# important directories prefix?=/usr/local mandir?=$(prefix)/share/man datadir?=$(prefix)/share localedir?=$(datadir)/locale docdir?=$(datadir)/doc/$(PACKAGE) # Here's a problem: # 1. our "Rust 1.44, GCC 10, Ubuntu 20.04" build fails: cxx-0.5 crate can't # find the target directory, thus doesn't symlink cxxbridge headers into the # expected location, thus C++ compilation fails. # 2. cxx-0.5 can take a hint from CARGO_TARGET_DIR, but it wants the path to be # absolute. # 3. Cargo docs say that CARGO_TARGET_DIR is relative to current working # directory, but in reality, Cargo works fine with an absolute path too. # 4. We actually need a relative path for a different purpose: to tell GCC # where to find cxxbridge headers. Unfortunately, if we use an absolute path # there, GCC will also print out absolute paths when printing out dependency # info (see `depslist` target). So we have to supply GCC a relative path. # # So here's what we do: # # 1. if someone set CARGO_TARGET_DIR env var, we **hope** they followed Cargo # docs' advice and used a relative path. If the var is not set, we use # a default of "target" (which is Cargo's default, so nothing changes from # the user's point of view). # # We remember this path in a variable `relative_cargo_target_dir`, which we # pass to GCC. # 2. we override CARGO_TARGET_DIR, turning it into an absolute path. # # That fixes cxx-0.5. CARGO_TARGET_DIR?=target relative_cargo_target_dir:=$(CARGO_TARGET_DIR) export CARGO_TARGET_DIR:=$(abspath $(CARGO_TARGET_DIR)) CPPCHECK_JOBS?=5 # By default, do not run "ignored" Rust tests -- they require some additional # setup on the test machine. NEWSBOAT_RUN_IGNORED_TESTS?=0 # compiler CXX?=c++ # Compiler for building executables meant to be run on the # host system during cross compilation CXX_FOR_BUILD?=$(CXX) # compiler and linker flags DEFINES=-DLOCALEDIR='"$(localedir)"' WARNFLAGS=-Werror -Wall -Wextra -Wunreachable-code INCLUDES=-Iinclude -Istfl -Ifilter -I. -Irss -I$(relative_cargo_target_dir)/cxxbridge/ BARE_CXXFLAGS=-std=c++11 -O2 -ggdb $(INCLUDES) LDFLAGS+=-L. # Constants PACKAGE=newsboat ## Do not include libnewsboat-ffi into the test executable, as it doesn't link ## and can't contain any tests anyway. CARGO_TEST_FLAGS=--workspace --exclude libnewsboat-ffi ifeq (, $(filter $(MAKECMDGOALS),distclean run-i18nspector fmt)) include config.mk endif ifeq ($(PROFILE),1) BARE_CXXFLAGS+=-O0 -fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage LDFLAGS+=-fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage endif CXXFLAGS:=$(BARE_CXXFLAGS) $(WARNFLAGS) $(DEFINES) $(CXXFLAGS) CXXFLAGS_FOR_BUILD?=$(CXXFLAGS) LIB_SOURCES:=$(shell cat mk/libboat.deps) LIB_OBJS:=$(patsubst %.cpp,%.o,$(LIB_SOURCES)) LIB_OUTPUT=libboat.a FILTERLIB_SOURCES=filter/Scanner.cpp filter/Parser.cpp filter/FilterParser.cpp FILTERLIB_OBJS:=$(patsubst %.cpp,%.o,$(FILTERLIB_SOURCES)) FILTERLIB_OUTPUT=libfilter.a NEWSBOAT=newsboat NEWSBOAT_SOURCES:=$(shell cat mk/newsboat.deps) NEWSBOAT_OBJS:=$(patsubst %.cpp,%.o,$(NEWSBOAT_SOURCES)) NEWSBOAT_LIBS=-lboat -lnewsboat -lfilter -lpthread -lrsspp -ldl RSSPPLIB_SOURCES=$(sort $(wildcard rss/*.cpp)) RSSPPLIB_OBJS=$(patsubst rss/%.cpp,rss/%.o,$(RSSPPLIB_SOURCES)) RSSPPLIB_OUTPUT=librsspp.a CARGO_BUILD_FLAGS+=--verbose ifeq ($(PROFILE),1) BUILD_TYPE=debug else BUILD_TYPE=release CARGO_BUILD_FLAGS+=--release endif ifdef CARGO_BUILD_TARGET NEWSBOATLIB_OUTPUT=$(CARGO_TARGET_DIR)/$(CARGO_BUILD_TARGET)/$(BUILD_TYPE)/libnewsboat.a LDFLAGS+=-L$(CARGO_TARGET_DIR)/$(CARGO_BUILD_TARGET)/$(BUILD_TYPE) else NEWSBOATLIB_OUTPUT=$(CARGO_TARGET_DIR)/$(BUILD_TYPE)/libnewsboat.a LDFLAGS+=-L$(CARGO_TARGET_DIR)/$(BUILD_TYPE) endif PODBOAT=podboat PODBOAT_SOURCES:=$(shell cat mk/podboat.deps) PODBOAT_OBJS:=$(patsubst %.cpp,%.o,$(PODBOAT_SOURCES)) PODBOAT_LIBS=-lboat -lnewsboat -lfilter -lpthread -ldl ifeq (, $(filter Linux GNU GNU/%, $(shell uname -s))) NEWSBOAT_LIBS+=-liconv -lintl PODBOAT_LIBS+=-liconv -lintl endif # additional commands MKDIR=mkdir -p INSTALL=install ASCIIDOCTOR=asciidoctor MSGFMT=msgfmt RANLIB?=ranlib AR?=ar CARGO=cargo STFLHDRS:=$(patsubst %.stfl,%.h,$(wildcard stfl/*.stfl)) POFILES:=$(wildcard po/*.po) MOFILES:=$(patsubst %.po,%.mo,$(POFILES)) POTFILE=po/newsboat.pot RUST_SRCS:=Cargo.toml $(shell find rust -type f) TEXTCONV=./txt2h RM=rm -f all: doc $(NEWSBOAT) $(PODBOAT) mo-files NB_DEPS=xlicense.h $(LIB_OUTPUT) $(FILTERLIB_OUTPUT) $(NEWSBOAT_OBJS) $(RSSPPLIB_OUTPUT) $(NEWSBOATLIB_OUTPUT) $(NEWSBOATLIB_OUTPUT): $(RUST_SRCS) Cargo.lock +$(CARGO) build --package libnewsboat-ffi $(CARGO_BUILD_FLAGS) $(NEWSBOAT): $(NB_DEPS) $(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) -o $(NEWSBOAT) $(NEWSBOAT_OBJS) $(NEWSBOAT_LIBS) $(LDFLAGS) $(PODBOAT): $(LIB_OUTPUT) $(NEWSBOATLIB_OUTPUT) $(PODBOAT_OBJS) $(FILTERLIB_OUTPUT) $(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) -o $(PODBOAT) $(PODBOAT_OBJS) $(PODBOAT_LIBS) $(LDFLAGS) $(LIB_OUTPUT): $(LIB_OBJS) $(RM) $@ $(AR) qc $@ $^ $(RANLIB) $@ $(RSSPPLIB_OUTPUT): $(RSSPPLIB_OBJS) $(RM) $@ $(AR) qc $@ $^ $(RANLIB) $@ $(FILTERLIB_OUTPUT): $(FILTERLIB_OBJS) $(RM) $@ $(AR) qc $@ $^ $(RANLIB) $@ regenerate-parser: $(RM) filter/Scanner.cpp filter/Parser.cpp filter/Scanner.h filter/Parser.h cococpp -frames filter filter/filter.atg sed -i 's/\s\+$$//' filter/Scanner.cpp filter/Parser.cpp filter/Scanner.h filter/Parser.h target/cxxbridge/libnewsboat-ffi/src/%.rs.h: $(NEWSBOATLIB_OUTPUT) @# This rule declares a dependency and doesn't need to run any @# commands, but we can't leave the recipe empty because GNU Make @# requires a recipe for pattern rules. So here you go, Make, have @# a comment. %.o: %.cpp $(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) -o $@ -c $< %.h: %.stfl $(TEXTCONV) $< .stfl > $@ clean-newsboat: $(RM) $(NEWSBOAT) $(NEWSBOAT_OBJS) clean-podboat: $(RM) $(PODBOAT) $(PODBOAT_OBJS) clean-libboat: $(RM) $(LIB_OUTPUT) $(LIB_OBJS) clean-librsspp: $(RM) $(RSSPPLIB_OUTPUT) $(RSSPPLIB_OBJS) clean-libfilter: $(RM) $(FILTERLIB_OUTPUT) $(FILTERLIB_OBJS) clean-libnewsboat: $(CARGO) clean clean-doc: $(RM) -r doc/xhtml $(RM) doc/*.xml doc/*.1 doc/*-linked.asciidoc doc/newsboat-cfgcmds.asciidoc \ doc/podboat-cfgcmds.asciidoc doc/newsboat-keycmds.asciidoc \ doc/example-config doc/generate doc/generate2 \ doc/gen-example-config clean: clean-newsboat clean-podboat clean-libboat clean-libfilter clean-doc clean-mo clean-librsspp clean-libnewsboat clean-test $(RM) $(STFLHDRS) xlicense.h distclean: clean profclean $(RM) core *.core core.* config.mk doc: doc/$(NEWSBOAT).1 doc/$(PODBOAT).1 doc/xhtml/newsboat.html doc/xhtml/faq.html doc/example-config doc/xhtml: $(MKDIR) doc/xhtml doc/configcommands-linked.asciidoc: doc/configcommands.dsv sed 's/||/\t/g' doc/configcommands.dsv | awk -f doc/createConfigurationCommandsListView.awk > doc/configcommands-linked.asciidoc doc/availableoperations-linked.asciidoc: doc/keycmds.dsv sed 's/||/\t/g' doc/keycmds.dsv | awk -f doc/createAvailableOperationsListView.awk > doc/availableoperations-linked.asciidoc doc/podboat-cmds-linked.asciidoc: doc/podboat-cmds.dsv sed 's/||/\t/g' doc/podboat-cmds.dsv | awk -f doc/createPodboatConfigurationCommandsListView.awk > doc/podboat-cmds-linked.asciidoc doc/cmdline-commands-linked.asciidoc: doc/cmdline-commands.dsv sed 's/||/\t/g' doc/cmdline-commands.dsv | awk -f doc/createAvailableCommandlineCommandsListView.awk > doc/cmdline-commands-linked.asciidoc doc/xhtml/newsboat.html: doc/chapter-tagging.asciidoc doc/xhtml/newsboat.html: doc/chapter-snownews.asciidoc doc/xhtml/newsboat.html: doc/chapter-firststeps.asciidoc doc/xhtml/newsboat.html: doc/chapter-cmdline.asciidoc doc/xhtml/newsboat.html: doc/chapter-configuration.asciidoc doc/xhtml/newsboat.html: doc/chapter-podcasts.asciidoc doc/xhtml/newsboat.html: doc/chapter-podboat.asciidoc doc/xhtml/newsboat.html: doc/chapter-files.asciidoc doc/xhtml/newsboat.html: doc/chapter-password.asciidoc doc/xhtml/newsboat.html: doc/chapter-environment-variables.asciidoc doc/xhtml/newsboat.html: doc/configcommands-linked.asciidoc doc/xhtml/newsboat.html: doc/availableoperations-linked.asciidoc doc/xhtml/newsboat.html: doc/podboat-cmds-linked.asciidoc doc/xhtml/newsboat.html: doc/cmdline-commands-linked.asciidoc doc/xhtml/%.html: doc/%.asciidoc | doc/xhtml $(ASCIIDOCTOR) $(ASCIIDOCTOR_OPTS) --backend=html5 -a webfonts! --destination-dir=doc/xhtml $< doc/generate: doc/generate.cpp doc/split.h $(CXX_FOR_BUILD) $(CXXFLAGS_FOR_BUILD) -o doc/generate doc/generate.cpp doc/newsboat-cfgcmds.asciidoc: doc/generate doc/configcommands.dsv doc/generate doc/configcommands.dsv > doc/newsboat-cfgcmds.asciidoc doc/generate2: doc/generate2.cpp $(CXX_FOR_BUILD) $(CXXFLAGS_FOR_BUILD) -o doc/generate2 doc/generate2.cpp doc/newsboat-keycmds.asciidoc: doc/generate2 doc/keycmds.dsv doc/generate2 doc/keycmds.dsv > doc/newsboat-keycmds.asciidoc doc/$(NEWSBOAT).1: doc/manpage-newsboat.asciidoc doc/chapter-firststeps.asciidoc \ doc/newsboat-cfgcmds.asciidoc doc/newsboat-keycmds.asciidoc \ doc/chapter-tagging.asciidoc doc/chapter-snownews.asciidoc \ doc/chapter-cmdline.asciidoc doc/chapter-configuration.asciidoc \ doc/chapter-environment-variables.asciidoc \ doc/chapter-files.asciidoc doc/man.rb $(ASCIIDOCTOR) $(ASCIIDOCTOR_OPTS) --require=./doc/man.rb --backend=manpage doc/manpage-newsboat.asciidoc doc/podboat-cfgcmds.asciidoc: doc/generate doc/podboat-cmds.dsv doc/generate doc/podboat-cmds.dsv 'pb-' > doc/podboat-cfgcmds.asciidoc doc/$(PODBOAT).1: doc/manpage-podboat.asciidoc \ doc/chapter-podcasts.asciidoc doc/chapter-podboat.asciidoc \ doc/podboat-cfgcmds.asciidoc \ doc/chapter-environment-variables.asciidoc \ doc/chapter-files.asciidoc doc/man.rb $(ASCIIDOCTOR) $(ASCIIDOCTOR_OPTS) --require=./doc/man.rb --backend=manpage doc/manpage-podboat.asciidoc doc/gen-example-config: doc/gen-example-config.cpp doc/split.h $(CXX_FOR_BUILD) $(CXXFLAGS_FOR_BUILD) -o doc/gen-example-config doc/gen-example-config.cpp doc/example-config: doc/gen-example-config doc/configcommands.dsv sed 's/+{backslash}"+/`\\"`/g' doc/configcommands.dsv | doc/gen-example-config > doc/example-config fmt: astyle --project \ *.cpp doc/*.cpp include/*.h rss/*.h rss/*.cpp src/*.cpp \ test/*.cpp test/test_helpers/*.h test/test_helpers/*.cpp $(CARGO) fmt # We reset the locale to make the sorting reproducible. LC_ALL=C sort -t '|' -k 1,1 -o doc/configcommands.dsv doc/configcommands.dsv # Remove trailing whitespace. The purpose of the 'grep' in between is that # files without trailing whitespace will not be touched by 'sed'. Otherwise # editors might detect some external file modification and ask to reload. # With '-I' we guard against any potentially introduced binary (test) files # in the future. for f in $$(git ls-files | xargs grep -lI '[ ]$$'); do \ sed -i 's/[ \t]\+$$//' $$f; \ done cppcheck: cppcheck -j$(CPPCHECK_JOBS) --force --enable=all --suppress=unusedFunction \ --config-exclude=3rd-party --config-exclude=$(relative_cargo_target_dir) --config-exclude=/usr/include \ --suppress=*:3rd-party/* --suppress=*:$(relative_cargo_target_dir)/* --suppress=*:/usr/include/* \ --inline-suppr -DDEBUG=1 -U__VERSION__ \ $(INCLUDES) $(DEFINES) \ include newsboat.cpp podboat.cpp rss src stfl test \ 2>cppcheck.log @echo "Done! See cppcheck.log for details." install-newsboat: $(NEWSBOAT) $(MKDIR) $(DESTDIR)$(prefix)/bin $(INSTALL) $(NEWSBOAT) $(DESTDIR)$(prefix)/bin install-podboat: $(PODBOAT) $(MKDIR) $(DESTDIR)$(prefix)/bin $(INSTALL) $(PODBOAT) $(DESTDIR)$(prefix)/bin install-docs: doc $(MKDIR) $(DESTDIR)$(docdir) $(INSTALL) -m 644 doc/xhtml/* $(DESTDIR)$(docdir) $(INSTALL) -m 644 CHANGELOG.md $(DESTDIR)$(docdir) $(MKDIR) $(DESTDIR)$(docdir)/contrib $(INSTALL) -m 644 contrib/README.md $(DESTDIR)$(docdir)/contrib $(INSTALL) -m 755 contrib/*.sh $(DESTDIR)$(docdir)/contrib $(INSTALL) -m 755 contrib/*.rb $(DESTDIR)$(docdir)/contrib $(INSTALL) -m 755 contrib/*.pl $(DESTDIR)$(docdir)/contrib $(INSTALL) -m 755 contrib/*.py $(DESTDIR)$(docdir)/contrib $(MKDIR) $(DESTDIR)$(docdir)/contrib/colorschemes $(INSTALL) -m 644 contrib/colorschemes/* $(DESTDIR)$(docdir)/contrib/colorschemes $(MKDIR) $(DESTDIR)$(docdir)/contrib/getpocket.com $(INSTALL) -m 755 contrib/getpocket.com/*.sh $(DESTDIR)$(docdir)/contrib/getpocket.com $(INSTALL) -m 644 contrib/getpocket.com/*.md $(DESTDIR)$(docdir)/contrib/getpocket.com $(MKDIR) $(DESTDIR)$(docdir)/contrib/image-preview $(INSTALL) -m 755 contrib/image-preview/vifmimg $(DESTDIR)$(docdir)/contrib/image-preview $(INSTALL) -m 755 contrib/image-preview/nbrun $(DESTDIR)$(docdir)/contrib/image-preview $(INSTALL) -m 755 contrib/image-preview/nbparser $(DESTDIR)$(docdir)/contrib/image-preview $(INSTALL) -m 644 contrib/image-preview/README.org $(DESTDIR)$(docdir)/contrib/image-preview $(MKDIR) $(DESTDIR)$(mandir)/man1 $(INSTALL) -m 644 doc/$(NEWSBOAT).1 $(DESTDIR)$(mandir)/man1 $(INSTALL) -m 644 doc/$(PODBOAT).1 $(DESTDIR)$(mandir)/man1 install-examples: doc/example-config $(MKDIR) $(DESTDIR)$(docdir)/examples $(INSTALL) -m 644 doc/example-config $(DESTDIR)$(docdir)/examples/config $(INSTALL) -m 755 doc/examples/example-bookmark-plugin.sh $(DESTDIR)$(docdir)/examples/example-bookmark-plugin.sh $(INSTALL) -m 755 doc/examples/example-exec-script.py $(DESTDIR)$(docdir)/examples/example-exec-script.py install-icon: $(MKDIR) $(DESTDIR)$(datadir)/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps $(INSTALL) -m 644 logo.svg $(DESTDIR)$(datadir)/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/newsboat.svg install: install-newsboat install-podboat install-docs install-examples install-mo install-icon uninstall: uninstall-mo $(RM) $(DESTDIR)$(prefix)/bin/$(NEWSBOAT) $(RM) $(DESTDIR)$(prefix)/bin/$(PODBOAT) $(RM) $(DESTDIR)$(mandir)/man1/$(NEWSBOAT).1 $(RM) $(DESTDIR)$(mandir)/man1/$(PODBOAT).1 $(RM) -rf $(DESTDIR)$(docdir) $(RM) -r $(DESTDIR)$(docdir) $(RM) $(DESTDIR)$(datadir)/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/newsboat.svg .PHONY: doc clean distclean all test extract install uninstall regenerate-parser clean-newsboat \ clean-podboat clean-libboat clean-librsspp clean-libfilter clean-doc install-mo msgmerge clean-mo \ clean-test config cppcheck # the following targets are i18n/l10n-related: run-i18nspector: $(POFILES) i18nspector $^ mo-files: $(MOFILES) extract: $(RM) $(POTFILE) xgettext -c/ -k_ -k_s -ktranslatable -o po/cpp.pot *.cpp src/*.cpp rss/*.cpp xtr rust/libnewsboat/src/lib.rs rust/regex-rs/src/lib.rs --omit-header -o po/rust.pot cat po/cpp.pot po/rust.pot > $(POTFILE) $(RM) -f po/cpp.pot po/rust.pot sed -i 's#Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \\n#Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://github.com/newsboat/newsboat/issues\\n#' $(POTFILE) msgmerge: for f in $(POFILES) ; do \ msgmerge --backup=off -U $$f $(POTFILE) ; \ msgattrib --no-obsolete --output-file=$$f $$f ; \ done %.mo: %.po $(MSGFMT) --check --statistics -o $@ $< clean-mo: $(RM) $(MOFILES) po/*~ install-mo: mo-files $(MKDIR) $(DESTDIR)$(datadir) @for mof in $(MOFILES) ; do \ mofile=`basename $$mof` ; \ lang=`echo $$mofile | sed 's/\.mo$$//'`; \ dir=$(DESTDIR)$(localedir)/$$lang/LC_MESSAGES; \ $(MKDIR) $$dir ; \ $(INSTALL) -m 644 $$mof $$dir/$(PACKAGE).mo ; \ echo "Installing $$mofile as $$dir/$(PACKAGE).mo" ; \ done uninstall-mo: @for mof in $(MOFILES) ; do \ mofile=`basename $$mof` ; \ lang=`echo $$mofile | sed 's/\.mo$$//'`; \ dir=$(DESTDIR)$(localedir)/$$lang/LC_MESSAGES; \ $(RM) -f $$dir/$(PACKAGE).mo ; \ echo "Uninstalling $$dir/$(PACKAGE).mo" ; \ done # tests and coverage reports test: test/test rust-test rust-test: +$(CARGO) test $(CARGO_TEST_FLAGS) --no-run TEST_SRCS:=$(wildcard test/*.cpp test/test_helpers/*.cpp) TEST_OBJS:=$(patsubst %.cpp,%.o,$(TEST_SRCS)) SRC_SRCS:=$(wildcard src/*.cpp) SRC_OBJS:=$(patsubst %.cpp,%.o,$(SRC_SRCS)) test/test: xlicense.h $(LIB_OUTPUT) $(NEWSBOATLIB_OUTPUT) $(NEWSBOAT_OBJS) $(PODBOAT_OBJS) $(FILTERLIB_OUTPUT) $(RSSPPLIB_OUTPUT) $(TEST_OBJS) $(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) -o test/test $(TEST_OBJS) $(SRC_OBJS) $(NEWSBOAT_LIBS) $(LDFLAGS) clean-test: $(RM) test/test test/*.o test/test_helpers/*.o profclean: find . -name '*.gc*' -type f -print0 | xargs -0 $(RM) -- $(RM) app*.info check: test (cd test && ./test --order=rand --rng-seed=time) $(CARGO) test $(CARGO_TEST_FLAGS) if [ $(NEWSBOAT_RUN_IGNORED_TESTS) -eq 1 ] ; then $(CARGO) test $(CARGO_TEST_FLAGS) -- --ignored ; fi ci-check: test # We want to run both C++ and Rust tests, but we also want this entire # command to fail if one of the test suites fails. That's why we store # the C++'s exit code and chain it to Rust's in the end. $(CARGO) test $(CARGO_TEST_FLAGS) --no-fail-fast ; \ ret1=$$? ; \ \ ret2=0 ; \ if [ $(NEWSBOAT_RUN_IGNORED_TESTS) -eq 1 ] ; \ then $(CARGO) test $(CARGO_TEST_FLAGS) --no-fail-fast -- --ignored ; ret2=$$? ; \ fi ; \ \ cd test && \ ./test --order=rand --rng-seed=time && \ \ [ \( $$ret1 -eq 0 \) -a \( $$ret2 -eq 0 \) ] # miscellaneous stuff config: config.mk config.mk: @./config.sh xlicense.h: LICENSE $(TEXTCONV) $< > $@ # We reset the locale for the `ls` call to force it into sorting by byte value. # Without this, the sorting is locale-dependent, which is annoying because it # means the only way to pass the continuous integration check is to see it fail # and copy the diff. ALL_SRCS:=$(shell LC_ALL=C ls -1 *.cpp filter/*.cpp rss/*.cpp src/*.cpp test/*.cpp test/test_helpers/*.cpp) ALL_HDRS:=$(wildcard filter/*.h rss/*.h test/test_helpers/*.h 3rd-party/*.hpp) $(STFLHDRS) xlicense.h # This depends on NEWSBOATLIB_OUTPUT because it produces cxxbridge headers, and # we need to record those headers in the deps file. depslist: $(NEWSBOATLIB_OUTPUT) $(ALL_SRCS) $(ALL_HDRS) > mk/mk.deps for file in $(ALL_SRCS) ; do \ target=`echo $$file | sed 's/cpp$$/o/'`; \ $(CXX) $(BARE_CXXFLAGS) -MM -MG -MQ $$target $$file >> mk/mk.deps ; \ echo $$file ; \ done; include mk/mk.deps