# Printers (cups.plugin) `cups.plugin` collects Common Unix Printing System (CUPS) metrics. ## Prerequisites This plugin needs a running local CUPS daemon (`cupsd`). This plugin does not need any configuration. Supports cups since version 1.7. If you installed Netdata using our native packages, you will have to additionally install `netdata-plugin-cups` to use this plugin for data collection. It is not installed by default due to the large number of dependencies it requires. ## Charts `cups.plugin` provides one common section `destinations` and one section per destination. > Destinations in CUPS represent individual printers or classes (collections or pools) of printers () The section `server` provides these charts: 1. **destinations by state** - idle - printing - stopped 2. **destinations by options** - total - accepting jobs - shared 3. **total job number by status** - pending - processing - held 4. **total job size by status** - pending - processing - held For each destination the plugin provides these charts: 1. **job number by status** - pending - held - processing 2. **job size by status** - pending - held - processing At the moment only job status pending, processing, and held are reported because we do not have a method to collect stopped, canceled, aborted and completed jobs which scales.