{ "jsonSchema": { "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#", "title": "OpenVPN collector configuration.", "type": "object", "properties": { "update_every": { "title": "Update every", "description": "Data collection interval, measured in seconds.", "type": "integer", "minimum": 1, "default": 1 }, "address": { "title": "Address", "description": "The IP address and port where the OpenVPN [Management Interface](https://openvpn.net/community-resources/management-interface/) listens for connections.", "type": "string", "default": "" }, "timeout": { "title": "Timeout", "description": "Timeout for establishing a connection and communication (reading and writing) in seconds.", "type": "number", "minimum": 0.5, "default": 1 }, "per_user_stats": { "title": "User selector", "description": "Configuration for monitoring specific users. If left empty, no user stats will be collected.", "type": [ "object", "null" ], "properties": { "includes": { "title": "Include", "description": "Include users whose usernames match any of the specified inclusion [patterns](https://github.com/netdata/netdata/tree/master/src/go/collectors/go.d.plugin/pkg/matcher#readme).", "type": [ "array", "null" ], "items": { "title": "Username pattern", "type": "string" }, "uniqueItems": true }, "excludes": { "title": "Exclude", "description": "Exclude users whose usernames match any of the specified exclusion [patterns](https://github.com/netdata/netdata/tree/master/src/go/collectors/go.d.plugin/pkg/matcher#readme).", "type": [ "array", "null" ], "items": { "title": "Username pattern", "type": "string" }, "uniqueItems": true } } } }, "required": [ "address" ] }, "uiSchema": { "uiOptions": { "fullPage": true }, "timeout": { "ui:help": "Accepts decimals for precise control (e.g., type 1.5 for 1.5 seconds)." }, "per_user_stats": { "ui:help": "The logic for inclusion and exclusion is as follows: `(include1 OR include2) AND !(exclude1 OR exclude2)`." }, "ui:flavour": "tabs", "ui:options": { "tabs": [ { "title": "Base", "fields": [ "update_every", "address", "timeout" ] }, { "title": "User stats", "fields": [ "per_user_stats" ] } ] } } }