#!/usr/bin/env bash # netdata # real-time performance and health monitoring, done right! # (C) 2016 Costa Tsaousis # GPL v3+ # # Script to send alarm notifications for netdata # # Features: # - multiple notification methods # - multiple roles per alarm # - multiple recipients per role # - severity filtering per recipient # # Supported notification methods: # - emails by @ktsaou # - slack.com notifications by @ktsaou # - discordapp.com notifications by @lowfive # - pushover.net notifications by @ktsaou # - pushbullet.com push notifications by Tiago Peralta @tperalta82 PR #1070 # - telegram.org notifications by @hashworks PR #1002 # - twilio.com notifications by Levi Blaney @shadycuz PR #1211 # - kafka notifications by @ktsaou #1342 # - pagerduty.com notifications by Jim Cooley @jimcooley PR #1373 # - messagebird.com notifications by @tech_no_logical #1453 # - hipchat notifications by @ktsaou #1561 # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # testing notifications if [ \( "${1}" = "test" -o "${2}" = "test" \) -a "${#}" -le 2 ] then if [ "${2}" = "test" ] then recipient="${1}" else recipient="${2}" fi [ -z "${recipient}" ] && recipient="sysadmin" id=1 last="CLEAR" for x in "CRITICAL" "WARNING" "CLEAR" do echo >&2 echo >&2 "# SENDING TEST ${x} ALARM TO ROLE: ${recipient}" "${0}" "${recipient}" "$(hostname)" 1 1 "${id}" "$(date +%s)" "test_alarm" "test.chart" "test.family" "${x}" "${last}" 100 90 "${0}" 1 $((0 + id)) "units" "this is a test alarm to verify notifications work" "new value" "old value" if [ $? -ne 0 ] then echo >&2 "# FAILED" else echo >&2 "# OK" fi last="${x}" id=$((id + 1)) done exit 1 fi export PATH="${PATH}:/sbin:/usr/sbin:/usr/local/sbin" export LC_ALL=C # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- PROGRAM_NAME="$(basename "${0}")" logdate() { date "+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S" } log() { local status="${1}" shift echo >&2 "$(logdate): ${PROGRAM_NAME}: ${status}: ${*}" } warning() { log WARNING "${@}" } error() { log ERROR "${@}" } info() { log INFO "${@}" } fatal() { log FATAL "${@}" exit 1 } debug=0 debug() { [ ${debug} -eq 1 ] && log DEBUG "${@}" } # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # check for BASH v4+ (required for associative arrays) [ $(( ${BASH_VERSINFO[0]} )) -lt 4 ] && \ fatal "BASH version 4 or later is required (this is ${BASH_VERSION})." # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # defaults to allow running this script by hand NETDATA_CONFIG_DIR="${NETDATA_CONFIG_DIR-/etc/netdata}" NETDATA_CACHE_DIR="${NETDATA_CACHE_DIR-/var/cache/netdata}" [ -z "${NETDATA_REGISTRY_URL}" ] && NETDATA_REGISTRY_URL="https://registry.my-netdata.io" # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # parse command line parameters roles="${1}" # the roles that should be notified for this event host="${2}" # the host generated this event unique_id="${3}" # the unique id of this event alarm_id="${4}" # the unique id of the alarm that generated this event event_id="${5}" # the incremental id of the event, for this alarm id when="${6}" # the timestamp this event occurred name="${7}" # the name of the alarm, as given in netdata health.d entries chart="${8}" # the name of the chart (type.id) family="${9}" # the family of the chart status="${10}" # the current status : REMOVED, UNITIALIZED, UNDEFINED, CLEAR, WARNING, CRITICAL old_status="${11}" # the previous status: REMOVED, UNITIALIZED, UNDEFINED, CLEAR, WARNING, CRITICAL value="${12}" # the current value of the alarm old_value="${13}" # the previous value of the alarm src="${14}" # the line number and file the alarm has been configured duration="${15}" # the duration in seconds of the previous alarm state non_clear_duration="${16}" # the total duration in seconds this is/was non-clear units="${17}" # the units of the value info="${18}" # a short description of the alarm value_string="${19}" # friendly value (with units) old_value_string="${20}" # friendly old value (with units) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # find a suitable hostname to use, if netdata did not supply a hostname this_host=$(hostname -s 2>/dev/null) [ -z "${host}" ] && host="${this_host}" # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # screen statuses we don't need to send a notification # don't do anything if this is not WARNING, CRITICAL or CLEAR if [ "${status}" != "WARNING" -a "${status}" != "CRITICAL" -a "${status}" != "CLEAR" ] then info "not sending notification for ${status} of '${host}.${chart}.${name}'" exit 1 fi # don't do anything if this is CLEAR, but it was not WARNING or CRITICAL if [ "${old_status}" != "WARNING" -a "${old_status}" != "CRITICAL" -a "${status}" = "CLEAR" ] then info "not sending notification for ${status} of '${host}.${chart}.${name}' (last status was ${old_status})" exit 1 fi # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # load configuration # By default fetch images from the global public registry. # This is required by default, since all notification methods need to download # images via the Internet, and private registries might not be reachable. # This can be overwritten at the configuration file. images_base_url="https://registry.my-netdata.io" # needed commands # if empty they will be searched in the system path curl= sendmail= # enable / disable features SEND_SLACK="YES" SEND_DISCORD="YES" SEND_PUSHOVER="YES" SEND_TWILIO="YES" SEND_HIPCHAT="YES" SEND_MESSAGEBIRD="YES" SEND_TELEGRAM="YES" SEND_EMAIL="YES" SEND_PUSHBULLET="YES" SEND_KAFKA="YES" SEND_PD="YES" # slack configs SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL= DEFAULT_RECIPIENT_SLACK= declare -A role_recipients_slack=() # discord configs DISCORD_WEBHOOK_URL= DEFAULT_RECIPIENT_DISCORD= declare -A role_recipients_discord=() # pushover configs PUSHOVER_APP_TOKEN= DEFAULT_RECIPIENT_PUSHOVER= declare -A role_recipients_pushover=() # pushbullet configs PUSHBULLET_ACCESS_TOKEN= DEFAULT_RECIPIENT_PUSHBULLET= declare -A role_recipients_pushbullet=() # twilio configs TWILIO_ACCOUNT_SID= TWILIO_ACCOUNT_TOKEN= TWILIO_NUMBER= DEFAULT_RECIPIENT_TWILIO= declare -A role_recipients_twilio=() # hipchat configs HIPCHAT_SERVER= HIPCHAT_AUTH_TOKEN= DEFAULT_RECIPIENT_HIPCHAT= declare -A role_recipients_hipchat=() # messagebird configs MESSAGEBIRD_ACCESS_KEY= MESSAGEBIRD_NUMBER= DEFAULT_RECIPIENT_MESSAGEBIRD= declare -A role_recipients_messagebird=() # telegram configs TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN= DEFAULT_RECIPIENT_TELEGRAM= declare -A role_recipients_telegram=() # kafka configs KAFKA_URL= KAFKA_SENDER_IP= # pagerduty.com configs PD_SERVICE_KEY= declare -A role_recipients_pd=() # email configs DEFAULT_RECIPIENT_EMAIL="root" declare -A role_recipients_email=() # load the user configuration # this will overwrite the variables above if [ -f "${NETDATA_CONFIG_DIR}/health_alarm_notify.conf" ] then source "${NETDATA_CONFIG_DIR}/health_alarm_notify.conf" fi # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # filter a recipient based on alarm event severity filter_recipient_by_criticality() { local method="${1}" x="${2}" r s shift r="${x/|*/}" # the recipient s="${x/*|/}" # the severity required for notifying this recipient # no severity filtering for this person [ "${r}" = "${s}" ] && return 0 # the severity is invalid s="${s^^}" [ "${s}" != "CRITICAL" ] && return 0 # the new or the old status matches the severity if [ "${s}" = "${status}" -o "${s}" = "${old_status}" ] then [ ! -d "${NETDATA_CACHE_DIR}/alarm-notify/${method}/${r}" ] && \ mkdir -p "${NETDATA_CACHE_DIR}/alarm-notify/${method}/${r}" # we need to keep track of the notifications we sent # so that the same user will receive the recovery # even if old_status does not match the required severity touch "${NETDATA_CACHE_DIR}/alarm-notify/${method}/${r}/${alarm_id}" return 0 fi # it is a cleared alarm we have sent notification for if [ "${status}" != "WARNING" -a "${status}" != "CRITICAL" -a -f "${NETDATA_CACHE_DIR}/alarm-notify/${method}/${r}/${alarm_id}" ] then rm "${NETDATA_CACHE_DIR}/alarm-notify/${method}/${r}/${alarm_id}" return 0 fi return 1 } # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # find the recipients' addresses per method declare -A arr_slack=() declare -A arr_discord=() declare -A arr_pushover=() declare -A arr_pushbullet=() declare -A arr_twilio=() declare -A arr_hipchat=() declare -A arr_telegram=() declare -A arr_pd=() declare -A arr_email=() # netdata may call us with multiple roles, and roles may have multiple but # overlapping recipients - so, here we find the unique recipients. for x in ${roles//,/ } do # the roles 'silent' and 'disabled' mean: # don't send a notification for this role [ "${x}" = "silent" -o "${x}" = "disabled" ] && continue # email a="${role_recipients_email[${x}]}" [ -z "${a}" ] && a="${DEFAULT_RECIPIENT_EMAIL}" for r in ${a//,/ } do [ "${r}" != "disabled" ] && filter_recipient_by_criticality email "${r}" && arr_email[${r/|*/}]="1" done # pushover a="${role_recipients_pushover[${x}]}" [ -z "${a}" ] && a="${DEFAULT_RECIPIENT_PUSHOVER}" for r in ${a//,/ } do [ "${r}" != "disabled" ] && filter_recipient_by_criticality pushover "${r}" && arr_pushover[${r/|*/}]="1" done # pushbullet a="${role_recipients_pushbullet[${x}]}" [ -z "${a}" ] && a="${DEFAULT_RECIPIENT_PUSHBULLET}" for r in ${a//,/ } do [ "${r}" != "disabled" ] && filter_recipient_by_criticality pushbullet "${r}" && arr_pushbullet[${r/|*/}]="1" done # twilio a="${role_recipients_twilio[${x}]}" [ -z "${a}" ] && a="${DEFAULT_RECIPIENT_TWILIO}" for r in ${a//,/ } do [ "${r}" != "disabled" ] && filter_recipient_by_criticality twilio "${r}" && arr_twilio[${r/|*/}]="1" done # hipchat a="${role_recipients_hipchat[${x}]}" [ -z "${a}" ] && a="${DEFAULT_RECIPIENT_HIPCHAT}" for r in ${a//,/ } do [ "${r}" != "disabled" ] && filter_recipient_by_criticality hipchat "${r}" && arr_hipchat[${r/|*/}]="1" done # messagebird a="${role_recipients_messagebird[${x}]}" [ -z "${a}" ] && a="${DEFAULT_RECIPIENT_MESSAGEBIRD}" for r in ${a//,/ } do [ "${r}" != "disabled" ] && filter_recipient_by_criticality messagebird "${r}" && arr_messagebird[${r/|*/}]="1" done # telegram a="${role_recipients_telegram[${x}]}" [ -z "${a}" ] && a="${DEFAULT_RECIPIENT_TELEGRAM}" for r in ${a//,/ } do [ "${r}" != "disabled" ] && filter_recipient_by_criticality telegram "${r}" && arr_telegram[${r/|*/}]="1" done # slack a="${role_recipients_slack[${x}]}" [ -z "${a}" ] && a="${DEFAULT_RECIPIENT_SLACK}" for r in ${a//,/ } do [ "${r}" != "disabled" ] && filter_recipient_by_criticality slack "${r}" && arr_slack[${r/|*/}]="1" done # discord a="${role_recipients_discord[${x}]}" [ -z "${a}" ] && a="${DEFAULT_RECIPIENT_DISCORD}" for r in ${a//,/ } do [ "${r}" != "disabled" ] && filter_recipient_by_criticality discord "${r}" && arr_discord[${r/|*/}]="1" done # pagerduty.com a="${role_recipients_pd[${x}]}" [ -z "${a}" ] && a="${DEFAULT_RECIPIENT_PD}" for r in ${a//,/ } do [ "${r}" != "disabled" ] && filter_recipient_by_criticality pd "${r}" && arr_pd[${r/|*/}]="1" done done # build the list of slack recipients (channels) to_slack="${!arr_slack[*]}" [ -z "${to_slack}" ] && SEND_SLACK="NO" # build the list of discord recipients (channels) to_discord="${!arr_discord[*]}" [ -z "${to_discord}" ] && SEND_DISCORD="NO" # build the list of pushover recipients (user tokens) to_pushover="${!arr_pushover[*]}" [ -z "${to_pushover}" ] && SEND_PUSHOVER="NO" # build the list of pushbulet recipients (user tokens) to_pushbullet="${!arr_pushbullet[*]}" [ -z "${to_pushbullet}" ] && SEND_PUSHBULLET="NO" # build the list of twilio recipients (phone numbers) to_twilio="${!arr_twilio[*]}" [ -z "${to_twilio}" ] && SEND_TWILIO="NO" # build the list of hipchat recipients (rooms) to_hipchat="${!arr_hipchat[*]}" [ -z "${to_hipchat}" ] && SEND_HIPCHAT="NO" # build the list of messagebird recipients (phone numbers) to_messagebird="${!arr_messagebird[*]}" [ -z "${to_messagebird}" ] && SEND_MESSAGEBIRD="NO" # check array of telegram recipients (chat ids) to_telegram="${!arr_telegram[*]}" [ -z "${to_telegram}" ] && SEND_TELEGRAM="NO" # build the list of pagerduty recipients (service keys) to_pd="${!arr_pd[*]}" [ -z "${to_pd}" ] && SEND_PD="NO" # build the list of email recipients (email addresses) to_email= for x in "${!arr_email[@]}" do [ ! -z "${to_email}" ] && to_email="${to_email}, " to_email="${to_email}${x}" done [ -z "${to_email}" ] && SEND_EMAIL="NO" # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # verify the delivery methods supported # check slack [ -z "${SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL}" ] && SEND_SLACK="NO" # check discord [ -z "${DISCORD_WEBHOOK_URL}" ] && SEND_DISCORD="NO" # check pushover [ -z "${PUSHOVER_APP_TOKEN}" ] && SEND_PUSHOVER="NO" # check pushbullet [ -z "${PUSHBULLET_ACCESS_TOKEN}" ] && SEND_PUSHBULLET="NO" # check twilio [ -z "${TWILIO_ACCOUNT_TOKEN}" -o -z "${TWILIO_ACCOUNT_SID}" -o -z "${TWILIO_NUMBER}" ] && SEND_TWILIO="NO" # check hipchat [ -z "${HIPCHAT_AUTH_TOKEN}" ] && SEND_HIPCHAT="NO" # check messagebird [ -z "${MESSAGEBIRD_ACCESS_KEY}" -o -z "${MESSAGEBIRD_NUMBER}" ] && SEND_MESSAGEBIRD="NO" # check telegram [ -z "${TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN}" ] && SEND_TELEGRAM="NO" # check kafka [ -z "${KAFKA_URL}" -o -z "${KAFKA_SENDER_IP}" ] && SEND_KAFKA="NO" # check pagerduty.com # if we need pd-send, check for the pd-send command # https://www.pagerduty.com/docs/guides/agent-install-guide/ if [ "${SEND_PD}" = "YES" ] then pd_send="$(which pd-send 2>/dev/null || command -v pd-send 2>/dev/null)" if [ -z "${pd_send}" ] then # no pd-send available # disable pagerduty.com SEND_PD="NO" fi fi # if we need curl, check for the curl command if [ \( \ "${SEND_PUSHOVER}" = "YES" \ -o "${SEND_SLACK}" = "YES" \ -o "${SEND_DISCORD}" = "YES" \ -o "${SEND_HIPCHAT}" = "YES" \ -o "${SEND_TWILIO}" = "YES" \ -o "${SEND_MESSAGEBIRD}" = "YES" \ -o "${SEND_TELEGRAM}" = "YES" \ -o "${SEND_PUSHBULLET}" = "YES" \ -o "${SEND_KAFKA}" = "YES" \ \) -a -z "${curl}" ] then curl="$(which curl 2>/dev/null || command -v curl 2>/dev/null)" if [ -z "${curl}" ] then # no curl available # disable all curl based methods SEND_PUSHOVER="NO" SEND_PUSHBULLET="NO" SEND_TELEGRAM="NO" SEND_SLACK="NO" SEND_DISCORD="NO" SEND_TWILIO="NO" SEND_HIPCHAT="NO" SEND_MESSAGEBIRD="NO" SEND_KAFKA="NO" fi fi # if we need sendmail, check for the sendmail command if [ "${SEND_EMAIL}" = "YES" -a -z "${sendmail}" ] then sendmail="$(which sendmail 2>/dev/null || command -v sendmail 2>/dev/null)" [ -z "${sendmail}" ] && SEND_EMAIL="NO" fi # check that we have at least a method enabled if [ "${SEND_EMAIL}" != "YES" \ -a "${SEND_PUSHOVER}" != "YES" \ -a "${SEND_TELEGRAM}" != "YES" \ -a "${SEND_SLACK}" != "YES" \ -a "${SEND_DISCORD}" != "YES" \ -a "${SEND_TWILIO}" != "YES" \ -a "${SEND_HIPCHAT}" != "YES" \ -a "${SEND_MESSAGEBIRD}" != "YES" \ -a "${SEND_PUSHBULLET}" != "YES" \ -a "${SEND_KAFKA}" != "YES" \ -a "${SEND_PD}" != "YES" \ ] then fatal "All notification methods are disabled. Not sending notification for host '${host}', chart '${chart}' to '${roles}' for '${name}' = '${value}' for status '${status}'." fi # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # get the date the alarm happened date="$(date --date=@${when} 2>/dev/null)" [ -z "${date}" ] && date="$(date 2>/dev/null)" # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # function to URL encode a string urlencode() { local string="${1}" strlen encoded pos c o strlen=${#string} for (( pos=0 ; pos", "ts": ${when} } ] } EOF )" httpcode=$(${curl} --write-out %{http_code} --silent --output /dev/null -X POST --data-urlencode "payload=${payload}" "${webhook}") if [ "${httpcode}" == "200" ] then info "sent slack notification for: ${host} ${chart}.${name} is ${status} to '${channel}'" sent=$((sent + 1)) else error "failed to send slack notification for: ${host} ${chart}.${name} is ${status} to '${channel}', with HTTP error code ${httpcode}." fi done [ ${sent} -gt 0 ] && return 0 return 1 } # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # discord sender send_discord() { local webhook="${1}/slack" channels="${2}" httpcode sent=0 channel color payload [ "${SEND_DISCORD}" != "YES" ] && return 1 case "${status}" in WARNING) color="warning" ;; CRITICAL) color="danger" ;; CLEAR) color="good" ;; *) color="#777777" ;; esac for channel in ${channels} do payload="$(cat </dev/null; url_host="${REPLY}" urlencode "${chart}" >/dev/null; url_chart="${REPLY}" urlencode "${family}" >/dev/null; url_family="${REPLY}" urlencode "${name}" >/dev/null; url_name="${REPLY}" goto_url="${NETDATA_REGISTRY_URL}/goto-host-from-alarm.html?host=${url_host}&chart=${url_chart}&family=${url_family}&alarm=${url_name}&alarm_unique_id=${unique_id}&alarm_id=${alarm_id}&alarm_event_id=${event_id}" # the severity of the alarm severity="${status}" # the time the alarm was raised duration4human ${duration} >/dev/null; duration_txt="${REPLY}" duration4human ${non_clear_duration} >/dev/null; non_clear_duration_txt="${REPLY}" raised_for="(was ${old_status,,} for ${duration_txt})" # the key status message status_message="status unknown" # the color of the alarm color="grey" # the alarm value alarm="${name//_/ } = ${value_string}" # the image of the alarm image="${images_base_url}/images/seo-performance-128.png" # prepare the title based on status case "${status}" in CRITICAL) image="${images_base_url}/images/alert-128-red.png" status_message="is critical" color="#ca414b" ;; WARNING) image="${images_base_url}/images/alert-128-orange.png" status_message="needs attention" color="#caca4b" ;; CLEAR) image="${images_base_url}/images/check-mark-2-128-green.png" status_message="recovered" color="#77ca6d" ;; esac if [ "${status}" = "CLEAR" ] then severity="Recovered from ${old_status}" if [ ${non_clear_duration} -gt ${duration} ] then raised_for="(alarm was raised for ${non_clear_duration_txt})" fi # don't show the value when the status is CLEAR # for certain alarms, this value might not have any meaning alarm="${name//_/ } ${raised_for}" elif [ "${old_status}" = "WARNING" -a "${status}" = "CRITICAL" ] then severity="Escalated to ${status}" if [ ${non_clear_duration} -gt ${duration} ] then raised_for="(alarm is raised for ${non_clear_duration_txt})" fi elif [ "${old_status}" = "CRITICAL" -a "${status}" = "WARNING" ] then severity="Demoted to ${status}" if [ ${non_clear_duration} -gt ${duration} ] then raised_for="(alarm is raised for ${non_clear_duration_txt})" fi else raised_for= fi # prepare HTML versions of elements info_html= [ ! -z "${info}" ] && info_html="
" raised_for_html= [ ! -z "${raised_for}" ] && raised_for_html="
${raised_for}" # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # send the slack notification # slack aggregates posts from the same username # so we use "${host} ${status}" as the bot username, to make them diff send_slack "${SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL}" "${to_slack}" SENT_SLACK=$? # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # send the discord notification # discord aggregates posts from the same username # so we use "${host} ${status}" as the bot username, to make them diff send_discord "${DISCORD_WEBHOOK_URL}" "${to_discord}" SENT_DISCORD=$? # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # send the pushover notification send_pushover "${PUSHOVER_APP_TOKEN}" "${to_pushover}" "${when}" "${goto_url}" "${status}" "${host} ${status_message} - ${name//_/ } - ${chart}" " ${alarm}${info_html}
View Netdata
  The source of this alarm is line ${src} " SENT_PUSHOVER=$? # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # send the pushbullet notification send_pushbullet "${PUSHBULLET_ACCESS_TOKEN}" "${to_pushbullet}" "${host} ${status_message} - ${name//_/ } - ${chart}" "${alarm}\n Severity: ${severity}\n Chart: ${chart}\n Family: ${family}\n To View Netdata go to: ${goto_url}\n The source of this alarm is line ${src}" SENT_PUSHBULLET=$? # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # send the twilio SMS send_twilio "${TWILIO_ACCOUNT_SID}" "${TWILIO_ACCOUNT_TOKEN}" "${TWILIO_NUMBER}" "${to_twilio}" "${host} ${status_message} - ${name//_/ } - ${chart}" "${alarm} Severity: ${severity} Chart: ${chart} Family: ${family} ${info}" SENT_TWILIO=$? # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # send the messagebird SMS send_messagebird "${MESSAGEBIRD_ACCESS_KEY}" "${MESSAGEBIRD_NUMBER}" "${to_messagebird}" "${host} ${status_message} - ${name//_/ } - ${chart}" "${alarm} Severity: ${severity} Chart: ${chart} Family: ${family} ${info}" SENT_MESSAGEBIRD=$? # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # send the telegram.org message # https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#formatting-options send_telegram "${TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN}" "${to_telegram}" "${host} ${status_message} - ${name//_/ } ${chart} (${family}) ${alarm} ${info}" SENT_TELEGRAM=$? # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # send the kafka message send_kafka SENT_KAFKA=$? # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # send the pagerduty.com message send_pd "${to_pd}" SENT_PD=$? # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # send hipchat message send_hipchat "${HIPCHAT_AUTH_TOKEN}" "${to_hipchat}" " \ ${host} ${status_message}
\ ${alarm} ${info_html}
\ ${chart} (family ${family})
\ ${date}${raised_for_html}
\ View netdata dashboard \ (source of alarm ${src}) \ " SENT_HIPCHAT=$? # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # send the email send_email <
netdata notification

${host} ${status_message}

${chart} Chart
${alarm}${info_html} Alarm
${family} Family
${severity} Severity
${date} ${raised_for_html} Time
View Netdata
The source of this alarm is line ${src}
(alarms are configurable, edit this file to adapt the alarm to your needs)
Sent by netdata, the real-time performance and health monitoring, on ${this_host}.
EOF SENT_EMAIL=$? # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # let netdata know if [ ${SENT_EMAIL} -eq 0 \ -o ${SENT_PUSHOVER} -eq 0 \ -o ${SENT_TELEGRAM} -eq 0 \ -o ${SENT_SLACK} -eq 0 \ -o ${SENT_DISCORD} -eq 0 \ -o ${SENT_TWILIO} -eq 0 \ -o ${SENT_HIPCHAT} -eq 0 \ -o ${SENT_MESSAGEBIRD} -eq 0 \ -o ${SENT_PUSHBULLET} -eq 0 \ -o ${SENT_KAFKA} -eq 0 \ -o ${SENT_PD} -eq 0 \ ] then # we did send something exit 0 fi # we did not send anything exit 1