# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Description: netdata python modules framework # Author: Pawel Krupa (paulfantom) # Remember: # ALL CODE NEEDS TO BE COMPATIBLE WITH Python > 2.7 and Python > 3.1 # Follow PEP8 as much as it is possible # "check" and "create" CANNOT be blocking. # "update" CAN be blocking # "update" function needs to be fast, so follow: # https://wiki.python.org/moin/PythonSpeed/PerformanceTips # basically: # - use local variables wherever it is possible # - avoid dots in expressions that are executed many times # - use "join()" instead of "+" # - use "import" only at the beginning # # using ".encode()" in one thread can block other threads as well (only in python2) import time # import sys import os import socket import select try: import urllib.request as urllib2 except ImportError: import urllib2 from subprocess import Popen, PIPE import threading import msg import ssl try: PATH = os.getenv('PATH').split(':') except AttributeError: PATH = '/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin'.split(':') # class BaseService(threading.Thread): class SimpleService(threading.Thread): """ Prototype of Service class. Implemented basic functionality to run jobs by `python.d.plugin` """ def __init__(self, configuration=None, name=None): """ This needs to be initialized in child classes :param configuration: dict :param name: str """ threading.Thread.__init__(self) self._data_stream = "" self.daemon = True self.retries = 0 self.retries_left = 0 self.priority = 140000 self.update_every = 1 self.name = name self.override_name = None self.chart_name = "" self._dimensions = [] self._charts = [] self.__chart_set = False self.__first_run = True self.order = [] self.definitions = {} self._data_from_check = dict() if configuration is None: self.error("BaseService: no configuration parameters supplied. Cannot create Service.") raise RuntimeError else: self._extract_base_config(configuration) self.timetable = {} self.create_timetable() # --- BASIC SERVICE CONFIGURATION --- def _extract_base_config(self, config): """ Get basic parameters to run service Minimum config: config = {'update_every':1, 'priority':100000, 'retries':0} :param config: dict """ pop = config.pop try: self.override_name = pop('name') except KeyError: pass self.update_every = int(pop('update_every')) self.priority = int(pop('priority')) self.retries = int(pop('retries')) self.retries_left = self.retries self.configuration = config def create_timetable(self, freq=None): """ Create service timetable. `freq` is optional Example: timetable = {'last': 1466370091.3767564, 'next': 1466370092, 'freq': 1} :param freq: int """ if freq is None: freq = self.update_every now = time.time() self.timetable = {'last': now, 'next': now - (now % freq) + freq, 'freq': freq} # --- THREAD CONFIGURATION --- def _run_once(self): """ Executes self.update(interval) and draws run time chart. Return value presents exit status of update() :return: boolean """ t_start = float(time.time()) chart_name = self.chart_name since_last = int((t_start - self.timetable['last']) * 1000000) if self.__first_run: since_last = 0 if not self.update(since_last): self.error("update function failed.") return False # draw performance graph run_time = int((time.time() - t_start) * 1000) print("BEGIN netdata.plugin_pythond_%s %s\nSET run_time = %s\nEND\n" % (self.chart_name, str(since_last), str(run_time))) self.debug(chart_name, "updated in", str(run_time), "ms") self.timetable['last'] = t_start self.__first_run = False return True def run(self): """ Runs job in thread. Handles retries. Exits when job failed or timed out. :return: None """ step = float(self.timetable['freq']) penalty = 0 self.timetable['last'] = float(time.time() - step) self.debug("starting data collection - update frequency:", str(step), " retries allowed:", str(self.retries)) while True: # run forever, unless something is wrong now = float(time.time()) next = self.timetable['next'] = now - (now % step) + step + penalty # it is important to do this in a loop # sleep() is interruptable while now < next: self.debug("sleeping for", str(next - now), "secs to reach frequency of", str(step), "secs, now:", str(now), " next:", str(next), " penalty:", str(penalty)) time.sleep(next - now) now = float(time.time()) # do the job try: status = self._run_once() except Exception as e: status = False if status: # it is good self.retries_left = self.retries penalty = 0 else: # it failed self.retries_left -= 1 if self.retries_left <= 0: if penalty == 0: penalty = float(self.retries * step) / 2 else: penalty *= 1.5 if penalty > 600: penalty = 600 self.retries_left = self.retries self.alert("failed to collect data for " + str(self.retries) + " times - increasing penalty to " + str(penalty) + " sec and trying again") else: self.error("failed to collect data - " + str(self.retries_left) + " retries left - penalty: " + str(penalty) + " sec") # --- CHART --- @staticmethod def _format(*args): """ Escape and convert passed arguments. :param args: anything :return: list """ params = [] append = params.append for p in args: if p is None: append(p) continue if type(p) is not str: p = str(p) if ' ' in p: p = "'" + p + "'" append(p) return params def _line(self, instruction, *params): """ Converts *params to string and joins them with one space between every one. Result is appended to self._data_stream :param params: str/int/float """ tmp = list(map((lambda x: "''" if x is None or len(x) == 0 else x), params)) self._data_stream += "%s %s\n" % (instruction, str(" ".join(tmp))) def chart(self, type_id, name="", title="", units="", family="", category="", chart_type="line", priority="", update_every=""): """ Defines a new chart. :param type_id: str :param name: str :param title: str :param units: str :param family: str :param category: str :param chart_type: str :param priority: int/str :param update_every: int/str """ self._charts.append(type_id) p = self._format(type_id, name, title, units, family, category, chart_type, priority, update_every) self._line("CHART", *p) def dimension(self, id, name=None, algorithm="absolute", multiplier=1, divisor=1, hidden=False): """ Defines a new dimension for the chart :param id: str :param name: str :param algorithm: str :param multiplier: int/str :param divisor: int/str :param hidden: boolean :return: """ try: int(multiplier) except TypeError: self.error("malformed dimension: multiplier is not a number:", multiplier) multiplier = 1 try: int(divisor) except TypeError: self.error("malformed dimension: divisor is not a number:", divisor) divisor = 1 if name is None: name = id if algorithm not in ("absolute", "incremental", "percentage-of-absolute-row", "percentage-of-incremental-row"): algorithm = "absolute" self._dimensions.append(str(id)) if hidden: p = self._format(id, name, algorithm, multiplier, divisor, "hidden") else: p = self._format(id, name, algorithm, multiplier, divisor) self._line("DIMENSION", *p) def begin(self, type_id, microseconds=0): """ Begin data set :param type_id: str :param microseconds: int :return: boolean """ if type_id not in self._charts: self.error("wrong chart type_id:", type_id) return False try: int(microseconds) except TypeError: self.error("malformed begin statement: microseconds are not a number:", microseconds) microseconds = "" self._line("BEGIN", type_id, str(microseconds)) return True def set(self, id, value): """ Set value to dimension :param id: str :param value: int/float :return: boolean """ if id not in self._dimensions: self.error("wrong dimension id:", id, "Available dimensions are:", *self._dimensions) return False try: value = str(int(value)) except TypeError: self.error("cannot set non-numeric value:", str(value)) return False self._line("SET", id, "=", str(value)) self.__chart_set = True return True def end(self): if self.__chart_set: self._line("END") self.__chart_set = False else: pos = self._data_stream.rfind("BEGIN") self._data_stream = self._data_stream[:pos] def commit(self): """ Upload new data to netdata. """ try: print(self._data_stream) except Exception as e: msg.fatal('cannot send data to netdata:', str(e)) self._data_stream = "" # --- ERROR HANDLING --- def error(self, *params): """ Show error message on stderr """ msg.error(self.chart_name, *params) def alert(self, *params): """ Show error message on stderr """ msg.alert(self.chart_name, *params) def debug(self, *params): """ Show debug message on stderr """ msg.debug(self.chart_name, *params) def info(self, *params): """ Show information message on stderr """ msg.info(self.chart_name, *params) # --- MAIN METHODS --- def _get_data(self): """ Get some data :return: dict """ return {} def check(self): """ check() prototype :return: boolean """ self.debug("Module", str(self.__module__), "doesn't implement check() function. Using default.") data = self._get_data() if data is None: self.debug("failed to receive data during check().") return False if len(data) == 0: self.debug("empty data during check().") return False self.debug("successfully received data during check(): '" + str(data) + "'") return True def create(self): """ Create charts :return: boolean """ data = self._data_from_check or self._get_data() if data is None: self.debug("failed to receive data during create().") return False idx = 0 for name in self.order: options = self.definitions[name]['options'] + [self.priority + idx, self.update_every] self.chart(self.chart_name + "." + name, *options) # check if server has this datapoint for line in self.definitions[name]['lines']: if line[0] in data: self.dimension(*line) idx += 1 self.commit() return True def update(self, interval): """ Update charts :param interval: int :return: boolean """ data = self._get_data() if data is None: self.debug("failed to receive data during update().") return False updated = False for chart in self.order: if self.begin(self.chart_name + "." + chart, interval): updated = True for dim in self.definitions[chart]['lines']: try: self.set(dim[0], data[dim[0]]) except KeyError: pass self.end() self.commit() if not updated: self.error("no charts to update") return updated @staticmethod def find_binary(binary): try: if isinstance(binary, str): binary = os.path.basename(binary) return next(('/'.join([p, binary]) for p in PATH if os.path.isfile('/'.join([p, binary])) and os.access('/'.join([p, binary]), os.X_OK))) else: return None except StopIteration: return None class UrlService(SimpleService): # TODO add support for https connections def __init__(self, configuration=None, name=None): self.url = "" self.user = None self.password = None self.proxies = {} SimpleService.__init__(self, configuration=configuration, name=name) def __add_openers(self): # TODO add error handling if self.ss_cert: try: ctx = ssl.create_default_context() ctx.check_hostname = False ctx.verify_mode = ssl.CERT_NONE self.opener = urllib2.build_opener(urllib2.HTTPSHandler(context=ctx)) except Exception as error: self.error(str(error)) self.opener = urllib2.build_opener() else: self.opener = urllib2.build_opener() # Proxy handling # TODO currently self.proxies isn't parsed from configuration file # if len(self.proxies) > 0: # for proxy in self.proxies: # url = proxy['url'] # # TODO test this: # if "user" in proxy and "pass" in proxy: # if url.lower().startswith('https://'): # url = 'https://' + proxy['user'] + ':' + proxy['pass'] + '@' + url[8:] # else: # url = 'http://' + proxy['user'] + ':' + proxy['pass'] + '@' + url[7:] # # FIXME move proxy auth to sth like this: # # passman = urllib2.HTTPPasswordMgrWithDefaultRealm() # # passman.add_password(None, url, proxy['user'], proxy['password']) # # opener.add_handler(urllib2.HTTPBasicAuthHandler(passman)) # # if url.lower().startswith('https://'): # opener.add_handler(urllib2.ProxyHandler({'https': url})) # else: # opener.add_handler(urllib2.ProxyHandler({'https': url})) # HTTP Basic Auth if self.user is not None and self.password is not None: passman = urllib2.HTTPPasswordMgrWithDefaultRealm() passman.add_password(None, self.url, self.user, self.password) self.opener.add_handler(urllib2.HTTPBasicAuthHandler(passman)) self.debug("Enabling HTTP basic auth") #urllib2.install_opener(opener) def _get_raw_data(self): """ Get raw data from http request :return: str """ raw = None try: f = self.opener.open(self.url, timeout=self.update_every * 2) # f = urllib2.urlopen(self.url, timeout=self.update_every * 2) except Exception as e: self.error(str(e)) return None try: raw = f.read().decode('utf-8', 'ignore') except Exception as e: self.error(str(e)) finally: f.close() return raw def check(self): """ Format configuration data and try to connect to server :return: boolean """ if self.name is None or self.name == str(None): self.name = 'local' self.chart_name += "_" + self.name else: self.name = str(self.name) try: self.url = str(self.configuration['url']) except (KeyError, TypeError): pass try: self.user = str(self.configuration['user']) except (KeyError, TypeError): pass try: self.password = str(self.configuration['pass']) except (KeyError, TypeError): pass self.ss_cert = self.configuration.get('ss_cert') self.__add_openers() test = self._get_data() if test is None or len(test) == 0: return False else: return True class SocketService(SimpleService): def __init__(self, configuration=None, name=None): self._sock = None self._keep_alive = False self.host = "localhost" self.port = None self.unix_socket = None self.request = "" self.__socket_config = None self.__empty_request = "".encode() SimpleService.__init__(self, configuration=configuration, name=name) def _socketerror(self, message=None): if self.unix_socket is not None: self.error("unix socket '" + self.unix_socket + "':", message) else: if self.__socket_config is not None: af, socktype, proto, canonname, sa = self.__socket_config self.error("socket to '" + str(sa[0]) + "' port " + str(sa[1]) + ":", message) else: self.error("unknown socket:", message) def _connect2socket(self, res=None): """ Connect to a socket, passing the result of getaddrinfo() :return: boolean """ if res is None: res = self.__socket_config if res is None: self.error("Cannot create socket to 'None':") return False af, socktype, proto, canonname, sa = res try: self.debug("creating socket to '" + str(sa[0]) + "', port " + str(sa[1])) self._sock = socket.socket(af, socktype, proto) except socket.error as e: self.error("Failed to create socket to '" + str(sa[0]) + "', port " + str(sa[1]) + ":", str(e)) self._sock = None self.__socket_config = None return False try: self.debug("connecting socket to '" + str(sa[0]) + "', port " + str(sa[1])) self._sock.connect(sa) except socket.error as e: self.error("Failed to connect to '" + str(sa[0]) + "', port " + str(sa[1]) + ":", str(e)) self._disconnect() self.__socket_config = None return False self.debug("connected to '" + str(sa[0]) + "', port " + str(sa[1])) self.__socket_config = res return True def _connect2unixsocket(self): """ Connect to a unix socket, given its filename :return: boolean """ if self.unix_socket is None: self.error("cannot connect to unix socket 'None'") return False try: self.debug("attempting DGRAM unix socket '" + str(self.unix_socket) + "'") self._sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_UNIX, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) self._sock.connect(self.unix_socket) self.debug("connected DGRAM unix socket '" + str(self.unix_socket) + "'") return True except socket.error as e: self.debug("Failed to connect DGRAM unix socket '" + str(self.unix_socket) + "':", str(e)) try: self.debug("attempting STREAM unix socket '" + str(self.unix_socket) + "'") self._sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_UNIX, socket.SOCK_STREAM) self._sock.connect(self.unix_socket) self.debug("connected STREAM unix socket '" + str(self.unix_socket) + "'") return True except socket.error as e: self.debug("Failed to connect STREAM unix socket '" + str(self.unix_socket) + "':", str(e)) self.error("Failed to connect to unix socket '" + str(self.unix_socket) + "':", str(e)) self._sock = None return False def _connect(self): """ Recreate socket and connect to it since sockets cannot be reused after closing Available configurations are IPv6, IPv4 or UNIX socket :return: """ try: if self.unix_socket is not None: self._connect2unixsocket() else: if self.__socket_config is not None: self._connect2socket() else: for res in socket.getaddrinfo(self.host, self.port, socket.AF_UNSPEC, socket.SOCK_STREAM): if self._connect2socket(res): break except Exception as e: self._sock = None self.__socket_config = None if self._sock is not None: self._sock.setblocking(0) self._sock.settimeout(5) self.debug("set socket timeout to: " + str(self._sock.gettimeout())) def _disconnect(self): """ Close socket connection :return: """ if self._sock is not None: try: self.debug("closing socket") self._sock.shutdown(2) # 0 - read, 1 - write, 2 - all self._sock.close() except Exception: pass self._sock = None def _send(self): """ Send request. :return: boolean """ # Send request if it is needed if self.request != self.__empty_request: try: self.debug("sending request:", str(self.request)) self._sock.send(self.request) except Exception as e: self._socketerror("error sending request:" + str(e)) self._disconnect() return False return True def _receive(self): """ Receive data from socket :return: str """ data = "" while True: self.debug("receiving response") try: buf = self._sock.recv(4096) except Exception as e: self._socketerror("failed to receive response:" + str(e)) self._disconnect() break if buf is None or len(buf) == 0: # handle server disconnect if data == "": self._socketerror("unexpectedly disconnected") else: self.debug("server closed the connection") self._disconnect() break self.debug("received data:", str(buf)) data += buf.decode('utf-8', 'ignore') if self._check_raw_data(data): break self.debug("final response:", str(data)) return data def _get_raw_data(self): """ Get raw data with low-level "socket" module. :return: str """ if self._sock is None: self._connect() if self._sock is None: return None # Send request if it is needed if not self._send(): return None data = self._receive() if not self._keep_alive: self._disconnect() return data def _check_raw_data(self, data): """ Check if all data has been gathered from socket :param data: str :return: boolean """ return True def _parse_config(self): """ Parse configuration data :return: boolean """ if self.name is None or self.name == str(None): self.name = "" else: self.name = str(self.name) try: self.unix_socket = str(self.configuration['socket']) except (KeyError, TypeError): self.debug("No unix socket specified. Trying TCP/IP socket.") self.unix_socket = None try: self.host = str(self.configuration['host']) except (KeyError, TypeError): self.debug("No host specified. Using: '" + self.host + "'") try: self.port = int(self.configuration['port']) except (KeyError, TypeError): self.debug("No port specified. Using: '" + str(self.port) + "'") try: self.request = str(self.configuration['request']) except (KeyError, TypeError): self.debug("No request specified. Using: '" + str(self.request) + "'") self.request = self.request.encode() def check(self): self._parse_config() return SimpleService.check(self) class LogService(SimpleService): def __init__(self, configuration=None, name=None): self.log_path = "" self._last_position = 0 # self._log_reader = None SimpleService.__init__(self, configuration=configuration, name=name) self.retries = 100000 # basically always retry def _get_raw_data(self): """ Get log lines since last poll :return: list """ lines = [] try: if os.path.getsize(self.log_path) < self._last_position: self._last_position = 0 # read from beginning if file has shrunk elif os.path.getsize(self.log_path) == self._last_position: self.debug("Log file hasn't changed. No new data.") return [] # return empty list if nothing has changed with open(self.log_path, "r") as fp: fp.seek(self._last_position) for i, line in enumerate(fp): lines.append(line) self._last_position = fp.tell() except Exception as e: self.error(str(e)) if len(lines) != 0: return lines else: self.error("No data collected.") return None def check(self): """ Parse basic configuration and check if log file exists :return: boolean """ if self.name is not None or self.name != str(None): self.name = "" else: self.name = str(self.name) try: self.log_path = str(self.configuration['path']) except (KeyError, TypeError): self.info("No path to log specified. Using: '" + self.log_path + "'") if os.access(self.log_path, os.R_OK): return True else: self.error("Cannot access file: '" + self.log_path + "'") return False def create(self): # set cursor at last byte of log file self._last_position = os.path.getsize(self.log_path) status = SimpleService.create(self) # self._last_position = 0 return status class ExecutableService(SimpleService): def __init__(self, configuration=None, name=None): SimpleService.__init__(self, configuration=configuration, name=name) self.command = None def _get_raw_data(self): """ Get raw data from executed command :return: """ try: p = Popen(self.command, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE) except Exception as error: self.error("Executing command", self.command, "resulted in error:", str(error)) return None data = list() for line in p.stdout.readlines(): data.append(line.decode()) return data or None def check(self): """ Parse basic configuration, check if command is whitelisted and is returning values :return: """ # Preference: 1. "command" from configuration file 2. "command" from plugin (if specified) if 'command' in self.configuration: self.command = self.configuration['command'] # "command" must be: 1.not None 2. type if not (self.command and isinstance(self.command, str)): self.error('Command is not defined or command type is not ') return False # Split "command" into: 1. command 2. options command, opts = self.command.split()[0], self.command.split()[1:] # Check for "bad" symbols in options. No pipes, redirects etc. TODO: what is missing? bad_opts = set(''.join(opts)) & set(['&', '|', ';', '>', '<']) if bad_opts: self.error("Bad command argument(s): %s" % bad_opts) return False # Find absolute path ('echo' => '/bin/echo') if '/' not in command: command = self.find_binary(command) if not command: self.error('Can\'t locate "%s" binary in PATH(%s)' % (self.command, PATH)) return False # Check if binary exist and executable else: if not (os.path.isfile(command) and os.access(command, os.X_OK)): self.error('"%s" is not a file or not executable' % command) return False self.command = [command] + opts if opts else [command] try: data = self._get_data() except Exception as error: self.error('_get_data() failed. Command: %s. Error: %s' % (self.command, error)) return False if isinstance(data, dict) and data: # We need this for create() method. No reason to execute get_data() again if result is not empty dict() self._data_from_check = data return True else: self.error("Command", str(self.command), "returned no data") return False