#include "common.h" /* * rrdpush * * 3 threads are involved for all stream operations * * 1. a random data collection thread, calling rrdset_done_push() * this is called for each chart. * * the output of this work is kept in a BUFFER in RRDHOST * the sender thread is signalled via a pipe (also in RRDHOST) * * 2. a sender thread running at the sending netdata * this is spawned automatically on the first chart to be pushed * * It tries to push the metrics to the remote netdata, as fast * as possible (i.e. immediately after they are collected). * * 3. a receiver thread, running at the receiving netdata * this is spawned automatically when the sender connects to * the receiver. * */ #define START_STREAMING_PROMPT "Hit me baby, push them over..." int default_rrdpush_enabled = 0; char *default_rrdpush_destination = NULL; char *default_rrdpush_api_key = NULL; int rrdpush_init() { default_rrdpush_enabled = appconfig_get_boolean(&stream_config, CONFIG_SECTION_STREAM, "enabled", default_rrdpush_enabled); default_rrdpush_destination = appconfig_get(&stream_config, CONFIG_SECTION_STREAM, "destination", ""); default_rrdpush_api_key = appconfig_get(&stream_config, CONFIG_SECTION_STREAM, "api key", ""); rrdhost_free_orphan_time = config_get_number(CONFIG_SECTION_GLOBAL, "cleanup orphan hosts after seconds", rrdhost_free_orphan_time); if(default_rrdpush_enabled && (!default_rrdpush_destination || !*default_rrdpush_destination || !default_rrdpush_api_key || !*default_rrdpush_api_key)) { error("STREAM [send]: cannot enable sending thread - information is missing."); default_rrdpush_enabled = 0; } return default_rrdpush_enabled; } #define CONNECTED_TO_SIZE 100 // data collection happens from multiple threads // each of these threads calls rrdset_done() // which in turn calls rrdset_done_push() // which uses this pipe to notify the streaming thread // that there are more data ready to be sent #define PIPE_READ 0 #define PIPE_WRITE 1 // to have the remote netdata re-sync the charts // to its current clock, we send for this many // iterations a BEGIN line without microseconds // this is for the first iterations of each chart unsigned int remote_clock_resync_iterations = 60; #define rrdpush_lock(host) netdata_mutex_lock(&((host)->rrdpush_mutex)) #define rrdpush_unlock(host) netdata_mutex_unlock(&((host)->rrdpush_mutex)) // checks if the current chart definition has been sent static inline int need_to_send_chart_definition(RRDSET *st) { RRDDIM *rd; rrddim_foreach_read(rd, st) if(!rd->exposed) return 1; return 0; } // sends the current chart definition static inline void send_chart_definition(RRDSET *st) { buffer_sprintf(st->rrdhost->rrdpush_buffer, "CHART '%s' '%s' '%s' '%s' '%s' '%s' '%s' %ld %d\n" , st->id , st->name , st->title , st->units , st->family , st->context , rrdset_type_name(st->chart_type) , st->priority , st->update_every ); RRDDIM *rd; rrddim_foreach_read(rd, st) { buffer_sprintf(st->rrdhost->rrdpush_buffer, "DIMENSION '%s' '%s' '%s' " COLLECTED_NUMBER_FORMAT " " COLLECTED_NUMBER_FORMAT " '%s %s'\n" , rd->id , rd->name , rrd_algorithm_name(rd->algorithm) , rd->multiplier , rd->divisor , rrddim_flag_check(rd, RRDDIM_FLAG_HIDDEN)?"hidden":"" , rrddim_flag_check(rd, RRDDIM_FLAG_DONT_DETECT_RESETS_OR_OVERFLOWS)?"noreset":"" ); rd->exposed = 1; } } // sends the current chart dimensions static inline void send_chart_metrics(RRDSET *st) { buffer_sprintf(st->rrdhost->rrdpush_buffer, "BEGIN %s %llu\n", st->id, (st->counter_done > remote_clock_resync_iterations)?st->usec_since_last_update:0); RRDDIM *rd; rrddim_foreach_read(rd, st) { if(rd->updated && rd->exposed) buffer_sprintf(st->rrdhost->rrdpush_buffer, "SET %s = " COLLECTED_NUMBER_FORMAT "\n" , rd->id , rd->collected_value ); } buffer_strcat(st->rrdhost->rrdpush_buffer, "END\n"); } void rrdpush_sender_thread_spawn(RRDHOST *host); void rrdset_done_push(RRDSET *st) { RRDHOST *host = st->rrdhost; if(unlikely(!rrdset_flag_check(st, RRDSET_FLAG_ENABLED))) return; rrdpush_lock(host); if(unlikely(host->rrdpush_enabled && !host->rrdpush_spawn)) rrdpush_sender_thread_spawn(host); if(unlikely(!host->rrdpush_buffer || !host->rrdpush_connected)) { if(unlikely(!host->rrdpush_error_shown)) error("STREAM %s [send]: not ready - discarding collected metrics.", host->hostname); host->rrdpush_error_shown = 1; rrdpush_unlock(host); return; } else if(unlikely(host->rrdpush_error_shown)) { info("STREAM %s [send]: ready - sending metrics...", host->hostname); host->rrdpush_error_shown = 0; } if(need_to_send_chart_definition(st)) send_chart_definition(st); send_chart_metrics(st); // signal the sender there are more data if(write(host->rrdpush_pipe[PIPE_WRITE], " ", 1) == -1) error("STREAM %s [send]: cannot write to internal pipe", host->hostname); rrdpush_unlock(host); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // rrdpush sender thread // resets all the chart, so that their definitions // will be resent to the central netdata static void rrdpush_sender_thread_reset_all_charts(RRDHOST *host) { rrdhost_rdlock(host); RRDSET *st; rrdset_foreach_read(st, host) { // make it re-align the current time // on the remote host st->counter_done = 0; rrdset_rdlock(st); RRDDIM *rd; rrddim_foreach_read(rd, st) rd->exposed = 0; rrdset_unlock(st); } rrdhost_unlock(host); } static inline void rrdpush_sender_thread_data_flush(RRDHOST *host) { rrdpush_lock(host); if(buffer_strlen(host->rrdpush_buffer)) error("STREAM %s [send]: discarding %zu bytes of metrics already in the buffer.", host->hostname, buffer_strlen(host->rrdpush_buffer)); buffer_flush(host->rrdpush_buffer); rrdpush_sender_thread_reset_all_charts(host); rrdpush_unlock(host); } static void rrdpush_sender_thread_cleanup_locked_all(RRDHOST *host) { host->rrdpush_connected = 0; if(host->rrdpush_socket != -1) { close(host->rrdpush_socket); host->rrdpush_socket = -1; } // close the pipe if(host->rrdpush_pipe[PIPE_READ] != -1) { close(host->rrdpush_pipe[PIPE_READ]); host->rrdpush_pipe[PIPE_READ] = -1; } if(host->rrdpush_pipe[PIPE_WRITE] != -1) { close(host->rrdpush_pipe[PIPE_WRITE]); host->rrdpush_pipe[PIPE_WRITE] = -1; } buffer_free(host->rrdpush_buffer); host->rrdpush_buffer = NULL; host->rrdpush_spawn = 0; rrdhost_flag_set(host, RRDHOST_ORPHAN); } void rrdpush_sender_thread_stop(RRDHOST *host) { rrdpush_lock(host); rrdhost_wrlock(host); if(host->rrdpush_spawn) { info("STREAM %s [send]: stopping sending thread...", host->hostname); pthread_cancel(host->rrdpush_thread); rrdpush_sender_thread_cleanup_locked_all(host); } rrdhost_unlock(host); rrdpush_unlock(host); } void *rrdpush_sender_thread(void *ptr) { RRDHOST *host = (RRDHOST *)ptr; info("STREAM %s [send]: thread created (task id %d)", host->hostname, gettid()); if(pthread_setcanceltype(PTHREAD_CANCEL_DEFERRED, NULL) != 0) error("STREAM %s [send]: cannot set pthread cancel type to DEFERRED.", host->hostname); if(pthread_setcancelstate(PTHREAD_CANCEL_ENABLE, NULL) != 0) error("STREAM %s [send]: cannot set pthread cancel state to ENABLE.", host->hostname); int timeout = (int)appconfig_get_number(&stream_config, CONFIG_SECTION_STREAM, "timeout seconds", 60); int default_port = (int)appconfig_get_number(&stream_config, CONFIG_SECTION_STREAM, "default port", 19999); size_t max_size = (size_t)appconfig_get_number(&stream_config, CONFIG_SECTION_STREAM, "buffer size bytes", 1024 * 1024); unsigned int reconnect_delay = (unsigned int)appconfig_get_number(&stream_config, CONFIG_SECTION_STREAM, "reconnect delay seconds", 5); remote_clock_resync_iterations = (unsigned int)appconfig_get_number(&stream_config, CONFIG_SECTION_STREAM, "initial clock resync iterations", remote_clock_resync_iterations); char connected_to[CONNECTED_TO_SIZE + 1] = ""; if(!host->rrdpush_enabled || !host->rrdpush_destination || !*host->rrdpush_destination || !host->rrdpush_api_key || !*host->rrdpush_api_key) goto cleanup; // initialize rrdpush globals host->rrdpush_buffer = buffer_create(1); host->rrdpush_connected = 0; if(pipe(host->rrdpush_pipe) == -1) fatal("STREAM %s [send]: cannot create required pipe.", host->hostname); // initialize local variables size_t begin = 0; size_t reconnects_counter = 0; size_t sent_bytes = 0; size_t sent_connection = 0; struct timeval tv = { .tv_sec = timeout, .tv_usec = 0 }; time_t last_sent_t = 0; struct pollfd fds[2], *ifd, *ofd; nfds_t fdmax; ifd = &fds[0]; ofd = &fds[1]; for(; host->rrdpush_enabled && !netdata_exit ;) { debug(D_STREAM, "STREAM: Checking if we need to timeout the connection..."); if(host->rrdpush_socket != -1 && now_monotonic_sec() - last_sent_t > timeout) { error("STREAM %s [send to %s]: could not send metrics for %d seconds - closing connection - we have sent %zu bytes on this connection.", host->hostname, connected_to, timeout, sent_connection); close(host->rrdpush_socket); host->rrdpush_socket = -1; } if(unlikely(host->rrdpush_socket == -1)) { debug(D_STREAM, "STREAM: Attempting to connect..."); // stop appending data into rrdpush_buffer // they will be lost, so there is no point to do it host->rrdpush_connected = 0; info("STREAM %s [send to %s]: connecting...", host->hostname, host->rrdpush_destination); host->rrdpush_socket = connect_to_one_of(host->rrdpush_destination, default_port, &tv, &reconnects_counter, connected_to, CONNECTED_TO_SIZE); if(unlikely(host->rrdpush_socket == -1)) { error("STREAM %s [send to %s]: failed to connect", host->hostname, host->rrdpush_destination); sleep(reconnect_delay); continue; } info("STREAM %s [send to %s]: initializing communication...", host->hostname, connected_to); char http[1000 + 1]; snprintfz(http, 1000, "STREAM key=%s&hostname=%s®istry_hostname=%s&machine_guid=%s&os=%s&update_every=%d HTTP/1.1\r\n" "User-Agent: netdata-push-service/%s\r\n" "Accept: */*\r\n\r\n" , host->rrdpush_api_key , host->hostname , host->registry_hostname , host->machine_guid , host->os , default_rrd_update_every , program_version ); if(send_timeout(host->rrdpush_socket, http, strlen(http), 0, timeout) == -1) { close(host->rrdpush_socket); host->rrdpush_socket = -1; error("STREAM %s [send to %s]: failed to send http header to netdata", host->hostname, connected_to); sleep(reconnect_delay); continue; } info("STREAM %s [send to %s]: waiting response from remote netdata...", host->hostname, connected_to); if(recv_timeout(host->rrdpush_socket, http, 1000, 0, timeout) == -1) { close(host->rrdpush_socket); host->rrdpush_socket = -1; error("STREAM %s [send to %s]: failed to initialize communication", host->hostname, connected_to); sleep(reconnect_delay); continue; } if(strncmp(http, START_STREAMING_PROMPT, strlen(START_STREAMING_PROMPT))) { close(host->rrdpush_socket); host->rrdpush_socket = -1; error("STREAM %s [send to %s]: server is not replying properly.", host->hostname, connected_to); sleep(reconnect_delay); continue; } info("STREAM %s [send to %s]: established communication - sending metrics...", host->hostname, connected_to); last_sent_t = now_monotonic_sec(); if(sock_setnonblock(host->rrdpush_socket) < 0) error("STREAM %s [send to %s]: cannot set non-blocking mode for socket.", host->hostname, connected_to); if(sock_enlarge_out(host->rrdpush_socket) < 0) error("STREAM %s [send to %s]: cannot enlarge the socket buffer.", host->hostname, connected_to); rrdpush_sender_thread_data_flush(host); sent_connection = 0; // allow appending data into rrdpush_buffer host->rrdpush_connected = 1; debug(D_STREAM, "Connected..."); } ifd->fd = host->rrdpush_pipe[PIPE_READ]; ifd->events = POLLIN; ifd->revents = 0; ofd->fd = host->rrdpush_socket; ofd->revents = 0; if(begin < buffer_strlen(host->rrdpush_buffer)) { debug(D_STREAM, "STREAM: Requesting data output on streaming socket..."); ofd->events = POLLOUT; fdmax = 2; } else { debug(D_STREAM, "STREAM: Not requesting data output on streaming socket (nothing to send now)..."); ofd->events = 0; fdmax = 1; } debug(D_STREAM, "STREAM: Waiting for poll() events (current buffer length %zu bytes)...", buffer_strlen(host->rrdpush_buffer)); if(netdata_exit) break; int retval = poll(fds, fdmax, 1000); if(netdata_exit) break; if(unlikely(retval == -1)) { debug(D_STREAM, "STREAM: poll() failed (current buffer length %zu bytes)...", buffer_strlen(host->rrdpush_buffer)); if(errno == EAGAIN || errno == EINTR) { debug(D_STREAM, "STREAM: poll() failed with EAGAIN or EINTR..."); continue; } error("STREAM %s [send to %s]: failed to poll().", host->hostname, connected_to); close(host->rrdpush_socket); host->rrdpush_socket = -1; break; } else if(likely(retval)) { if (ifd->revents & POLLIN) { debug(D_STREAM, "STREAM: Data added to send buffer (current buffer length %zu bytes)...", buffer_strlen(host->rrdpush_buffer)); char buffer[1000 + 1]; if (read(host->rrdpush_pipe[PIPE_READ], buffer, 1000) == -1) error("STREAM %s [send to %s]: cannot read from internal pipe.", host->hostname, connected_to); } if (ofd->revents & POLLOUT && begin < buffer_strlen(host->rrdpush_buffer)) { debug(D_STREAM, "STREAM: Sending data (current buffer length %zu bytes)...", buffer_strlen(host->rrdpush_buffer)); // BEGIN RRDPUSH LOCKED SESSION // during this session, data collectors // will not be able to append data to our buffer // but the socket is in non-blocking mode // so, we will not block at send() if (pthread_setcancelstate(PTHREAD_CANCEL_DISABLE, NULL) != 0) error("STREAM %s [send]: cannot set pthread cancel state to DISABLE.", host->hostname); debug(D_STREAM, "STREAM: Getting exclusive lock on host..."); rrdpush_lock(host); debug(D_STREAM, "STREAM: Sending data, starting from %zu, size %zu...", begin, buffer_strlen(host->rrdpush_buffer)); ssize_t ret = send(host->rrdpush_socket, &host->rrdpush_buffer->buffer[begin], buffer_strlen(host->rrdpush_buffer) - begin, MSG_DONTWAIT); if (unlikely(ret == -1)) { if (errno != EAGAIN && errno != EINTR && errno != EWOULDBLOCK) { debug(D_STREAM, "STREAM: Send failed - closing socket..."); error("STREAM %s [send to %s]: failed to send metrics - closing connection - we have sent %zu bytes on this connection.", host->hostname, connected_to, sent_connection); close(host->rrdpush_socket); host->rrdpush_socket = -1; } else { debug(D_STREAM, "STREAM: Send failed - will retry..."); } } else if(likely(ret > 0)) { sent_connection += ret; sent_bytes += ret; begin += ret; if (begin == buffer_strlen(host->rrdpush_buffer)) { // we send it all debug(D_STREAM, "STREAM: Sent %zd bytes (the whole buffer)...", ret); buffer_flush(host->rrdpush_buffer); begin = 0; } else { debug(D_STREAM, "STREAM: Sent %zd bytes (part of the data buffer)...", ret); } last_sent_t = now_monotonic_sec(); } else { debug(D_STREAM, "STREAM: send() returned %zd - closing the socket...", ret); error("STREAM %s [send to %s]: failed to send metrics (send() returned %zd) - closing connection - we have sent %zu bytes on this connection.", host->hostname, connected_to, ret, sent_connection); close(host->rrdpush_socket); host->rrdpush_socket = -1; } debug(D_STREAM, "STREAM: Releasing exclusive lock on host..."); rrdpush_unlock(host); if (pthread_setcancelstate(PTHREAD_CANCEL_ENABLE, NULL) != 0) error("STREAM %s [send]: cannot set pthread cancel state to ENABLE.", host->hostname); // END RRDPUSH LOCKED SESSION } } else { debug(D_STREAM, "STREAM: poll() timed out."); } // protection from overflow if(buffer_strlen(host->rrdpush_buffer) > max_size) { debug(D_STREAM, "STREAM: Buffer is too big (%zu bytes), bigger than the max (%zu) - flushing it...", buffer_strlen(host->rrdpush_buffer), max_size); errno = 0; error("STREAM %s [send to %s]: too many data pending - buffer is %zu bytes long, %zu unsent - we have sent %zu bytes in total, %zu on this connection. Closing connection to flush the data.", host->hostname, connected_to, host->rrdpush_buffer->len, host->rrdpush_buffer->len - begin, sent_bytes, sent_connection); if(host->rrdpush_socket != -1) { close(host->rrdpush_socket); host->rrdpush_socket = -1; } } } cleanup: debug(D_WEB_CLIENT, "STREAM %s [send]: sending thread exits.", host->hostname); if(pthread_setcancelstate(PTHREAD_CANCEL_DISABLE, NULL) != 0) error("STREAM %s [send]: cannot set pthread cancel state to DISABLE.", host->hostname); rrdpush_lock(host); rrdhost_wrlock(host); rrdpush_sender_thread_cleanup_locked_all(host); rrdhost_unlock(host); rrdpush_unlock(host); if(pthread_setcancelstate(PTHREAD_CANCEL_ENABLE, NULL) != 0) error("STREAM %s [send]: cannot set pthread cancel state to ENABLE.", host->hostname); pthread_exit(NULL); return NULL; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // rrdpush receiver thread int rrdpush_receive(int fd, const char *key, const char *hostname, const char *registry_hostname, const char *machine_guid, const char *os, int update_every, char *client_ip, char *client_port) { RRDHOST *host; int history = default_rrd_history_entries; RRD_MEMORY_MODE mode = default_rrd_memory_mode; int health_enabled = default_health_enabled; int rrdpush_enabled = default_rrdpush_enabled; char *rrdpush_destination = default_rrdpush_destination; char *rrdpush_api_key = default_rrdpush_api_key; time_t alarms_delay = 60; update_every = (int)appconfig_get_number(&stream_config, machine_guid, "update every", update_every); if(update_every < 0) update_every = 1; history = (int)appconfig_get_number(&stream_config, key, "default history", history); history = (int)appconfig_get_number(&stream_config, machine_guid, "history", history); if(history < 5) history = 5; mode = rrd_memory_mode_id(appconfig_get(&stream_config, key, "default memory mode", rrd_memory_mode_name(mode))); mode = rrd_memory_mode_id(appconfig_get(&stream_config, machine_guid, "memory mode", rrd_memory_mode_name(mode))); health_enabled = appconfig_get_boolean_ondemand(&stream_config, key, "health enabled by default", health_enabled); health_enabled = appconfig_get_boolean_ondemand(&stream_config, machine_guid, "health enabled", health_enabled); alarms_delay = appconfig_get_number(&stream_config, key, "default postpone alarms on connect seconds", alarms_delay); alarms_delay = appconfig_get_number(&stream_config, machine_guid, "postpone alarms on connect seconds", alarms_delay); rrdpush_enabled = appconfig_get_boolean(&stream_config, key, "default proxy enabled", rrdpush_enabled); rrdpush_enabled = appconfig_get_boolean(&stream_config, machine_guid, "proxy enabled", rrdpush_enabled); rrdpush_destination = appconfig_get(&stream_config, key, "default proxy destination", rrdpush_destination); rrdpush_destination = appconfig_get(&stream_config, machine_guid, "proxy destination", rrdpush_destination); rrdpush_api_key = appconfig_get(&stream_config, key, "default proxy api key", rrdpush_api_key); rrdpush_api_key = appconfig_get(&stream_config, machine_guid, "proxy api key", rrdpush_api_key); if(!strcmp(machine_guid, "localhost")) host = localhost; else host = rrdhost_find_or_create( hostname , registry_hostname , machine_guid , os , update_every , history , mode , (health_enabled != CONFIG_BOOLEAN_NO) , (rrdpush_enabled && rrdpush_destination && *rrdpush_destination && rrdpush_api_key && *rrdpush_api_key) , rrdpush_destination , rrdpush_api_key ); if(!host) { close(fd); error("STREAM %s [receive from [%s]:%s]: failed to find/create host structure.", hostname, client_ip, client_port); return 1; } #ifdef NETDATA_INTERNAL_CHECKS info("STREAM %s [receive from [%s]:%s]: client willing to stream metrics for host '%s' with machine_guid '%s': update every = %d, history = %ld, memory mode = %s, health %s" , hostname , client_ip , client_port , host->hostname , host->machine_guid , host->rrd_update_every , host->rrd_history_entries , rrd_memory_mode_name(host->rrd_memory_mode) , (health_enabled == CONFIG_BOOLEAN_NO)?"disabled":((health_enabled == CONFIG_BOOLEAN_YES)?"enabled":"auto") ); #endif // NETDATA_INTERNAL_CHECKS struct plugind cd = { .enabled = 1, .update_every = default_rrd_update_every, .pid = 0, .serial_failures = 0, .successful_collections = 0, .obsolete = 0, .started_t = now_realtime_sec(), .next = NULL, }; // put the client IP and port into the buffers used by plugins.d snprintfz(cd.id, CONFIG_MAX_NAME, "%s:%s", client_ip, client_port); snprintfz(cd.filename, FILENAME_MAX, "%s:%s", client_ip, client_port); snprintfz(cd.fullfilename, FILENAME_MAX, "%s:%s", client_ip, client_port); snprintfz(cd.cmd, PLUGINSD_CMD_MAX, "%s:%s", client_ip, client_port); info("STREAM %s [receive from [%s]:%s]: initializing communication...", host->hostname, client_ip, client_port); if(send_timeout(fd, START_STREAMING_PROMPT, strlen(START_STREAMING_PROMPT), 0, 60) != strlen(START_STREAMING_PROMPT)) { error("STREAM %s [receive from [%s]:%s]: cannot send ready command.", host->hostname, client_ip, client_port); close(fd); return 0; } // remove the non-blocking flag from the socket if(sock_delnonblock(fd) < 0) error("STREAM %s [receive from [%s]:%s]: cannot remove the non-blocking flag from socket %d", host->hostname, client_ip, client_port, fd); // convert the socket to a FILE * FILE *fp = fdopen(fd, "r"); if(!fp) { error("STREAM %s [receive from [%s]:%s]: failed to get a FILE for FD %d.", host->hostname, client_ip, client_port, fd); close(fd); return 0; } rrdhost_wrlock(host); host->connected_senders++; if(health_enabled != CONFIG_BOOLEAN_NO) host->health_delay_up_to = now_realtime_sec() + alarms_delay; rrdhost_unlock(host); // call the plugins.d processor to receive the metrics info("STREAM %s [receive from [%s]:%s]: receiving metrics...", host->hostname, client_ip, client_port); size_t count = pluginsd_process(host, &cd, fp, 1); error("STREAM %s [receive from [%s]:%s]: disconnected (completed updates %zu).", host->hostname, client_ip, client_port, count); rrdhost_wrlock(host); host->senders_disconnected_time = now_realtime_sec(); host->connected_senders--; if(!host->connected_senders) { if(health_enabled == CONFIG_BOOLEAN_AUTO) host->health_enabled = 0; } rrdhost_unlock(host); rrdpush_sender_thread_stop(host); // cleanup fclose(fp); return (int)count; } struct rrdpush_thread { int fd; char *key; char *hostname; char *registry_hostname; char *machine_guid; char *os; char *client_ip; char *client_port; int update_every; }; void *rrdpush_receiver_thread(void *ptr) { struct rrdpush_thread *rpt = (struct rrdpush_thread *)ptr; if (pthread_setcanceltype(PTHREAD_CANCEL_DEFERRED, NULL) != 0) error("STREAM %s [receive]: cannot set pthread cancel type to DEFERRED.", rpt->hostname); if (pthread_setcancelstate(PTHREAD_CANCEL_ENABLE, NULL) != 0) error("STREAM %s [receive]: cannot set pthread cancel state to ENABLE.", rpt->hostname); info("STREAM %s [%s]:%s: receive thread created (task id %d)", rpt->hostname, rpt->client_ip, rpt->client_port, gettid()); rrdpush_receive(rpt->fd, rpt->key, rpt->hostname, rpt->registry_hostname, rpt->machine_guid, rpt->os, rpt->update_every, rpt->client_ip, rpt->client_port); info("STREAM %s [receive from [%s]:%s]: receive thread ended (task id %d)", rpt->hostname, rpt->client_ip, rpt->client_port, gettid()); freez(rpt->key); freez(rpt->hostname); freez(rpt->registry_hostname); freez(rpt->machine_guid); freez(rpt->os); freez(rpt->client_ip); freez(rpt->client_port); freez(rpt); pthread_exit(NULL); return NULL; } void rrdpush_sender_thread_spawn(RRDHOST *host) { rrdhost_wrlock(host); if(!host->rrdpush_spawn) { if(pthread_create(&host->rrdpush_thread, NULL, rrdpush_sender_thread, (void *) host)) error("STREAM %s [send]: failed to create new thread for client.", host->hostname); else if(pthread_detach(host->rrdpush_thread)) error("STREAM %s [send]: cannot request detach newly created thread.", host->hostname); rrdhost_flag_clear(host, RRDHOST_ORPHAN); host->rrdpush_spawn = 1; } rrdhost_unlock(host); } int rrdpush_receiver_thread_spawn(RRDHOST *host, struct web_client *w, char *url) { (void)host; info("STREAM [receive from [%s]:%s]: new client connection.", w->client_ip, w->client_port); char *key = NULL, *hostname = NULL, *registry_hostname = NULL, *machine_guid = NULL, *os = "unknown"; int update_every = default_rrd_update_every; char buf[GUID_LEN + 1]; while(url) { char *value = mystrsep(&url, "?&"); if(!value || !*value) continue; char *name = mystrsep(&value, "="); if(!name || !*name) continue; if(!value || !*value) continue; if(!strcmp(name, "key")) key = value; else if(!strcmp(name, "hostname")) hostname = value; else if(!strcmp(name, "registry_hostname")) registry_hostname = value; else if(!strcmp(name, "machine_guid")) machine_guid = value; else if(!strcmp(name, "update_every")) update_every = (int)strtoul(value, NULL, 0); else if(!strcmp(name, "os")) os = value; else info("STREAM [receive from [%s]:%s]: request has parameter '%s' = '%s', which is not used.", w->client_ip, w->client_port, key, value); } if(!key || !*key) { error("STREAM [receive from [%s]:%s]: request without an API key. Forbidding access.", w->client_ip, w->client_port); buffer_flush(w->response.data); buffer_sprintf(w->response.data, "You need an API key for this request."); return 401; } if(!hostname || !*hostname) { error("STREAM [receive from [%s]:%s]: request without a hostname. Forbidding access.", w->client_ip, w->client_port); buffer_flush(w->response.data); buffer_sprintf(w->response.data, "You need to send a hostname too."); return 400; } if(!machine_guid || !*machine_guid) { error("STREAM [receive from [%s]:%s]: request without a machine GUID. Forbidding access.", w->client_ip, w->client_port); buffer_flush(w->response.data); buffer_sprintf(w->response.data, "You need to send a machine GUID too."); return 400; } if(regenerate_guid(key, buf) == -1) { error("STREAM [receive from [%s]:%s]: API key '%s' is not valid GUID (use the command uuidgen to generate one). Forbidding access.", w->client_ip, w->client_port, key); buffer_flush(w->response.data); buffer_sprintf(w->response.data, "Your API key is invalid."); return 401; } if(regenerate_guid(machine_guid, buf) == -1) { error("STREAM [receive from [%s]:%s]: machine GUID '%s' is not GUID. Forbidding access.", w->client_ip, w->client_port, key); buffer_flush(w->response.data); buffer_sprintf(w->response.data, "Your machine GUID is invalid."); return 404; } if(!appconfig_get_boolean(&stream_config, key, "enabled", 0)) { error("STREAM [receive from [%s]:%s]: API key '%s' is not allowed. Forbidding access.", w->client_ip, w->client_port, machine_guid); buffer_flush(w->response.data); buffer_sprintf(w->response.data, "Your API key is not permitted access."); return 401; } if(!appconfig_get_boolean(&stream_config, machine_guid, "enabled", 1)) { error("STREAM [receive from [%s]:%s]: machine GUID '%s' is not allowed. Forbidding access.", w->client_ip, w->client_port, machine_guid); buffer_flush(w->response.data); buffer_sprintf(w->response.data, "Your machine guide is not permitted access."); return 404; } struct rrdpush_thread *rpt = mallocz(sizeof(struct rrdpush_thread)); rpt->fd = w->ifd; rpt->key = strdupz(key); rpt->hostname = strdupz(hostname); rpt->registry_hostname = strdupz((registry_hostname && *registry_hostname)?registry_hostname:hostname); rpt->machine_guid = strdupz(machine_guid); rpt->os = strdupz(os); rpt->client_ip = strdupz(w->client_ip); rpt->client_port = strdupz(w->client_port); rpt->update_every = update_every; pthread_t thread; debug(D_SYSTEM, "STREAM [receive from [%s]:%s]: starting receiving thread.", w->client_ip, w->client_port); if(pthread_create(&thread, NULL, rrdpush_receiver_thread, (void *)rpt)) error("STREAM [receive from [%s]:%s]: failed to create new thread for client.", w->client_ip, w->client_port); else if(pthread_detach(thread)) error("STREAM [receive from [%s]:%s]: cannot request detach newly created thread.", w->client_ip, w->client_port); // prevent the caller from closing the streaming socket if(w->ifd == w->ofd) w->ifd = w->ofd = -1; else w->ifd = -1; buffer_flush(w->response.data); return 200; }