Changes for newsbeuter: 2.7 (2013-08-27): Fix crash bug. Add option to colorize unread messages (Patrick Steinhardt). Add option to swap title and hints bar (Patrick Steinhardt). Add %u and %t support to itemview (Giuliano Schneider). Only force redraw if a form action is active (Patrick Steinhardt). 2.6 (2013-03-19): Fixed crash in RSS parser (thanks to Isaac Good). Fixed authentication issues with Google Reader (thanks to Fabrice Noilhan). Fixed bug in Google authentication (Daniel Aleksandersen). Style table headers in bold (Daniel Aleksandersen). Add support for q and aside tags (Daniel Aleksandersen). Remove all soft-hyphens (Daniel Aleksandersen). More compact default user-agent on Mac OS X (Daniel Aleksandersen). Add Norwegian bokmål translation (Daniel Aleksandersen). Updated Russian translation (Justin Forest). Updated Polish translation (Michal Siemek). 2.5 (2012-01-06): Implemented download-full-page configuration option. Added configuration option to use external URL viewer (fixes issue #242). Added ability to store Google Reader password in an external file (fixes issue #239). Added Tiny Tiny RSS support (fixes issue #243). Made HTTP authentication method configurable (fixes issue #247). Implemented "delete-read-articles-on-quit" option. Fixed rendering of nested
    lists. 2.4 (2011-02-01): Added support for query feeds in combination with Google Reader support. Added ability to configure proxy authentication method. Added commandline option -q to enable quiet startup (patch by Isaac Good) Re-sort feed list after all feeds have been reloaded. Added keys to jump to the next/previous feed or article regardless of its "unread" status (patches by Jim Pryor) Implemented on-demand loading of feeds to reduce memory usage. Removed Bloglines support as the service shuts down on October 1, 2010. Implemented XDG Base Directory support (patch by Elrond) Google Reader: when in offline mode, record unread status changes and later replay when in online mode. Fixed Google Reader authentication issue with certain passwords (fixes issue #238). Added configuration option "cookie-cache" (fixes issue #234). 2.3 (2010-06-24): Fixed HTML rendering of bold and underline text when light background is configured. Fixed issues #192, #194, #197, #198, #199, #200, #201, #202, #210, #216. Made newsbeuter silent on lockfile errors when '-x' option is used. Fixed Google Reader authentication (by Seth Mason) 2.2 (2010-03-14): Added Google Reader support. Fixed issues #90, #160, #161, #168, #169, #171, #179, #180, #184. Implemented article highlighting in article list based on the article content (fixes issue #174). Extended "ignore article" functionality with different ignore modes (download/display; fixes issue #52). Added "hard quit" key to immediately quit from newsbeuter (patch by Jim Pryor) Added "download status" format specifier for feedlist-format (fixes issue #181). Added HTML table renderer (patch by Stefan Erben) Fixed issues #183, #188 (patch by Stefan Erben) Added "open-in-browser-and-mark-read" key (patch by Isaac Good) 2.1 (2009-12-08): Added support for dc:creator tag for RSS 2.0 parser. Fixed issue #141 (podbeuter ignored use-proxy configuration command). When entering a feed, the first unread article is automatically selected (can be turned off with goto-first-unread no). When marking a feed read, move the selection to the next feed (unless a filter is currently applied). Improved HTML rendering (patch by Stefan Erben) Added length field to article list format (patch by Stefan Erben) Added support for 256-color terminals Added "dumpform" commandline command as a debugging aid. Allow deletion of articles from article view Added support for SOCKS proxies Added "notify-beep" notification beep (patch by Vern Sun) Added key to quickly jump to article URLs above #10 (patch by Stefan Erben) 2.0 (2009-04-21): Added more flexible dialog handling Improved position handling in article list (fixes #112; thanks to Isaac Good) Fixed a lot of bugs (#102, #111, #117, #130, #131). Added ability to specify a list of OPML URLs when using OPML as URL source. Added config option "keep-articles-days" to optionally keep articles only for a limited number of days. Added config option "bookmark-interactive" to indicate that the configured bookmarking command is interactive. Don't display authentication information in URLs (fixes #121). Replaced mrss with new RSS/Atom parser. Added ability to search for text from the article view. Added basic support for Yahoo Media RSS. Made article view pager configurable. Improved HTML rendering of links and underlined and bold text. Added ":source" commandline command to (re)load configuration files. Implemented "pipe-to" key to pipe articles to external commands. Implemented backtick evaluation for configuration files. Extended filter language with "between" operator. Added "age" attribute for articles to filter them for relative age (in days). Extended "set" commandline command to toggle boolean variables and reset configuration variables of all types to their default. Added ability to configure local files as feeds. Added a "random-unread" key to go to a random unread article. When opening articles from a search result dialog, make search phrase stand out in article view. Persist commandline and search history. Implemented commandline completion. Improved help dialog so that it now shows unbound functions. Added ability to sort feed list and article list by interactively choosing the sort method. Improved and extended conditional HTTP download handling. 1.3 (2008-12-06): Changed some internal data structures to smart pointers (stability improvement). Extended podbeuter to keep finished downloads in the queue until they've been played. Implemented placeholders for download-path (fixes #46). Added the ability to edit the list of subscribed URLs from newsbeuter through a text editor. Implemented a file format to exchange information about read articles between different newsbeuter instances. Extended keymap to allow dialog-specific configuration. Extended macros to enable modification of configuration variables. Implemented configuration option "feed-sort-order" to sort the feed list by the first tag. Added ability to toggle read flag from article view (thanks to Isaac Good). Added ability to configure the number of parallel reload threads (fixes #101). 1.2 (2008-09-02): Fixed crash in case of invalid color/attribute names in the configuration Implemented "download-timeout" and "download-retries" config options to make newsbeuter more reliable over unreliable connection (fixes #88). Improved whitespace handling in XML parser (fixes Debian issue #496765). Fixed broken open-in-browser operation for URLs that contained a single quote (fixes Debian issue #497495; fixes incomplete security fix). 1.1 (2008-09-01): Added a line wrap for the article view's headers and the link list on the bottom (fixes Debian issue #491122) Added test suite for functional tests of the user interface Fixed potential security issue when opening article URLs with the configured browser (thanks to J.H.M. Dassen (Ray) for pointing out) 1.0 (2008-08-20): Implemented support for highlighting of regular expressions Implemented search function in help dialog Implemented "show-read-articles" configuration option to toggle displaying of read articles Implemented "always-download" configuration option to configure a list of feed URLs for which newsbeuter ignores the Last-Modified timestamp Added read progress display in article view Added optional format string support for "browser" configuration option Added "reset-unread-on-update" configuration command 0.9.1 (2008-05-12): Fixed issue with filter feeds. Added possibility to open a feed's link by pressing the open-in-browser key in feed list. Fixed issue with RFC-822 date parsing where the year only had 2 digits. 0.9 (2008-05-01): Improved locking to allow multiple newsbeuter instances (one instance per cache file) Flagged articles don't get deleted anymore. Added commandline option to podbeuter to automatically start download. Added "article-sort-order" configuration option to freely configure the sort order of article lists Added possibility to delete articles Lots of bug fixes 0.8.2 (2008-03-16): fixed broken string conversion. 0.8.1 (2008-03-12): fixed crash (related to string conversion of format string support) 0.8 (2008-03-07): implemented custom configurability of feed list and article list format improved reload speed by checking the Last-Modified header added special tags to rename feeds added macro support added Ruby scripting support directly integrated nxml/mrss code since API and ABI are a moving target 0.7 (2007-09-18): implemented the possibility to predefine filters implemented bloglines synchronization support implemented OPML online subscription support implemented plugin-based bookmarking support implemented custom flagging of articles redesigned search function implemented more key commands to ease navigation even more added the possibility to optionally use an external HTML renderer 0.6 (2007-08-14): implemented support for reloading the urls file implemented query feeds implemented history for the most important input fields fixed a major bug with filtering in the item list bugfix in the OPML import functionality implemented additional commandline commands 0.5 (2007-08-02): improved HTML rendering improved lock file handling added Unicode compatibility added support for notifications implemented filter language it is now possible to freely configure e.g. the up/down-keys 0.4 (2007-05-08): refactored view introduced configuration option to disable cache cleanup (user request) introduced configuration option to set the HTTP user-agent header to a custom value significant speed improvement for reload and cache cleanup (by Jürgen Jung) added Italian translation (by Andrea Marchesini) added unit tests added an "include" configuration command to make it possible to separate the configuration into several files introduced global configuration file /etc/newsbeuter/config added support for Snownews/Liferea extension scripts 0.3 (2007-03-26): added gettext support added podcast support changed handling of encoding - now, everything is stored as UTF-8 internally, and gets converted on-the-fly removed dependency to libidn numerous bugs have been fixed 0.2 (2007-02-21): removed an unnecessary mutex lock/unlock that made newsbeuter lock up when the "max-items" config option was set improved HTML rendering (occasional missing spaces,
    	added possibility to use the space key for key bindings
    	made "next unread" function work across feeds when in item view
    	added the possibility to view all URLs within an article and open them in a browser
    	added HTTP proxy support
    	added color configuration support
    	added tagging/categorization support
    	added auto-reload support
    	added search dialog
    0.1.1 (2007-01-17):
    	fixed a crash when ISO-8859-1 encoded feeds with umlauts in the title were displayed on systems with UTF-8 locales enabled.
    0.1 (2007-01-16):
    	Initial release.