen dira soilik.",
+ "Contact could not be saved." : "Kontaktua ezin da gorde",
+ "Waiting for the server to be ready…" : "Zerbitzaria martxan egon arte itxoiten...",
+ "Importing…" : "Inportatzen...",
+ "Display name" : "Izena erakutsi",
+ "Nickname" : "Ezizena",
+ "Detailed name" : "Izen osoa",
+ "Notes" : "Oharrak",
+ "Website" : "Webgunea",
+ "Federated Cloud ID" : "Federatutatako Hodei ID",
+ "Home" : "Etxekoa",
+ "Work" : "Lanekoa",
+ "Other" : "Bestelakoa",
+ "Groups" : "Taldeak",
+ "Birthday" : "Jaioteguna",
+ "Anniversary" : "Urteurrena",
+ "Date of death" : "Heriotze data",
+ "Email" : "E-posta",
+ "Instant messaging" : "Istanteko mezularitza",
+ "Phone" : "Telefonoa",
+ "Mobile" : "Mugikorra",
+ "Work mobile" : "Laneko mugikorra",
+ "Fax" : "Faxa",
+ "Fax home" : "Etxeko Faxa",
+ "Fax work" : "Laneko faxa",
+ "Pager" : "Bilagailua",
+ "Voice" : "Ahotsa",
+ "Car" : "Kotxea",
+ "Work pager" : "Laneko orriztapena",
+ "Social network" : "Sare soziala",
+ "Relationship" : "Erlazioa",
+ "Spouse" : "Emaztea",
+ "Child" : "Semea",
+ "Mother" : "Ama",
+ "Father" : "Aita",
+ "Parent" : "Ondokoa",
+ "Brother" : "Anaia",
+ "Sister" : "Arreba",
+ "Relative" : "Familiakoa",
+ "Friend" : "Laguna",
+ "Colleague" : "Lankidea",
+ "Manager" : "Jefea",
+ "Assistant" : "Asistentea",
+ "Gender" : "Generoa",
+ "Female" : "Emakumea",
+ "Male" : "Gizonezkoa",
+ "Details" : "Xehetasuna",
+ "Settings" : "Ezarpenak"
+"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);");