# netdata go.d.plugin configuration # # This file is in YAML format. # Enable/disable the whole go.d.plugin. enabled: yes # Enable/disable default value for all modules. default_run: yes # Maximum number of used CPUs. Zero means no limit. max_procs: 0 # Enable/disable specific g.d.plugin module # If you want to change any value, you need to uncomment out it first. # IMPORTANT: Do not remove all spaces, just remove # symbol. There should be a space before module name. modules: # activemq: yes # apache: yes # bind: yes # chrony: yes # cockroachdb: yes # consul: yes # coredns: yes # couchbase: yes # couchdb: yes # dnsdist: yes # dnsmasq: yes # dnsmasq_dhcp: yes # dns_query: yes # docker: yes # docker_engine: yes # dockerhub: yes # elasticsearch: yes # envoy: yes # example: no # filecheck: yes # fluentd: yes # freeradius: yes # haproxy: yes # hdfs: yes # httpcheck: yes # intelgpu: yes # isc_dhcpd: yes # k8s_kubelet: yes # k8s_kubeproxy: yes # lighttpd: yes # logind: yes # logstash: yes # lvm: yes # mongodb: yes # mysql: yes # nginx: yes # nginxplus: yes # nginxvts: yes # ntpd: yes # nvme: yes # nvidia_smi: no # openvpn: no # openvpn_status_log: yes # ping: yes # pgbouncer: yes # phpdaemon: yes # phpfpm: yes # pihole: yes # pika: yes # portcheck: yes # postgres: yes # powerdns: yes # powerdns_recursor: yes # prometheus: yes # pulsar: yes # rabbitmq: yes # redis: yes # scaleio: yes # snmp: yes # squidlog: yes # supervisord: yes # systemdunits: yes # tengine: yes # traefik: yes # upsd: yes # unbound: yes # vernemq: yes # vcsa: yes # vsphere: yes # web_log: yes # wireguard: yes # whoisquery: yes # windows: yes # x509check: yes # zfspool: yes # zookeeper: yes