# Disclaimer Every module should be compatible with python2 and python3. All third party libraries should be installed system-wide or in `python_modules` directory. Module configurations are written in YAML and **pyYAML is required**. Every configuration file must have one of two formats: - Configuration for only one job: ```yaml update_every : 2 # update frequency retries : 1 # how many failures in update() is tolerated priority : 20000 # where it is shown on dashboard other_var1 : bla # variables passed to module other_var2 : alb ``` - Configuration for many jobs (ex. mysql): ```yaml # module defaults: update_every : 2 retries : 1 priority : 20000 local: # job name update_every : 5 # job update frequency other_var1 : some_val # module specific variable other_job: priority : 5 # job position on dashboard retries : 20 # job retries other_var2 : val # module specific variable ``` `update_every`, `retries`, and `priority` are always optional. --- The following python.d modules are supported: # apache This module will monitor one or more apache servers depending on configuration. **Requirements:** * apache with enabled `mod_status` It produces the following charts: 1. **Requests** in requests/s * requests 2. **Connections** * connections 3. **Async Connections** * keepalive * closing * writing 4. **Bandwidth** in kilobytes/s * sent 5. **Workers** * idle * busy 6. **Lifetime Avg. Requests/s** in requests/s * requests_sec 7. **Lifetime Avg. Bandwidth/s** in kilobytes/s * size_sec 8. **Lifetime Avg. Response Size** in bytes/request * size_req ### configuration Needs only `url` to server's `server-status?auto` Here is an example for 2 servers: ```yaml update_every : 10 priority : 90100 local: url : 'http://localhost/server-status?auto' retries : 20 remote: url : 'http://www.apache.org/server-status?auto' update_every : 5 retries : 4 ``` Without configuration, module attempts to connect to `http://localhost/server-status?auto` --- # apache_cache Module monitors apache mod_cache log and produces only one chart: **cached responses** in percent cached * hit * miss * other ### configuration Sample: ```yaml update_every : 10 priority : 120000 retries : 5 log_path : '/var/log/apache2/cache.log' ``` If no configuration is given, module will attempt to read log file at `/var/log/apache2/cache.log` --- # cpufreq Module shows current cpu frequency by looking at appropriate files in /sys/devices **Requirement:** Processor which presents data scaling frequency data It produces one chart with multiple lines (one line per core). ### configuration Sample: ```yaml sys_dir: "/sys/devices" ``` If no configuration is given, module will search for `scaling_cur_freq` files in `/sys/devices` directory. Directory is also prefixed with `NETDATA_HOST_PREFIX` if specified. --- # dovecot This module provides statistics information from dovecot server. Statistics are taken from dovecot socket by executing `EXPORT global` command. More information about dovecot stats can be found on [project wiki page.](http://wiki2.dovecot.org/Statistics) **Requirement:** Dovecot unix socket with R/W permissions for user netdata or dovecot with configured TCP/IP socket. Module gives information with following charts: 1. **sessions** * active sessions 2. **logins** * logins 3. **commands** - number of IMAP commands * commands 4. **Faults** * minor * major 5. **Context Switches** * volountary * involountary 6. **disk** in bytes/s * read * write 7. **bytes** in bytes/s * read * write 8. **number of syscalls** in syscalls/s * read * write 9. **lookups** - number of lookups per second * path * attr 10. **hits** - number of cache hits * hits 11. **attempts** - authorization attemts * success * failure 12. **cache** - cached authorization hits * hit * miss ### configuration Sample: ```yaml localtcpip: name : 'local' host : '' port : 24242 localsocket: name : 'local' socket : '/var/run/dovecot/stats' ``` If no configuration is given, module will attempt to connect to dovecot using unix socket localized in `/var/run/dovecot/stats` --- # exim Simple module executing `exim -bpc` to grab exim queue. This command can take a lot of time to finish its execution thus it is not recommended to run it every second. It produces only one chart: 1. **Exim Queue Emails** * emails Configuration is not needed. --- # hddtemp Module monitors disk temperatures from one or more hddtemp daemons. **Requirement:** Running `hddtemp` in daemonized mode with access on tcp port It produces one chart **Temperature** with dynamic number of dimensions (one per disk) ### configuration Sample: ```yaml update_every: 3 host: "" port: 7634 ``` If no configuration is given, module will attempt to connect to hddtemp daemon on `` address --- # IPFS Module monitors [IPFS](https://ipfs.io) basic information. 1. **Bandwidth** in kbits/s * in * out 2. **Peers** * peers ### configuration Only url to IPFS server is needed. Sample: ```yaml localhost: name : 'local' url : 'http://localhost:5001' ``` --- # memcached Memcached monitoring module. Data grabbed from [stats interface](https://github.com/memcached/memcached/wiki/Commands#stats). 1. **Network** in kilobytes/s * read * written 2. **Connections** per second * current * rejected * total 3. **Items** in cluster * current * total 4. **Evicted and Reclaimed** items * evicted * reclaimed 5. **GET** requests/s * hits * misses 6. **GET rate** rate in requests/s * rate 7. **SET rate** rate in requests/s * rate 8. **DELETE** requests/s * hits * misses 9. **CAS** requests/s * hits * misses * bad value 10. **Increment** requests/s * hits * misses 11. **Decrement** requests/s * hits * misses 12. **Touch** requests/s * hits * misses 13. **Touch rate** rate in requests/s * rate ### configuration Sample: ```yaml localtcpip: name : 'local' host : '' port : 24242 ``` If no configuration is given, module will attempt to connect to memcached instance on `` address. --- # mysql Module monitors one or more mysql servers **Requirements:** * python library [MySQLdb](https://github.com/PyMySQL/mysqlclient-python) (faster) or [PyMySQL](https://github.com/PyMySQL/PyMySQL) (slower) It will produce following charts (if data is available): 1. **Bandwidth** in kbps * in * out 2. **Queries** in queries/sec * queries * questions * slow queries 3. **Operations** in operations/sec * opened tables * flush * commit * delete * prepare * read first * read key * read next * read prev * read random * read random next * rollback * save point * update * write 4. **Table Locks** in locks/sec * immediate * waited 5. **Select Issues** in issues/sec * full join * full range join * range * range check * scan 6. **Sort Issues** in issues/sec * merge passes * range * scan ### configuration You can provide, per server, the following: 1. username which have access to database (deafults to 'root') 2. password (defaults to none) 3. mysql my.cnf configuration file 4. mysql socket (optional) 5. mysql host (ip or hostname) 6. mysql port (defaults to 3306) Here is an example for 3 servers: ```yaml update_every : 10 priority : 90100 retries : 5 local: 'my.cnf' : '/etc/mysql/my.cnf' priority : 90000 local_2: user : 'root' pass : 'blablablabla' socket : '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' update_every : 1 remote: user : 'admin' pass : 'bla' host : 'example.org' port : 9000 retries : 20 ``` If no configuration is given, module will attempt to connect to mysql server via unix socket at `/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock` without password and with username `root` --- # nginx This module will monitor one or more nginx servers depending on configuration. Servers can be either local or remote. **Requirements:** * nginx with configured 'ngx_http_stub_status_module' * 'location /stub_status' Example nginx configuration can be found in 'python.d/nginx.conf' It produces following charts: 1. **Active Connections** * active 2. **Requests** in requests/s * requests 3. **Active Connections by Status** * reading * writing * waiting 4. **Connections Rate** in connections/s * accepts * handled ### configuration Needs only `url` to server's `stub_status` Here is an example for local server: ```yaml update_every : 10 priority : 90100 local: url : 'http://localhost/stub_status' retries : 10 ``` Without configuration, module attempts to connect to `http://localhost/stub_status` --- # nginx_log Module monitors nginx access log and produces only one chart: 1. **nginx status codes** in requests/s * 2xx * 3xx * 4xx * 5xx ### configuration Sample for two vhosts: ```yaml site_A: path: '/var/log/nginx/access-A.log' site_B: name: 'local' path: '/var/log/nginx/access-B.log' ``` When no configuration file is found, module tries to parse `/var/log/nginx/access.log` file. --- # phpfpm This module will monitor one or more php-fpm instances depending on configuration. **Requirements:** * php-fpm with enabled `status` page * access to `status` page via web server It produces following charts: 1. **Active Connections** * active * maxActive * idle 2. **Requests** in requests/s * requests 3. **Performance** * reached * slow ### configuration Needs only `url` to server's `status` Here is an example for local instance: ```yaml update_every : 3 priority : 90100 local: url : 'http://localhost/status' retries : 10 ``` Without configuration, module attempts to connect to `http://localhost/status` --- # postfix Simple module executing `postfix -p` to grab postfix queue. It produces only two charts: 1. **Postfix Queue Emails** * emails 2. **Postfix Queue Emails Size** in KB * size Configuration is not needed. --- # redis Get INFO data from redis instance. Following charts are drawn: 1. **Operations** per second * operations 2. **Hit rate** in percent * rate 3. **Memory utilization** in kilobytes * total * lua 4. **Database keys** * lines are creates dynamically based on how many databases are there 5. **Clients** * connected * blocked 6. **Slaves** * connected ### configuration ```yaml socket: name : 'local' socket : '/var/lib/redis/redis.sock' localhost: name : 'local' host : 'localhost' port : 6379 ``` When no configuration file is found, module tries to connect to TCP/IP socket: `localhost:6379`. --- # sensors System sensors information. Charts are created dynamically. ### configuration For detailed configuration information please read [`sensors.conf`](https://github.com/firehol/netdata/blob/master/conf.d/python.d/sensors.conf) file. --- # squid This module will monitor one or more squid instances depending on configuration. It produces following charts: 1. **Client Bandwidth** in kilobits/s * in * out * hits 2. **Client Requests** in requests/s * requests * hits * errors 3. **Server Bandwidth** in kilobits/s * in * out 4. **Server Requests** in requests/s * requests * errors ### configuration ```yaml priority : 50000 local: request : 'cache_object://localhost:3128/counters' host : 'localhost' port : 3128 ``` Without any configuration module will try to autodetect where squid presents its `counters` data --- # tomcat Present tomcat containers memory utilization. Charts: 1. **Requests** per second * accesses 2. **Volume** in KB/s * volume 3. **Threads** * current * busy 4. **JVM Free Memory** in MB * jvm ### configuration ```yaml localhost: name : 'local' url : '' user : 'tomcat_username' pass : 'secret_tomcat_password' ``` Without configuration, module attempts to connect to `http://localhost:8080/manager/status?XML=true`, without any credentials. So it will probably fail. ---