tag namer2.28 (f2481ed2cda101fa8d8ba29e5eb154d6365f7349)
tag date2022-06-26 22:27:08 +0300
tagged byAlexander Batischev <>
tagged objectcommit d2f5af88eb...
Release Newsboat 2.28
Lists below only mention user-visible changes, but the full list of contributors for this release also includes: Jan Staněk, blank X, and sebashwa. Added ===== - Ability to go back to the previous set of search results. This introduces a new dialog, `searchresultslist`, which supports a new operation, `previoussearchresults` (bound to `z` key by default). The `searchresult-title-format` setting now supports one more placeholder, `%s`, which is replaced by the term you searched for (#1785, #2043) (bogdasar1985) - Support for `enqueue` operation in the article list (#2023) (Dennis van der Schagt) - New placeholder for `articlelist-format`, `%e`, which is replaced by the URL of the article's enclosure (#2023) (Dennis van der Schagt) Changed ======= - If an article has multiple links, `open-in-browser` will open the HTTP or HTTPS one. If article has no such links, then the last one to appear in the feed's source is picked. (Note: this is about the link that you see in the item's header, prefixed by "Link:" -- NOT about the links in the article itself) (#2060) (bogdasar1985) - Updated translations: Brazilian Portuguese (Alexandre Provencio), Dutch (Dennis van der Schagt), German (Lysander Trischler), Italian (Mauro Scomparin), Polish (Michał Siemek), Russian, Ukrainian (Alexander Batischev), Spanish (Roboron3042), Turkish (Emir SARI) - Bumped minimum supported Rust version to 1.57.0 - Updated vendored library Catch2 to 2.13.9, expected-lite to 0.6.0 Removed ======= - Snap: i386 support. The package is now based on Ubuntu 20.04, which doesn't support i386 (#2058) Fixed ===== - Stop scrolling to top of article when window is resized (#1298) (Dennis van der Schagt) - NextCloud News 18.1.0+: crashes when reloading feeds that have no author or title (#2102) (Alexander Batischev) - Snap: "Error opening terminal: xterm-kitty". This fix comes at the cost of i386 support in Snap (#2058) (Gianluca Della Vedova, Alexander Batischev) -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- iQJOBAABCAA4FiEEuLF1ag3b8HYM5nzPTtbNYZMrnr4FAmK4szYaHG5ld3Nib2F0 QGdvb2dsZWdyb3Vwcy5jb20ACgkQTtbNYZMrnr4WLg//WNMcbySn2flooIa09tZS i4JEb2tow0se0IupTwt/EybalxDlugbACFMnJbz9eKiRrGw+cVsEoAcbGwPmoFHg /Yyoo5Rq5SEIv9O5sNrOsqm8cQVMO4LsJoekjqVVGWvysR5GUIzjpc+ghv+JL8+c VszMUOvdxyaE++jEWm+NeYHc0ubIsY9FTzY7hNdFJ470Nt3J5TH8Fy77IAJ/RQdG a2prlGUnzvTwQETmsnlrkV38xFDBzF3HBqFFRKbzebUbxMKOhZCeltvCruJn7dCU Z4gtGRbZ/U4qtkkgPfkttEZWNFr/4lle1l+sSGPVqb3j8PWKaChPbVUhh0z79Btf 2Q2C0ra1olSbX3QnBOBorBhKorw15qPoB+rUl8DAS/KcM6KsMuSWP0aPMB0l90wG +hs/BNS5bcYfaAmqLcn+plngl/JjdT5zK23dJne2KD0TrwT2zcvlZCQLNQHx0I5L grMWZeeBAf5q+XMDEkTQ2LJueKkX/rv9+B/vymywq4t7T+sjEtXp642Ly7FVQvAU QO4BdowXGZk7rHW+T6mL/R1G4HvGG3KUs6tCOQ8P3GHXaEplOhjhNjrg4Vddbwsd CrPcjIW7Z39sH/XvKfHI/V5Dk7eZFinzEqThjHioVGwOLRaSBwn21yqVaPyQ7OSM Z4bSz+azp3p0ItXHaFcwtSc= =hrMO -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----