# Add Mattermost notification configuration From the Cloud interface, you can manage your space's notification settings and from these you can add a specific configuration to get notifications delivered on Mattermost. ## Prerequisites To add Mattermost notification configurations you need: - A Netdata Cloud account - Access to the space as an **administrator** - Space needs to be on **Business** plan or higher - Have a Mattermost app on your workspace to receive the webhooks, for more details check [how to configure this on Mattermost](#settings-on-mattermost) ## Steps 1. Click on the **Space settings** cog (located above your profile icon) 1. Click on the **Notification** tab 1. Click on the **+ Add configuration** button (near the top-right corner of your screen) 1. On the **Mattermost** card click on **+ Add** 1. A modal will be presented to you to enter the required details to enable the configuration: 1. **Notification settings** are Netdata specific settings - Configuration name - you can optionally provide a name for your configuration you can easily refer to it - Rooms - by specifying a list of Rooms you are select to which nodes or areas of your infrastructure you want to be notified using this configuration - Notification - you specify which notifications you want to be notified using this configuration: All Alerts and unreachable, All Alerts, Critical only 1. **Integration configuration** are the specific notification integration required settings, which vary by notification method. For Mattermost: - Webhook URL - URL provided on Mattermost for the channel you want to receive your notifications. For more details check [how to configure this on Mattermost](#settings-on-mattermost) ## Settings on Mattermost To enable the webhook integrations on Mattermost you need: 1. In Mattermost, go to Product menu > Integrations > Incoming Webhook. ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/26550862/243394526-6d45f6c2-c3cc-4d5f-a9cb-85d8170fc8ac.png) - If you don’t have the Integrations option, incoming webhooks may not be enabled on your Mattermost server or may be disabled for non-admins. They can be enabled by a System Admin from System Console > Integrations > Integration Management. Once incoming webhooks are enabled, continue with the steps below ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/26550862/243394734-f911ccf7-bb18-41b2-ab52-31195861dd1b.png) 2. Select Add Incoming Webhook and add a name and description for the webhook. The description can be up to 500 characters 3. Select the channel to receive webhook payloads, then select Add to create the webhook ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/26550862/243394626-363b7cbc-3550-47ef-b2f3-ce929919145f.png) 4. You will end up with a webhook endpoint that looks like so: ``` https://your-mattermost-server.com/hooks/xxx-generatedkey-xxx ``` - Treat this endpoint as a secret. Anyone who has it will be able to post messages to your Mattermost instance. For more details please check Mattermost's article [Incoming webhooks for Mattermost](https://developers.mattermost.com/integrate/webhooks/incoming/).