# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Description: unbound netdata python.d module # Author: Austin S. Hemmelgarn (Ferroin) # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0+ import os import sys from copy import deepcopy from bases.FrameworkServices.SocketService import SocketService from bases.loaders import YamlOrderedLoader PRECISION = 1000 ORDER = ['queries', 'recursion', 'reqlist'] CHARTS = { 'queries': { 'options': [None, 'Queries Processed', 'queries', 'Unbound', 'unbound.queries', 'line'], 'lines': [ ['ratelimit', 'ratelimited', 'absolute', 1, 1], ['cachemiss', 'cache_miss', 'absolute', 1, 1], ['cachehit', 'cache_hit', 'absolute', 1, 1], ['expired', 'expired', 'absolute', 1, 1], ['prefetch', 'prefetched', 'absolute', 1, 1], ['recursive', 'recursive', 'absolute', 1, 1] ] }, 'recursion': { 'options': [None, 'Recursion Timings', 'seconds', 'Unbound', 'unbound.recursion', 'line'], 'lines': [ ['recursive_avg', 'average', 'absolute', 1, PRECISION], ['recursive_med', 'median', 'absolute', 1, PRECISION] ] }, 'reqlist': { 'options': [None, 'Request List', 'items', 'Unbound', 'unbound.reqlist', 'line'], 'lines': [ ['reqlist_avg', 'average_size', 'absolute', 1, 1], ['reqlist_max', 'maximum_size', 'absolute', 1, 1], ['reqlist_overwritten', 'overwritten_requests', 'absolute', 1, 1], ['reqlist_exceeded', 'overruns', 'absolute', 1, 1], ['reqlist_current', 'current_size', 'absolute', 1, 1], ['reqlist_user', 'user_requests', 'absolute', 1, 1] ] } } # These get added too if we are told to use extended stats. EXTENDED_ORDER = ['cache'] EXTENDED_CHARTS = { 'cache': { 'options': [None, 'Cache Sizes', 'items', 'Unbound', 'unbound.cache', 'stacked'], 'lines': [ ['cache_message', 'message_cache', 'absolute', 1, 1], ['cache_rrset', 'rrset_cache', 'absolute', 1, 1], ['cache_infra', 'infra_cache', 'absolute', 1, 1], ['cache_key', 'dnssec_key_cache', 'absolute', 1, 1], ['cache_dnscss', 'dnscrypt_Shared_Secret_cache', 'absolute', 1, 1], ['cache_dnscn', 'dnscrypt_Nonce_cache', 'absolute', 1, 1] ] } } # This is used as a templates for the per-thread charts. PER_THREAD_CHARTS = { '_queries': { 'options': [None, '{longname} Queries Processed', 'queries', 'Queries Processed', 'unbound.threads.queries', 'line'], 'lines': [ ['{shortname}_ratelimit', 'ratelimited', 'absolute', 1, 1], ['{shortname}_cachemiss', 'cache_miss', 'absolute', 1, 1], ['{shortname}_cachehit', 'cache_hit', 'absolute', 1, 1], ['{shortname}_expired', 'expired', 'absolute', 1, 1], ['{shortname}_prefetch', 'prefetched', 'absolute', 1, 1], ['{shortname}_recursive', 'recursive', 'absolute', 1, 1] ] }, '_recursion': { 'options': [None, '{longname} Recursion Timings', 'seconds', 'Recursive Timings', 'unbound.threads.recursion', 'line'], 'lines': [ ['{shortname}_recursive_avg', 'average', 'absolute', 1, PRECISION], ['{shortname}_recursive_med', 'median', 'absolute', 1, PRECISION] ] }, '_reqlist': { 'options': [None, '{longname} Request List', 'items', 'Request List', 'unbound.threads.reqlist', 'line'], 'lines': [ ['{shortname}_reqlist_avg', 'average_size', 'absolute', 1, 1], ['{shortname}_reqlist_max', 'maximum_size', 'absolute', 1, 1], ['{shortname}_reqlist_overwritten', 'overwritten_requests', 'absolute', 1, 1], ['{shortname}_reqlist_exceeded', 'overruns', 'absolute', 1, 1], ['{shortname}_reqlist_current', 'current_size', 'absolute', 1, 1], ['{shortname}_reqlist_user', 'user_requests', 'absolute', 1, 1] ] } } # This maps the Unbound stat names to our names and precision requiremnets. STAT_MAP = { 'total.num.queries_ip_ratelimited': ('ratelimit', 1), 'total.num.cachehits': ('cachehit', 1), 'total.num.cachemiss': ('cachemiss', 1), 'total.num.zero_ttl': ('expired', 1), 'total.num.prefetch': ('prefetch', 1), 'total.num.recursivereplies': ('recursive', 1), 'total.requestlist.avg': ('reqlist_avg', 1), 'total.requestlist.max': ('reqlist_max', 1), 'total.requestlist.overwritten': ('reqlist_overwritten', 1), 'total.requestlist.exceeded': ('reqlist_exceeded', 1), 'total.requestlist.current.all': ('reqlist_current', 1), 'total.requestlist.current.user': ('reqlist_user', 1), 'total.recursion.time.avg': ('recursive_avg', PRECISION), 'total.recursion.time.median': ('recursive_med', PRECISION), 'msg.cache.count': ('cache_message', 1), 'rrset.cache.count': ('cache_rrset', 1), 'infra.cache.count': ('cache_infra', 1), 'key.cache.count': ('cache_key', 1), 'dnscrypt_shared_secret.cache.count': ('cache_dnscss', 1), 'dnscrypt_nonce.cache.count': ('cache_dnscn', 1) } # Same as above, but for per-thread stats. PER_THREAD_STAT_MAP = { '{shortname}.num.queries_ip_ratelimited': ('{shortname}_ratelimit', 1), '{shortname}.num.cachehits': ('{shortname}_cachehit', 1), '{shortname}.num.cachemiss': ('{shortname}_cachemiss', 1), '{shortname}.num.zero_ttl': ('{shortname}_expired', 1), '{shortname}.num.prefetch': ('{shortname}_prefetch', 1), '{shortname}.num.recursivereplies': ('{shortname}_recursive', 1), '{shortname}.requestlist.avg': ('{shortname}_reqlist_avg', 1), '{shortname}.requestlist.max': ('{shortname}_reqlist_max', 1), '{shortname}.requestlist.overwritten': ('{shortname}_reqlist_overwritten', 1), '{shortname}.requestlist.exceeded': ('{shortname}_reqlist_exceeded', 1), '{shortname}.requestlist.current.all': ('{shortname}_reqlist_current', 1), '{shortname}.requestlist.current.user': ('{shortname}_reqlist_user', 1), '{shortname}.recursion.time.avg': ('{shortname}_recursive_avg', PRECISION), '{shortname}.recursion.time.median': ('{shortname}_recursive_med', PRECISION) } # Used to actually generate per-thread charts. def _get_perthread_info(thread): sname = 'thread{0}'.format(thread) lname = 'Thread {0}'.format(thread) charts = dict() order = [] statmap = dict() for item in PER_THREAD_CHARTS: cname = '{0}{1}'.format(sname, item) chart = deepcopy(PER_THREAD_CHARTS[item]) chart['options'][1] = chart['options'][1].format(longname=lname) for index, line in enumerate(chart['lines']): chart['lines'][index][0] = line[0].format(shortname=sname) order.append(cname) charts[cname] = chart for key, value in PER_THREAD_STAT_MAP.items(): statmap[key.format(shortname=sname)] = (value[0].format(shortname=sname), value[1]) return (charts, order, statmap) class Service(SocketService): def __init__(self, configuration=None, name=None): # The unbound control protocol is always TLS encapsulated # unless it's used over a UNIX socket, so enable TLS _before_ # doing the normal SocketService initialization. configuration['tls'] = True self.port = 8935 SocketService.__init__(self, configuration, name) self.ext = self.configuration.get('extended', None) self.ubconf = self.configuration.get('ubconf', None) self.perthread = self.configuration.get('per_thread', False) self.threads = None self.order = deepcopy(ORDER) self.definitions = deepcopy(CHARTS) self.request = 'UBCT1 stats\n' self.statmap = deepcopy(STAT_MAP) self._parse_config() self._auto_config() self.debug('Extended stats: {0}'.format(self.ext)) self.debug('Per-thread stats: {0}'.format(self.perthread)) if self.ext: self.order = self.order + EXTENDED_ORDER self.definitions.update(EXTENDED_CHARTS) if self.unix_socket: self.debug('Using unix socket: {0}'.format(self.unix_socket)) else: self.debug('Connecting to: {0}:{1}'.format(self.host, self.port)) self.debug('Using key: {0}'.format(self.key)) self.debug('Using certificate: {0}'.format(self.cert)) def _auto_config(self): if self.ubconf and os.access(self.ubconf, os.R_OK): self.debug('Unbound config: {0}'.format(self.ubconf)) conf = YamlOrderedLoader.load_config_from_file(self.ubconf)[0] if self.ext is None: if 'extended-statistics' in conf['server']: self.ext = conf['server']['extended-statistics'] if 'remote-control' in conf: if conf['remote-control'].get('control-use-cert', False): self.key = self.key or conf['remote-control'].get('control-key-file') self.cert = self.cert or conf['remote-control'].get('control-cert-file') self.port = self.port or conf['remote-control'].get('control-port') else: self.unix_socket = self.unix_socket or conf['remote-control'].get('control-interface') else: self.debug('Unbound configuration not found.') if not self.key: self.key = '/etc/unbound/unbound_control.key' if not self.cert: self.cert = '/etc/unbound/unbound_control.pem' if not self.port: self.port = 8953 def _generate_perthread_charts(self): tmporder = list() for thread in range(0, self.threads): charts, order, statmap = _get_perthread_info(thread) tmporder.extend(order) self.definitions.update(charts) self.statmap.update(statmap) self.order.extend(sorted(tmporder)) def check(self): # Check if authentication is working. self._connect() result = bool(self._sock) self._disconnect() # If auth works, and we need per-thread charts, query the server # to see how many threads it's using. This somewhat abuses the # SocketService API to get the data we need. if result and self.perthread: tmp = self.request if sys.version_info[0] < 3: self.request = 'UBCT1 status\n' else: self.request = b'UBCT1 status\n' raw = self._get_raw_data() for line in raw.splitlines(): if line.startswith('threads'): self.threads = int(line.split()[1]) self._generate_perthread_charts() break if self.threads is None: self.info('Unable to auto-detect thread counts, disabling per-thread stats.') self.perthread = False self.request = tmp return result @staticmethod def _check_raw_data(data): # The server will close the connection when it's done sending # data, so just keep looping until that happens. return False def _get_data(self): raw = self._get_raw_data() data = dict() tmp = dict() for line in raw.splitlines(): stat = line.split('=') tmp[stat[0]] = stat[1] for item in self.statmap: if item in tmp: data[self.statmap[item][0]] = float(tmp[item]) * self.statmap[item][1] return data