TODO: - add configurable pager - implement reloading of configuration (:source) - check for stfl in script - add an auto-flag configuration command to automatically flag articles that match a certain query - when reload is finished, the focus shall be in the current form's list - per-feed refresh settings - add support for interactive bookmarking plugins DONE: - clean up items that have been added but whose URL has been removed from the config file. - key for directly jumping to next unread article. - OPML import/export - open link in browser - cache items in local database (sqlite?) used location: ~/.newsbeuter/urls -- the list of feed URLs ~/.newsbeuter/cache.db -- the feed and item cache - optimize cache updates (every feed and every item needs something like a "dirty" flag) - improve HTML rendering (write/use XML/HTML pull parser) - configuration file - fix the "foobar"/ issue in the XML pull parser - fix display issues in test RSS file - implement custom keybindings - update status line to correct key mapping - preliminary fix for the sort-by-date problem - delete old entries _based_on_the_date_ (implement RFC 2822 parser!) - add online help screen - "next unread" error message must be shown differently - save function - use multithreading to download feeds so that simultaneous browsing/reading is possible. - only one "reload-all" operation may run at once - fix memleak (pthread_cleanup_push) - set current path in filebrowser head - set correct keymap hint in filebrowser - reload feed from the itemlist - "next unread" also for feedlist - improve configuration parser (!!comments!!) - implement "source view" in itemview. - made feedlist head fancier - added "toggle item read" function - implemented an urlview-like interface - add proxy configuration support - add auto-reload feature - add color configuration support - support for atom (talk to mRss guy?) - implement by yourself? - implement search - own dialog - result list on top - search input field on bottom - set correct title in search dialog - add default save path configuration option - improve configuration parser: support quoting - i18n/l10n - implemented podcast support: - when newsbeuter finds new entries with podcast enclosures in it, it puts it into a "queue" (text file in ~/.newsbeuter) - the actual downloading and saving is done by "podbeuter", which is a more a download manager that dequeues entries and downloads them. - write "advanced topics - podcasts" section in documentation - improved rendering of itunes:summary descriptions. - implement "resume download" function - write podbeuter.1 manpage - set configured colors - implement "start player" function in podbeuter. - test more thoroughly - fill table with html entities - write "newsbeuter hacker's guide" - describe the overall architecture - describe debugging tricks (i.e. logging) - describe design decisions, e.g. why certain things are only configurable via the config files - some spaces before the key on the help screen - refactor view - provide a function to "modally" run certain screens and return a certain value. we need this for select tag, search and file browser. - add configuration option to disable cleanup - add configuration option to set a custom user-agent string - replace lockfile with fcntl()-based locking - make STFL and newsbeuter capable of correct handling of Unicode - implement command line (STFL issue?) - make it possible to directly jump to the n-th entry by entering ":n" in the command line - implement free configurability of key bindings for widgets (STFL issue) - fix memory leak - set keybindings in podbeuter, too - implement "meta-feeds" - make date/time format customizable in the article list - make cancel the commandline - the manpage shall be generated with asciidoc - implement "previous unread article" key - implement -V commandline option to see version number - predefine filters and select them from a view - implement detection when an item is outside of its regular feed (when item->feed->rssurl != feed->rssurl) for itemlist - implement bloglines support (including offline mode) - implement new urls-source "opml" to subscribe to opml files that are available online - test import/export - implement keys to jump to the next and previous unread feed from the article list - properly document changes in key binding stuff - do entitity decoding for titles (won't be fixed, as we fully comply with the RSS recommendations) - refine the search function (make it like the command line) - research (and fix) libnxml decoding issues - strip \r from title - maybe move the "newsbeuter 0.7" on the right side of the first line (implemented use of format string stuff for info line on feedlist etc.) - make mark-all-read also work in search results - add scripting support - make script functions callable via key bindings - don't delete flagged articles - check whether date parsing uses the correct timezone (long-term testing shows that this seems to work flawlessly) - improve string handling (no more std::string() + std::string()) (got much better) - add automatic download mode to podbeuter (commandline switch) - implement commandline commands quit [done], add, save [done], tag (select tag) [done], goto (by matching title of feed) [done] - add delete article functionality: - mark articles as deleted in the DB - after a successful reload, remove all those articles who bear a deleted flag and are not in the list of GUIDs from the reload - convert search strings to utf-8 prior to searching. - bug: when a user is in an itemlist that contains unread items, and returns to the feedlist that has show-unread disabled, the selected feed is not the same as previously shown in the itemlist. expected behaviour: when returning from the itemlist to the feedlist, the feed that was shown previously shall be selected. - make cursor in feedlist and itemlist stable when a filter is applied - update example config (added script to automatize task) - add -d and -l to about and manpage - refactored XML pull parser (many redundancies) - check issues with missing words from articles - zed shaw blog has such issues (entity decode fuckup when no encoding was provided) - wrap long headers in article view (Debian issue #491122) - add filtering for correct color names - bug: don't squeeze whitespaces when inside a
- add a second "downloaded, but unlistened" queue to podbeuter (solved by marking downloaded but unplayed files in the queue file)
- implement "newsrc" style file format to exchange information about read articles.
- make ":" work on urlview dialog
- replace std::vector with std::vector > as a possible fix against these weird crashes.
  beta tester: (regular crashes on sparc Linux)
- write documentation on feed-sortorder and related changes