#!/bin/bash # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later # make sure we have a UID [ -z "${UID}" ] && UID="$(id -u)" # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- setup_terminal() { TPUT_RESET="" TPUT_BLACK="" TPUT_RED="" TPUT_GREEN="" TPUT_YELLOW="" TPUT_BLUE="" TPUT_PURPLE="" TPUT_CYAN="" TPUT_WHITE="" TPUT_BGBLACK="" TPUT_BGRED="" TPUT_BGGREEN="" TPUT_BGYELLOW="" TPUT_BGBLUE="" TPUT_BGPURPLE="" TPUT_BGCYAN="" TPUT_BGWHITE="" TPUT_BOLD="" TPUT_DIM="" TPUT_UNDERLINED="" TPUT_BLINK="" TPUT_INVERTED="" TPUT_STANDOUT="" TPUT_BELL="" TPUT_CLEAR="" # Is stderr on the terminal? If not, then fail test -t 2 || return 1 if command -v tput 1> /dev/null 2>&1; then if [ $(($(tput colors 2> /dev/null))) -ge 8 ]; then # Enable colors TPUT_RESET="$(tput sgr 0)" # shellcheck disable=SC2034 TPUT_BLACK="$(tput setaf 0)" TPUT_RED="$(tput setaf 1)" TPUT_GREEN="$(tput setaf 2)" # shellcheck disable=SC2034 TPUT_YELLOW="$(tput setaf 3)" # shellcheck disable=SC2034 TPUT_BLUE="$(tput setaf 4)" # shellcheck disable=SC2034 TPUT_PURPLE="$(tput setaf 5)" TPUT_CYAN="$(tput setaf 6)" TPUT_WHITE="$(tput setaf 7)" # shellcheck disable=SC2034 TPUT_BGBLACK="$(tput setab 0)" TPUT_BGRED="$(tput setab 1)" TPUT_BGGREEN="$(tput setab 2)" # shellcheck disable=SC2034 TPUT_BGYELLOW="$(tput setab 3)" # shellcheck disable=SC2034 TPUT_BGBLUE="$(tput setab 4)" # shellcheck disable=SC2034 TPUT_BGPURPLE="$(tput setab 5)" # shellcheck disable=SC2034 TPUT_BGCYAN="$(tput setab 6)" # shellcheck disable=SC2034 TPUT_BGWHITE="$(tput setab 7)" TPUT_BOLD="$(tput bold)" TPUT_DIM="$(tput dim)" # shellcheck disable=SC2034 TPUT_UNDERLINED="$(tput smul)" # shellcheck disable=SC2034 TPUT_BLINK="$(tput blink)" # shellcheck disable=SC2034 TPUT_INVERTED="$(tput rev)" # shellcheck disable=SC2034 TPUT_STANDOUT="$(tput smso)" # shellcheck disable=SC2034 TPUT_BELL="$(tput bel)" # shellcheck disable=SC2034 TPUT_CLEAR="$(tput clear)" fi fi return 0 } setup_terminal || echo > /dev/null progress() { echo >&2 " --- ${TPUT_DIM}${TPUT_BOLD}${*}${TPUT_RESET} --- " } get() { url="${1}" if command -v curl > /dev/null 2>&1; then curl -q -o - -sSL --connect-timeout 10 --retry 3 "${url}" elif command -v wget > /dev/null 2>&1; then wget -T 15 -O - "${url}" else fatal "I need curl or wget to proceed, but neither is available on this system." fi } download_file() { url="${1}" dest="${2}" name="${3}" opt="${4}" if command -v curl > /dev/null 2>&1; then run curl -q -sSL --connect-timeout 10 --retry 3 --output "${dest}" "${url}" elif command -v wget > /dev/null 2>&1; then run wget -T 15 -O "${dest}" "${url}" else echo >&2 echo >&2 "Downloading ${name} from '${url}' failed because of missing mandatory packages." if [ -n "$opt" ]; then echo >&2 "Either add packages or disable it by issuing '--disable-${opt}' in the installer" fi echo >&2 run_failed "I need curl or wget to proceed, but neither is available on this system." fi } # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # external component handling fetch_and_verify() { local component=${1} local url=${2} local base_name=${3} local tmp=${4} local override=${5} if [ -z "${override}" ]; then download_file "${url}" "${tmp}/${base_name}" "${component}" else progress "Using provided ${component} archive ${override}" run cp "${override}" "${tmp}/${base_name}" fi if [ ! -f "${tmp}/${base_name}" ] || [ ! -s "${tmp}/${base_name}" ]; then run_failed "Unable to find usable archive for ${component}" return 1 fi grep "${base_name}\$" "${INSTALLER_DIR}/packaging/${component}.checksums" > "${tmp}/sha256sums.txt" 2> /dev/null # Checksum validation if ! (cd "${tmp}" && safe_sha256sum -c "sha256sums.txt"); then run_failed "${component} files checksum validation failed." return 1 fi } # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- netdata_banner() { local l1=" ^" \ l2=" |.-. .-. .-. .-. .-. .-. .-. .-. .-. .-. .-. .-. .-" \ l3=" | '-' '-' '-' '-' '-' '-' '-' '-' '-' '-' '-' '-' " \ l4=" +----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+--->" \ sp=" " \ netdata="netdata" start end msg="${*}" chartcolor="${TPUT_DIM}" [ ${#msg} -lt ${#netdata} ] && msg="${msg}${sp:0:$((${#netdata} - ${#msg}))}" [ ${#msg} -gt $((${#l2} - 20)) ] && msg="${msg:0:$((${#l2} - 23))}..." start="$((${#l2} / 2 - 4))" [ $((start + ${#msg} + 4)) -gt ${#l2} ] && start=$((${#l2} - ${#msg} - 4)) end=$((start + ${#msg} + 4)) echo >&2 echo >&2 "${chartcolor}${l1}${TPUT_RESET}" echo >&2 "${chartcolor}${l2:0:start}${sp:0:2}${TPUT_RESET}${TPUT_BOLD}${TPUT_GREEN}${netdata}${TPUT_RESET}${chartcolor}${sp:0:$((end - start - 2 - ${#netdata}))}${l2:end:$((${#l2} - end))}${TPUT_RESET}" echo >&2 "${chartcolor}${l3:0:start}${sp:0:2}${TPUT_RESET}${TPUT_BOLD}${TPUT_CYAN}${msg}${TPUT_RESET}${chartcolor}${sp:0:2}${l3:end:$((${#l2} - end))}${TPUT_RESET}" echo >&2 "${chartcolor}${l4}${TPUT_RESET}" echo >&2 } # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # portable service command service_cmd="$(command -v service 2> /dev/null)" rcservice_cmd="$(command -v rc-service 2> /dev/null)" systemctl_cmd="$(command -v systemctl 2> /dev/null)" service() { local cmd="${1}" action="${2}" if [ -n "${systemctl_cmd}" ]; then run "${systemctl_cmd}" "${action}" "${cmd}" return $? elif [ -n "${service_cmd}" ]; then run "${service_cmd}" "${cmd}" "${action}" return $? elif [ -n "${rcservice_cmd}" ]; then run "${rcservice_cmd}" "${cmd}" "${action}" return $? fi return 1 } # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # portable pidof safe_pidof() { local pidof_cmd pidof_cmd="$(command -v pidof 2> /dev/null)" if [ -n "${pidof_cmd}" ]; then ${pidof_cmd} "${@}" return $? else ps -acxo pid,comm | sed "s/^ *//g" | grep netdata | cut -d ' ' -f 1 return $? fi } # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- find_processors() { # Most UNIX systems have `nproc` as part of their userland (including macOS, Linux and BSD) if command -v nproc > /dev/null; then nproc && return fi local cpus if [ -f "/proc/cpuinfo" ]; then # linux cpus=$(grep -c ^processor /proc/cpuinfo) else # freebsd cpus=$(sysctl hw.ncpu 2> /dev/null | grep ^hw.ncpu | cut -d ' ' -f 2) fi if [ -z "${cpus}" ] || [ $((cpus)) -lt 1 ]; then echo 1 else echo "${cpus}" fi } # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- fatal() { printf >&2 "%s ABORTED %s %s \n\n" "${TPUT_BGRED}${TPUT_WHITE}${TPUT_BOLD}" "${TPUT_RESET}" "${*}" exit 1 } run_ok() { printf >&2 "%s OK %s %s \n\n" "${TPUT_BGGREEN}${TPUT_WHITE}${TPUT_BOLD}" "${TPUT_RESET}" "${*}" } run_failed() { printf >&2 "%s FAILED %s %s \n\n" "${TPUT_BGRED}${TPUT_WHITE}${TPUT_BOLD}" "${TPUT_RESET}" "${*}" } ESCAPED_PRINT_METHOD= if printf "%q " test > /dev/null 2>&1; then ESCAPED_PRINT_METHOD="printfq" fi escaped_print() { if [ "${ESCAPED_PRINT_METHOD}" = "printfq" ]; then printf "%q " "${@}" else printf "%s" "${*}" fi return 0 } run_logfile="/dev/null" run() { local user="${USER--}" dir="${PWD}" info info_console if [ "${UID}" = "0" ]; then info="[root ${dir}]# " info_console="[${TPUT_DIM}${dir}${TPUT_RESET}]# " else info="[${user} ${dir}]$ " info_console="[${TPUT_DIM}${dir}${TPUT_RESET}]$ " fi { printf "%s" "${info}" escaped_print "${@}" printf "%s" " ... " } >> "${run_logfile}" printf >&2 "%s" "${info_console}${TPUT_BOLD}${TPUT_YELLOW}" escaped_print >&2 "${@}" printf >&2 "%s\n" "${TPUT_RESET}" "${@}" local ret=$? if [ ${ret} -ne 0 ]; then run_failed printf >> "${run_logfile}" "FAILED with exit code %s\n" "${ret}" else run_ok printf >> "${run_logfile}" "OK\n" fi return ${ret} } iscontainer() { # man systemd-detect-virt local cmd cmd=$(command -v systemd-detect-virt 2> /dev/null) if [ -n "${cmd}" ] && [ -x "${cmd}" ]; then "${cmd}" --container > /dev/null 2>&1 && return 0 fi # /proc/1/sched exposes the host's pid of our init ! # http://stackoverflow.com/a/37016302 local pid pid=$(head -n 1 /proc/1/sched 2> /dev/null | { # shellcheck disable=SC2034 IFS='(),#:' read -r name pid th threads echo "$pid" }) if [ -n "${pid}" ]; then pid=$((pid + 0)) [ ${pid} -gt 1 ] && return 0 fi # lxc sets environment variable 'container' # shellcheck disable=SC2154 [ -n "${container}" ] && return 0 # docker creates /.dockerenv # http://stackoverflow.com/a/25518345 [ -f "/.dockerenv" ] && return 0 # ubuntu and debian supply /bin/running-in-container # https://www.apt-browse.org/browse/ubuntu/trusty/main/i386/upstart/1.12.1-0ubuntu4/file/bin/running-in-container if [ -x "/bin/running-in-container" ]; then "/bin/running-in-container" > /dev/null 2>&1 && return 0 fi return 1 } issystemd() { local pids p myns ns systemctl # if the directory /lib/systemd/system OR /usr/lib/systemd/system (SLES 12.x) does not exit, it is not systemd if [ ! -d /lib/systemd/system ] && [ ! -d /usr/lib/systemd/system ]; then return 1 fi # if there is no systemctl command, it is not systemd systemctl=$(command -v systemctl 2> /dev/null) if [ -z "${systemctl}" ] || [ ! -x "${systemctl}" ]; then return 1 fi # if pid 1 is systemd, it is systemd [ "$(basename "$(readlink /proc/1/exe)" 2> /dev/null)" = "systemd" ] && return 0 # if systemd is not running, it is not systemd pids=$(safe_pidof systemd 2> /dev/null) [ -z "${pids}" ] && return 1 # check if the running systemd processes are not in our namespace myns="$(readlink /proc/self/ns/pid 2> /dev/null)" for p in ${pids}; do ns="$(readlink "/proc/${p}/ns/pid" 2> /dev/null)" # if pid of systemd is in our namespace, it is systemd [ -n "${myns}" ] && [ "${myns}" = "${ns}" ] && return 0 done # else, it is not systemd return 1 } install_non_systemd_init() { [ "${UID}" != 0 ] && return 1 local key="unknown" if [ -f /etc/os-release ]; then # shellcheck disable=SC1091 source /etc/os-release || return 1 key="${ID}-${VERSION_ID}" elif [ -f /etc/redhat-release ]; then key=$(< /etc/redhat-release) fi if [ -d /etc/init.d ] && [ ! -f /etc/init.d/netdata ]; then if [[ ${key} =~ ^(gentoo|alpine).* ]]; then echo >&2 "Installing OpenRC init file..." run cp system/netdata-openrc /etc/init.d/netdata && run chmod 755 /etc/init.d/netdata && run rc-update add netdata default && return 0 elif [[ ${key} =~ ^devuan* ]] || [ "${key}" = "debian-7" ] || [ "${key}" = "ubuntu-12.04" ] || [ "${key}" = "ubuntu-14.04" ]; then echo >&2 "Installing LSB init file..." run cp system/netdata-lsb /etc/init.d/netdata && run chmod 755 /etc/init.d/netdata && run update-rc.d netdata defaults && run update-rc.d netdata enable && return 0 elif [[ ${key} =~ ^(amzn-201[5678]|ol|CentOS release 6|Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 6|Scientific Linux CERN SLC release 6|CloudLinux Server release 6).* ]]; then echo >&2 "Installing init.d file..." run cp system/netdata-init-d /etc/init.d/netdata && run chmod 755 /etc/init.d/netdata && run chkconfig netdata on && return 0 else echo >&2 "I don't know what init file to install on system '${key}'. Open a github issue to help us fix it." return 1 fi elif [ -f /etc/init.d/netdata ]; then echo >&2 "file '/etc/init.d/netdata' already exists." return 0 else echo >&2 "I don't know what init file to install on system '${key}'. Open a github issue to help us fix it." fi return 1 } # This is used by netdata-installer.sh # shellcheck disable=SC2034 NETDATA_STOP_CMD="netdatacli shutdown-agent" NETDATA_START_CMD="netdata" NETDATA_INSTALLER_START_CMD="" install_netdata_service() { local uname uname="$(uname 2> /dev/null)" local key="unknown" if [ -f /etc/os-release ]; then # shellcheck disable=SC1091 source /etc/os-release || return 1 key="${ID}-${VERSION_ID}" elif [ -f /etc/redhat-release ]; then key=$(< /etc/redhat-release) fi if [ "${UID}" -eq 0 ]; then if [ "${uname}" = "Darwin" ]; then if [ -f "/Library/LaunchDaemons/com.github.netdata.plist" ]; then echo >&2 "file '/Library/LaunchDaemons/com.github.netdata.plist' already exists." return 0 else echo >&2 "Installing MacOS X plist file..." # This is used by netdata-installer.sh # shellcheck disable=SC2034 run cp system/netdata.plist /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.github.netdata.plist && run launchctl load /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.github.netdata.plist && NETDATA_START_CMD="launchctl start com.github.netdata" && NETDATA_STOP_CMD="launchctl stop com.github.netdata" return 0 fi elif [ "${uname}" = "FreeBSD" ]; then # This is used by netdata-installer.sh # shellcheck disable=SC2034 run cp system/netdata-freebsd /etc/rc.d/netdata && NETDATA_START_CMD="service netdata start" && NETDATA_STOP_CMD="service netdata stop" && NETDATA_INSTALLER_START_CMD="service netdata onestart" && myret=$? echo >&2 "Note: To explicitly enable netdata automatic start, set 'netdata_enable' to 'YES' in /etc/rc.conf" echo >&2 "" return ${myret} elif issystemd; then # systemd is running on this system NETDATA_START_CMD="systemctl start netdata" # This is used by netdata-installer.sh # shellcheck disable=SC2034 NETDATA_STOP_CMD="systemctl stop netdata" NETDATA_INSTALLER_START_CMD="${NETDATA_START_CMD}" SYSTEMD_DIRECTORY="" if [ -w "/lib/systemd/system" ]; then SYSTEMD_DIRECTORY="/lib/systemd/system" elif [ -w "/usr/lib/systemd/system" ]; then SYSTEMD_DIRECTORY="/usr/lib/systemd/system" elif [ -w "/etc/systemd/system" ]; then SYSTEMD_DIRECTORY="/etc/systemd/system" fi if [[ ${key} =~ ^devuan* ]] || [ "${key}" = "debian-7" ] || [ "${key}" = "ubuntu-12.04" ] || [ "${key}" = "ubuntu-14.04" ]; then SYSTEMD_DIRECTORY="/etc/systemd/system" fi if [ "${SYSTEMD_DIRECTORY}x" != "x" ]; then ENABLE_NETDATA_IF_PREVIOUSLY_ENABLED="run systemctl enable netdata" IS_NETDATA_ENABLED="$(systemctl is-enabled netdata 2> /dev/null || echo "Netdata not there")" if [ "${IS_NETDATA_ENABLED}" == "disabled" ]; then echo >&2 "Netdata was there and disabled, make sure we don't re-enable it ourselves" ENABLE_NETDATA_IF_PREVIOUSLY_ENABLED="true" fi echo >&2 "Installing systemd service..." run cp system/netdata.service "${SYSTEMD_DIRECTORY}/netdata.service" && run systemctl daemon-reload && ${ENABLE_NETDATA_IF_PREVIOUSLY_ENABLED} && return 0 else echo >&2 "no systemd directory; cannot install netdata.service" fi else install_non_systemd_init local ret=$? if [ ${ret} -eq 0 ]; then if [ -n "${service_cmd}" ]; then NETDATA_START_CMD="service netdata start" # This is used by netdata-installer.sh # shellcheck disable=SC2034 NETDATA_STOP_CMD="service netdata stop" elif [ -n "${rcservice_cmd}" ]; then NETDATA_START_CMD="rc-service netdata start" # This is used by netdata-installer.sh # shellcheck disable=SC2034 NETDATA_STOP_CMD="rc-service netdata stop" fi NETDATA_INSTALLER_START_CMD="${NETDATA_START_CMD}" fi return ${ret} fi fi return 1 } # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # stop netdata pidisnetdata() { if [ -d /proc/self ]; then if [ -z "$1" ] || [ ! -f "/proc/$1/stat" ]; then return 1 fi [ "$(cut -d '(' -f 2 "/proc/$1/stat" | cut -d ')' -f 1)" = "netdata" ] && return 0 return 1 fi return 0 } stop_netdata_on_pid() { local pid="${1}" ret=0 count=0 pidisnetdata "${pid}" || return 0 printf >&2 "Stopping netdata on pid %s ..." "${pid}" while [ -n "$pid" ] && [ ${ret} -eq 0 ]; do if [ ${count} -gt 24 ]; then echo >&2 "Cannot stop the running netdata on pid ${pid}." return 1 fi count=$((count + 1)) pidisnetdata "${pid}" || ret=1 if [ ${ret} -eq 1 ]; then break fi if [ ${count} -lt 12 ]; then run kill "${pid}" 2> /dev/null ret=$? else run kill -9 "${pid}" 2> /dev/null ret=$? fi test ${ret} -eq 0 && printf >&2 "." && sleep 5 done echo >&2 if [ ${ret} -eq 0 ]; then echo >&2 "SORRY! CANNOT STOP netdata ON PID ${pid} !" return 1 fi echo >&2 "netdata on pid ${pid} stopped." return 0 } netdata_pids() { local p myns ns myns="$(readlink /proc/self/ns/pid 2> /dev/null)" for p in \ $(cat /var/run/netdata.pid 2> /dev/null) \ $(cat /var/run/netdata/netdata.pid 2> /dev/null) \ $(safe_pidof netdata 2> /dev/null); do ns="$(readlink "/proc/${p}/ns/pid" 2> /dev/null)" if [ -z "${myns}" ] || [ -z "${ns}" ] || [ "${myns}" = "${ns}" ]; then pidisnetdata "${p}" && echo "${p}" fi done } stop_all_netdata() { local p uname if [ "${UID}" -eq 0 ]; then uname="$(uname 2> /dev/null)" # Any of these may fail, but we need to not bail if they do. if issystemd; then if systemctl stop netdata; then sleep 5 fi elif [ "${uname}" = "Darwin" ]; then if launchctl stop netdata; then sleep 5 fi elif [ "${uname}" = "FreeBSD" ]; then if /etc/rc.d/netdata stop; then sleep 5 fi else if service netdata stop; then sleep 5 fi fi fi if [ -n "$(netdata_pids)" ] && [ -n "$(builtin type -P netdatacli)" ]; then netdatacli shutdown-agent sleep 20 fi for p in $(netdata_pids); do # shellcheck disable=SC2086 stop_netdata_on_pid ${p} done } # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # restart netdata restart_netdata() { local netdata="${1}" shift local started=0 progress "Restarting netdata instance" if [ -z "${NETDATA_INSTALLER_START_CMD}" ]; then NETDATA_INSTALLER_START_CMD="${netdata}" fi if [ "${UID}" -eq 0 ]; then echo >&2 echo >&2 "Stopping all netdata threads" run stop_all_netdata echo >&2 "Starting netdata using command '${NETDATA_INSTALLER_START_CMD}'" # shellcheck disable=SC2086 run ${NETDATA_INSTALLER_START_CMD} && started=1 if [ ${started} -eq 1 ] && [ -z "$(netdata_pids)" ]; then echo >&2 "Ooops! it seems netdata is not started." started=0 fi if [ ${started} -eq 0 ]; then echo >&2 "Attempting another netdata start using command '${NETDATA_INSTALLER_START_CMD}'" # shellcheck disable=SC2086 run ${NETDATA_INSTALLER_START_CMD} && started=1 fi fi if [ ${started} -eq 1 ] && [ -z "$(netdata_pids)" ]; then echo >&2 "Hm... it seems netdata is still not started." started=0 fi if [ ${started} -eq 0 ]; then # still not started... another forced attempt, just run the binary echo >&2 "Netdata service still not started, attempting another forced restart by running '${netdata} ${*}'" run stop_all_netdata run "${netdata}" "${@}" return $? fi return 0 } # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # install netdata logrotate install_netdata_logrotate() { if [ "${UID}" -eq 0 ]; then if [ -d /etc/logrotate.d ]; then if [ ! -f /etc/logrotate.d/netdata ]; then run cp system/netdata.logrotate /etc/logrotate.d/netdata fi if [ -f /etc/logrotate.d/netdata ]; then run chmod 644 /etc/logrotate.d/netdata fi return 0 fi fi return 1 } # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # create netdata.conf create_netdata_conf() { local path="${1}" url="${2}" if [ -s "${path}" ]; then return 0 fi if [ -n "$url" ]; then echo >&2 "Downloading default configuration from netdata..." sleep 5 # remove a possibly obsolete configuration file [ -f "${path}.new" ] && rm "${path}.new" # disable a proxy to get data from the local netdata export http_proxy= export https_proxy= if command -v curl 1> /dev/null 2>&1; then run curl -sSL --connect-timeout 10 --retry 3 "${url}" > "${path}.new" elif command -v wget 1> /dev/null 2>&1; then run wget -T 15 -O - "${url}" > "${path}.new" fi if [ -s "${path}.new" ]; then run mv "${path}.new" "${path}" run_ok "New configuration saved for you to edit at ${path}" else [ -f "${path}.new" ] && rm "${path}.new" run_failed "Cannnot download configuration from netdata daemon using url '${url}'" url='' fi fi if [ -z "$url" ]; then echo "# netdata can generate its own config which is available at 'http:///netdata.conf'" > "${path}" echo "# You can download it with command like: 'wget -O ${path} http://localhost:19999/netdata.conf'" >> "${path}" fi } portable_add_user() { local username="${1}" homedir="${2}" [ -z "${homedir}" ] && homedir="/tmp" # Check if user exists if cut -d ':' -f 1 < /etc/passwd | grep "^${username}$" 1> /dev/null 2>&1; then echo >&2 "User '${username}' already exists." return 0 fi echo >&2 "Adding ${username} user account with home ${homedir} ..." local nologin nologin="$(command -v nologin || echo '/bin/false')" # Linux if command -v useradd 1> /dev/null 2>&1; then run useradd -r -g "${username}" -c "${username}" -s "${nologin}" --no-create-home -d "${homedir}" "${username}" && return 0 fi # FreeBSD if command -v pw 1> /dev/null 2>&1; then run pw useradd "${username}" -d "${homedir}" -g "${username}" -s "${nologin}" && return 0 fi # BusyBox if command -v adduser 1> /dev/null 2>&1; then run adduser -h "${homedir}" -s "${nologin}" -D -G "${username}" "${username}" && return 0 fi # mac OS if command -v sysadminctl 1> /dev/null 2>&1; then run sysadminctl -addUser "${username}" && return 0 fi echo >&2 "Failed to add ${username} user account !" return 1 } portable_add_group() { local groupname="${1}" # Check if group exist if cut -d ':' -f 1 < /etc/group | grep "^${groupname}$" 1> /dev/null 2>&1; then echo >&2 "Group '${groupname}' already exists." return 0 fi echo >&2 "Adding ${groupname} user group ..." # Linux if command -v groupadd 1> /dev/null 2>&1; then run groupadd -r "${groupname}" && return 0 fi # FreeBSD if command -v pw 1> /dev/null 2>&1; then run pw groupadd "${groupname}" && return 0 fi # BusyBox if command -v addgroup 1> /dev/null 2>&1; then run addgroup "${groupname}" && return 0 fi # mac OS if command -v dseditgroup 1> /dev/null 2>&1; then dseditgroup -o create "${groupname}" && return 0 fi echo >&2 "Failed to add ${groupname} user group !" return 1 } portable_add_user_to_group() { local groupname="${1}" username="${2}" # Check if group exist if ! cut -d ':' -f 1 < /etc/group | grep "^${groupname}$" > /dev/null 2>&1; then echo >&2 "Group '${groupname}' does not exist." return 1 fi # Check if user is in group if [[ ",$(grep "^${groupname}:" < /etc/group | cut -d ':' -f 4)," =~ ,${username}, ]]; then # username is already there echo >&2 "User '${username}' is already in group '${groupname}'." return 0 else # username is not in group echo >&2 "Adding ${username} user to the ${groupname} group ..." # Linux if command -v usermod 1> /dev/null 2>&1; then run usermod -a -G "${groupname}" "${username}" && return 0 fi # FreeBSD if command -v pw 1> /dev/null 2>&1; then run pw groupmod "${groupname}" -m "${username}" && return 0 fi # BusyBox if command -v addgroup 1> /dev/null 2>&1; then run addgroup "${username}" "${groupname}" && return 0 fi # mac OS if command -v dseditgroup 1> /dev/null 2>&1; then dseditgroup -u "${username}" "${groupname}" && return 0 fi echo >&2 "Failed to add user ${username} to group ${groupname} !" return 1 fi } safe_sha256sum() { # Within the contexct of the installer, we only use -c option that is common between the two commands # We will have to reconsider if we start non-common options if command -v sha256sum > /dev/null 2>&1; then sha256sum "$@" elif command -v shasum > /dev/null 2>&1; then shasum -a 256 "$@" else fatal "I could not find a suitable checksum binary to use" fi } _get_crondir() { if [ -d /etc/cron.daily ]; then echo /etc/cron.daily elif [ -d /etc/periodic/daily ]; then echo /etc/periodic/daily else echo >&2 "Cannot figure out the cron directory to handle netdata-updater.sh activation/deactivation" return 1 fi return 0 } _check_crondir_permissions() { if [ "${UID}" -ne "0" ]; then # We cant touch cron if we are not running as root echo >&2 "You need to run the installer as root for auto-updating via cron" return 1 fi return 0 } install_netdata_updater() { if [ "${INSTALLER_DIR}" ] && [ -f "${INSTALLER_DIR}/packaging/installer/netdata-updater.sh" ]; then cat "${INSTALLER_DIR}/packaging/installer/netdata-updater.sh" > "${NETDATA_PREFIX}/usr/libexec/netdata/netdata-updater.sh" || return 1 fi if [ "${NETDATA_SOURCE_DIR}" ] && [ -f "${NETDATA_SOURCE_DIR}/packaging/installer/netdata-updater.sh" ]; then cat "${NETDATA_SOURCE_DIR}/packaging/installer/netdata-updater.sh" > "${NETDATA_PREFIX}/usr/libexec/netdata/netdata-updater.sh" || return 1 fi sed -i -e "s|THIS_SHOULD_BE_REPLACED_BY_INSTALLER_SCRIPT|${NETDATA_USER_CONFIG_DIR}/.environment|" "${NETDATA_PREFIX}/usr/libexec/netdata/netdata-updater.sh" || return 1 chmod 0755 "${NETDATA_PREFIX}/usr/libexec/netdata/netdata-updater.sh" echo >&2 "Update script is located at ${TPUT_GREEN}${TPUT_BOLD}${NETDATA_PREFIX}/usr/libexec/netdata/netdata-updater.sh${TPUT_RESET}" echo >&2 return 0 } cleanup_old_netdata_updater() { if [ -f "${NETDATA_PREFIX}"/usr/libexec/netdata-updater.sh ]; then echo >&2 "Removing updater from deprecated location" rm -f "${NETDATA_PREFIX}"/usr/libexec/netdata-updater.sh fi crondir="$(_get_crondir)" || return 1 _check_crondir_permissions "${crondir}" || return 1 if [ -f "${crondir}/netdata-updater.sh" ]; then echo >&2 "Removing incorrect netdata-updater filename in cron" rm -f "${crondir}/netdata-updater.sh" fi return 0 } enable_netdata_updater() { crondir="$(_get_crondir)" || return 1 _check_crondir_permissions "${crondir}" || return 1 echo >&2 "Adding to cron" rm -f "${crondir}/netdata-updater" ln -sf "${NETDATA_PREFIX}/usr/libexec/netdata/netdata-updater.sh" "${crondir}/netdata-updater" echo >&2 "Auto-updating has been enabled. Updater script linked to: ${TPUT_RED}${TPUT_BOLD}${crondir}/netdata-updater${TPUT_RESET}" echo >&2 echo >&2 "${TPUT_DIM}${TPUT_BOLD}netdata-updater.sh${TPUT_RESET}${TPUT_DIM} works from cron. It will trigger an email from cron" echo >&2 "only if it fails (it should not print anything when it can update netdata).${TPUT_RESET}" echo >&2 return 0 } disable_netdata_updater() { crondir="$(_get_crondir)" || return 1 _check_crondir_permissions "${crondir}" || return 1 echo >&2 "You chose *NOT* to enable auto-update, removing any links to the updater from cron (it may have happened if you are reinstalling)" echo >&2 if [ -f "${crondir}/netdata-updater" ]; then echo >&2 "Removing cron reference: ${crondir}/netdata-updater" echo >&2 rm -f "${crondir}/netdata-updater" else echo >&2 "Did not find any cron entries to remove" echo >&2 fi return 0 } set_netdata_updater_channel() { sed -i -e "s/^RELEASE_CHANNEL=.*/RELEASE_CHANNEL=\"${RELEASE_CHANNEL}\"/" "${NETDATA_USER_CONFIG_DIR}/.environment" }