# python.d.plugin `python.d.plugin` is a Netdata external plugin. It is an **orchestrator** for data collection modules written in `python`. 1. It runs as an independent process `ps fax` shows it 2. It is started and stopped automatically by Netdata 3. It communicates with Netdata via a unidirectional pipe (sending data to the `netdata` daemon) 4. Supports any number of data collection **modules** 5. Allows each **module** to have one or more data collection **jobs** 6. Each **job** is collecting one or more metrics from a single data source ## Disclaimer Every module should be compatible with python2 and python3. All third party libraries should be installed system-wide or in `python_modules` directory. Module configurations are written in YAML and **pyYAML is required**. Every configuration file must have one of two formats: - Configuration for only one job: ```yaml update_every : 2 # update frequency priority : 20000 # where it is shown on dashboard other_var1 : bla # variables passed to module other_var2 : alb ``` - Configuration for many jobs (ex. mysql): ```yaml # module defaults: update_every : 2 priority : 20000 local: # job name update_every : 5 # job update frequency other_var1 : some_val # module specific variable other_job: priority : 5 # job position on dashboard other_var2 : val # module specific variable ``` `update_every` and `priority` are always optional. ## How to debug a python module ``` # become user netdata sudo su -s /bin/bash netdata ``` Depending on where Netdata was installed, execute one of the following commands to trace the execution of a python module: ``` # execute the plugin in debug mode, for a specific module /opt/netdata/usr/libexec/netdata/plugins.d/python.d.plugin debug trace /usr/libexec/netdata/plugins.d/python.d.plugin debug trace ``` Where `[module]` is the directory name under ## How to write a new module Writing new python module is simple. You just need to remember to include 5 major things: - **ORDER** global list - **CHART** global dictionary - **Service** class - **\_get_data** method - all code needs to be compatible with Python 2 (**≥ 2.7**) *and* 3 (**≥ 3.1**) If you plan to submit the module in a PR, make sure and go through the [PR checklist for new modules](#pull-request-checklist-for-python-plugins) beforehand to make sure you have updated all the files you need to. For a quick start, you can look at the [example plugin](example/example.chart.py). ### Global variables `ORDER` and `CHART` `ORDER` list should contain the order of chart ids. Example: ```py ORDER = ['first_chart', 'second_chart', 'third_chart'] ``` `CHART` dictionary is a little bit trickier. It should contain the chart definition in following format: ```py CHART = { id: { 'options': [name, title, units, family, context, charttype], 'lines': [ [unique_dimension_name, name, algorithm, multiplier, divisor] ]} ``` All names are better explained in the [External Plugins](../) section. Parameters like `priority` and `update_every` are handled by `python.d.plugin`. ### `Service` class Every module needs to implement its own `Service` class. This class should inherit from one of the framework classes: - `SimpleService` - `UrlService` - `SocketService` - `LogService` - `ExecutableService` Also it needs to invoke the parent class constructor in a specific way as well as assign global variables to class variables. Simple example: ```py from base import UrlService class Service(UrlService): def __init__(self, configuration=None, name=None): UrlService.__init__(self, configuration=configuration, name=name) self.order = ORDER self.definitions = CHARTS ``` ### `_get_data` collector/parser This method should grab raw data from `_get_raw_data`, parse it, and return a dictionary where keys are unique dimension names or `None` if no data is collected. Example: ```py def _get_data(self): try: raw = self._get_raw_data().split(" ") return {'active': int(raw[2])} except (ValueError, AttributeError): return None ``` # More about framework classes Every framework class has some user-configurable variables which are specific to this particular class. Those variables should have default values initialized in the child class constructor. If module needs some additional user-configurable variable, it can be accessed from the `self.configuration` list and assigned in constructor or custom `check` method. Example: ```py def __init__(self, configuration=None, name=None): UrlService.__init__(self, configuration=configuration, name=name) try: self.baseurl = str(self.configuration['baseurl']) except (KeyError, TypeError): self.baseurl = "http://localhost:5001" ``` Classes implement `_get_raw_data` which should be used to grab raw data. This method usually returns a list of strings. ### `SimpleService` _This is last resort class, if a new module cannot be written by using other framework class this one can be used._ _Example: `ceph`, `sensors`_ It is the lowest-level class which implements most of module logic, like: - threading - handling run times - chart formatting - logging - chart creation and updating ### `LogService` _Examples: `apache_cache`, `nginx_log`_ _Variable from config file_: `log_path`. Object created from this class reads new lines from file specified in `log_path` variable. It will check if file exists and is readable. Also `_get_raw_data` returns list of strings where each string is one line from file specified in `log_path`. ### `ExecutableService` _Examples: `exim`, `postfix`_ _Variable from config file_: `command`. This allows to execute a shell command in a secure way. It will check for invalid characters in `command` variable and won't proceed if there is one of: - '&' - '|' - ';' - '>' - '\<' For additional security it uses python `subprocess.Popen` (without `shell=True` option) to execute command. Command can be specified with absolute or relative name. When using relative name, it will try to find `command` in `PATH` environment variable as well as in `/sbin` and `/usr/sbin`. `_get_raw_data` returns list of decoded lines returned by `command`. ### UrlService _Examples: `apache`, `nginx`, `tomcat`_ _Multiple Endpoints (urls) Examples: [`rabbitmq`](rabbitmq/README.md) (simpler) , [`elasticsearch`](elasticsearch/README.md) (threaded)_ _Variables from config file_: `url`, `user`, `pass`. If data is grabbed by accessing service via HTTP protocol, this class can be used. It can handle HTTP Basic Auth when specified with `user` and `pass` credentials. Please note that the config file can use different variables according to the specification of each module. `_get_raw_data` returns list of utf-8 decoded strings (lines). ### SocketService _Examples: `dovecot`, `redis`_ _Variables from config file_: `unix_socket`, `host`, `port`, `request`. Object will try execute `request` using either `unix_socket` or TCP/IP socket with combination of `host` and `port`. This can access unix sockets with SOCK_STREAM or SOCK_DGRAM protocols and TCP/IP sockets in version 4 and 6 with SOCK_STREAM setting. Sockets are accessed in non-blocking mode with 15 second timeout. After every execution of `_get_raw_data` socket is closed, to prevent this module needs to set `_keep_alive` variable to `True` and implement custom `_check_raw_data` method. `_check_raw_data` should take raw data and return `True` if all data is received otherwise it should return `False`. Also it should do it in fast and efficient way. ## Pull Request Checklist for Python Plugins This is a generic checklist for submitting a new Python plugin for Netdata. It is by no means comprehensive. At minimum, to be buildable and testable, the PR needs to include: - The module itself, following proper naming conventions: `collectors/python.d.plugin//.chart.py` - A README.md file for the plugin under `collectors/python.d.plugin/`. - The configuration file for the module: `collectors/python.d.plugin//.conf`. Python config files are in YAML format, and should include comments describing what options are present. The instructions are also needed in the configuration section of the README.md - A basic configuration for the plugin in the appropriate global config file: `collectors/python.d.plugin/python.d.conf`, which is also in YAML format. Either add a line that reads `# : yes` if the module is to be enabled by default, or one that reads `: no` if it is to be disabled by default. - A makefile for the plugin at `collectors/python.d.plugin//Makefile.inc`. Check an existing plugin for what this should look like. - A line in `collectors/python.d.plugin/Makefile.am` including the above-mentioned makefile. Place it with the other plugin includes (please keep the includes sorted alphabetically). - Optionally, chart information in `web/gui/dashboard_info.js`. This generally involves specifying a name and icon for the section, and may include descriptions for the section or individual charts. 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