# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Description: ceph netdata python.d module # Author: Luis Eduardo (lets00) # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0+ try: import rados CEPH = True except ImportError: CEPH = False import json from bases.FrameworkServices.SimpleService import SimpleService # default module values (can be overridden per job in `config`) update_every = 10 priority = 60000 retries = 60 ORDER = ['general_usage', 'general_objects', 'general_bytes', 'general_operations', 'general_latency', 'pool_usage', 'pool_objects', 'pool_read_bytes', 'pool_write_bytes', 'pool_read_operations', 'pool_write_operations', 'osd_usage', 'osd_apply_latency', 'osd_commit_latency'] CHARTS = { 'general_usage': { 'options': [None, 'Ceph General Space', 'KB', 'general', 'ceph.general_usage', 'stacked'], 'lines': [ ['general_available', 'avail', 'absolute', 1, 1024], ['general_usage', 'used', 'absolute', 1, 1024] ] }, 'general_objects': { 'options': [None, 'Ceph General Objects', 'objects', 'general', 'ceph.general_objects', 'area'], 'lines': [ ['general_objects', 'cluster', 'absolute'] ] }, 'general_bytes': { 'options': [None, 'Ceph General Read/Write Data/s', 'KB', 'general', 'ceph.general_bytes', 'area'], 'lines': [ ['general_read_bytes', 'read', 'absolute', 1, 1024], ['general_write_bytes', 'write', 'absolute', -1, 1024] ] }, 'general_operations': { 'options': [None, 'Ceph General Read/Write Operations/s', 'operations', 'general', 'ceph.general_operations', 'area'], 'lines': [ ['general_read_operations', 'read', 'absolute', 1], ['general_write_operations', 'write', 'absolute', -1] ] }, 'general_latency': { 'options': [None, 'Ceph General Apply/Commit latency', 'milliseconds', 'general', 'ceph.general_latency', 'area'], 'lines': [ ['general_apply_latency', 'apply', 'absolute'], ['general_commit_latency', 'commit', 'absolute'] ] }, 'pool_usage': { 'options': [None, 'Ceph Pools', 'KB', 'pool', 'ceph.pool_usage', 'line'], 'lines': [] }, 'pool_objects': { 'options': [None, 'Ceph Pools', 'objects', 'pool', 'ceph.pool_objects', 'line'], 'lines': [] }, 'pool_read_bytes': { 'options': [None, 'Ceph Read Pool Data/s', 'KB', 'pool', 'ceph.pool_read_bytes', 'area'], 'lines': [] }, 'pool_write_bytes': { 'options': [None, 'Ceph Write Pool Data/s', 'KB', 'pool', 'ceph.pool_write_bytes', 'area'], 'lines': [] }, 'pool_read_operations': { 'options': [None, 'Ceph Read Pool Operations/s', 'operations', 'pool', 'ceph.pool_read_operations', 'area'], 'lines': [] }, 'pool_write_operations': { 'options': [None, 'Ceph Write Pool Operations/s', 'operations', 'pool', 'ceph.pool_write_operations', 'area'], 'lines': [] }, 'osd_usage': { 'options': [None, 'Ceph OSDs', 'KB', 'osd', 'ceph.osd_usage', 'line'], 'lines': [] }, 'osd_apply_latency': { 'options': [None, 'Ceph OSDs apply latency', 'milliseconds', 'osd', 'ceph.apply_latency', 'line'], 'lines': [] }, 'osd_commit_latency': { 'options': [None, 'Ceph OSDs commit latency', 'milliseconds', 'osd', 'ceph.commit_latency', 'line'], 'lines': [] } } class Service(SimpleService): def __init__(self, configuration=None, name=None): SimpleService.__init__(self, configuration=configuration, name=name) self.order = ORDER self.definitions = CHARTS self.config_file = self.configuration.get('config_file') self.keyring_file = self.configuration.get('keyring_file') def check(self): """ Checks module :return: """ if not CEPH: self.error('rados module is needed to use ceph.chart.py') return False if not (self.config_file and self.keyring_file): self.error('config_file and/or keyring_file is not defined') return False try: self.cluster = rados.Rados(conffile=self.config_file, conf=dict(keyring=self.keyring_file)) self.cluster.connect() except rados.Error as error: self.error(error) return False self.create_definitions() return True def create_definitions(self): """ Create dynamically charts options :return: None """ # Pool lines for pool in sorted(self._get_df()['pools']): self.definitions['pool_usage']['lines'].append([pool['name'], pool['name'], 'absolute']) self.definitions['pool_objects']['lines'].append(["obj_{0}".format(pool['name']), pool['name'], 'absolute']) self.definitions['pool_read_bytes']['lines'].append(['read_{0}'.format(pool['name']), pool['name'], 'absolute', 1, 1024]) self.definitions['pool_write_bytes']['lines'].append(['write_{0}'.format(pool['name']), pool['name'], 'absolute', 1, 1024]) self.definitions['pool_read_operations']['lines'].append(['read_operations_{0}'.format(pool['name']), pool['name'], 'absolute']) self.definitions['pool_write_operations']['lines'].append(['write_operations_{0}'.format(pool['name']), pool['name'], 'absolute']) # OSD lines for osd in sorted(self._get_osd_df()['nodes']): self.definitions['osd_usage']['lines'].append([osd['name'], osd['name'], 'absolute']) self.definitions['osd_apply_latency']['lines'].append(['apply_latency_{0}'.format(osd['name']), osd['name'], 'absolute']) self.definitions['osd_commit_latency']['lines'].append(['commit_latency_{0}'.format(osd['name']), osd['name'], 'absolute']) def get_data(self): """ Catch all ceph data :return: dict """ try: data = {} df = self._get_df() osd_df = self._get_osd_df() osd_perf = self._get_osd_perf() pool_stats = self._get_osd_pool_stats() data.update(self._get_general(osd_perf, pool_stats)) for pool in df['pools']: data.update(self._get_pool_usage(pool)) data.update(self._get_pool_objects(pool)) for pool_io in pool_stats: data.update(self._get_pool_rw(pool_io)) for osd in osd_df['nodes']: data.update(self._get_osd_usage(osd)) for osd_apply_commit in osd_perf['osd_perf_infos']: data.update(self._get_osd_latency(osd_apply_commit)) return data except (ValueError, AttributeError) as error: self.error(error) return None def _get_general(self, osd_perf, pool_stats): """ Get ceph's general usage :return: dict """ status = self.cluster.get_cluster_stats() read_bytes_sec = 0 write_bytes_sec = 0 read_op_per_sec = 0 write_op_per_sec = 0 apply_latency = 0 commit_latency = 0 for pool_rw_io_b in pool_stats: read_bytes_sec += pool_rw_io_b['client_io_rate'].get('read_bytes_sec', 0) write_bytes_sec += pool_rw_io_b['client_io_rate'].get('write_bytes_sec', 0) read_op_per_sec += pool_rw_io_b['client_io_rate'].get('read_op_per_sec', 0) write_op_per_sec += pool_rw_io_b['client_io_rate'].get('write_op_per_sec', 0) for perf in osd_perf['osd_perf_infos']: apply_latency += perf['perf_stats']['apply_latency_ms'] commit_latency += perf['perf_stats']['commit_latency_ms'] return {'general_usage': int(status['kb_used']), 'general_available': int(status['kb_avail']), 'general_objects': int(status['num_objects']), 'general_read_bytes': read_bytes_sec, 'general_write_bytes': write_bytes_sec, 'general_read_operations': read_op_per_sec, 'general_write_operations': write_op_per_sec, 'general_apply_latency': apply_latency, 'general_commit_latency': commit_latency } @staticmethod def _get_pool_usage(pool): """ Process raw data into pool usage dict information :return: A pool dict with pool name's key and usage bytes' value """ return {pool['name']: pool['stats']['kb_used']} @staticmethod def _get_pool_objects(pool): """ Process raw data into pool usage dict information :return: A pool dict with pool name's key and object numbers """ return {'obj_{0}'.format(pool['name']): pool['stats']['objects']} @staticmethod def _get_pool_rw(pool): """ Get read/write kb and operations in a pool :return: A pool dict with both read/write bytes and operations. """ return {'read_{0}'.format(pool['pool_name']): int(pool['client_io_rate'].get('read_bytes_sec', 0)), 'write_{0}'.format(pool['pool_name']): int(pool['client_io_rate'].get('write_bytes_sec', 0)), 'read_operations_{0}'.format(pool['pool_name']): int(pool['client_io_rate'].get('read_op_per_sec', 0)), 'write_operations_{0}'.format(pool['pool_name']): int(pool['client_io_rate'].get('write_op_per_sec', 0)) } @staticmethod def _get_osd_usage(osd): """ Process raw data into osd dict information to get osd usage :return: A osd dict with osd name's key and usage bytes' value """ return {osd['name']: float(osd['kb_used'])} @staticmethod def _get_osd_latency(osd): """ Get ceph osd apply and commit latency :return: A osd dict with osd name's key with both apply and commit latency values """ return {'apply_latency_osd.{0}'.format(osd['id']): osd['perf_stats']['apply_latency_ms'], 'commit_latency_osd.{0}'.format(osd['id']): osd['perf_stats']['commit_latency_ms']} def _get_df(self): """ Get ceph df output :return: ceph df --format json """ return json.loads(self.cluster.mon_command(json.dumps({ 'prefix': 'df', 'format': 'json' }), '')[1]) def _get_osd_df(self): """ Get ceph osd df output :return: ceph osd df --format json """ return json.loads(self.cluster.mon_command(json.dumps({ 'prefix': 'osd df', 'format': 'json' }), '')[1]) def _get_osd_perf(self): """ Get ceph osd performance :return: ceph osd perf --format json """ return json.loads(self.cluster.mon_command(json.dumps({ 'prefix': 'osd perf', 'format': 'json' }), '')[1]) def _get_osd_pool_stats(self): """ Get ceph osd pool status. This command is used to get information about both read/write operation and bytes per second on each pool :return: ceph osd pool stats --format json """ return json.loads(self.cluster.mon_command(json.dumps({ 'prefix': 'osd pool stats', 'format': 'json' }), '')[1])