// Registry of netdata hosts NETDATA.alarms = { onclick: null, // the callback to handle the click - it will be called with the alarm log entry chart_div_offset: -50, // give that space above the chart when scrolling to it chart_div_id_prefix: 'chart_', // the chart DIV IDs have this prefix (they should be NETDATA.name2id(chart.id)) chart_div_animation_duration: 0,// the duration of the animation while scrolling to a chart ms_penalty: 0, // the time penalty of the next alarm ms_between_notifications: 500, // firefox moves the alarms off-screen (above, outside the top of the screen) // if alarms are shown faster than: one per 500ms update_every: 10000, // the time in ms between alarm checks notifications: false, // when true, the browser supports notifications (may not be granted though) last_notification_id: 0, // the id of the last alarm_log we have raised an alarm for first_notification_id: 0, // the id of the first alarm_log entry for this session // this is used to prevent CLEAR notifications for past events // notifications_shown: [], server: null, // the server to connect to for fetching alarms current: null, // the list of raised alarms - updated in the background // a callback function to call every time the list of raised alarms is refreshed callback: (typeof netdataAlarmsActiveCallback === 'function') ? netdataAlarmsActiveCallback : null, // a callback function to call every time a notification is shown // the return value is used to decide if the notification will be shown notificationCallback: (typeof netdataAlarmsNotifCallback === 'function') ? netdataAlarmsNotifCallback : null, recipients: null, // the list (array) of recipients to show alarms for, or null recipientMatches: function (to_string, wanted_array) { if (typeof wanted_array === 'undefined' || wanted_array === null || Array.isArray(wanted_array) === false) { return true; } let r = ' ' + to_string.toString() + ' '; let len = wanted_array.length; while (len--) { if (r.indexOf(' ' + wanted_array[len] + ' ') >= 0) { return true; } } return false; }, activeForRecipients: function () { let active = {}; let data = NETDATA.alarms.current; if (typeof data === 'undefined' || data === null) { return active; } for (let x in data.alarms) { if (!data.alarms.hasOwnProperty(x)) { continue; } let alarm = data.alarms[x]; if ((alarm.status === 'WARNING' || alarm.status === 'CRITICAL') && NETDATA.alarms.recipientMatches(alarm.recipient, NETDATA.alarms.recipients)) { active[x] = alarm; } } return active; }, notify: function (entry) { // console.log('alarm ' + entry.unique_id); if (entry.updated) { // console.log('alarm ' + entry.unique_id + ' has been updated by another alarm'); return; } let value_string = entry.value_string; if (NETDATA.alarms.current !== null) { // get the current value_string let t = NETDATA.alarms.current.alarms[entry.chart + '.' + entry.name]; if (typeof t !== 'undefined' && entry.status === t.status && typeof t.value_string !== 'undefined') { value_string = t.value_string; } } let name = entry.name.replace(/_/g, ' '); let status = entry.status.toLowerCase(); let title = name + ' = ' + value_string.toString(); let tag = entry.alarm_id; let icon = 'images/seo-performance-128.png'; let interaction = false; let data = entry; let show = true; // console.log('alarm ' + entry.unique_id + ' ' + entry.chart + '.' + entry.name + ' is ' + entry.status); switch (entry.status) { case 'REMOVED': show = false; break; case 'UNDEFINED': return; case 'UNINITIALIZED': return; case 'CLEAR': if (entry.unique_id < NETDATA.alarms.first_notification_id) { // console.log('alarm ' + entry.unique_id + ' is not current'); return; } if (entry.old_status === 'UNINITIALIZED' || entry.old_status === 'UNDEFINED') { // console.log('alarm' + entry.unique_id + ' switch to CLEAR from ' + entry.old_status); return; } if (entry.no_clear_notification) { // console.log('alarm' + entry.unique_id + ' is CLEAR but has no_clear_notification flag'); return; } title = name + ' back to normal (' + value_string.toString() + ')'; icon = 'images/check-mark-2-128-green.png'; interaction = false; break; case 'WARNING': if (entry.old_status === 'CRITICAL') { status = 'demoted to ' + entry.status.toLowerCase(); } icon = 'images/alert-128-orange.png'; interaction = false; break; case 'CRITICAL': if (entry.old_status === 'WARNING') { status = 'escalated to ' + entry.status.toLowerCase(); } icon = 'images/alert-128-red.png'; interaction = true; break; default: console.log('invalid alarm status ' + entry.status); return; } // filter recipients if (show) { show = NETDATA.alarms.recipientMatches(entry.recipient, NETDATA.alarms.recipients); } /* // cleanup old notifications with the same alarm_id as this one // it does not seem to work on any web browser - so notifications cannot be removed let len = NETDATA.alarms.notifications_shown.length; while (len--) { let n = NETDATA.alarms.notifications_shown[len]; if (n.data.alarm_id === entry.alarm_id) { console.log('removing old alarm ' + n.data.unique_id); // close the notification n.close.bind(n); // remove it from the array NETDATA.alarms.notifications_shown.splice(len, 1); len = NETDATA.alarms.notifications_shown.length; } } */ if (show) { if (typeof NETDATA.alarms.notificationCallback === 'function') { show = NETDATA.alarms.notificationCallback(entry); } if (show) { setTimeout(function () { // show this notification // console.log('new notification: ' + title); let n = new Notification(title, { body: entry.hostname + ' - ' + entry.chart + ' (' + entry.family + ') - ' + status + ': ' + entry.info, tag: tag, requireInteraction: interaction, icon: NETDATA.serverStatic + icon, data: data }); n.onclick = function (event) { event.preventDefault(); NETDATA.alarms.onclick(event.target.data); }; // console.log(n); // NETDATA.alarms.notifications_shown.push(n); // console.log(entry); }, NETDATA.alarms.ms_penalty); NETDATA.alarms.ms_penalty += NETDATA.alarms.ms_between_notifications; } } }, scrollToChart: function (chart_id) { if (typeof chart_id === 'string') { let offset = $('#' + NETDATA.alarms.chart_div_id_prefix + NETDATA.name2id(chart_id)).offset(); if (typeof offset !== 'undefined') { $('html, body').animate({scrollTop: offset.top + NETDATA.alarms.chart_div_offset}, NETDATA.alarms.chart_div_animation_duration); return true; } } return false; }, scrollToAlarm: function (alarm) { if (typeof alarm === 'object') { let ret = NETDATA.alarms.scrollToChart(alarm.chart); if (ret && NETDATA.options.page_is_visible === false) { window.focus(); } // alert('netdata dashboard will now scroll to chart: ' + alarm.chart + '\n\nThis alarm opened to bring the browser window in front of the screen. Click on the dashboard to prevent it from appearing again.'); } }, notifyAll: function () { // console.log('FETCHING ALARM LOG'); NETDATA.alarms.get_log(NETDATA.alarms.last_notification_id, function (data) { // console.log('ALARM LOG FETCHED'); if (data === null || typeof data !== 'object') { console.log('invalid alarms log response'); return; } if (data.length === 0) { console.log('received empty alarm log'); return; } // console.log('received alarm log of ' + data.length + ' entries, from ' + data[data.length - 1].unique_id.toString() + ' to ' + data[0].unique_id.toString()); data.sort(function (a, b) { if (a.unique_id > b.unique_id) { return -1; } if (a.unique_id < b.unique_id) { return 1; } return 0; }); NETDATA.alarms.ms_penalty = 0; let len = data.length; while (len--) { if (data[len].unique_id > NETDATA.alarms.last_notification_id) { NETDATA.alarms.notify(data[len]); } //else // console.log('ignoring alarm (older) with id ' + data[len].unique_id.toString()); } NETDATA.alarms.last_notification_id = data[0].unique_id; if (typeof netdataAlarmsRemember === 'undefined' || netdataAlarmsRemember) { NETDATA.localStorageSet('last_notification_id', NETDATA.alarms.last_notification_id, null); } // console.log('last notification id = ' + NETDATA.alarms.last_notification_id); }) }, check_notifications: function () { // returns true if we should fire 1+ notifications if (NETDATA.alarms.notifications !== true) { // console.log('web notifications are not available'); return false; } if (Notification.permission !== 'granted') { // console.log('web notifications are not granted'); return false; } if (typeof NETDATA.alarms.current !== 'undefined' && typeof NETDATA.alarms.current.alarms === 'object') { // console.log('can do alarms: old id = ' + NETDATA.alarms.last_notification_id + ' new id = ' + NETDATA.alarms.current.latest_alarm_log_unique_id); if (NETDATA.alarms.current.latest_alarm_log_unique_id > NETDATA.alarms.last_notification_id) { // console.log('new alarms detected'); return true; } //else console.log('no new alarms'); } // else console.log('cannot process alarms'); return false; }, get: function (what, callback) { $.ajax({ url: NETDATA.alarms.server + '/api/v1/alarms?' + what.toString(), async: true, cache: false, headers: { 'Cache-Control': 'no-cache, no-store', 'Pragma': 'no-cache' }, xhrFields: {withCredentials: true} // required for the cookie }) .done(function (data) { data = NETDATA.xss.checkOptional('/api/v1/alarms', data /*, '.*\.(calc|calc_parsed|warn|warn_parsed|crit|crit_parsed)$' */); if (NETDATA.alarms.first_notification_id === 0 && typeof data.latest_alarm_log_unique_id === 'number') { NETDATA.alarms.first_notification_id = data.latest_alarm_log_unique_id; } if (typeof callback === 'function') { return callback(data); } }) .fail(function () { NETDATA.error(415, NETDATA.alarms.server); if (typeof callback === 'function') { return callback(null); } }); }, update_forever: function () { if (netdataShowAlarms !== true || netdataSnapshotData !== null) { return; } NETDATA.alarms.get('active', function (data) { if (data !== null) { NETDATA.alarms.current = data; if (NETDATA.alarms.check_notifications()) { NETDATA.alarms.notifyAll(); } if (typeof NETDATA.alarms.callback === 'function') { NETDATA.alarms.callback(data); } // Health monitoring is disabled on this netdata if (data.status === false) { return; } } setTimeout(NETDATA.alarms.update_forever, NETDATA.alarms.update_every); }); }, get_log: function (last_id, callback) { // console.log('fetching all log after ' + last_id.toString()); $.ajax({ url: NETDATA.alarms.server + '/api/v1/alarm_log?after=' + last_id.toString(), async: true, cache: false, headers: { 'Cache-Control': 'no-cache, no-store', 'Pragma': 'no-cache' }, xhrFields: {withCredentials: true} // required for the cookie }) .done(function (data) { data = NETDATA.xss.checkOptional('/api/v1/alarm_log', data); if (typeof callback === 'function') { return callback(data); } }) .fail(function () { NETDATA.error(416, NETDATA.alarms.server); if (typeof callback === 'function') { return callback(null); } }); }, init: function () { NETDATA.alarms.server = NETDATA.fixHost(NETDATA.serverDefault); if (typeof netdataAlarmsRemember === 'undefined' || netdataAlarmsRemember) { NETDATA.alarms.last_notification_id = NETDATA.localStorageGet('last_notification_id', NETDATA.alarms.last_notification_id, null); } if (NETDATA.alarms.onclick === null) { NETDATA.alarms.onclick = NETDATA.alarms.scrollToAlarm; } if (typeof netdataAlarmsRecipients !== 'undefined' && Array.isArray(netdataAlarmsRecipients)) { NETDATA.alarms.recipients = netdataAlarmsRecipients; } if (netdataShowAlarms) { NETDATA.alarms.update_forever(); if ('Notification' in window) { // console.log('notifications available'); NETDATA.alarms.notifications = true; if (Notification.permission === 'default') { Notification.requestPermission(); } } } } };