# Update Netdata We actively develop Netdata to add new features and remove bugs, and encourage all users to ensure they're using the most up-to-date version, whether that's nightly or major releases. Before you update Netdata using one of the methods below, check to see if your Netdata agent is already up-to-date by opening the update modal in the dashboard. Click the **Update** button in the top navigation to open it. The modal tells you whether your agent is up-to-date or not. ![Opening the Agent's Update modal](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/1153921/80829493-1adbe880-8b9c-11ea-9770-cc3b23a89414.gif) If your agent can be updated, use one of the methods below. **The method you chose for updating Netdata depends on how you installed it.** Choose from the following list to see the appropriate update instructions for your system. - [One-line installer script (`kickstart.sh`)](#one-line-installer-script-kickstartsh) - [`.deb` or `.rpm` packages](#deb-or-rpm-packages) - [Pre-built static binary for 64-bit systems (`kickstart-static64.sh`)](#pre-built-static-binary-for-64-bit-systems-kickstart-static64sh) - [Docker](#docker) - [macOS](#macos) - [Manual installation from Git](#manual-installation-from-git) ## One-line installer script (`kickstart.sh`) If you installed Netdata using our one-line automatic installation script, run it again to update Netdata. Any custom settings present in your Netdata configuration directory (typically at `/etc/netdata`) persists during this process. This script downloads the latest Netdata source (either the nightly or stable version), compiles Netdata, and updates it via reinstallation. ```bash bash <(curl -Ss https://my-netdata.io/kickstart.sh) ``` > ⚠️ If you installed Netdata with any optional parameters, such as `--no-updates` to disable automatic updates, and > want to retain those settings, you need to set them again during this process. See the [`kickstart.sh` > documentation](methods/kickstart.md#optional-parameters-to-alter-your-installation) for more information on these > parameters and what they do. ## `.deb` or `.rpm` packages If you installed Netdata with `.deb` or `.rpm` packages, use your distribution's package manager update Netdata. Any custom settings present in your Netdata configuration directory (typically at `/etc/netdata`) persists during this process. Your package manager grabs a new package from our hosted repository, updates Netdata, and restarts it. ```bash apt-get install netdata # Ubuntu/Debian dnf install netdata # Fedora/RHEL yum install netdata # CentOS zypper in netdata # openSUSE ``` > You may need to escalate privileges using `sudo`. ## Pre-built static binary for 64-bit systems (`kickstart-static64.sh`) If you installed Netdata using the pre-built static binary, run the `kickstart-static64.sh` script again to update Netdata. Any custom settings present in your Netdata configuration directory (typically at `/etc/netdata`) persists during this process. This script downloads the latest Netdata source (either the nightly or stable version), compiles Netdata, and updates it via reinstallation. ```bash bash <(curl -Ss https://my-netdata.io/kickstart-static64.sh) ``` > ⚠️ If you installed Netdata with any optional parameters, such as `--no-updates` to disable automatic updates, and > want to retain those settings, you need to set them again during this process. See the [`kickstart-static64.sh` > documentation](methods/kickstart-64.md#optional-parameters-to-alter-your-installation) for more information on these > parameters and what they do. ## Docker Docker-based installations do not update automatically. To update an agent running in a Docker container, you must pull the [latest image from Docker hub](https://hub.docker.com/r/netdata/netdata), stop and remove the container, and re-create it using the latest image. First, pull the latest version of the image. ```bash docker pull netdata/netdata:latest ``` Next, to stop and remove any containers using the `netdata/netdata` image. Replace `netdata` if you changed it from the default in our [Docker installation instructions](/packaging/docker/README.md#run-the-agent-with-the-docker-command). ```bash docker stop netdata docker rm netdata ``` You can now re-create your Netdata container using the `docker` command or a `docker-compose.yml` file. See our [Docker installation instructions](/packaging/docker/README.md#run-the-agent-with-the-docker-command) for details. For example, using the `docker` command: ```bash docker run -d --name=netdata \ -p 19999:19999 \ -v /etc/passwd:/host/etc/passwd:ro \ -v /etc/group:/host/etc/group:ro \ -v /proc:/host/proc:ro \ -v /sys:/host/sys:ro \ -v /etc/os-release:/host/etc/os-release:ro \ --cap-add SYS_PTRACE \ --security-opt apparmor=unconfined \ netdata/netdata ``` ## macOS If you installed Netdata on your macOS system using Homebrew, you can explictly request an update: ```bash brew upgrade netdata ``` Homebrew downloads the latest Netdata via the [formulae](https://github.com/Homebrew/homebrew-core/blob/master/Formula/netdata.rb), ensures all dependencies are met, and updates Netdata via reinstallation. ## Manual installation from Git If you installed Netdata manually from Git using `netdata-installer.sh`, you can run that installer again to update your agent. First, run our automatic requirements installer, which works on many Linux distributions, to ensure your system has the dependencies necessary for new features. ```bash bash <(curl -sSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/netdata/netdata/master/packaging/installer/install-required-packages.sh) ``` Then, navigate to the directory where you first cloned the Netdata repository, pull the latest source code, and run `netdata-install.sh` again. This process compiles Netdata with the latest source code and updates it via reinstallation. ```bash cd /path/to/netdata/git git pull origin master sudo ./netdata-installer.sh ``` > ⚠️ If you installed Netdata with any optional parameters, such as `--no-updates` to disable automatic updates, and > want to retain those settings, you need to set them again during this process. 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