// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later #include "rrdpush.h" #include "parser/parser.h" // IMPORTANT: to add workers, you have to edit WORKER_PARSER_FIRST_JOB accordingly #define WORKER_RECEIVER_JOB_BYTES_READ (WORKER_PARSER_FIRST_JOB - 1) #define WORKER_RECEIVER_JOB_BYTES_UNCOMPRESSED (WORKER_PARSER_FIRST_JOB - 2) // this has to be the same at parser.h #define WORKER_RECEIVER_JOB_REPLICATION_COMPLETION (WORKER_PARSER_FIRST_JOB - 3) #if WORKER_PARSER_FIRST_JOB < 1 #error The define WORKER_PARSER_FIRST_JOB needs to be at least 1 #endif extern struct config stream_config; void destroy_receiver_state(struct receiver_state *rpt) { freez(rpt->key); freez(rpt->hostname); freez(rpt->registry_hostname); freez(rpt->machine_guid); freez(rpt->os); freez(rpt->timezone); freez(rpt->abbrev_timezone); freez(rpt->tags); freez(rpt->client_ip); freez(rpt->client_port); freez(rpt->program_name); freez(rpt->program_version); #ifdef ENABLE_HTTPS if(rpt->ssl.conn){ SSL_free(rpt->ssl.conn); } #endif #ifdef ENABLE_COMPRESSION if (rpt->decompressor) rpt->decompressor->destroy(&rpt->decompressor); #endif freez(rpt); } static void rrdpush_receiver_thread_cleanup(void *ptr) { worker_unregister(); static __thread int executed = 0; if(!executed) { executed = 1; struct receiver_state *rpt = (struct receiver_state *) ptr; // If the shutdown sequence has started, and this receiver is still attached to the host then we cannot touch // the host pointer as it is unpredictable when the RRDHOST is deleted. Do the cleanup from rrdhost_free(). if (netdata_exit && rpt->host) { rpt->exited = 1; return; } // Make sure that we detach this thread and don't kill a freshly arriving receiver if (!netdata_exit && rpt->host) { netdata_mutex_lock(&rpt->host->receiver_lock); if (rpt->host->receiver == rpt) rpt->host->receiver = NULL; netdata_mutex_unlock(&rpt->host->receiver_lock); } info("STREAM %s [receive from [%s]:%s]: receive thread ended (task id %d)", rpt->hostname, rpt->client_ip, rpt->client_port, gettid()); destroy_receiver_state(rpt); } } #include "collectors/plugins.d/pluginsd_parser.h" PARSER_RC streaming_claimed_id(char **words, size_t num_words, void *user) { const char *host_uuid_str = get_word(words, num_words, 1); const char *claim_id_str = get_word(words, num_words, 2); if (!host_uuid_str || !claim_id_str) { error("Command CLAIMED_ID came malformed, uuid = '%s', claim_id = '%s'", host_uuid_str ? host_uuid_str : "[unset]", claim_id_str ? claim_id_str : "[unset]"); return PARSER_RC_ERROR; } uuid_t uuid; RRDHOST *host = ((PARSER_USER_OBJECT *)user)->host; // We don't need the parsed UUID // just do it to check the format if(uuid_parse(host_uuid_str, uuid)) { error("1st parameter (host GUID) to CLAIMED_ID command is not valid GUID. Received: \"%s\".", host_uuid_str); return PARSER_RC_ERROR; } if(uuid_parse(claim_id_str, uuid) && strcmp(claim_id_str, "NULL")) { error("2nd parameter (Claim ID) to CLAIMED_ID command is not valid GUID. Received: \"%s\".", claim_id_str); return PARSER_RC_ERROR; } if(strcmp(host_uuid_str, host->machine_guid)) { error("Claim ID is for host \"%s\" but it came over connection for \"%s\"", host_uuid_str, host->machine_guid); return PARSER_RC_OK; //the message is OK problem must be somewhere else } rrdhost_aclk_state_lock(host); if (host->aclk_state.claimed_id) freez(host->aclk_state.claimed_id); host->aclk_state.claimed_id = strcmp(claim_id_str, "NULL") ? strdupz(claim_id_str) : NULL; metaqueue_store_claim_id(&host->host_uuid, host->aclk_state.claimed_id ? &uuid : NULL); rrdhost_aclk_state_unlock(host); rrdpush_claimed_id(host); return PARSER_RC_OK; } static int read_stream(struct receiver_state *r, char* buffer, size_t size) { if(unlikely(!size)) { internal_error(true, "%s() asked to read zero bytes", __FUNCTION__); return 0; } #ifdef ENABLE_HTTPS if (r->ssl.conn && r->ssl.flags == NETDATA_SSL_HANDSHAKE_COMPLETE) return (int)netdata_ssl_read(r->ssl.conn, buffer, size); #endif ssize_t bytes_read = read(r->fd, buffer, size); if(bytes_read == 0 && (errno == EAGAIN || errno == EWOULDBLOCK || errno == EINPROGRESS)) { error("STREAM: %s(): timeout while waiting for data on socket!", __FUNCTION__); bytes_read = -3; } else if (bytes_read == 0) { error("STREAM: %s(): EOF while reading data from socket!", __FUNCTION__); bytes_read = -1; } else if (bytes_read < 0) { error("STREAM: %s() failed to read from socket!", __FUNCTION__); bytes_read = -2; } // do { // bytes_read = (int) fread(buffer, 1, size, fp); // if (unlikely(bytes_read <= 0)) { // if(feof(fp)) { // internal_error(true, "%s(): fread() failed with EOF", __FUNCTION__); // bytes_read = -2; // } // else if(ferror(fp)) { // internal_error(true, "%s(): fread() failed with ERROR", __FUNCTION__); // bytes_read = -3; // } // else bytes_read = 0; // } // else // worker_set_metric(WORKER_RECEIVER_JOB_BYTES_READ, bytes_read); // } while(bytes_read == 0); return (int)bytes_read; } static bool receiver_read_uncompressed(struct receiver_state *r) { #ifdef NETDATA_INTERNAL_CHECKS if(r->read_buffer[r->read_len] != '\0') fatal("%s(): read_buffer does not start with zero", __FUNCTION__ ); #endif int bytes_read = read_stream(r, r->read_buffer + r->read_len, sizeof(r->read_buffer) - r->read_len - 1); if(unlikely(bytes_read <= 0)) return false; worker_set_metric(WORKER_RECEIVER_JOB_BYTES_READ, (NETDATA_DOUBLE)bytes_read); worker_set_metric(WORKER_RECEIVER_JOB_BYTES_UNCOMPRESSED, (NETDATA_DOUBLE)bytes_read); r->read_len += bytes_read; r->read_buffer[r->read_len] = '\0'; return true; } #ifdef ENABLE_COMPRESSION static bool receiver_read_compressed(struct receiver_state *r) { #ifdef NETDATA_INTERNAL_CHECKS if(r->read_buffer[r->read_len] != '\0') fatal("%s: read_buffer does not start with zero #2", __FUNCTION__ ); #endif // first use any available uncompressed data if (r->decompressor->decompressed_bytes_in_buffer(r->decompressor)) { size_t available = sizeof(r->read_buffer) - r->read_len - 1; if (available) { size_t len = r->decompressor->get(r->decompressor, r->read_buffer + r->read_len, available); if (!len) { internal_error(true, "decompressor returned zero length #1"); return false; } r->read_len += (int)len; r->read_buffer[r->read_len] = '\0'; } else internal_error(true, "The line to read is too big! Already have %d bytes in read_buffer.", r->read_len); return true; } // no decompressed data available // read the compression signature of the next block if(unlikely(r->read_len + r->decompressor->signature_size > sizeof(r->read_buffer) - 1)) { internal_error(true, "The last incomplete line does not leave enough room for the next compression header! Already have %d bytes in read_buffer.", r->read_len); return false; } // read the compression signature from the stream // we have to do a loop here, because read_stream() may return less than the data we need int bytes_read = 0; do { int ret = read_stream(r, r->read_buffer + r->read_len + bytes_read, r->decompressor->signature_size - bytes_read); if (unlikely(ret <= 0)) return false; bytes_read += ret; } while(unlikely(bytes_read < (int)r->decompressor->signature_size)); worker_set_metric(WORKER_RECEIVER_JOB_BYTES_READ, (NETDATA_DOUBLE)bytes_read); if(unlikely(bytes_read != (int)r->decompressor->signature_size)) fatal("read %d bytes, but expected compression signature of size %zu", bytes_read, r->decompressor->signature_size); size_t compressed_message_size = r->decompressor->start(r->decompressor, r->read_buffer + r->read_len, bytes_read); if (unlikely(!compressed_message_size)) { internal_error(true, "multiplexed uncompressed data in compressed stream!"); r->read_len += bytes_read; r->read_buffer[r->read_len] = '\0'; return true; } if(unlikely(compressed_message_size > COMPRESSION_MAX_MSG_SIZE)) { error("received a compressed message of %zu bytes, which is bigger than the max compressed message size supported of %zu. Ignoring message.", compressed_message_size, (size_t)COMPRESSION_MAX_MSG_SIZE); return false; } // delete compression header from our read buffer r->read_buffer[r->read_len] = '\0'; // Read the entire compressed block of compressed data char compressed[compressed_message_size]; size_t compressed_bytes_read = 0; do { size_t start = compressed_bytes_read; size_t remaining = compressed_message_size - start; int last_read_bytes = read_stream(r, &compressed[start], remaining); if (unlikely(last_read_bytes <= 0)) { internal_error(true, "read_stream() failed #2, with code %d", last_read_bytes); return false; } compressed_bytes_read += last_read_bytes; } while(unlikely(compressed_message_size > compressed_bytes_read)); worker_set_metric(WORKER_RECEIVER_JOB_BYTES_READ, (NETDATA_DOUBLE)compressed_bytes_read); // decompress the compressed block size_t bytes_to_parse = r->decompressor->decompress(r->decompressor, compressed, compressed_bytes_read); if (!bytes_to_parse) { internal_error(true, "no bytes to parse."); return false; } worker_set_metric(WORKER_RECEIVER_JOB_BYTES_UNCOMPRESSED, (NETDATA_DOUBLE)bytes_to_parse); // fill read buffer with decompressed data size_t len = (int)r->decompressor->get(r->decompressor, r->read_buffer + r->read_len, sizeof(r->read_buffer) - r->read_len - 1); if (!len) { internal_error(true, "decompressor returned zero length #2"); return false; } r->read_len += (int)len; r->read_buffer[r->read_len] = '\0'; return true; } #else // !ENABLE_COMPRESSION static bool receiver_read_compressed(struct receiver_state *r) { return receiver_read_uncompressed(r); } #endif // ENABLE_COMPRESSION /* Produce a full line if one exists, statefully return where we start next time. * When we hit the end of the buffer with a partial line move it to the beginning for the next fill. */ static char *receiver_next_line(struct receiver_state *r, char *buffer, size_t buffer_length, size_t *pos) { size_t start = *pos; char *ss = &r->read_buffer[start]; char *se = &r->read_buffer[r->read_len]; char *ds = buffer; char *de = &buffer[buffer_length - 2]; if(ss >= se) { *ds = '\0'; *pos = 0; r->read_len = 0; r->read_buffer[r->read_len] = '\0'; return NULL; } // copy all bytes to buffer while(ss < se && ds < de && *ss != '\n') *ds++ = *ss++; // if we have a newline, return the buffer if(ss < se && ds < de && *ss == '\n') { // newline found in the r->read_buffer *ds++ = *ss++; // copy the newline too *ds = '\0'; *pos = ss - r->read_buffer; return buffer; } // if the destination is full, oops! if(ds == de) { error("STREAM: received line exceeds %d bytes. Truncating it.", PLUGINSD_LINE_MAX); *ds = '\0'; *pos = ss - r->read_buffer; return buffer; } // no newline found in the r->read_buffer // move everything to the beginning memmove(r->read_buffer, &r->read_buffer[start], r->read_len - start); r->read_len -= (int)start; r->read_buffer[r->read_len] = '\0'; *ds = '\0'; *pos = 0; return NULL; } static void streaming_parser_thread_cleanup(void *ptr) { PARSER *parser = (PARSER *)ptr; rrd_collector_finished(); parser_destroy(parser); } static size_t streaming_parser(struct receiver_state *rpt, struct plugind *cd, int fd, void *ssl) { size_t result; PARSER_USER_OBJECT user = { .enabled = cd->enabled, .host = rpt->host, .opaque = rpt, .cd = cd, .trust_durations = 1 }; PARSER *parser = parser_init(rpt->host, &user, NULL, NULL, fd, PARSER_INPUT_SPLIT, ssl); rrd_collector_started(); // this keeps the parser with its current value // so, parser needs to be allocated before pushing it netdata_thread_cleanup_push(streaming_parser_thread_cleanup, parser); parser_add_keyword(parser, "CLAIMED_ID", streaming_claimed_id); user.parser = parser; bool compressed_connection = false; #ifdef ENABLE_COMPRESSION if(stream_has_capability(rpt, STREAM_CAP_COMPRESSION)) { compressed_connection = true; if (!rpt->decompressor) rpt->decompressor = create_decompressor(); else rpt->decompressor->reset(rpt->decompressor); } #endif rpt->read_buffer[0] = '\0'; rpt->read_len = 0; size_t read_buffer_start = 0; char buffer[PLUGINSD_LINE_MAX + 2] = ""; while(!netdata_exit) { if(!receiver_next_line(rpt, buffer, PLUGINSD_LINE_MAX + 2, &read_buffer_start)) { bool have_new_data; if(compressed_connection) have_new_data = receiver_read_compressed(rpt); else have_new_data = receiver_read_uncompressed(rpt); if(!have_new_data) break; rpt->last_msg_t = now_realtime_sec(); continue; } if(unlikely(netdata_exit)) { internal_error(true, "exiting..."); goto done; } if(unlikely(rpt->shutdown)) { internal_error(true, "parser shutdown..."); goto done; } if (unlikely(parser_action(parser, buffer))) { internal_error(true, "parser_action() failed on keyword '%s'.", buffer); break; } } done: internal_error(true, "Streaming receiver thread stopping..."); result = user.count; // free parser with the pop function netdata_thread_cleanup_pop(1); return result; } static void rrdpush_receiver_replication_reset(struct receiver_state *rpt) { RRDSET *st; rrdset_foreach_read(st, rpt->host) { rrdset_flag_clear(st, RRDSET_FLAG_RECEIVER_REPLICATION_IN_PROGRESS); rrdset_flag_set(st, RRDSET_FLAG_RECEIVER_REPLICATION_FINISHED); } rrdset_foreach_done(st); rrdhost_receiver_replicating_charts_zero(rpt->host); } static int rrdpush_receive(struct receiver_state *rpt) { int history = default_rrd_history_entries; RRD_MEMORY_MODE mode = default_rrd_memory_mode; int health_enabled = default_health_enabled; int rrdpush_enabled = default_rrdpush_enabled; char *rrdpush_destination = default_rrdpush_destination; char *rrdpush_api_key = default_rrdpush_api_key; char *rrdpush_send_charts_matching = default_rrdpush_send_charts_matching; bool rrdpush_enable_replication = default_rrdpush_enable_replication; time_t rrdpush_seconds_to_replicate = default_rrdpush_seconds_to_replicate; time_t rrdpush_replication_step = default_rrdpush_replication_step; time_t alarms_delay = 60; rpt->update_every = (int)appconfig_get_number(&stream_config, rpt->machine_guid, "update every", rpt->update_every); if(rpt->update_every < 0) rpt->update_every = 1; history = (int)appconfig_get_number(&stream_config, rpt->key, "default history", history); history = (int)appconfig_get_number(&stream_config, rpt->machine_guid, "history", history); if(history < 5) history = 5; mode = rrd_memory_mode_id(appconfig_get(&stream_config, rpt->key, "default memory mode", rrd_memory_mode_name(mode))); mode = rrd_memory_mode_id(appconfig_get(&stream_config, rpt->machine_guid, "memory mode", rrd_memory_mode_name(mode))); if (unlikely(mode == RRD_MEMORY_MODE_DBENGINE && !dbengine_enabled)) { error("STREAM %s [receive from %s:%s]: dbengine is not enabled, falling back to default.", rpt->hostname, rpt->client_ip, rpt->client_port); mode = default_rrd_memory_mode; } health_enabled = appconfig_get_boolean_ondemand(&stream_config, rpt->key, "health enabled by default", health_enabled); health_enabled = appconfig_get_boolean_ondemand(&stream_config, rpt->machine_guid, "health enabled", health_enabled); alarms_delay = appconfig_get_number(&stream_config, rpt->key, "default postpone alarms on connect seconds", alarms_delay); alarms_delay = appconfig_get_number(&stream_config, rpt->machine_guid, "postpone alarms on connect seconds", alarms_delay); rrdpush_enabled = appconfig_get_boolean(&stream_config, rpt->key, "default proxy enabled", rrdpush_enabled); rrdpush_enabled = appconfig_get_boolean(&stream_config, rpt->machine_guid, "proxy enabled", rrdpush_enabled); rrdpush_destination = appconfig_get(&stream_config, rpt->key, "default proxy destination", rrdpush_destination); rrdpush_destination = appconfig_get(&stream_config, rpt->machine_guid, "proxy destination", rrdpush_destination); rrdpush_api_key = appconfig_get(&stream_config, rpt->key, "default proxy api key", rrdpush_api_key); rrdpush_api_key = appconfig_get(&stream_config, rpt->machine_guid, "proxy api key", rrdpush_api_key); rrdpush_send_charts_matching = appconfig_get(&stream_config, rpt->key, "default proxy send charts matching", rrdpush_send_charts_matching); rrdpush_send_charts_matching = appconfig_get(&stream_config, rpt->machine_guid, "proxy send charts matching", rrdpush_send_charts_matching); rrdpush_enable_replication = appconfig_get_boolean(&stream_config, rpt->key, "enable replication", rrdpush_enable_replication); rrdpush_enable_replication = appconfig_get_boolean(&stream_config, rpt->machine_guid, "enable replication", rrdpush_enable_replication); rrdpush_seconds_to_replicate = appconfig_get_number(&stream_config, rpt->key, "seconds to replicate", rrdpush_seconds_to_replicate); rrdpush_seconds_to_replicate = appconfig_get_number(&stream_config, rpt->machine_guid, "seconds to replicate", rrdpush_seconds_to_replicate); rrdpush_replication_step = appconfig_get_number(&stream_config, rpt->key, "seconds per replication step", rrdpush_replication_step); rrdpush_replication_step = appconfig_get_number(&stream_config, rpt->machine_guid, "seconds per replication step", rrdpush_replication_step); #ifdef ENABLE_COMPRESSION unsigned int rrdpush_compression = default_compression_enabled; rrdpush_compression = appconfig_get_boolean(&stream_config, rpt->key, "enable compression", rrdpush_compression); rrdpush_compression = appconfig_get_boolean(&stream_config, rpt->machine_guid, "enable compression", rrdpush_compression); rpt->rrdpush_compression = (rrdpush_compression && default_compression_enabled); #endif //ENABLE_COMPRESSION (void)appconfig_set_default(&stream_config, rpt->machine_guid, "host tags", (rpt->tags)?rpt->tags:""); if (strcmp(rpt->machine_guid, localhost->machine_guid) == 0) { log_stream_connection(rpt->client_ip, rpt->client_port, rpt->key, rpt->machine_guid, rpt->hostname, "DENIED - ATTEMPT TO RECEIVE METRICS FROM MACHINE_GUID IDENTICAL TO PARENT"); error("STREAM %s [receive from %s:%s]: denied to receive metrics, machine GUID [%s] is my own. Did you copy the parent/proxy machine GUID to a child, or is this an inter-agent loop?", rpt->hostname, rpt->client_ip, rpt->client_port, rpt->machine_guid); char initial_response[HTTP_HEADER_SIZE + 1]; snprintfz(initial_response, HTTP_HEADER_SIZE, "%s", START_STREAMING_ERROR_SAME_LOCALHOST); #ifdef ENABLE_HTTPS if(send_timeout(&rpt->ssl, rpt->fd, initial_response, strlen(initial_response), 0, 60) != (ssize_t)strlen(initial_response)) { #else if(send_timeout(rpt->fd, initial_response, strlen(initial_response), 0, 60) != strlen(initial_response)) { #endif log_stream_connection(rpt->client_ip, rpt->client_port, rpt->key, rpt->host->machine_guid, rrdhost_hostname(rpt->host), "FAILED - CANNOT REPLY"); error("STREAM %s [receive from [%s]:%s]: cannot send command.", rrdhost_hostname(rpt->host), rpt->client_ip, rpt->client_port); close(rpt->fd); return 0; } close(rpt->fd); return 0; } if (rpt->host==NULL) { rpt->host = rrdhost_find_or_create( rpt->hostname , rpt->registry_hostname , rpt->machine_guid , rpt->os , rpt->timezone , rpt->abbrev_timezone , rpt->utc_offset , rpt->tags , rpt->program_name , rpt->program_version , rpt->update_every , history , mode , (unsigned int)(health_enabled != CONFIG_BOOLEAN_NO) , (unsigned int)(rrdpush_enabled && rrdpush_destination && *rrdpush_destination && rrdpush_api_key && *rrdpush_api_key) , rrdpush_destination , rrdpush_api_key , rrdpush_send_charts_matching , rrdpush_enable_replication , rrdpush_seconds_to_replicate , rrdpush_replication_step , rpt->system_info , 0 ); if(!rpt->host) { close(rpt->fd); log_stream_connection(rpt->client_ip, rpt->client_port, rpt->key, rpt->machine_guid, rpt->hostname, "FAILED - CANNOT ACQUIRE HOST"); error("STREAM %s [receive from [%s]:%s]: failed to find/create host structure.", rpt->hostname, rpt->client_ip, rpt->client_port); return 1; } netdata_mutex_lock(&rpt->host->receiver_lock); if (rpt->host->receiver == NULL) rpt->host->receiver = rpt; else { error("Multiple receivers connected for %s concurrently, cancelling this one...", rpt->machine_guid); netdata_mutex_unlock(&rpt->host->receiver_lock); close(rpt->fd); log_stream_connection(rpt->client_ip, rpt->client_port, rpt->key, rpt->machine_guid, rpt->hostname, "FAILED - BEATEN TO HOST CREATION"); return 1; } netdata_mutex_unlock(&rpt->host->receiver_lock); } else { rrd_wrlock(); rrdhost_update( rpt->host, rpt->hostname, rpt->registry_hostname, rpt->machine_guid, rpt->os, rpt->timezone, rpt->abbrev_timezone, rpt->utc_offset, rpt->tags, rpt->program_name, rpt->program_version, rpt->update_every, history, mode, (unsigned int)(health_enabled != CONFIG_BOOLEAN_NO), (unsigned int)(rrdpush_enabled && rrdpush_destination && *rrdpush_destination && rrdpush_api_key && *rrdpush_api_key), rrdpush_destination, rrdpush_api_key, rrdpush_send_charts_matching, rrdpush_enable_replication, rrdpush_seconds_to_replicate, rrdpush_replication_step, rpt->system_info); rrd_unlock(); } #ifdef NETDATA_INTERNAL_CHECKS int ssl = 0; #ifdef ENABLE_HTTPS if (rpt->ssl.conn != NULL) ssl = 1; #endif info("STREAM %s [receive from [%s]:%s]: client willing to stream metrics for host '%s' with machine_guid '%s': update every = %d, history = %ld, memory mode = %s, health %s,%s tags '%s'" , rpt->hostname , rpt->client_ip , rpt->client_port , rrdhost_hostname(rpt->host) , rpt->host->machine_guid , rpt->host->rrd_update_every , rpt->host->rrd_history_entries , rrd_memory_mode_name(rpt->host->rrd_memory_mode) , (health_enabled == CONFIG_BOOLEAN_NO)?"disabled":((health_enabled == CONFIG_BOOLEAN_YES)?"enabled":"auto") , ssl ? " SSL," : "" , rrdhost_tags(rpt->host) ); #endif // NETDATA_INTERNAL_CHECKS struct plugind cd = { .enabled = 1, .update_every = default_rrd_update_every, .pid = 0, .serial_failures = 0, .successful_collections = 0, .obsolete = 0, .started_t = now_realtime_sec(), .next = NULL, .capabilities = 0, }; // put the client IP and port into the buffers used by plugins.d snprintfz(cd.id, CONFIG_MAX_NAME, "%s:%s", rpt->client_ip, rpt->client_port); snprintfz(cd.filename, FILENAME_MAX, "%s:%s", rpt->client_ip, rpt->client_port); snprintfz(cd.fullfilename, FILENAME_MAX, "%s:%s", rpt->client_ip, rpt->client_port); snprintfz(cd.cmd, PLUGINSD_CMD_MAX, "%s:%s", rpt->client_ip, rpt->client_port); #ifdef ENABLE_COMPRESSION if (stream_has_capability(rpt, STREAM_CAP_COMPRESSION)) { if (!rpt->rrdpush_compression) rpt->capabilities &= ~STREAM_CAP_COMPRESSION; } #endif // info("STREAM %s [receive from [%s]:%s]: initializing communication...", rrdhost_hostname(rpt->host), rpt->client_ip, rpt->client_port); char initial_response[HTTP_HEADER_SIZE]; if (stream_has_capability(rpt, STREAM_CAP_VCAPS)) { log_receiver_capabilities(rpt); sprintf(initial_response, "%s%u", START_STREAMING_PROMPT_VN, rpt->capabilities); } else if (stream_has_capability(rpt, STREAM_CAP_VN)) { log_receiver_capabilities(rpt); sprintf(initial_response, "%s%d", START_STREAMING_PROMPT_VN, stream_capabilities_to_vn(rpt->capabilities)); } else if (stream_has_capability(rpt, STREAM_CAP_V2)) { log_receiver_capabilities(rpt); sprintf(initial_response, "%s", START_STREAMING_PROMPT_V2); } else { // stream_has_capability(rpt, STREAM_CAP_V1) log_receiver_capabilities(rpt); sprintf(initial_response, "%s", START_STREAMING_PROMPT_V1); } debug(D_STREAM, "Initial response to %s: %s", rpt->client_ip, initial_response); #ifdef ENABLE_HTTPS if(send_timeout(&rpt->ssl, rpt->fd, initial_response, strlen(initial_response), 0, 60) != (ssize_t)strlen(initial_response)) { #else if(send_timeout(rpt->fd, initial_response, strlen(initial_response), 0, 60) != strlen(initial_response)) { #endif log_stream_connection(rpt->client_ip, rpt->client_port, rpt->key, rpt->host->machine_guid, rrdhost_hostname(rpt->host), "FAILED - CANNOT REPLY"); error("STREAM %s [receive from [%s]:%s]: cannot send ready command.", rrdhost_hostname(rpt->host), rpt->client_ip, rpt->client_port); close(rpt->fd); return 0; } // remove the non-blocking flag from the socket if(sock_delnonblock(rpt->fd) < 0) error("STREAM %s [receive from [%s]:%s]: cannot remove the non-blocking flag from socket %d", rrdhost_hostname(rpt->host), rpt->client_ip, rpt->client_port, rpt->fd); struct timeval timeout; timeout.tv_sec = 600; timeout.tv_usec = 0; if (unlikely(setsockopt(rpt->fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVTIMEO, &timeout, sizeof timeout) != 0)) error("STREAM %s [receive from [%s]:%s]: cannot set timeout for socket %d", rrdhost_hostname(rpt->host), rpt->client_ip, rpt->client_port, rpt->fd); rrdhost_wrlock(rpt->host); /* if(rpt->host->connected_senders > 0) { rrdhost_unlock(rpt->host); log_stream_connection(rpt->client_ip, rpt->client_port, rpt->key, rpt->host->machine_guid, rpt->host->hostname, "REJECTED - ALREADY CONNECTED"); info("STREAM %s [receive from [%s]:%s]: multiple streaming connections for the same host detected. Rejecting new connection.", rpt->host->hostname, rpt->client_ip, rpt->client_port); fclose(fp); return 0; } */ // rpt->host->connected_senders++; if(health_enabled != CONFIG_BOOLEAN_NO) { if(alarms_delay > 0) { rpt->host->health_delay_up_to = now_realtime_sec() + alarms_delay; log_health( "[%s]: Postponing health checks for %" PRId64 " seconds, because it was just connected.", rrdhost_hostname(rpt->host), (int64_t)alarms_delay); } } rpt->host->senders_connect_time = now_realtime_sec(); rpt->host->senders_last_chart_command = 0; rpt->host->trigger_chart_obsoletion_check = 1; rrdhost_unlock(rpt->host); // call the plugins.d processor to receive the metrics info("STREAM %s [receive from [%s]:%s]: receiving metrics...", rrdhost_hostname(rpt->host), rpt->client_ip, rpt->client_port); log_stream_connection(rpt->client_ip, rpt->client_port, rpt->key, rpt->host->machine_guid, rrdhost_hostname(rpt->host), "CONNECTED"); cd.capabilities = rpt->capabilities; #ifdef ENABLE_ACLK // in case we have cloud connection we inform cloud // new child connected if (netdata_cloud_setting) aclk_host_state_update(rpt->host, 1); #endif rrdhost_set_is_parent_label(++localhost->senders_count); rrdpush_receiver_replication_reset(rpt); rrdcontext_host_child_connected(rpt->host); rrdhost_flag_clear(rpt->host, RRDHOST_FLAG_RRDPUSH_RECEIVER_DISCONNECTED); size_t count = streaming_parser(rpt, &cd, rpt->fd, #ifdef ENABLE_HTTPS (rpt->ssl.conn) ? &rpt->ssl : NULL #else NULL #endif ); rrdhost_flag_set(rpt->host, RRDHOST_FLAG_RRDPUSH_RECEIVER_DISCONNECTED); log_stream_connection(rpt->client_ip, rpt->client_port, rpt->key, rpt->host->machine_guid, rpt->hostname, "DISCONNECTED"); error("STREAM %s [receive from [%s]:%s]: disconnected (completed %zu updates).", rpt->hostname, rpt->client_ip, rpt->client_port, count); rrdcontext_host_child_disconnected(rpt->host); rrdpush_receiver_replication_reset(rpt); #ifdef ENABLE_ACLK // in case we have cloud connection we inform cloud // a child disconnected if (netdata_cloud_setting) aclk_host_state_update(rpt->host, 0); #endif rrdhost_set_is_parent_label(--localhost->senders_count); // During a shutdown there is cleanup code in rrdhost that will cancel the sender thread if (!netdata_exit && rpt->host) { rrd_rdlock(); rrdhost_wrlock(rpt->host); netdata_mutex_lock(&rpt->host->receiver_lock); if (rpt->host->receiver == rpt) { rpt->host->senders_connect_time = 0; rpt->host->trigger_chart_obsoletion_check = 0; rpt->host->senders_disconnected_time = now_realtime_sec(); rrdhost_flag_set(rpt->host, RRDHOST_FLAG_ORPHAN); if(health_enabled == CONFIG_BOOLEAN_AUTO) rpt->host->health_enabled = 0; } rrdhost_unlock(rpt->host); if (rpt->host->receiver == rpt) { rrdpush_sender_thread_stop(rpt->host); } netdata_mutex_unlock(&rpt->host->receiver_lock); rrd_unlock(); } // cleanup close(rpt->fd); return (int)count; } void *rrdpush_receiver_thread(void *ptr) { netdata_thread_cleanup_push(rrdpush_receiver_thread_cleanup, ptr); struct receiver_state *rpt = (struct receiver_state *)ptr; info("STREAM %s [%s]:%s: receive thread created (task id %d)", rpt->hostname, rpt->client_ip, rpt->client_port, gettid()); worker_register("STREAMRCV"); worker_register_job_custom_metric(WORKER_RECEIVER_JOB_BYTES_READ, "received bytes", "bytes/s", WORKER_METRIC_INCREMENT); worker_register_job_custom_metric(WORKER_RECEIVER_JOB_BYTES_UNCOMPRESSED, "uncompressed bytes", "bytes/s", WORKER_METRIC_INCREMENT); worker_register_job_custom_metric(WORKER_RECEIVER_JOB_REPLICATION_COMPLETION, "replication completion", "%", WORKER_METRIC_ABSOLUTE); rrdpush_receive(rpt); worker_unregister(); netdata_thread_cleanup_pop(1); return NULL; }