# Collecting metrics Netdata can collect metrics from hundreds of different sources, be they internal data created by the system itself, or external data created by services or applications. To see _all_ of the sources Netdata collects from, view our [list of supported collectors](COLLECTORS.md), and then view our [quickstart guide](QUICKSTART.md) to get up-and-running. There are two essential points to understand about how collecting metrics works in Netdata: - All collectors are **installed by default** with every installation of Netdata. You do not need to install collectors manually to collect metrics from new sources. - Upon startup, Netdata will **auto-detect** any application or service that has a [collector](COLLECTORS.md), as long as both the collector and the app/service are configured correctly. Most users will want to enable a new Netdata collector for their app/service. For those details, see our [quickstart guide](QUICKSTART.md). ## Take your next steps with collectors [Collectors quickstart](QUICKSTART.md) [Supported collectors list](COLLECTORS.md) [Collectors configuration reference](REFERENCE.md) ## Tutorials [Monitor Nginx or Apache web server log files with Netdata](../docs/tutorials/collect-apache-nginx-web-logs.md) [Monitor CockroadchDB metrics with Netdata](../docs/tutorials/monitor-cockroachdb.md) [Monitor Unbound DNS servers with Netdata](../docs/tutorials/collect-unbound-metrics.md) [Monitor a Hadoop cluster with Netdata](../docs/tutorials/monitor-hadoop-cluster.md) ## Related features **[Dashboards](../web/README.md)**: Vizualize your newly-collect metrics in real-time using Netdata's [built-in dashboard](../web/gui/README.md). **[Backends](../backends/README.md)**: Extend our built-in [database engine](), which supports long-term metrics storage, by archiving metrics to like Graphite, Prometheus, MongoDB, TimescaleDB, and more. **[Exporting](../exporting/README.md)**: An experimental refactoring of our backends system with a modular system and support for exporting metrics to multiple systems simultaneously. [![analytics](https://www.google-analytics.com/collect?v=1&aip=1&t=pageview&_s=1&ds=github&dr=https%3A%2F%2Fgithub.com%2Fnetdata%2Fnetdata&dl=https%3A%2F%2Fmy-netdata.io%2Fgithub%2Fcollectors%2FREADME&_u=MAC~&cid=5792dfd7-8dc4-476b-af31-da2fdb9f93d2&tid=UA-64295674-3)](<>)