// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later #include "plugin_proc.h" #define PLUGIN_PROC_MODULE_MDSTAT_NAME "/proc/mdstat" struct raid { int used; char *name; RRDDIM *rd_health; unsigned long long failed_disks; RRDSET *st_disks; RRDDIM *rd_total; RRDDIM *rd_inuse; unsigned long long total_disks; unsigned long long inuse_disks; RRDSET *st_operation; RRDDIM *rd_check; RRDDIM *rd_resync; RRDDIM *rd_recovery; RRDDIM *rd_reshape; unsigned long long check; unsigned long long resync; unsigned long long recovery; unsigned long long reshape; RRDSET *st_finish; RRDDIM *rd_finish_in; unsigned long long finish_in; RRDSET *st_speed; RRDDIM *rd_speed; unsigned long long speed; char *mismatch_cnt_filename; RRDSET *st_mismatch_cnt; RRDDIM *rd_mismatch_cnt; unsigned long long mismatch_cnt; }; static inline char *remove_trailing_chars(char *s, char c) { while(*s) { if(unlikely(*s == c)) { *s = '\0'; } s++; } return s; } int do_proc_mdstat(int update_every, usec_t dt) { (void)dt; static procfile *ff = NULL; static char *mdstat_filename = NULL, *mismatch_cnt_filename = NULL; static struct raid *raids = NULL; static size_t raids_num = 0, raids_allocated = 0; size_t raid_idx = 0; if(unlikely(!mismatch_cnt_filename)) { char filename[FILENAME_MAX + 1]; snprintfz(filename, FILENAME_MAX, "%s%s", netdata_configured_host_prefix, "/sys/block/%s/md/mismatch_cnt"); mismatch_cnt_filename = config_get("plugin:proc:/proc/mdstat", "mismatch_cnt filename to monitor", filename); } if(unlikely(!ff)) { char filename[FILENAME_MAX + 1]; snprintfz(filename, FILENAME_MAX, "%s%s", netdata_configured_host_prefix, "/proc/mdstat"); mdstat_filename = config_get("plugin:proc:/proc/mdstat", "filename to monitor", filename); ff = procfile_open(mdstat_filename, " \t:", PROCFILE_FLAG_DEFAULT); if(unlikely(!ff)) return 1; } ff = procfile_readall(ff); if(unlikely(!ff)) return 0; // we return 0, so that we will retry opening it next time size_t lines = procfile_lines(ff); size_t words = 0; if(unlikely(lines < 2)) { error("Cannot read /proc/mdstat. Expected 2 or more lines, read %zu.", lines); return 1; } // find how many raids are there size_t l; raids_num = 0; for(l = 1; l < lines - 2 ; l++) { if(unlikely(procfile_lineword(ff, l, 1)[0] == 'a')) // check if the raid is active raids_num++; } if(unlikely(!raids_num)) return 0; // we return 0, so that we will retry searching for raids next time // allocate the memory we need; if(unlikely(raids_num != raids_allocated)) { for(raid_idx = 0; raid_idx < raids_allocated; raid_idx++) { struct raid *raid = &raids[raid_idx]; freez(raid->name); freez(raid->mismatch_cnt_filename); } raids = (struct raid *)reallocz(raids, raids_num * sizeof(struct raid)); raids_allocated = raids_num; memset(raids, 0, raids_num * sizeof(struct raid)); } // loop through all lines except the first and the last ones for(l = 1, raid_idx = 0; l < (lines - 2) && raid_idx < raids_num; l++) { struct raid *raid = &raids[raid_idx]; raid->used = 0; words = procfile_linewords(ff, l); if(unlikely(words < 2)) continue; if(unlikely(procfile_lineword(ff, l, 1)[0] != 'a')) continue; if(!raid->name) { raid->name = strdupz(procfile_lineword(ff, l, 0)); } else if(strcmp(raid->name, procfile_lineword(ff, l, 0))) { freez(raid->name); freez(raid->mismatch_cnt_filename); memset(raid, 0, sizeof(struct raid)); raid->name = strdupz(procfile_lineword(ff, l, 0)); } if(unlikely(!raid->name || !raid->name[0])) continue; raid_idx++; // check if raid has disk status l++; words = procfile_linewords(ff, l); if(words < 2 || procfile_lineword(ff, l, words - 1)[0] != '[') { continue; } // split inuse and total number of disks char *s = NULL, *str_total = NULL, *str_inuse = NULL; s = procfile_lineword(ff, l, words - 2); if(unlikely(s[0] != '[')) { error("Cannot read /proc/mdstat raid health status. Unexpected format: missing opening bracket."); continue; } str_total = ++s; while(*s) { if(unlikely(*s == '/')) { *s = '\0'; str_inuse = s + 1; } else if(unlikely(*s == ']')) { *s = '\0'; break; } s++; } if(unlikely(str_total[0] == '\0' || str_inuse[0] == '\0')) { error("Cannot read /proc/mdstat raid health status. Unexpected format."); continue; } raid->inuse_disks = str2ull(str_inuse); raid->total_disks = str2ull(str_total); raid->failed_disks = raid->total_disks - raid->inuse_disks; raid->used = 1; raid->check = 0; raid->resync = 0; raid->recovery = 0; raid->reshape = 0; raid->finish_in = 0; raid->speed = 0; // check if any operation is performed on the raid l++; words = procfile_linewords(ff, l); if(likely(words < 2)) continue; if(unlikely(words < 7)) { error("Cannot read /proc/mdstat line. Expected 7 params, read %zu.", words); continue; } if(unlikely(procfile_lineword(ff, l, 0)[0] != '[')) continue; char *word; word = procfile_lineword(ff, l, 3); remove_trailing_chars(word, '%'); unsigned long long percentage = (unsigned long long)(str2ld(word, NULL) * 100); // possible operations: check, resync, recovery, reshape // 4-th character is unique for each operation so it is checked switch(procfile_lineword(ff, l, 1)[3]) { case 'c': // check raid->check = percentage; break; case 'y': // resync raid->resync = percentage; break; case 'o': // recovery raid->recovery = percentage; break; case 'h': // reshape raid->reshape = percentage; break; } word = procfile_lineword(ff, l, 5); s = remove_trailing_chars(word, 'm'); // remove trailing "min" word += 7; // skip leading "finish=" if(likely(s > word)) raid->finish_in = (unsigned long long)(str2ld(word, NULL) * 60); word = procfile_lineword(ff, l, 6); s = remove_trailing_chars(word, 'K'); // remove trailing "K/sec" word += 6; // skip leading "speed=" if(likely(s > word)) raid->speed = str2ull(word); } // read mismatch_cnt files for(raid_idx = 0; raid_idx < raids_num ; raid_idx++) { char filename[FILENAME_MAX + 1]; struct raid *raid = &raids[raid_idx]; if(likely(raid->used)) { if(!raid->mismatch_cnt_filename) { snprintfz(filename, FILENAME_MAX, mismatch_cnt_filename, raid->name); raid->mismatch_cnt_filename = strdupz(filename); } if(unlikely(read_single_number_file(raid->mismatch_cnt_filename, &raid->mismatch_cnt))) { error("Cannot read file '%s'", raid->mismatch_cnt_filename); return 1; } } } // -------------------------------------------------------------------- static RRDSET *st_mdstat_health = NULL; if(unlikely(!st_mdstat_health)) st_mdstat_health = rrdset_create_localhost( "mdstat" , "mdstat_health" , NULL , "health" , "md.health" , "Faulty Devices In MD" , "failed disks" , PLUGIN_PROC_NAME , PLUGIN_PROC_MODULE_MDSTAT_NAME , NETDATA_CHART_PRIO_MDSTAT_HEALTH , update_every , RRDSET_TYPE_LINE ); else rrdset_next(st_mdstat_health); for(raid_idx = 0; raid_idx < raids_num; raid_idx++) { struct raid *raid = &raids[raid_idx]; if(likely(raid->used)) { if(unlikely(!raid->rd_health && !(raid->rd_health = rrddim_find(st_mdstat_health, raid->name)))) raid->rd_health = rrddim_add(st_mdstat_health, raid->name, NULL, 1, 1, RRD_ALGORITHM_ABSOLUTE); rrddim_set_by_pointer(st_mdstat_health, raid->rd_health, raid->failed_disks); } } rrdset_done(st_mdstat_health); // -------------------------------------------------------------------- for(raid_idx = 0; raid_idx < raids_num ; raid_idx++) { struct raid *raid = &raids[raid_idx]; char id[50 + 1]; char family[50 + 1]; if(likely(raid->used)) { snprintfz(id, 50, "%s_disks", raid->name); if(unlikely(!raid->st_disks && !(raid->st_disks = rrdset_find_byname_localhost(id)))) { snprintfz(family, 50, "%s", raid->name); raid->st_disks = rrdset_create_localhost( "mdstat" , id , NULL , family , "md.disks" , "Disks Stats" , "disks" , PLUGIN_PROC_NAME , PLUGIN_PROC_MODULE_MDSTAT_NAME , NETDATA_CHART_PRIO_MDSTAT_DISKS + raid_idx * 10 , update_every , RRDSET_TYPE_STACKED ); } else rrdset_next(raid->st_disks); if(unlikely(!raid->rd_inuse && !(raid->rd_inuse = rrddim_find(raid->st_disks, "inuse")))) raid->rd_inuse = rrddim_add(raid->st_disks, "inuse", NULL, 1, 1, RRD_ALGORITHM_ABSOLUTE); if(unlikely(!raid->rd_total && !(raid->rd_total = rrddim_find(raid->st_disks, "total")))) raid->rd_total = rrddim_add(raid->st_disks, "total", NULL, 1, 1, RRD_ALGORITHM_ABSOLUTE); rrddim_set_by_pointer(raid->st_disks, raid->rd_inuse, raid->inuse_disks); rrddim_set_by_pointer(raid->st_disks, raid->rd_total, raid->total_disks); rrdset_done(raid->st_disks); // -------------------------------------------------------------------- snprintfz(id, 50, "%s_mismatch", raid->name); if(unlikely(!raid->st_mismatch_cnt && !(raid->st_mismatch_cnt = rrdset_find_byname_localhost(id)))) { snprintfz(family, 50, "%s", raid->name); raid->st_mismatch_cnt = rrdset_create_localhost( "mdstat" , id , NULL , family , "md.mismatch_cnt" , "Mismatch Count" , "unsynchronized blocks" , PLUGIN_PROC_NAME , PLUGIN_PROC_MODULE_MDSTAT_NAME , NETDATA_CHART_PRIO_MDSTAT_MISMATCH + raid_idx * 10 , update_every , RRDSET_TYPE_LINE ); } else rrdset_next(raid->st_mismatch_cnt); if(unlikely(!raid->rd_mismatch_cnt && !(raid->rd_mismatch_cnt = rrddim_find(raid->st_mismatch_cnt, "count")))) raid->rd_mismatch_cnt = rrddim_add(raid->st_mismatch_cnt, "count", NULL, 1, 1, RRD_ALGORITHM_ABSOLUTE); rrddim_set_by_pointer(raid->st_mismatch_cnt, raid->rd_mismatch_cnt, raid->mismatch_cnt); rrdset_done(raid->st_mismatch_cnt); // -------------------------------------------------------------------- snprintfz(id, 50, "%s_operation", raid->name); if(unlikely(!raid->st_operation && !(raid->st_operation = rrdset_find_byname_localhost(id)))) { snprintfz(family, 50, "%s", raid->name); raid->st_operation = rrdset_create_localhost( "mdstat" , id , NULL , family , "md.status" , "Current Status" , "percent" , PLUGIN_PROC_NAME , PLUGIN_PROC_MODULE_MDSTAT_NAME , NETDATA_CHART_PRIO_MDSTAT_OPERATION + raid_idx * 10 , update_every , RRDSET_TYPE_LINE ); } else rrdset_next(raid->st_operation); if(unlikely(!raid->rd_check && !(raid->rd_check = rrddim_find(raid->st_operation, "check")))) raid->rd_check = rrddim_add(raid->st_operation, "check", NULL, 1, 100, RRD_ALGORITHM_ABSOLUTE); if(unlikely(!raid->rd_resync && !(raid->rd_resync = rrddim_find(raid->st_operation, "resync")))) raid->rd_resync = rrddim_add(raid->st_operation, "resync", NULL, 1, 100, RRD_ALGORITHM_ABSOLUTE); if(unlikely(!raid->rd_recovery && !(raid->rd_recovery = rrddim_find(raid->st_operation, "recovery")))) raid->rd_recovery = rrddim_add(raid->st_operation, "recovery", NULL, 1, 100, RRD_ALGORITHM_ABSOLUTE); if(unlikely(!raid->rd_reshape && !(raid->rd_reshape = rrddim_find(raid->st_operation, "reshape")))) raid->rd_reshape = rrddim_add(raid->st_operation, "reshape", NULL, 1, 100, RRD_ALGORITHM_ABSOLUTE); rrddim_set_by_pointer(raid->st_operation, raid->rd_check, raid->check); rrddim_set_by_pointer(raid->st_operation, raid->rd_resync, raid->resync); rrddim_set_by_pointer(raid->st_operation, raid->rd_recovery, raid->recovery); rrddim_set_by_pointer(raid->st_operation, raid->rd_reshape, raid->reshape); rrdset_done(raid->st_operation); // -------------------------------------------------------------------- snprintfz(id, 50, "%s_finish", raid->name); if(unlikely(!raid->st_finish && !(raid->st_finish = rrdset_find_byname_localhost(id)))) { snprintfz(family, 50, "%s", raid->name); raid->st_finish = rrdset_create_localhost( "mdstat" , id , NULL , family , "md.rate" , "Approximate Time Unit Finish" , "seconds" , PLUGIN_PROC_NAME , PLUGIN_PROC_MODULE_MDSTAT_NAME , NETDATA_CHART_PRIO_MDSTAT_FINISH + raid_idx * 10 , update_every , RRDSET_TYPE_LINE ); } else rrdset_next(raid->st_finish); if(unlikely(!raid->rd_finish_in && !(raid->rd_finish_in = rrddim_find(raid->st_finish, "finish_in")))) raid->rd_finish_in = rrddim_add(raid->st_finish, "finish_in", NULL, 1, 1, RRD_ALGORITHM_ABSOLUTE); rrddim_set_by_pointer(raid->st_finish, raid->rd_finish_in, raid->finish_in); rrdset_done(raid->st_finish); // -------------------------------------------------------------------- snprintfz(id, 50, "%s_speed", raid->name); if(unlikely(!raid->st_speed && !(raid->st_speed = rrdset_find_byname_localhost(id)))) { snprintfz(family, 50, "%s", raid->name); raid->st_speed = rrdset_create_localhost( "mdstat" , id , NULL , family , "md.rate" , "Operation Speed" , "KB/s" , PLUGIN_PROC_NAME , PLUGIN_PROC_MODULE_MDSTAT_NAME , NETDATA_CHART_PRIO_MDSTAT_SPEED + raid_idx * 10 , update_every , RRDSET_TYPE_LINE ); } else rrdset_next(raid->st_speed); if(unlikely(!raid->rd_speed && !(raid->rd_speed = rrddim_find(raid->st_speed, "speed")))) raid->rd_speed = rrddim_add(raid->st_speed, "speed", NULL, 1, 1, RRD_ALGORITHM_ABSOLUTE); rrddim_set_by_pointer(raid->st_speed, raid->rd_speed, raid->speed); rrdset_done(raid->st_speed); } } return 0; }