// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later #include "libnetdata.h" // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // data structures for storing the parsed expression in memory typedef struct eval_value { int type; union { calculated_number number; EVAL_VARIABLE *variable; struct eval_node *expression; }; } EVAL_VALUE; typedef struct eval_node { int id; unsigned char operator; int precedence; int count; EVAL_VALUE ops[]; } EVAL_NODE; // these are used for EVAL_NODE.operator // they are used as internal IDs to identify an operator // THEY ARE NOT USED FOR PARSING OPERATORS LIKE THAT #define EVAL_OPERATOR_NOP '\0' #define EVAL_OPERATOR_EXPRESSION_OPEN '(' #define EVAL_OPERATOR_EXPRESSION_CLOSE ')' #define EVAL_OPERATOR_NOT '!' #define EVAL_OPERATOR_PLUS '+' #define EVAL_OPERATOR_MINUS '-' #define EVAL_OPERATOR_AND '&' #define EVAL_OPERATOR_OR '|' #define EVAL_OPERATOR_GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL 'G' #define EVAL_OPERATOR_LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL 'L' #define EVAL_OPERATOR_NOT_EQUAL '~' #define EVAL_OPERATOR_EQUAL '=' #define EVAL_OPERATOR_LESS '<' #define EVAL_OPERATOR_GREATER '>' #define EVAL_OPERATOR_MULTIPLY '*' #define EVAL_OPERATOR_DIVIDE '/' #define EVAL_OPERATOR_SIGN_PLUS 'P' #define EVAL_OPERATOR_SIGN_MINUS 'M' #define EVAL_OPERATOR_ABS 'A' #define EVAL_OPERATOR_IF_THEN_ELSE '?' // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // forward function definitions static inline void eval_node_free(EVAL_NODE *op); static inline EVAL_NODE *parse_full_expression(const char **string, int *error); static inline EVAL_NODE *parse_one_full_operand(const char **string, int *error); static inline calculated_number eval_node(EVAL_EXPRESSION *exp, EVAL_NODE *op, int *error); static inline void print_parsed_as_node(BUFFER *out, EVAL_NODE *op, int *error); static inline void print_parsed_as_constant(BUFFER *out, calculated_number n); // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // evaluation of expressions static inline calculated_number eval_variable(EVAL_EXPRESSION *exp, EVAL_VARIABLE *v, int *error) { static uint32_t this_hash = 0, now_hash = 0, after_hash = 0, before_hash = 0, status_hash = 0, removed_hash = 0, uninitialized_hash = 0, undefined_hash = 0, clear_hash = 0, warning_hash = 0, critical_hash = 0; calculated_number n; if(unlikely(this_hash == 0)) { this_hash = simple_hash("this"); now_hash = simple_hash("now"); after_hash = simple_hash("after"); before_hash = simple_hash("before"); status_hash = simple_hash("status"); removed_hash = simple_hash("REMOVED"); uninitialized_hash = simple_hash("UNINITIALIZED"); undefined_hash = simple_hash("UNDEFINED"); clear_hash = simple_hash("CLEAR"); warning_hash = simple_hash("WARNING"); critical_hash = simple_hash("CRITICAL"); } if(unlikely(v->hash == this_hash && !strcmp(v->name, "this"))) { n = (exp->this)?*exp->this:NAN; buffer_strcat(exp->error_msg, "[ $this = "); print_parsed_as_constant(exp->error_msg, n); buffer_strcat(exp->error_msg, " ] "); return n; } if(unlikely(v->hash == after_hash && !strcmp(v->name, "after"))) { n = (exp->after && *exp->after)?*exp->after:NAN; buffer_strcat(exp->error_msg, "[ $after = "); print_parsed_as_constant(exp->error_msg, n); buffer_strcat(exp->error_msg, " ] "); return n; } if(unlikely(v->hash == before_hash && !strcmp(v->name, "before"))) { n = (exp->before && *exp->before)?*exp->before:NAN; buffer_strcat(exp->error_msg, "[ $before = "); print_parsed_as_constant(exp->error_msg, n); buffer_strcat(exp->error_msg, " ] "); return n; } if(unlikely(v->hash == now_hash && !strcmp(v->name, "now"))) { n = now_realtime_sec(); buffer_strcat(exp->error_msg, "[ $now = "); print_parsed_as_constant(exp->error_msg, n); buffer_strcat(exp->error_msg, " ] "); return n; } if(unlikely(v->hash == status_hash && !strcmp(v->name, "status"))) { n = (exp->status)?*exp->status:RRDCALC_STATUS_UNINITIALIZED; buffer_strcat(exp->error_msg, "[ $status = "); print_parsed_as_constant(exp->error_msg, n); buffer_strcat(exp->error_msg, " ] "); return n; } if(unlikely(v->hash == removed_hash && !strcmp(v->name, "REMOVED"))) { n = RRDCALC_STATUS_REMOVED; buffer_strcat(exp->error_msg, "[ $REMOVED = "); print_parsed_as_constant(exp->error_msg, n); buffer_strcat(exp->error_msg, " ] "); return n; } if(unlikely(v->hash == uninitialized_hash && !strcmp(v->name, "UNINITIALIZED"))) { n = RRDCALC_STATUS_UNINITIALIZED; buffer_strcat(exp->error_msg, "[ $UNINITIALIZED = "); print_parsed_as_constant(exp->error_msg, n); buffer_strcat(exp->error_msg, " ] "); return n; } if(unlikely(v->hash == undefined_hash && !strcmp(v->name, "UNDEFINED"))) { n = RRDCALC_STATUS_UNDEFINED; buffer_strcat(exp->error_msg, "[ $UNDEFINED = "); print_parsed_as_constant(exp->error_msg, n); buffer_strcat(exp->error_msg, " ] "); return n; } if(unlikely(v->hash == clear_hash && !strcmp(v->name, "CLEAR"))) { n = RRDCALC_STATUS_CLEAR; buffer_strcat(exp->error_msg, "[ $CLEAR = "); print_parsed_as_constant(exp->error_msg, n); buffer_strcat(exp->error_msg, " ] "); return n; } if(unlikely(v->hash == warning_hash && !strcmp(v->name, "WARNING"))) { n = RRDCALC_STATUS_WARNING; buffer_strcat(exp->error_msg, "[ $WARNING = "); print_parsed_as_constant(exp->error_msg, n); buffer_strcat(exp->error_msg, " ] "); return n; } if(unlikely(v->hash == critical_hash && !strcmp(v->name, "CRITICAL"))) { n = RRDCALC_STATUS_CRITICAL; buffer_strcat(exp->error_msg, "[ $CRITICAL = "); print_parsed_as_constant(exp->error_msg, n); buffer_strcat(exp->error_msg, " ] "); return n; } if(exp->rrdcalc && health_variable_lookup(v->name, v->hash, exp->rrdcalc, &n)) { buffer_sprintf(exp->error_msg, "[ ${%s} = ", v->name); print_parsed_as_constant(exp->error_msg, n); buffer_strcat(exp->error_msg, " ] "); return n; } *error = EVAL_ERROR_UNKNOWN_VARIABLE; buffer_sprintf(exp->error_msg, "[ undefined variable '%s' ] ", v->name); return 0; } static inline calculated_number eval_value(EVAL_EXPRESSION *exp, EVAL_VALUE *v, int *error) { calculated_number n; switch(v->type) { case EVAL_VALUE_EXPRESSION: n = eval_node(exp, v->expression, error); break; case EVAL_VALUE_NUMBER: n = v->number; break; case EVAL_VALUE_VARIABLE: n = eval_variable(exp, v->variable, error); break; default: *error = EVAL_ERROR_INVALID_VALUE; n = 0; break; } return n; } static inline int is_true(calculated_number n) { if(isnan(n)) return 0; if(isinf(n)) return 1; if(n == 0) return 0; return 1; } calculated_number eval_and(EVAL_EXPRESSION *exp, EVAL_NODE *op, int *error) { return is_true(eval_value(exp, &op->ops[0], error)) && is_true(eval_value(exp, &op->ops[1], error)); } calculated_number eval_or(EVAL_EXPRESSION *exp, EVAL_NODE *op, int *error) { return is_true(eval_value(exp, &op->ops[0], error)) || is_true(eval_value(exp, &op->ops[1], error)); } calculated_number eval_greater_than_or_equal(EVAL_EXPRESSION *exp, EVAL_NODE *op, int *error) { calculated_number n1 = eval_value(exp, &op->ops[0], error); calculated_number n2 = eval_value(exp, &op->ops[1], error); return isgreaterequal(n1, n2); } calculated_number eval_less_than_or_equal(EVAL_EXPRESSION *exp, EVAL_NODE *op, int *error) { calculated_number n1 = eval_value(exp, &op->ops[0], error); calculated_number n2 = eval_value(exp, &op->ops[1], error); return islessequal(n1, n2); } calculated_number eval_equal(EVAL_EXPRESSION *exp, EVAL_NODE *op, int *error) { calculated_number n1 = eval_value(exp, &op->ops[0], error); calculated_number n2 = eval_value(exp, &op->ops[1], error); if(isnan(n1) && isnan(n2)) return 1; if(isinf(n1) && isinf(n2)) return 1; if(isnan(n1) || isnan(n2)) return 0; if(isinf(n1) || isinf(n2)) return 0; return calculated_number_equal(n1, n2); } calculated_number eval_not_equal(EVAL_EXPRESSION *exp, EVAL_NODE *op, int *error) { return !eval_equal(exp, op, error); } calculated_number eval_less(EVAL_EXPRESSION *exp, EVAL_NODE *op, int *error) { calculated_number n1 = eval_value(exp, &op->ops[0], error); calculated_number n2 = eval_value(exp, &op->ops[1], error); return isless(n1, n2); } calculated_number eval_greater(EVAL_EXPRESSION *exp, EVAL_NODE *op, int *error) { calculated_number n1 = eval_value(exp, &op->ops[0], error); calculated_number n2 = eval_value(exp, &op->ops[1], error); return isgreater(n1, n2); } calculated_number eval_plus(EVAL_EXPRESSION *exp, EVAL_NODE *op, int *error) { calculated_number n1 = eval_value(exp, &op->ops[0], error); calculated_number n2 = eval_value(exp, &op->ops[1], error); if(isnan(n1) || isnan(n2)) return NAN; if(isinf(n1) || isinf(n2)) return INFINITY; return n1 + n2; } calculated_number eval_minus(EVAL_EXPRESSION *exp, EVAL_NODE *op, int *error) { calculated_number n1 = eval_value(exp, &op->ops[0], error); calculated_number n2 = eval_value(exp, &op->ops[1], error); if(isnan(n1) || isnan(n2)) return NAN; if(isinf(n1) || isinf(n2)) return INFINITY; return n1 - n2; } calculated_number eval_multiply(EVAL_EXPRESSION *exp, EVAL_NODE *op, int *error) { calculated_number n1 = eval_value(exp, &op->ops[0], error); calculated_number n2 = eval_value(exp, &op->ops[1], error); if(isnan(n1) || isnan(n2)) return NAN; if(isinf(n1) || isinf(n2)) return INFINITY; return n1 * n2; } calculated_number eval_divide(EVAL_EXPRESSION *exp, EVAL_NODE *op, int *error) { calculated_number n1 = eval_value(exp, &op->ops[0], error); calculated_number n2 = eval_value(exp, &op->ops[1], error); if(isnan(n1) || isnan(n2)) return NAN; if(isinf(n1) || isinf(n2)) return INFINITY; return n1 / n2; } calculated_number eval_nop(EVAL_EXPRESSION *exp, EVAL_NODE *op, int *error) { return eval_value(exp, &op->ops[0], error); } calculated_number eval_not(EVAL_EXPRESSION *exp, EVAL_NODE *op, int *error) { return !is_true(eval_value(exp, &op->ops[0], error)); } calculated_number eval_sign_plus(EVAL_EXPRESSION *exp, EVAL_NODE *op, int *error) { return eval_value(exp, &op->ops[0], error); } calculated_number eval_sign_minus(EVAL_EXPRESSION *exp, EVAL_NODE *op, int *error) { calculated_number n1 = eval_value(exp, &op->ops[0], error); if(isnan(n1)) return NAN; if(isinf(n1)) return INFINITY; return -n1; } calculated_number eval_abs(EVAL_EXPRESSION *exp, EVAL_NODE *op, int *error) { calculated_number n1 = eval_value(exp, &op->ops[0], error); if(isnan(n1)) return NAN; if(isinf(n1)) return INFINITY; return abs(n1); } calculated_number eval_if_then_else(EVAL_EXPRESSION *exp, EVAL_NODE *op, int *error) { if(is_true(eval_value(exp, &op->ops[0], error))) return eval_value(exp, &op->ops[1], error); else return eval_value(exp, &op->ops[2], error); } static struct operator { const char *print_as; char precedence; char parameters; char isfunction; calculated_number (*eval)(EVAL_EXPRESSION *exp, EVAL_NODE *op, int *error); } operators[256] = { // this is a random access array // we always access it with a known EVAL_OPERATOR_X [EVAL_OPERATOR_AND] = { "&&", 2, 2, 0, eval_and }, [EVAL_OPERATOR_OR] = { "||", 2, 2, 0, eval_or }, [EVAL_OPERATOR_GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL] = { ">=", 3, 2, 0, eval_greater_than_or_equal }, [EVAL_OPERATOR_LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL] = { "<=", 3, 2, 0, eval_less_than_or_equal }, [EVAL_OPERATOR_NOT_EQUAL] = { "!=", 3, 2, 0, eval_not_equal }, [EVAL_OPERATOR_EQUAL] = { "==", 3, 2, 0, eval_equal }, [EVAL_OPERATOR_LESS] = { "<", 3, 2, 0, eval_less }, [EVAL_OPERATOR_GREATER] = { ">", 3, 2, 0, eval_greater }, [EVAL_OPERATOR_PLUS] = { "+", 4, 2, 0, eval_plus }, [EVAL_OPERATOR_MINUS] = { "-", 4, 2, 0, eval_minus }, [EVAL_OPERATOR_MULTIPLY] = { "*", 5, 2, 0, eval_multiply }, [EVAL_OPERATOR_DIVIDE] = { "/", 5, 2, 0, eval_divide }, [EVAL_OPERATOR_NOT] = { "!", 6, 1, 0, eval_not }, [EVAL_OPERATOR_SIGN_PLUS] = { "+", 6, 1, 0, eval_sign_plus }, [EVAL_OPERATOR_SIGN_MINUS] = { "-", 6, 1, 0, eval_sign_minus }, [EVAL_OPERATOR_ABS] = { "abs(",6,1, 1, eval_abs }, [EVAL_OPERATOR_IF_THEN_ELSE] = { "?", 7, 3, 0, eval_if_then_else }, [EVAL_OPERATOR_NOP] = { NULL, 8, 1, 0, eval_nop }, [EVAL_OPERATOR_EXPRESSION_OPEN] = { NULL, 8, 1, 0, eval_nop }, // this should exist in our evaluation list [EVAL_OPERATOR_EXPRESSION_CLOSE] = { NULL, 99, 1, 0, eval_nop } }; #define eval_precedence(operator) (operators[(unsigned char)(operator)].precedence) static inline calculated_number eval_node(EVAL_EXPRESSION *exp, EVAL_NODE *op, int *error) { if(unlikely(op->count != operators[op->operator].parameters)) { *error = EVAL_ERROR_INVALID_NUMBER_OF_OPERANDS; return 0; } calculated_number n = operators[op->operator].eval(exp, op, error); return n; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // parsed-as generation static inline void print_parsed_as_variable(BUFFER *out, EVAL_VARIABLE *v, int *error) { (void)error; buffer_sprintf(out, "${%s}", v->name); } static inline void print_parsed_as_constant(BUFFER *out, calculated_number n) { if(unlikely(isnan(n))) { buffer_strcat(out, "nan"); return; } if(unlikely(isinf(n))) { buffer_strcat(out, "inf"); return; } char b[100+1], *s; snprintfz(b, 100, CALCULATED_NUMBER_FORMAT, n); s = &b[strlen(b) - 1]; while(s > b && *s == '0') { *s ='\0'; s--; } if(s > b && *s == '.') *s = '\0'; buffer_strcat(out, b); } static inline void print_parsed_as_value(BUFFER *out, EVAL_VALUE *v, int *error) { switch(v->type) { case EVAL_VALUE_EXPRESSION: print_parsed_as_node(out, v->expression, error); break; case EVAL_VALUE_NUMBER: print_parsed_as_constant(out, v->number); break; case EVAL_VALUE_VARIABLE: print_parsed_as_variable(out, v->variable, error); break; default: *error = EVAL_ERROR_INVALID_VALUE; break; } } static inline void print_parsed_as_node(BUFFER *out, EVAL_NODE *op, int *error) { if(unlikely(op->count != operators[op->operator].parameters)) { *error = EVAL_ERROR_INVALID_NUMBER_OF_OPERANDS; return; } if(operators[op->operator].parameters == 1) { if(operators[op->operator].print_as) buffer_sprintf(out, "%s", operators[op->operator].print_as); //if(op->operator == EVAL_OPERATOR_EXPRESSION_OPEN) // buffer_strcat(out, "("); print_parsed_as_value(out, &op->ops[0], error); //if(op->operator == EVAL_OPERATOR_EXPRESSION_OPEN) // buffer_strcat(out, ")"); } else if(operators[op->operator].parameters == 2) { buffer_strcat(out, "("); print_parsed_as_value(out, &op->ops[0], error); if(operators[op->operator].print_as) buffer_sprintf(out, " %s ", operators[op->operator].print_as); print_parsed_as_value(out, &op->ops[1], error); buffer_strcat(out, ")"); } else if(op->operator == EVAL_OPERATOR_IF_THEN_ELSE && operators[op->operator].parameters == 3) { buffer_strcat(out, "("); print_parsed_as_value(out, &op->ops[0], error); if(operators[op->operator].print_as) buffer_sprintf(out, " %s ", operators[op->operator].print_as); print_parsed_as_value(out, &op->ops[1], error); buffer_strcat(out, " : "); print_parsed_as_value(out, &op->ops[2], error); buffer_strcat(out, ")"); } if(operators[op->operator].isfunction) buffer_strcat(out, ")"); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // parsing expressions // skip spaces static inline void skip_spaces(const char **string) { const char *s = *string; while(isspace(*s)) s++; *string = s; } // what character can appear just after an operator keyword // like NOT AND OR ? static inline int isoperatorterm_word(const char s) { if(isspace(s) || s == '(' || s == '$' || s == '!' || s == '-' || s == '+' || isdigit(s) || !s) return 1; return 0; } // what character can appear just after an operator symbol? static inline int isoperatorterm_symbol(const char s) { if(isoperatorterm_word(s) || isalpha(s)) return 1; return 0; } // return 1 if the character should never appear in a variable static inline int isvariableterm(const char s) { if(isalnum(s) || s == '.' || s == '_') return 0; return 1; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // parse operators static inline int parse_and(const char **string) { const char *s = *string; // AND if((s[0] == 'A' || s[0] == 'a') && (s[1] == 'N' || s[1] == 'n') && (s[2] == 'D' || s[2] == 'd') && isoperatorterm_word(s[3])) { *string = &s[4]; return 1; } // && if(s[0] == '&' && s[1] == '&' && isoperatorterm_symbol(s[2])) { *string = &s[2]; return 1; } return 0; } static inline int parse_or(const char **string) { const char *s = *string; // OR if((s[0] == 'O' || s[0] == 'o') && (s[1] == 'R' || s[1] == 'r') && isoperatorterm_word(s[2])) { *string = &s[3]; return 1; } // || if(s[0] == '|' && s[1] == '|' && isoperatorterm_symbol(s[2])) { *string = &s[2]; return 1; } return 0; } static inline int parse_greater_than_or_equal(const char **string) { const char *s = *string; // >= if(s[0] == '>' && s[1] == '=' && isoperatorterm_symbol(s[2])) { *string = &s[2]; return 1; } return 0; } static inline int parse_less_than_or_equal(const char **string) { const char *s = *string; // <= if (s[0] == '<' && s[1] == '=' && isoperatorterm_symbol(s[2])) { *string = &s[2]; return 1; } return 0; } static inline int parse_greater(const char **string) { const char *s = *string; // > if(s[0] == '>' && isoperatorterm_symbol(s[1])) { *string = &s[1]; return 1; } return 0; } static inline int parse_less(const char **string) { const char *s = *string; // < if(s[0] == '<' && isoperatorterm_symbol(s[1])) { *string = &s[1]; return 1; } return 0; } static inline int parse_equal(const char **string) { const char *s = *string; // == if(s[0] == '=' && s[1] == '=' && isoperatorterm_symbol(s[2])) { *string = &s[2]; return 1; } // = if(s[0] == '=' && isoperatorterm_symbol(s[1])) { *string = &s[1]; return 1; } return 0; } static inline int parse_not_equal(const char **string) { const char *s = *string; // != if(s[0] == '!' && s[1] == '=' && isoperatorterm_symbol(s[2])) { *string = &s[2]; return 1; } // <> if(s[0] == '<' && s[1] == '>' && isoperatorterm_symbol(s[2])) { *string = &s[2]; } return 0; } static inline int parse_not(const char **string) { const char *s = *string; // NOT if((s[0] == 'N' || s[0] == 'n') && (s[1] == 'O' || s[1] == 'o') && (s[2] == 'T' || s[2] == 't') && isoperatorterm_word(s[3])) { *string = &s[3]; return 1; } if(s[0] == '!') { *string = &s[1]; return 1; } return 0; } static inline int parse_multiply(const char **string) { const char *s = *string; // * if(s[0] == '*' && isoperatorterm_symbol(s[1])) { *string = &s[1]; return 1; } return 0; } static inline int parse_divide(const char **string) { const char *s = *string; // / if(s[0] == '/' && isoperatorterm_symbol(s[1])) { *string = &s[1]; return 1; } return 0; } static inline int parse_minus(const char **string) { const char *s = *string; // - if(s[0] == '-' && isoperatorterm_symbol(s[1])) { *string = &s[1]; return 1; } return 0; } static inline int parse_plus(const char **string) { const char *s = *string; // + if(s[0] == '+' && isoperatorterm_symbol(s[1])) { *string = &s[1]; return 1; } return 0; } static inline int parse_open_subexpression(const char **string) { const char *s = *string; // ( if(s[0] == '(') { *string = &s[1]; return 1; } return 0; } #define parse_close_function(x) parse_close_subexpression(x) static inline int parse_close_subexpression(const char **string) { const char *s = *string; // ) if(s[0] == ')') { *string = &s[1]; return 1; } return 0; } static inline int parse_variable(const char **string, char *buffer, size_t len) { const char *s = *string; // $ if(*s == '$') { size_t i = 0; s++; if(*s == '{') { // ${variable_name} s++; while (*s && *s != '}' && i < len) buffer[i++] = *s++; if(*s == '}') s++; } else { // $variable_name while (*s && !isvariableterm(*s) && i < len) buffer[i++] = *s++; } buffer[i] = '\0'; if (buffer[0]) { *string = s; return 1; } } return 0; } static inline int parse_constant(const char **string, calculated_number *number) { char *end = NULL; calculated_number n = str2ld(*string, &end); if(unlikely(!end || *string == end)) { *number = 0; return 0; } *number = n; *string = end; return 1; } static inline int parse_abs(const char **string) { const char *s = *string; // ABS if((s[0] == 'A' || s[0] == 'a') && (s[1] == 'B' || s[1] == 'b') && (s[2] == 'S' || s[2] == 's') && s[3] == '(') { *string = &s[3]; return 1; } return 0; } static inline int parse_if_then_else(const char **string) { const char *s = *string; // ? if(s[0] == '?') { *string = &s[1]; return 1; } return 0; } static struct operator_parser { unsigned char id; int (*parse)(const char **); } operator_parsers[] = { // the order in this list is important! // the first matching will be used // so place the longer of overlapping ones // at the top { EVAL_OPERATOR_AND, parse_and }, { EVAL_OPERATOR_OR, parse_or }, { EVAL_OPERATOR_GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL, parse_greater_than_or_equal }, { EVAL_OPERATOR_LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL, parse_less_than_or_equal }, { EVAL_OPERATOR_NOT_EQUAL, parse_not_equal }, { EVAL_OPERATOR_EQUAL, parse_equal }, { EVAL_OPERATOR_LESS, parse_less }, { EVAL_OPERATOR_GREATER, parse_greater }, { EVAL_OPERATOR_PLUS, parse_plus }, { EVAL_OPERATOR_MINUS, parse_minus }, { EVAL_OPERATOR_MULTIPLY, parse_multiply }, { EVAL_OPERATOR_DIVIDE, parse_divide }, { EVAL_OPERATOR_IF_THEN_ELSE, parse_if_then_else }, /* we should not put in this list the following: * * - NOT * - ( * - ) * * these are handled in code */ // termination { EVAL_OPERATOR_NOP, NULL } }; static inline unsigned char parse_operator(const char **string, int *precedence) { skip_spaces(string); int i; for(i = 0 ; operator_parsers[i].parse != NULL ; i++) if(operator_parsers[i].parse(string)) { if(precedence) *precedence = eval_precedence(operator_parsers[i].id); return operator_parsers[i].id; } return EVAL_OPERATOR_NOP; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // memory management static inline EVAL_NODE *eval_node_alloc(int count) { static int id = 1; EVAL_NODE *op = callocz(1, sizeof(EVAL_NODE) + (sizeof(EVAL_VALUE) * count)); op->id = id++; op->operator = EVAL_OPERATOR_NOP; op->precedence = eval_precedence(EVAL_OPERATOR_NOP); op->count = count; return op; } static inline void eval_node_set_value_to_node(EVAL_NODE *op, int pos, EVAL_NODE *value) { if(pos >= op->count) fatal("Invalid request to set position %d of OPERAND that has only %d values", pos + 1, op->count + 1); op->ops[pos].type = EVAL_VALUE_EXPRESSION; op->ops[pos].expression = value; } static inline void eval_node_set_value_to_constant(EVAL_NODE *op, int pos, calculated_number value) { if(pos >= op->count) fatal("Invalid request to set position %d of OPERAND that has only %d values", pos + 1, op->count + 1); op->ops[pos].type = EVAL_VALUE_NUMBER; op->ops[pos].number = value; } static inline void eval_node_set_value_to_variable(EVAL_NODE *op, int pos, const char *variable) { if(pos >= op->count) fatal("Invalid request to set position %d of OPERAND that has only %d values", pos + 1, op->count + 1); op->ops[pos].type = EVAL_VALUE_VARIABLE; op->ops[pos].variable = callocz(1, sizeof(EVAL_VARIABLE)); op->ops[pos].variable->name = strdupz(variable); op->ops[pos].variable->hash = simple_hash(op->ops[pos].variable->name); } static inline void eval_variable_free(EVAL_VARIABLE *v) { freez(v->name); freez(v); } static inline void eval_value_free(EVAL_VALUE *v) { switch(v->type) { case EVAL_VALUE_EXPRESSION: eval_node_free(v->expression); break; case EVAL_VALUE_VARIABLE: eval_variable_free(v->variable); break; default: break; } } static inline void eval_node_free(EVAL_NODE *op) { if(op->count) { int i; for(i = op->count - 1; i >= 0 ;i--) eval_value_free(&op->ops[i]); } freez(op); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // the parsing logic // helper function to avoid allocations all over the place static inline EVAL_NODE *parse_next_operand_given_its_operator(const char **string, unsigned char operator_type, int *error) { EVAL_NODE *sub = parse_one_full_operand(string, error); if(!sub) return NULL; EVAL_NODE *op = eval_node_alloc(1); op->operator = operator_type; eval_node_set_value_to_node(op, 0, sub); return op; } // parse a full operand, including its sign or other associative operator (e.g. NOT) static inline EVAL_NODE *parse_one_full_operand(const char **string, int *error) { char variable_buffer[EVAL_MAX_VARIABLE_NAME_LENGTH + 1]; EVAL_NODE *op1 = NULL; calculated_number number; *error = EVAL_ERROR_OK; skip_spaces(string); if(!(**string)) { *error = EVAL_ERROR_MISSING_OPERAND; return NULL; } if(parse_not(string)) { op1 = parse_next_operand_given_its_operator(string, EVAL_OPERATOR_NOT, error); op1->precedence = eval_precedence(EVAL_OPERATOR_NOT); } else if(parse_plus(string)) { op1 = parse_next_operand_given_its_operator(string, EVAL_OPERATOR_SIGN_PLUS, error); op1->precedence = eval_precedence(EVAL_OPERATOR_SIGN_PLUS); } else if(parse_minus(string)) { op1 = parse_next_operand_given_its_operator(string, EVAL_OPERATOR_SIGN_MINUS, error); op1->precedence = eval_precedence(EVAL_OPERATOR_SIGN_MINUS); } else if(parse_abs(string)) { op1 = parse_next_operand_given_its_operator(string, EVAL_OPERATOR_ABS, error); op1->precedence = eval_precedence(EVAL_OPERATOR_ABS); } else if(parse_open_subexpression(string)) { EVAL_NODE *sub = parse_full_expression(string, error); if(sub) { op1 = eval_node_alloc(1); op1->operator = EVAL_OPERATOR_EXPRESSION_OPEN; op1->precedence = eval_precedence(EVAL_OPERATOR_EXPRESSION_OPEN); eval_node_set_value_to_node(op1, 0, sub); if(!parse_close_subexpression(string)) { *error = EVAL_ERROR_MISSING_CLOSE_SUBEXPRESSION; eval_node_free(op1); return NULL; } } } else if(parse_variable(string, variable_buffer, EVAL_MAX_VARIABLE_NAME_LENGTH)) { op1 = eval_node_alloc(1); op1->operator = EVAL_OPERATOR_NOP; eval_node_set_value_to_variable(op1, 0, variable_buffer); } else if(parse_constant(string, &number)) { op1 = eval_node_alloc(1); op1->operator = EVAL_OPERATOR_NOP; eval_node_set_value_to_constant(op1, 0, number); } else if(**string) *error = EVAL_ERROR_UNKNOWN_OPERAND; else *error = EVAL_ERROR_MISSING_OPERAND; return op1; } // parse an operator and the rest of the expression // precedence processing is handled here static inline EVAL_NODE *parse_rest_of_expression(const char **string, int *error, EVAL_NODE *op1) { EVAL_NODE *op2 = NULL; unsigned char operator; int precedence; operator = parse_operator(string, &precedence); skip_spaces(string); if(operator != EVAL_OPERATOR_NOP) { op2 = parse_one_full_operand(string, error); if(!op2) { // error is already reported eval_node_free(op1); return NULL; } EVAL_NODE *op = eval_node_alloc(operators[operator].parameters); op->operator = operator; op->precedence = precedence; if(operator == EVAL_OPERATOR_IF_THEN_ELSE && op->count == 3) { skip_spaces(string); if(**string != ':') { eval_node_free(op); eval_node_free(op1); eval_node_free(op2); *error = EVAL_ERROR_IF_THEN_ELSE_MISSING_ELSE; return NULL; } (*string)++; skip_spaces(string); EVAL_NODE *op3 = parse_one_full_operand(string, error); if(!op3) { eval_node_free(op); eval_node_free(op1); eval_node_free(op2); // error is already reported return NULL; } eval_node_set_value_to_node(op, 2, op3); } eval_node_set_value_to_node(op, 1, op2); // precedence processing // if this operator has a higher precedence compared to its next // put the next operator on top of us (top = evaluated later) // function recursion does the rest... if(op->precedence > op1->precedence && op1->count == 2 && op1->operator != '(' && op1->ops[1].type == EVAL_VALUE_EXPRESSION) { eval_node_set_value_to_node(op, 0, op1->ops[1].expression); op1->ops[1].expression = op; op = op1; } else eval_node_set_value_to_node(op, 0, op1); return parse_rest_of_expression(string, error, op); } else if(**string == ')') { ; } else if(**string) { eval_node_free(op1); op1 = NULL; *error = EVAL_ERROR_MISSING_OPERATOR; } return op1; } // high level function to parse an expression or a sub-expression static inline EVAL_NODE *parse_full_expression(const char **string, int *error) { EVAL_NODE *op1 = parse_one_full_operand(string, error); if(!op1) { *error = EVAL_ERROR_MISSING_OPERAND; return NULL; } return parse_rest_of_expression(string, error, op1); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // public API int expression_evaluate(EVAL_EXPRESSION *expression) { expression->error = EVAL_ERROR_OK; buffer_reset(expression->error_msg); expression->result = eval_node(expression, (EVAL_NODE *)expression->nodes, &expression->error); if(unlikely(isnan(expression->result))) { if(expression->error == EVAL_ERROR_OK) expression->error = EVAL_ERROR_VALUE_IS_NAN; } else if(unlikely(isinf(expression->result))) { if(expression->error == EVAL_ERROR_OK) expression->error = EVAL_ERROR_VALUE_IS_INFINITE; } else if(unlikely(expression->error == EVAL_ERROR_UNKNOWN_VARIABLE)) { // although there is an unknown variable // the expression was evaluated successfully expression->error = EVAL_ERROR_OK; } if(expression->error != EVAL_ERROR_OK) { expression->result = NAN; if(buffer_strlen(expression->error_msg)) buffer_strcat(expression->error_msg, "; "); buffer_sprintf(expression->error_msg, "failed to evaluate expression with error %d (%s)", expression->error, expression_strerror(expression->error)); return 0; } return 1; } EVAL_EXPRESSION *expression_parse(const char *string, const char **failed_at, int *error) { const char *s = string; int err = EVAL_ERROR_OK; EVAL_NODE *op = parse_full_expression(&s, &err); if(*s) { if(op) { eval_node_free(op); op = NULL; } err = EVAL_ERROR_REMAINING_GARBAGE; } if (failed_at) *failed_at = s; if (error) *error = err; if(!op) { unsigned long pos = s - string + 1; error("failed to parse expression '%s': %s at character %lu (i.e.: '%s').", string, expression_strerror(err), pos, s); return NULL; } BUFFER *out = buffer_create(1024); print_parsed_as_node(out, op, &err); if(err != EVAL_ERROR_OK) { error("failed to re-generate expression '%s' with reason: %s", string, expression_strerror(err)); eval_node_free(op); buffer_free(out); return NULL; } EVAL_EXPRESSION *exp = callocz(1, sizeof(EVAL_EXPRESSION)); exp->source = strdupz(string); exp->parsed_as = strdupz(buffer_tostring(out)); buffer_free(out); exp->error_msg = buffer_create(100); exp->nodes = (void *)op; return exp; } void expression_free(EVAL_EXPRESSION *expression) { if(!expression) return; if(expression->nodes) eval_node_free((EVAL_NODE *)expression->nodes); freez((void *)expression->source); freez((void *)expression->parsed_as); buffer_free(expression->error_msg); freez(expression); } const char *expression_strerror(int error) { switch(error) { case EVAL_ERROR_OK: return "success"; case EVAL_ERROR_MISSING_CLOSE_SUBEXPRESSION: return "missing closing parenthesis"; case EVAL_ERROR_UNKNOWN_OPERAND: return "unknown operand"; case EVAL_ERROR_MISSING_OPERAND: return "expected operand"; case EVAL_ERROR_MISSING_OPERATOR: return "expected operator"; case EVAL_ERROR_REMAINING_GARBAGE: return "remaining characters after expression"; case EVAL_ERROR_INVALID_VALUE: return "invalid value structure - internal error"; case EVAL_ERROR_INVALID_NUMBER_OF_OPERANDS: return "wrong number of operands for operation - internal error"; case EVAL_ERROR_VALUE_IS_NAN: return "value is unset"; case EVAL_ERROR_VALUE_IS_INFINITE: return "computed value is infinite"; case EVAL_ERROR_UNKNOWN_VARIABLE: return "undefined variable"; case EVAL_ERROR_IF_THEN_ELSE_MISSING_ELSE: return "missing second sub-expression of inline conditional"; default: return "unknown error"; } }