#!/bin/sh # # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later # ====================================================================== # Constants KICKSTART_OPTIONS="${*}" PACKAGES_SCRIPT="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/netdata/netdata/master/packaging/installer/install-required-packages.sh" PATH="${PATH}:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin" REPOCONFIG_URL_PREFIX="https://packagecloud.io/netdata/netdata-repoconfig/packages" REPOCONFIG_VERSION="1-1" TELEMETRY_URL="https://posthog.netdata.cloud/capture/" START_TIME="$(date +%s)" # ====================================================================== # Defaults for environment variables DRY_RUN=0 SELECTED_INSTALL_METHOD="none" INSTALL_TYPE="unknown" INSTALL_PREFIX="" NETDATA_AUTO_UPDATES="1" NETDATA_CLAIM_ONLY=0 NETDATA_CLAIM_URL="https://app.netdata.cloud" NETDATA_DISABLE_CLOUD=0 NETDATA_ONLY_BUILD=0 NETDATA_ONLY_NATIVE=0 NETDATA_ONLY_STATIC=0 NETDATA_REQUIRE_CLOUD=1 RELEASE_CHANNEL="nightly" if [ -n "$DISABLE_TELEMETRY" ]; then NETDATA_DISABLE_TELEMETRY="${DISABLE_TELEMETRY}" elif [ -n "$DO_NOT_TRACK" ]; then NETDATA_DISABLE_TELEMETRY="${DO_NOT_TRACK}" else NETDATA_DISABLE_TELEMETRY=0 fi NETDATA_TARBALL_BASEURL="${NETDATA_TARBALL_BASEURL:-https://storage.googleapis.com/netdata-nightlies}" NETDATA_INSTALLER_OPTIONS="${NETDATA_INSTALLER_OPTIONS:-""}" TELEMETRY_API_KEY="${NETDATA_POSTHOG_API_KEY:-mqkwGT0JNFqO-zX2t0mW6Tec9yooaVu7xCBlXtHnt5Y}" if echo "${0}" | grep -q 'kickstart-static64'; then NETDATA_ONLY_STATIC=1 fi if [ ! -t 1 ]; then INTERACTIVE=0 else INTERACTIVE=1 fi # ====================================================================== # Usage info usage() { cat << HEREDOC USAGE: kickstart.sh [options] where options include: --non-interactive Do not prompt for user input. (default: prompt if there is a controlling terminal) --interactive Prompt for user input even if there is no controlling terminal. --dont-start-it Do not start the agent by default (only for static installs or local builds) --dry-run Report what we would do with the given options on this system, but don’t actually do anything. --stable-channel Install a stable version instead of a nightly build (default: install a nightly build) --nightly-channel Install a nightly build instead of a stable version --no-updates Do not enable automatic updates (default: enable automatic updates) --auto-update Enable automatic updates. --disable-telemetry Opt-out of anonymous statistics. --native-only Only install if native binary packages are available. --static-only Only install if a static build is available. --build-only Only install using a local build. --reinstall Explicitly reinstall instead of updating any existing install. --reinstall-even-if-unsafe Even try to reinstall if we don't think we can do so safely (implies --reinstall). --disable-cloud Disable support for Netdata Cloud (default: detect) --require-cloud Only install if Netdata Cloud can be enabled. Overrides --disable-cloud. --install Specify an installation prefix for local builds (default: autodetect based on system type). --claim-token Use a specified token for claiming to Netdata Cloud. --claim-rooms When claiming, add the node to the specified rooms. --claim-only If there is an existing install, only try to claim it, not update it. --claim-* Specify other options for the claiming script. --no-cleanup Don't do any cleanup steps. This is intended to help with debugging the installer. --uninstall Uninstall an existing installation of Netdata. Additionally, this script may use the following environment variables: TMPDIR: Used to specify where to put temporary files. On most systems, the default we select automatically should be fine. The user running the script needs to both be able to write files to the temporary directory, and run files from that location. ROOTCMD: Used to specify a command to use to run another command with root privileges if needed. By default we try to use sudo, doas, or pkexec (in that order of preference), but if you need special options for one of those to work, or have a different tool to do the same thing on your system, you can specify it here. DISABLE_TELEMETRY If set to a value other than 0, behave as if \`--disable-telemetry\` was specified. NETDATA_INSTALLER_OPTIONS: Specifies extra options to pass to the static installer or local build script. HEREDOC } # ====================================================================== # Telemetry functions telemetry_event() { if [ "${NETDATA_DISABLE_TELEMETRY}" -eq 1 ] || [ "${DRY_RUN}" -eq 1 ]; then return 0 fi now="$(date +%s)" total_duration="$((now - START_TIME))" if [ -e "/etc/os-release" ]; then eval "$(grep -E "^(NAME|ID|ID_LIKE|VERSION|VERSION_ID)=" < /etc/os-release | sed 's/^/HOST_/')" fi if [ -z "${HOST_NAME}" ] || [ -z "${HOST_VERSION}" ] || [ -z "${HOST_ID}" ]; then if [ -f "/etc/lsb-release" ]; then DISTRIB_ID="unknown" DISTRIB_RELEASE="unknown" DISTRIB_CODENAME="unknown" eval "$(grep -E "^(DISTRIB_ID|DISTRIB_RELEASE|DISTRIB_CODENAME)=" < /etc/lsb-release)" if [ -z "${HOST_NAME}" ]; then HOST_NAME="${DISTRIB_ID}"; fi if [ -z "${HOST_VERSION}" ]; then HOST_VERSION="${DISTRIB_RELEASE}"; fi if [ -z "${HOST_ID}" ]; then HOST_ID="${DISTRIB_CODENAME}"; fi fi fi KERNEL_NAME="$(uname -s)" if [ "${KERNEL_NAME}" = FreeBSD ]; then TOTAL_RAM="$(sysctl -n hw.physmem)" elif [ "${KERNEL_NAME}" = Darwin ]; then TOTAL_RAM="$(sysctl -n hw.memsize)" elif [ -r /proc/meminfo ]; then TOTAL_RAM="$(grep -F MemTotal /proc/meminfo | cut -f 2 -d ':' | sed -e 's/^[[:space:]]*//' -e 's/[[:space:]]*$//' | cut -f 1 -d ' ')" TOTAL_RAM="$((TOTAL_RAM * 1024))" fi if [ -f /etc/machine-id ]; then DISTINCT_ID="$(cat /etc/machine-id)" elif command -v uuidgen > /dev/null 2>&1; then DISTINCT_ID="$(uuidgen | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]')" else DISTINCT_ID="null" fi REQ_BODY="$(cat << EOF { "api_key": "${TELEMETRY_API_KEY}", "event": "${1}", "properties": { "distinct_id": "${DISTINCT_ID}", "event_source": "agent installer", "\$current_url": "agent installer", "\$pathname": "netdata-installer", "\$host": "installer.netdata.io", "\$ip": "", "script_variant": "kickstart-ng", "error_code": "${3}", "error_message": "${2}", "install_options": "${KICKSTART_OPTIONS}", "install_interactivity": "${INTERACTIVE}", "total_runtime": "${total_duration}", "selected_install_method": "${SELECTED_INSTALL_METHOD}", "netdata_release_channel": "${RELEASE_CHANNEL:-null}", "netdata_install_type": "${INSTALL_TYPE}", "host_os_name": "${HOST_NAME:-unknown}", "host_os_id": "${HOST_ID:-unknown}", "host_os_id_like": "${HOST_ID_LIKE:-unknown}", "host_os_version": "${HOST_VERSION:-unknown}", "host_os_version_id": "${HOST_VERSION_ID:-unknown}", "system_kernel_name": "${KERNEL_NAME}", "system_kernel_version": "$(uname -r)", "system_architecture": "$(uname -m)", "system_total_ram": "${TOTAL_RAM:-unknown}" } } EOF )" if command -v curl > /dev/null 2>&1; then curl --silent -o /dev/null -X POST --max-time 2 --header "Content-Type: application/json" -d "${REQ_BODY}" "${TELEMETRY_URL}" > /dev/null elif command -v wget > /dev/null 2>&1; then wget -q -O - --no-check-certificate \ --method POST \ --timeout=1 \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --body-data "${REQ_BODY}" \ "${TELEMETRY_URL}" > /dev/null fi } trap_handler() { code="${1}" lineno="${2}" printf >&2 "%s\n\n" "${TPUT_BGRED}${TPUT_WHITE}${TPUT_BOLD} ERROR ${TPUT_RESET} Installer exited unexpectedly (${code}-${lineno})" telemetry_event INSTALL_CRASH "Installer exited unexpectedly (${code}-${lineno})" "E${code}-${lineno}" trap - EXIT cleanup exit 1 } trap 'trap_handler 0 ${LINENO}' EXIT trap 'trap_handler 1 0' HUP trap 'trap_handler 2 0' INT trap 'trap_handler 3 0' QUIT trap 'trap_handler 13 0' PIPE trap 'trap_handler 15 0' TERM # ====================================================================== # Utility functions setup_terminal() { TPUT_RESET="" TPUT_WHITE="" TPUT_BGRED="" TPUT_BGGREEN="" TPUT_BOLD="" TPUT_DIM="" # Is stderr on the terminal? If not, then fail test -t 2 || return 1 if command -v tput > /dev/null 2>&1; then if [ $(($(tput colors 2> /dev/null))) -ge 8 ]; then # Enable colors TPUT_RESET="$(tput sgr 0)" TPUT_WHITE="$(tput setaf 7)" TPUT_BGRED="$(tput setab 1)" TPUT_BGGREEN="$(tput setab 2)" TPUT_BOLD="$(tput bold)" TPUT_DIM="$(tput dim)" fi fi echo "${TPUT_RESET}" return 0 } cleanup() { if [ -z "${NO_CLEANUP}" ]; then ${ROOTCMD} rm -rf "${tmpdir}" fi } fatal() { printf >&2 "%s\n\n" "${TPUT_BGRED}${TPUT_WHITE}${TPUT_BOLD} ABORTED ${TPUT_RESET} ${1}" telemetry_event "INSTALL_FAILED" "${1}" "${2}" cleanup trap - EXIT exit 1 } run_ok() { printf >&2 "%s\n\n" "${TPUT_BGGREEN}${TPUT_WHITE}${TPUT_BOLD} OK ${TPUT_RESET}" } run_failed() { printf >&2 "%s\n\n" "${TPUT_BGRED}${TPUT_WHITE}${TPUT_BOLD} FAILED ${TPUT_RESET}" } ESCAPED_PRINT_METHOD= # shellcheck disable=SC3050 if printf "%s " test > /dev/null 2>&1; then ESCAPED_PRINT_METHOD="printfq" fi escaped_print() { if [ "${ESCAPED_PRINT_METHOD}" = "printfq" ]; then # shellcheck disable=SC3050 printf "%s " "${@}" else printf "%s" "${*}" fi return 0 } progress() { echo >&2 " --- ${TPUT_BOLD}${*}${TPUT_RESET} --- " } run_logfile="/dev/null" run() { user="${USER--}" dir="${PWD}" if [ "$(id -u)" = "0" ]; then info="[root ${dir}]# " info_console="[${TPUT_DIM}${dir}${TPUT_RESET}]# " else info="[${user} ${dir}]$ " info_console="[${TPUT_DIM}${dir}${TPUT_RESET}]$ " fi if [ "${DRY_RUN}" -eq 1 ]; then printf >&2 "%s" "Would run command:\n" fi { printf "%s" "${info}" escaped_print "${@}" printf " ... " } >> "${run_logfile}" printf >&2 "%s" "${info_console}${TPUT_BOLD}" escaped_print >&2 "${@}" printf >&2 "%s\n" "${TPUT_RESET}" if [ "${DRY_RUN}" -ne 1 ]; then "${@}" ret=$? else ret=0 fi if [ ${ret} -ne 0 ]; then run_failed printf "%s\n" "FAILED with exit code ${ret}" >> "${run_logfile}" else run_ok printf "OK\n" >> "${run_logfile}" fi return ${ret} } warning() { printf >&2 "%s\n\n" "${TPUT_BGRED}${TPUT_WHITE}${TPUT_BOLD} WARNING ${TPUT_RESET} ${*}" } _cannot_use_tmpdir() { testfile="$(TMPDIR="${1}" mktemp -q -t netdata-test.XXXXXXXXXX)" ret=0 if [ -z "${testfile}" ]; then return "${ret}" fi if printf '#!/bin/sh\necho SUCCESS\n' > "${testfile}"; then if chmod +x "${testfile}"; then if [ "$("${testfile}")" = "SUCCESS" ]; then ret=1 fi fi fi rm -f "${testfile}" return "${ret}" } create_tmp_directory() { if [ -z "${TMPDIR}" ] || _cannot_use_tmpdir "${TMPDIR}"; then if _cannot_use_tmpdir /tmp; then if _cannot_use_tmpdir "${PWD}"; then fatal "Unable to find a usable temporary directory. Please set \$TMPDIR to a path that is both writable and allows execution of files and try again." F0400 else TMPDIR="${PWD}" fi else TMPDIR="/tmp" fi fi mktemp -d -t netdata-kickstart-XXXXXXXXXX } check_for_remote_file() { url="${1}" if command -v curl > /dev/null 2>&1; then curl --output /dev/null --silent --head --fail "${url}" || return 1 elif command -v wget > /dev/null 2>&1; then wget -S --spider "${url}" 2>&1 | grep -q 'HTTP/1.1 200 OK' || return 1 else fatal "I need curl or wget to proceed, but neither of them are available on this system." F0003 fi } download() { url="${1}" dest="${2}" if command -v curl > /dev/null 2>&1; then run curl --fail -q -sSL --connect-timeout 10 --retry 3 --output "${dest}" "${url}" || return 1 elif command -v wget > /dev/null 2>&1; then run wget -T 15 -O "${dest}" "${url}" || return 1 else fatal "I need curl or wget to proceed, but neither of them are available on this system." F0003 fi } get_redirect() { url="${1}" if command -v curl > /dev/null 2>&1; then run sh -c "curl ${url} -s -L -I -o /dev/null -w '%{url_effective}' | grep -o '[^/]*$'" || return 1 elif command -v wget > /dev/null 2>&1; then run sh -c "wget --max-redirect=0 ${url} 2>&1 | grep Location | cut -d ' ' -f2 | grep -o '[^/]*$'" || return 1 else fatal "I need curl or wget to proceed, but neither of them are available on this system." F0003 fi } safe_sha256sum() { # Within the context of the installer, we only use -c option that is common between the two commands # We will have to reconsider if we start using non-common options if command -v sha256sum > /dev/null 2>&1; then sha256sum "$@" elif command -v shasum > /dev/null 2>&1; then shasum -a 256 "$@" else fatal "I could not find a suitable checksum binary to use" F0004 fi } get_system_info() { case "$(uname -s)" in Linux) SYSTYPE="Linux" os_release_file= if [ -s "/etc/os-release" ] && [ -r "/etc/os-release" ]; then os_release_file="/etc/os-release" elif [ -s "/usr/lib/os-release" ] && [ -r "/usr/lib/os-release" ]; then os_release_file="/usr/lib/os-release" else warning "Cannot find an os-release file ..." fi if [ -n "${os_release_file}" ]; then # shellcheck disable=SC1090 . "${os_release_file}" DISTRO="${ID}" SYSVERSION="${VERSION_ID}" SYSCODENAME="${VERSION_CODENAME}" SYSARCH="$(uname -m)" supported_compat_names="debian ubuntu centos fedora opensuse ol" if str_in_list "${DISTRO}" "${supported_compat_names}"; then DISTRO_COMPAT_NAME="${DISTRO}" else case "${DISTRO}" in opensuse-leap) DISTRO_COMPAT_NAME="opensuse" ;; rocky|rhel) DISTRO_COMPAT_NAME="centos" ;; *) DISTRO_COMPAT_NAME="unknown" ;; esac fi case "${DISTRO_COMPAT_NAME}" in centos|ol) SYSVERSION=$(echo "$SYSVERSION" | cut -d'.' -f1) ;; esac else DISTRO="unknown" DISTRO_COMPAT_NAME="unknown" SYSVERSION="unknown" SYSCODENAME="unknown" SYSARCH="$(uname -m)" fi ;; Darwin) SYSTYPE="Darwin" SYSVERSION="$(sw_vers -buildVersion)" SYSARCH="$(uname -m)" ;; FreeBSD) SYSTYPE="FreeBSD" SYSVERSION="$(uname -K)" SYSARCH="$(uname -m)" ;; *) fatal "Unsupported system type detected. Netdata cannot be installed on this system using this script." F0200 ;; esac } str_in_list() { printf "%s\n" "${2}" | tr ' ' "\n" | grep -qE "^${1}\$" return $? } confirm_root_support() { if [ "$(id -u)" -ne "0" ]; then if [ -z "${ROOTCMD}" ] && command -v sudo > /dev/null; then if [ "${INTERACTIVE}" -eq 0 ]; then ROOTCMD="sudo -n" else ROOTCMD="sudo" fi fi if [ -z "${ROOTCMD}" ] && command -v doas > /dev/null; then if [ "${INTERACTIVE}" -eq 0 ]; then ROOTCMD="doas -n" else ROOTCMD="doas" fi fi if [ -z "${ROOTCMD}" ] && command -v pkexec > /dev/null; then ROOTCMD="pkexec" fi if [ -z "${ROOTCMD}" ]; then fatal "We need root privileges to continue, but cannot find a way to gain them. Either re-run this script as root, or set \$ROOTCMD to a command that can be used to gain root privileges" F0201 fi fi } confirm() { prompt="${1} [y/n]" while true; do echo "${prompt}" read -r yn case "$yn" in [Yy]*) return 0;; [Nn]*) return 1;; *) echo "Please answer yes or no.";; esac done } # ====================================================================== # Existing install handling code update() { updater="${ndprefix}/usr/libexec/netdata/netdata-updater.sh" if [ -x "${updater}" ]; then if [ "${DRY_RUN}" -eq 1 ]; then progress "Would attempt to update existing installation by running the updater script located at: ${updater}" return 0 fi if run ${ROOTCMD} "${updater}" --not-running-from-cron; then progress "Updated existing install at ${ndprefix}" return 0 else fatal "Failed to update existing Netdata install at ${ndprefix}" F0100 fi else warning "Could not find a usable copy of the updater script." return 1 fi } uninstall() { get_system_info detect_existing_install export INSTALL_PREFIX="${ndprefix}" uninstaller="${INSTALL_PREFIX}/usr/libexec/netdata/netdata-uninstaller.sh" uninstaller_url="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/netdata/netdata/master/packaging/installer/netdata-uninstaller.sh" if [ $INTERACTIVE = 0 ]; then FLAGS="--yes --force" else FLAGS="--yes" fi if [ -x "${uninstaller}" ]; then if [ "${DRY_RUN}" -eq 1 ]; then progress "Would attempt to uninstall existing install with uninstaller script found at: ${uninstaller}" return 0 else progress "Found existing netdata-uninstaller. Running it.." run ${ROOTCMD} "${uninstaller}" $FLAGS fi else if [ "${DRY_RUN}" -eq 1 ]; then progress "Would download installer script from: ${uninstaller_url}" progress "Would attempt to uninstall existing install with downloaded uninstaller script." return 0 else progress "Downloading netdata-uninstaller ..." download "${uninstaller_url}" "${tmpdir}/netdata-uninstaller.sh" chmod +x "${tmpdir}/netdata-uninstaller.sh" run ${ROOTCMD} "${tmpdir}/netdata-uninstaller.sh" $FLAGS fi fi } detect_existing_install() { progress "Checking for existing installations of Netdata..." if pkg_installed netdata; then ndprefix="/" else if [ -n "${INSTALL_PREFIX}" ]; then searchpath="${INSTALL_PREFIX}/bin:${INSTALL_PREFIX}/sbin:${INSTALL_PREFIX}/usr/bin:${INSTALL_PREFIX}/usr/sbin:${PATH}" searchpath="${INSTALL_PREFIX}/netdata/bin:${INSTALL_PREFIX}/netdata/sbin:${INSTALL_PREFIX}/netdata/usr/bin:${INSTALL_PREFIX}/netdata/usr/sbin:${searchpath}" else searchpath="${PATH}" fi ndpath="$(PATH="${searchpath}" command -v netdata 2>/dev/null)" if [ -z "$ndpath" ] && [ -x /opt/netdata/bin/netdata ]; then ndpath="/opt/netdata/bin/netdata" fi if [ -n "${ndpath}" ]; then ndprefix="$(dirname "$(dirname "${ndpath}")")" fi if echo "${ndprefix}" | grep -Eq '/usr$'; then ndprefix="$(dirname "${ndprefix}")" fi fi if [ -n "${ndprefix}" ]; then typefile="${ndprefix}/etc/netdata/.install-type" if [ -r "${typefile}" ]; then ${ROOTCMD} sh -c "cat \"${typefile}\" > \"${tmpdir}/install-type\"" # shellcheck disable=SC1090,SC1091 . "${tmpdir}/install-type" else INSTALL_TYPE="unknown" fi envfile="${ndprefix}/etc/netdata/.environment" if [ "${INSTALL_TYPE}" = "unknown" ] || [ "${INSTALL_TYPE}" = "custom" ]; then if [ -r "${envfile}" ]; then ${ROOTCMD} sh -c "cat \"${envfile}\" > \"${tmpdir}/environment\"" # shellcheck disable=SC1091 . "${tmpdir}/environment" if [ -n "${NETDATA_IS_STATIC_INSTALL}" ]; then if [ "${NETDATA_IS_STATIC_INSTALL}" = "yes" ]; then INSTALL_TYPE="legacy-static" else INSTALL_TYPE="legacy-build" fi fi fi fi fi } handle_existing_install() { detect_existing_install if [ -z "${ndprefix}" ] || [ -z "${INSTALL_TYPE}" ]; then progress "No existing installations of netdata found, assuming this is a fresh install." return 0 fi case "${INSTALL_TYPE}" in kickstart-*|legacy-*|binpkg-*|manual-static|unknown) if [ "${INSTALL_TYPE}" = "unknown" ]; then warning "Found an existing netdata install at ${ndprefix}, but could not determine the install type." warning "Usually this means you installed Netdata through your distribution’s regular package repositories or some other unsupported method." else progress "Found an existing netdata install at ${ndprefix}, with installation type '${INSTALL_TYPE}'." fi if [ -n "${NETDATA_REINSTALL}" ] || [ -n "${NETDATA_UNSAFE_REINSTALL}" ]; then progress "Found an existing netdata install at ${ndprefix}, but user requested reinstall, continuing." case "${INSTALL_TYPE}" in binpkg-*) NETDATA_ONLY_NATIVE=1 ;; *-build) NETDATA_ONLY_BUILD=1 ;; *-static) NETDATA_ONLY_STATIC=1 ;; *) if [ -n "${NETDATA_UNSAFE_REINSTALL}" ]; then warning "Reinstalling over top of a ${INSTALL_TYPE} installation may be unsafe, but the user has requested we proceed." elif [ "${INTERACTIVE}" -eq 0 ]; then fatal "User requested reinstall, but we cannot safely reinstall over top of a ${INSTALL_TYPE} installation, exiting." F0104 else if confirm "Reinstalling over top of a ${INSTALL_TYPE} installation may be unsafe, do you want to continue?"; then progress "OK, continuing." else fatal "Cancelling reinstallation at user request." F0105 fi fi ;; esac return 0 elif [ "${INSTALL_TYPE}" = "unknown" ]; then fatal "We do not support trying to update or claim installations when we cannot determine the install type. You will need to uninstall the existing install using the same method you used to install it to proceed." F0106 fi ret=0 if [ "${NETDATA_CLAIM_ONLY}" -eq 0 ] && echo "${INSTALL_TYPE}" | grep -vq "binpkg-*"; then if ! update; then warning "Unable to find usable updater script, not updating existing install at ${ndprefix}." fi else warning "Not updating existing install at ${ndprefix}." fi if [ -n "${NETDATA_CLAIM_TOKEN}" ]; then progress "Attempting to claim existing install at ${ndprefix}." INSTALL_PREFIX="${ndprefix}" claim ret=$? elif [ "${NETDATA_CLAIM_ONLY}" -eq 1 ]; then fatal "User asked to claim, but did not proide a claiming token." F0202 else progress "Not attempting to claim existing install at ${ndprefix} (no claiming token provided)." fi cleanup trap - EXIT exit $ret ;; oci) fatal "This is an OCI container, use the regular image lifecycle management commands in your container instead of this script for managing it." F0203 ;; *) if [ -n "${NETDATA_REINSTALL}" ] || [ -n "${NETDATA_UNSAFE_REINSTALL}" ]; then if [ -n "${NETDATA_UNSAFE_REINSTALL}" ]; then warning "Reinstalling over top of a ${INSTALL_TYPE} installation may be unsafe, but the user has requested we proceed." elif [ "${INTERACTIVE}" -eq 0 ]; then fatal "User requested reinstall, but we cannot safely reinstall over top of a ${INSTALL_TYPE} installation, exiting." F0104 else if confirm "Reinstalling over top of a ${INSTALL_TYPE} installation may be unsafe, do you want to continue?"; then progress "OK, continuing." else fatal "Cancelling reinstallation at user request." F0105 fi fi else fatal "Found an existing netdata install at ${ndprefix}, but the install type is '${INSTALL_TYPE}', which is not supported, refusing to proceed." F0103 fi ;; esac } soft_disable_cloud() { cloud_prefix="${INSTALL_PREFIX}/var/lib/netdata/cloud.d" run ${ROOTCMD} mkdir -p "${cloud_prefix}" cat > "${tmpdir}/cloud.conf" << EOF [global] enabled = no EOF run ${ROOTCMD} cp "${tmpdir}/cloud.conf" "${cloud_prefix}/cloud.conf" if [ -z "${NETDATA_NO_START}" ]; then case "${SYSTYPE}" in Darwin) run ${ROOTCMD} launchctl kickstart -k com.github.netdata ;; FreeBSD) run ${ROOTCMD} service netdata restart ;; Linux) initpath="$(${ROOTCMD} readlink /proc/1/exe)" if command -v service > /dev/null 2>&1; then run ${ROOTCMD} service netdata restart elif command -v rc-service > /dev/null 2>&1; then run ${ROOTCMD} rc-service netdata restart elif [ "$(basename "${initpath}" 2> /dev/null)" = "systemd" ]; then run ${ROOTCMD} systemctl restart netdata elif [ -f /etc/init.d/netdata ]; then run ${ROOTCMD} /etc/init.d/netdata restart fi ;; esac fi } confirm_install_prefix() { if [ -n "${INSTALL_PREFIX}" ] && [ "${NETDATA_ONLY_BUILD}" -ne 1 ]; then fatal "The \`--install\` option is only supported together with the \`--only-build\` option." F0204 fi if [ -n "${INSTALL_PREFIX}" ]; then NETDATA_INSTALLER_OPTIONS="${NETDATA_INSTALLER_OPTIONS} --install ${INSTALL_PREFIX}" else case "${SYSTYPE}" in Darwin) INSTALL_PREFIX="/usr/local/netdata" NETDATA_INSTALLER_OPTIONS="${NETDATA_INSTALLER_OPTIONS} --install-no-prefix ${INSTALL_PREFIX}" ;; FreeBSD) INSTALL_PREFIX="/usr/local" NETDATA_INSTALLER_OPTIONS="${NETDATA_INSTALLER_OPTIONS} --install-no-prefix ${INSTALL_PREFIX}" ;; esac fi } # ====================================================================== # Claiming support code check_claim_opts() { # shellcheck disable=SC2235,SC2030 if [ -z "${NETDATA_CLAIM_TOKEN}" ] && [ -n "${NETDATA_CLAIM_ROOMS}" ]; then fatal "Invalid claiming options, claim rooms may only be specified when a token is specified." F0204 elif [ -z "${NETDATA_CLAIM_TOKEN}" ] && [ -n "${NETDATA_CLAIM_EXTRA}" ]; then fatal "Invalid claiming options, a claiming token must be specified." F0204 elif [ "${NETDATA_DISABLE_CLOUD}" -eq 1 ] && [ -n "${NETDATA_CLAIM_TOKEN}" ]; then fatal "Cloud explicitly disabled, but automatic claiming requested. Either enable Netdata Cloud, or remove the --claim-* options." F0204 fi } is_netdata_running() { if command -v pgrep > /dev/null 2>&1; then if pgrep netdata; then return 0 else return 1 fi else if [ -z "${INSTALL_PREFIX}" ]; then NETDATACLI_PATH=/usr/sbin/netdatacli elif [ "${INSTALL_PREFIX}" = "/opt/netdata" ]; then NETDATACLI_PATH="/opt/netdata/bin/netdatacli" else NETDATACLI_PATH="${INSTALL_PREFIX}/netdata/usr/sbin/netdatacli" fi if "${NETDATACLI_PATH}" ping > /dev/null 2>&1; then return 0 else return 1 fi fi } claim() { if [ "${DRY_RUN}" -eq 1 ]; then progress "Would attempt to claim agent to ${NETDATA_CLAIM_URL}" else progress "Attempting to claim agent to ${NETDATA_CLAIM_URL}" fi if [ -z "${INSTALL_PREFIX}" ] || [ "${INSTALL_PREFIX}" = "/" ]; then NETDATA_CLAIM_PATH=/usr/sbin/netdata-claim.sh elif [ "${INSTALL_PREFIX}" = "/opt/netdata" ]; then NETDATA_CLAIM_PATH="/opt/netdata/bin/netdata-claim.sh" else NETDATA_CLAIM_PATH="${INSTALL_PREFIX}/netdata/usr/sbin/netdata-claim.sh" fi claim_opts="-token=${NETDATA_CLAIM_TOKEN} -url=${NETDATA_CLAIM_URL}" if [ -n "${NETDATA_CLAIM_ROOMS}" ]; then claim_opts="${claim_opts} -rooms=${NETDATA_CLAIM_ROOMS}" fi if ! is_netdata_running; then claim_opts="${claim_opts} -daemon-not-running" fi if [ -n "${NETDATA_CLAIM_EXTRA}" ]; then claim_opts="${claim_opts} ${NETDATA_CLAIM_EXTRA}" fi # shellcheck disable=SC2086 if run ${ROOTCMD} "${NETDATA_CLAIM_PATH}" ${claim_opts}; then progress "Successfully claimed node" else warning "Unable to claim node, you must do so manually." if [ -z "${NETDATA_NEW_INSTALL}" ]; then cleanup trap - EXIT exit 1 fi fi } # ====================================================================== # Native package install code. # Check for an already installed package with a given name. pkg_installed() { case "${DISTRO_COMPAT_NAME}" in debian|ubuntu) dpkg-query --show --showformat '${Status}' "${1}" 2>&1 | cut -f 1 -d ' ' | grep -q '^install$' return $? ;; centos|fedora|opensuse|ol) rpm -q "${1}" > /dev/null 2>&1 return $? ;; *) return 1 ;; esac } # Check for the existence of a usable netdata package in the repo. netdata_avail_check() { case "${DISTRO_COMPAT_NAME}" in debian|ubuntu) env DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-cache policy netdata | grep -q packagecloud.io/netdata/netdata; return $? ;; centos|fedora|ol) # shellcheck disable=SC2086 ${pm_cmd} search -v netdata | grep -qE 'Repo *: netdata(-edge)?$' return $? ;; opensuse) zypper packages -r "$(zypper repos | grep -E 'netdata |netdata-edge ' | cut -f 1 -d '|' | tr -d ' ')" | grep -E 'netdata ' return $? ;; *) return 1 ;; esac } # Check for any distro-specific dependencies we know we need. check_special_native_deps() { if [ "${DISTRO_COMPAT_NAME}" = "centos" ] && [ "${SYSVERSION}" = "7" ]; then progress "Checking for libuv availability." # shellcheck disable=SC2086 if ${pm_cmd} search ${interactive_opts} -v libuv | grep -q "No matches found"; then progress "libuv not found, checking for EPEL availability." # shellcheck disable=SC2086 if ${pm_cmd} search ${interactive_opts} -v epel-release | grep -q "No matches found"; then warning "Unable to find a suitable source for libuv, cannot install using native packages on this system." return 1 else progress "EPEL is available, attempting to install so that required dependencies are available." # shellcheck disable=SC2086 if ! run ${ROOTCMD} env ${env} ${pm_cmd} install ${pkg_install_opts} epel-release; then warning "Failed to install EPEL." return 1 fi fi else return 0 fi fi } try_package_install() { if [ -z "${DISTRO}" ] || [ "${DISTRO}" = "unknown" ]; then warning "Unable to determine Linux distribution for native packages." return 1 fi if [ "${DRY_RUN}" -eq 1 ]; then progress "Would attempt to install using native packages..." else progress "Attempting to install using native packages..." fi if [ "${RELEASE_CHANNEL}" = "nightly" ]; then release="-edge" else release="" fi if [ "${INTERACTIVE}" = "0" ]; then interactive_opts="-y" env="DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive" else interactive_opts="" env="" fi case "${DISTRO_COMPAT_NAME}" in debian) needs_early_refresh=1 pm_cmd="apt-get" repo_subcmd="update" repo_prefix="debian/${SYSCODENAME}" pkg_type="deb" pkg_suffix="_all" pkg_vsep="_" pkg_install_opts="${interactive_opts}" repo_update_opts="${interactive_opts}" uninstall_subcmd="purge" INSTALL_TYPE="binpkg-deb" ;; ubuntu) needs_early_refresh=1 pm_cmd="apt-get" repo_subcmd="update" repo_prefix="ubuntu/${SYSCODENAME}" pkg_type="deb" pkg_suffix="_all" pkg_vsep="_" pkg_install_opts="${interactive_opts}" repo_update_opts="${interactive_opts}" uninstall_subcmd="purge" INSTALL_TYPE="binpkg-deb" ;; centos) if command -v dnf > /dev/null; then pm_cmd="dnf" repo_subcmd="makecache" else pm_cmd="yum" fi repo_prefix="el/${SYSVERSION}" pkg_type="rpm" pkg_suffix=".noarch" pkg_vsep="-" pkg_install_opts="${interactive_opts}" repo_update_opts="${interactive_opts}" uninstall_subcmd="remove" INSTALL_TYPE="binpkg-rpm" ;; fedora) if command -v dnf > /dev/null; then pm_cmd="dnf" repo_subcmd="makecache" else pm_cmd="yum" fi repo_prefix="fedora/${SYSVERSION}" pkg_type="rpm" pkg_suffix=".noarch" pkg_vsep="-" pkg_install_opts="${interactive_opts}" repo_update_opts="${interactive_opts}" uninstall_subcmd="remove" INSTALL_TYPE="binpkg-rpm" ;; opensuse) pm_cmd="zypper" repo_subcmd="--gpg-auto-import-keys refresh" repo_prefix="opensuse/${SYSVERSION}" pkg_type="rpm" pkg_suffix=".noarch" pkg_vsep="-" pkg_install_opts="${interactive_opts} --allow-unsigned-rpm" repo_update_opts="" uninstall_subcmd="remove" INSTALL_TYPE="binpkg-rpm" ;; ol) if command -v dnf > /dev/null; then pm_cmd="dnf" repo_subcmd="makecache" else pm_cmd="yum" fi repo_prefix="ol/${SYSVERSION}" pkg_type="rpm" pkg_suffix=".noarch" pkg_vsep="-" pkg_install_opts="${interactive_opts}" repo_update_opts="${interactive_opts}" uninstall_subcmd="remove" INSTALL_TYPE="binpkg-rpm" ;; *) warning "We do not provide native packages for ${DISTRO}." return 2 ;; esac repoconfig_name="netdata-repo${release}" repoconfig_file="${repoconfig_name}${pkg_vsep}${REPOCONFIG_VERSION}${pkg_suffix}.${pkg_type}" repoconfig_url="${REPOCONFIG_URL_PREFIX}/${repo_prefix}/${repoconfig_file}/download.${pkg_type}" if ! pkg_installed "${repoconfig_name}"; then progress "Checking for availability of repository configuration package." if ! check_for_remote_file "${repoconfig_url}"; then warning "No repository configuration package available for ${DISTRO} ${SYSVERSION}." return 2 fi if ! download "${repoconfig_url}" "${tmpdir}/${repoconfig_file}"; then fatal "Failed to download repository configuration package." F0209 fi if [ -n "${needs_early_refresh}" ]; then # shellcheck disable=SC2086 if ! run ${ROOTCMD} env ${env} ${pm_cmd} ${repo_subcmd} ${repo_update_opts}; then warning "Failed to refresh repository metadata." return 2 fi fi # shellcheck disable=SC2086 if ! run ${ROOTCMD} env ${env} ${pm_cmd} install ${pkg_install_opts} "${tmpdir}/${repoconfig_file}"; then warning "Failed to install repository configuration package." return 2 fi if [ -n "${repo_subcmd}" ]; then # shellcheck disable=SC2086 if ! run ${ROOTCMD} env ${env} ${pm_cmd} ${repo_subcmd} ${repo_update_opts}; then fatal "Failed to update repository metadata." F0205 fi fi else progress "Repository configuration is already present, attempting to install netdata." fi if ! check_special_native_deps; then warning "Could not find secondary dependencies for ${DISTRO} on ${SYSARCH}." if [ -z "${NO_CLEANUP}" ]; then progress "Attempting to uninstall repository configuration package." # shellcheck disable=SC2086 run ${ROOTCMD} env ${env} ${pm_cmd} ${uninstall_subcmd} ${pkg_install_opts} "${repoconfig_name}" fi return 2 fi if ! netdata_avail_check "${DISTRO_COMPAT_NAME}"; then warning "Could not find a usable native package for ${DISTRO} on ${SYSARCH}." if [ -z "${NO_CLEANUP}" ]; then progress "Attempting to uninstall repository configuration package." # shellcheck disable=SC2086 run ${ROOTCMD} env ${env} ${pm_cmd} ${uninstall_subcmd} ${pkg_install_opts} "${repoconfig_name}" fi return 2 fi if [ "${NETDATA_DISABLE_TELEMETRY}" -eq 1 ]; then run ${ROOTCMD} mkdir -p "/etc/netdata" run ${ROOTCMD} touch "/etc/netdata/.opt-out-from-anonymous-statistics" fi # shellcheck disable=SC2086 if ! run ${ROOTCMD} env ${env} ${pm_cmd} install ${pkg_install_opts} netdata; then warning "Failed to install Netdata package." if [ -z "${NO_CLEANUP}" ]; then progress "Attempting to uninstall repository configuration package." # shellcheck disable=SC2086 run ${ROOTCMD} env ${env} ${pm_cmd} ${uninstall_subcmd} ${pkg_install_opts} "${repoconfig_name}" fi return 2 fi } # ====================================================================== # Static build install code set_static_archive_urls() { if [ "${RELEASE_CHANNEL}" = "stable" ]; then latest="$(get_redirect "https://github.com/netdata/netdata/releases/latest")" export NETDATA_STATIC_ARCHIVE_URL="https://github.com/netdata/netdata/releases/download/${latest}/netdata-${SYSARCH}-latest.gz.run" export NETDATA_STATIC_ARCHIVE_CHECKSUM_URL="https://github.com/netdata/netdata/releases/download/${latest}/sha256sums.txt" else export NETDATA_STATIC_ARCHIVE_URL="${NETDATA_TARBALL_BASEURL}/netdata-${SYSARCH}-latest.gz.run" export NETDATA_STATIC_ARCHIVE_CHECKSUM_URL="${NETDATA_TARBALL_BASEURL}/sha256sums.txt" fi } try_static_install() { set_static_archive_urls "${RELEASE_CHANNEL}" if [ "${DRY_RUN}" -eq 1 ]; then progress "Would attempt to install using static build..." else progress "Attempting to install using static build..." fi # Check status code first, so that we can provide nicer fallback for dry runs. if ! check_for_remote_file "${NETDATA_STATIC_ARCHIVE_URL}"; then warning "No static build available for ${SYSARCH} CPUs." return 2 fi if ! download "${NETDATA_STATIC_ARCHIVE_URL}" "${tmpdir}/netdata-${SYSARCH}-latest.gz.run"; then fatal "Unable to download static build archive for ${SYSARCH}." F0208 fi if ! download "${NETDATA_STATIC_ARCHIVE_CHECKSUM_URL}" "${tmpdir}/sha256sum.txt"; then fatal "Unable to fetch checksums to verify static build archive." F0206 fi if [ "${DRY_RUN}" -eq 1 ]; then progress "Would validate SHA256 checksum of downloaded static build archive." else if ! grep "netdata-${SYSARCH}-latest.gz.run" "${tmpdir}/sha256sum.txt" | safe_sha256sum -c - > /dev/null 2>&1; then fatal "Static binary checksum validation failed. Usually this is a result of an older copy of the file being cached somewhere upstream and can be resolved by retrying in an hour." F0207 fi fi if [ "${INTERACTIVE}" -eq 0 ]; then opts="${opts} --accept" fi progress "Installing netdata" # shellcheck disable=SC2086 if ! run ${ROOTCMD} sh "${tmpdir}/netdata-${SYSARCH}-latest.gz.run" ${opts} -- ${NETDATA_AUTO_UPDATES:+--auto-update} ${NETDATA_INSTALLER_OPTIONS}; then warning "Failed to install static build of Netdata on ${SYSARCH}." run rm -rf /opt/netdata return 2 fi if [ "${DRY_RUN}" -ne 1 ]; then install_type_file="/opt/netdata/etc/netdata/.install-type" if [ -f "${install_type_file}" ]; then ${ROOTCMD} sh -c "cat \"${install_type_file}\" > \"${tmpdir}/install-type\"" ${ROOTCMD} chown "$(id -u)":"$(id -g)" "${tmpdir}/install-type" # shellcheck disable=SC1090,SC1091 . "${tmpdir}/install-type" cat > "${tmpdir}/install-type" <<- EOF INSTALL_TYPE='kickstart-static' PREBUILT_ARCH='${PREBUILT_ARCH}' EOF ${ROOTCMD} chown netdata:netdata "${tmpdir}/install-type" ${ROOTCMD} cp "${tmpdir}/install-type" "${install_type_file}" fi fi } # ====================================================================== # Local build install code set_source_archive_urls() { if [ "$1" = "stable" ]; then latest="$(get_redirect "https://github.com/netdata/netdata/releases/latest")" export NETDATA_SOURCE_ARCHIVE_URL="https://github.com/netdata/netdata/releases/download/${latest}/netdata-${latest}.tar.gz" export NETDATA_SOURCE_ARCHIVE_CHECKSUM_URL="https://github.com/netdata/netdata/releases/download/${latest}/sha256sums.txt" else export NETDATA_SOURCE_ARCHIVE_URL="${NETDATA_TARBALL_BASEURL}/netdata-latest.tar.gz" export NETDATA_SOURCE_ARCHIVE_CHECKSUM_URL="${NETDATA_TARBALL_BASEURL}/sha256sums.txt" fi } install_local_build_dependencies() { bash="$(command -v bash 2> /dev/null)" if [ -z "${bash}" ] || [ ! -x "${bash}" ]; then warning "Unable to find a usable version of \`bash\` (required for local build)." return 1 fi download "${PACKAGES_SCRIPT}" "${tmpdir}/install-required-packages.sh" if [ ! -s "${tmpdir}/install-required-packages.sh" ] && [ "${DRY_RUN}" -ne 1 ]; then warning "Downloaded dependency installation script is empty." else if [ "${DRY_RUN}" -eq 1 ]; then progress "Would run downloaded script to install required build dependencies..." else progress "Running downloaded script to install required build dependencies..." fi if [ "${INTERACTIVE}" -eq 0 ]; then opts="--dont-wait --non-interactive" fi if [ "${SYSTYPE}" = "Darwin" ]; then sudo="" else sudo="${ROOTCMD}" fi # shellcheck disable=SC2086 if ! run ${sudo} "${bash}" "${tmpdir}/install-required-packages.sh" ${opts} netdata; then warning "It failed to install all the required packages, but installation might still be possible." fi fi } build_and_install() { if [ "${DRY_RUN}" -eq 1 ]; then progress "Would attempt to build netdata..." else progress "Building netdata..." fi echo "INSTALL_TYPE='kickstart-build'" > system/.install-type opts="${NETDATA_INSTALLER_OPTIONS}" if [ "${INTERACTIVE}" -eq 0 ]; then opts="${opts} --dont-wait" fi if [ "${NETDATA_AUTO_UPDATES}" -eq 1 ]; then opts="${opts} --auto-update" fi if [ "${RELEASE_CHANNEL}" = "stable" ]; then opts="${opts} --stable-channel" fi if [ "${NETDATA_REQUIRE_CLOUD}" -eq 1 ]; then opts="${opts} --require-cloud" elif [ "${NETDATA_DISABLE_CLOUD}" -eq 1 ]; then opts="${opts} --disable-cloud" fi # shellcheck disable=SC2086 run ${ROOTCMD} ./netdata-installer.sh ${opts} case $? in 1) fatal "netdata-installer.sh exited with error" F0007 ;; 2) fatal "Insufficient RAM to install netdata" F0008 ;; esac } try_build_install() { if [ "${DRY_RUN}" -eq 1 ]; then progress "Would attempt to install by building locally..." else progress "Attempting to install by building locally..." fi if ! install_local_build_dependencies; then return 1 fi set_source_archive_urls "${RELEASE_CHANNEL}" download "${NETDATA_SOURCE_ARCHIVE_CHECKSUM_URL}" "${tmpdir}/sha256sum.txt" download "${NETDATA_SOURCE_ARCHIVE_URL}" "${tmpdir}/netdata-latest.tar.gz" if [ "${DRY_RUN}" -eq 1 ]; then progress "Would validate SHA256 checksum of downloaded source archive." else if ! grep netdata-latest.tar.gz "${tmpdir}/sha256sum.txt" | safe_sha256sum -c - > /dev/null 2>&1; then fatal "Tarball checksum validation failed. Usually this is a result of an older copy of the file being cached somewhere upstream and can be resolved by retrying in an hour." F0005 fi fi run tar -xf "${tmpdir}/netdata-latest.tar.gz" -C "${tmpdir}" rm -rf "${tmpdir}/netdata-latest.tar.gz" > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ "${DRY_RUN}" -ne 1 ]; then cd "$(find "${tmpdir}" -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -type d -name netdata-)" || fatal "Cannot cd to netdata source tree" F0006 fi if [ -x netdata-installer.sh ] || [ "${DRY_RUN}" -eq 1 ]; then build_and_install || return 1 else # This case is needed because some platforms produce an extra directory on the source tarball extraction. if [ "$(find . -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -type d | wc -l)" -eq 1 ] && [ -x "$(find . -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -type d)/netdata-installer.sh" ]; then cd "$(find . -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -type d)" && build_and_install || return 1 else fatal "Cannot install netdata from source (the source directory does not include netdata-installer.sh). Leaving all files in ${tmpdir}" F0009 fi fi } # ====================================================================== # Per system-type install logic install_on_linux() { if [ "${NETDATA_ONLY_STATIC}" -ne 1 ] && [ "${NETDATA_ONLY_BUILD}" -ne 1 ]; then SELECTED_INSTALL_METHOD="native" try_package_install case "$?" in 0) NETDATA_INSTALL_SUCCESSFUL=1 ;; 1) fatal "Unable to install on this system." F0300 ;; 2) if [ "${NETDATA_ONLY_NATIVE}" -eq 1 ]; then fatal "Could not install native binary packages." F0301 else warning "Could not install native binary packages, falling back to alternative installation method." fi ;; esac fi if [ "${NETDATA_ONLY_NATIVE}" -ne 1 ] && [ "${NETDATA_ONLY_BUILD}" -ne 1 ] && [ -z "${NETDATA_INSTALL_SUCCESSFUL}" ]; then SELECTED_INSTALL_METHOD="static" INSTALL_TYPE="kickstart-static" try_static_install case "$?" in 0) NETDATA_INSTALL_SUCCESSFUL=1 INSTALL_PREFIX="/opt/netdata" ;; 1) fatal "Unable to install on this system." F0302 ;; 2) if [ "${NETDATA_ONLY_STATIC}" -eq 1 ]; then fatal "Could not install static build." F0303 else warning "Could not install static build, falling back to alternative installation method." fi ;; esac fi if [ "${NETDATA_ONLY_NATIVE}" -ne 1 ] && [ "${NETDATA_ONLY_STATIC}" -ne 1 ] && [ -z "${NETDATA_INSTALL_SUCCESSFUL}" ]; then SELECTED_INSTALL_METHOD="build" INSTALL_TYPE="kickstart-build" try_build_install case "$?" in 0) NETDATA_INSTALL_SUCCESSFUL=1 ;; *) fatal "Unable to install on this system." F0304 ;; esac fi } install_on_macos() { if [ "${NETDATA_ONLY_NATIVE}" -eq 1 ]; then fatal "User requested native package, but native packages are not available for macOS. Try installing without \`--only-native\` option." F0305 elif [ "${NETDATA_ONLY_STATIC}" -eq 1 ]; then fatal "User requested static build, but static builds are not available for macOS. Try installing without \`--only-static\` option." F0306 else SELECTED_INSTALL_METHOD="build" INSTALL_TYPE="kickstart-build" try_build_install case "$?" in 0) NETDATA_INSTALL_SUCCESSFUL=1 ;; *) fatal "Unable to install on this system." F0307 ;; esac fi } install_on_freebsd() { if [ "${NETDATA_ONLY_NATIVE}" -eq 1 ]; then fatal "User requested native package, but native packages are not available for FreeBSD. Try installing without \`--only-native\` option." F0308 elif [ "${NETDATA_ONLY_STATIC}" -eq 1 ]; then fatal "User requested static build, but static builds are not available for FreeBSD. Try installing without \`--only-static\` option." F0309 else SELECTED_INSTALL_METHOD="build" INSTALL_TYPE="kickstart-build" try_build_install case "$?" in 0) NETDATA_INSTALL_SUCCESSFUL=1 ;; *) fatal "Unable to install on this system." F030A ;; esac fi } # ====================================================================== # Main program setup_terminal || echo > /dev/null while [ -n "${1}" ]; do case "${1}" in "--help") usage cleanup trap - EXIT exit 0 ;; "--no-cleanup") NO_CLEANUP=1 ;; "--dont-wait"|"--non-interactive") INTERACTIVE=0 ;; "--interactive") INTERACTIVE=1 ;; "--dry-run") DRY_RUN=1 ;; "--stable-channel") RELEASE_CHANNEL="stable" ;; "--no-updates") NETDATA_AUTO_UPDATES=0 ;; "--auto-update") NETDATA_AUTO_UPDATES="1" ;; "--reinstall") NETDATA_REINSTALL=1 ;; "--reinstall-even-if-unsafe") NETDATA_UNSAFE_REINSTALL=1 ;; "--claim-only") NETDATA_CLAIM_ONLY=1 ;; "--disable-cloud") NETDATA_DISABLE_CLOUD=1 NETDATA_REQUIRE_CLOUD=0 ;; "--require-cloud") NETDATA_DISABLE_CLOUD=0 NETDATA_REQUIRE_CLOUD=1 ;; "--dont-start-it") NETDATA_NO_START=1 NETDATA_INSTALLER_OPTIONS="${NETDATA_INSTALLER_OPTIONS} --dont-start-it" ;; "--disable-telemetry") NETDATA_DISABLE_TELEMETRY="1" NETDATA_INSTALLER_OPTIONS="${NETDATA_INSTALLER_OPTIONS} --disable-telemetry" ;; "--install") INSTALL_PREFIX="${2}" shift 1 ;; "--uninstall") ACTION="uninstall" ;; "--native-only") NETDATA_ONLY_NATIVE=1 NETDATA_ONLY_STATIC=0 NETDATA_ONLY_BUILD=0 SELECTED_INSTALL_METHOD="native" ;; "--static-only") NETDATA_ONLY_STATIC=1 NETDATA_ONLY_NATIVE=0 NETDATA_ONLY_BUILD=0 SELECTED_INSTALL_METHOD="static" ;; "--build-only") NETDATA_ONLY_BUILD=1 NETDATA_ONLY_NATIVE=0 NETDATA_ONLY_STATIC=0 SELECTED_INSTALL_METHOD="build" ;; "--claim-token") NETDATA_CLAIM_TOKEN="${2}" shift 1 ;; "--claim-rooms") NETDATA_CLAIM_ROOMS="${2}" shift 1 ;; "--claim-url") NETDATA_CLAIM_URL="${2}" shift 1 ;; "--claim-"*) optname="$(echo "${1}" | cut -d '-' -f 4-)" case "${optname}" in id|proxy|user|hostname) NETDATA_CLAIM_EXTRA="${NETDATA_CLAIM_EXTRA} -${optname}=${2}" shift 1 ;; verbose|insecure|noproxy|noreload|daemon-not-running) NETDATA_CLAIM_EXTRA="${NETDATA_CLAIM_EXTRA} -${optname}" ;; *) warning "Ignoring unrecognized claiming option ${optname}" ;; esac ;; *) warning "Passing unrecognized option '${1}' to installer script. If this is intended, please add it to \$NETDATA_INSTALLER_OPTIONS instead." NETDATA_INSTALLER_OPTIONS="${NETDATA_INSTALLER_OPTIONS} ${1}" ;; esac shift 1 done check_claim_opts confirm_root_support get_system_info confirm_install_prefix if [ "${ACTION}" = "uninstall" ]; then uninstall cleanup trap - EXIT exit 0 fi tmpdir="$(create_tmp_directory)" progress "Using ${tmpdir} as a temporary directory." cd "${tmpdir}" || fatal "Failed to change current working directory to ${tmpdir}." F000A handle_existing_install case "${SYSTYPE}" in Linux) install_on_linux ;; Darwin) install_on_macos ;; FreeBSD) install_on_freebsd ;; esac if [ -n "${NETDATA_CLAIM_TOKEN}" ]; then claim elif [ "${NETDATA_DISABLE_CLOUD}" -eq 1 ]; then soft_disable_cloud fi telemetry_event INSTALL_SUCCESS "" "" cleanup trap - EXIT