:experimental: Newsboat comes with the possibility to categorize or "tag", as we call it, RSS feeds. Every RSS feed can be assigned 0 or more tags. Within Newsboat, you can then select to only show RSS feeds that match a certain tag. That makes it easy to categorize your feeds in a flexible and powerful way. Usually, the _urls_ file contains one RSS feed URL per line. To assign a tag to an RSS feed, simply attach it as a single word, separated by blanks such as space or tab. If the tag needs to contain spaces, you must use quotes (`"`) around the tag (see example below). An example _urls_ file may look like this: https://blog.fefe.de/rss.xml?html interesting conspiracy news "cool stuff" https://rss.orf.at/news.xml news orf https://www.heise.de/newsticker/heise.rdf news interesting When you now start Newsboat with this configuration, you can press kbd:[T] to select a tag. When you select the tag "news", you will see all three RSS feeds. Pressing kbd:[T] again and e.g. selecting the "conspiracy" tag, you will only see the https://blog.fefe.de/rss.xml?html RSS feed. Pressing kbd:[Ctrl+T] clears the current tag, and again shows all RSS feeds, regardless of their assigned tags. A special type of tag are tags that start with the tilde character (`~`). When such a tag is found, the feed title is set to the tag name (excluding the `~` character). These type of tags are ignored when any kind of "first tag" property is used. With this feature, you can give feeds any title you want in your feed list: https://rss.orf.at/news.xml "~ORF News" Another special type of tag are tags that start with the exclamation mark (`!`). When such a tag is found, the feed is hidden from the regular list of feeds and its content can only be found through a query feed. https://rss.orf.at/news.xml ! news http://feeds.bbci.co.uk/news/world/rss.xml ! news "query:News from around the globe:tags # \"news\"" In this example, the first two feeds won't appear in the feedlist, but their articles will still be accessible through the query feed titled "News from around the globe". The "hidden" tags in this example don't even have names, because their only use is to hide the feed that they're tagging.