# netdata [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/firehol/netdata.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/firehol/netdata) [![Coverity Scan Build Status](https://scan.coverity.com/projects/9140/badge.svg)](https://scan.coverity.com/projects/firehol-netdata) [![Docker Pulls](https://img.shields.io/docker/pulls/titpetric/netdata.svg)](https://hub.docker.com/r/titpetric/netdata/) > *New to netdata? Here is a live demo: [http://my-netdata.io](http://my-netdata.io)* **netdata** is a system for **distributed real-time performance and health monitoring**. It provides **unparalleled insights, in real-time**, of everything happening on the system it runs (including applications such as web and database servers), using **modern interactive web dashboards**. _netdata is **fast** and **efficient**, designed to permanently run on all systems (**physical** & **virtual** servers, **containers**, **IoT** devices), without disrupting their core function._ --- ## User base *Since May 16th 2016 (the date the [global public netdata registry](https://github.com/firehol/netdata/wiki/mynetdata-menu-item) was released):*
[![User Base](https://registry.my-netdata.io/api/v1/badge.svg?chart=netdata.registry_entries&dimensions=persons&label=user%20base&units=null&value_color=blue&precision=0&v42)](https://registry.my-netdata.io/#menu_netdata_submenu_registry) [![Monitored Servers](https://registry.my-netdata.io/api/v1/badge.svg?chart=netdata.registry_entries&dimensions=machines&label=servers%20monitored&units=null&value_color=orange&precision=0&v42)](https://registry.my-netdata.io/#menu_netdata_submenu_registry) [![Sessions Served](https://registry.my-netdata.io/api/v1/badge.svg?chart=netdata.registry_sessions&label=sessions%20served&units=null&value_color=yellowgreen&precision=0&v42)](https://registry.my-netdata.io/#menu_netdata_submenu_registry) *in the last 24 hours:*
[![New Users Today](http://registry.my-netdata.io/api/v1/badge.svg?chart=netdata.registry_entries&dimensions=persons&after=-86400&options=unaligned&group=incremental-sum&label=new%20users%20today&units=null&value_color=blue&precision=0&v42)](https://registry.my-netdata.io/#menu_netdata_submenu_registry) [![New Machines Today](https://registry.my-netdata.io/api/v1/badge.svg?chart=netdata.registry_entries&dimensions=machines&group=incremental-sum&after=-86400&options=unaligned&label=servers%20added%20today&units=null&value_color=orange&precision=0&v42)](https://registry.my-netdata.io/#menu_netdata_submenu_registry) [![Sessions Today](https://registry.my-netdata.io/api/v1/badge.svg?chart=netdata.registry_sessions&after=-86400&group=incremental-sum&options=unaligned&label=sessions%20served%20today&units=null&value_color=yellowgreen&precision=0&v42)](https://registry.my-netdata.io/#menu_netdata_submenu_registry) --- ## News

`Oct 4th, 2016` - **[netdata v1.4.0 released!](https://github.com/firehol/netdata/releases)** - the **fastest** netdata ever (with a better look too) - improved **IoT** and **containers** support - **alarms** improved in almost every way - new plugins: softnet netdev, extended TCP metrics, UDPLite, NFS v2, v3 client (server was there already), NFS v4 server & client, APCUPSd, RetroShare - improved plugins: mysql, cgroups, hddtemp, sensors, phpfm, tc (QoS) --- ## Features

- **Stunning interactive bootstrap dashboards**
mouse and touch friendly, in 2 themes: dark, light - **Amazingly fast**
responds to all queries in less than 0.5 ms per metric, even on low-end hardware - **Highly efficient**
collects thousands of metrics per server per second, with just 1% CPU utilization of a single core, a few MB of RAM and no disk I/O at all - **Sophisticated alarming**
supports dynamic thresholds, hysteresis, alarm templates, multiple role-based notification methods (such as email, slack.com, pushover.net, pushbullet.com telegram.org, twilio.com) - **Extensible**
you can monitor anything you can get a metric for, using its Plugin API (anything can be a netdata plugin, BASH, python, perl, node.js, java, Go, ruby, etc) - **Embeddable**
it can run anywhere a Linux kernel runs (even IoT) and its charts can be embedded on your web pages too - **Customizable**
custom dashboards can be built using simple HTML (no javascript necessary) - **Zero configuration**
auto-detects everything, it can collect up to 5000 metrics per server out of the box - **Zero dependencies**
it is even its own web server, for its static web files and its web API - **Zero maintenance**
you just run it, it does the rest - **scales to infinity**
requiring minimal central resources - **back-ends supported**
can archive its metrics on `graphite` or `opentsdb`, in the same or lower detail (lower: to prevent it from congesting these servers due to the amount of data collected) ![netdata](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/2662304/14092712/93b039ea-f551-11e5-822c-beadbf2b2a2e.gif) --- ## What does it monitor? netdata monitors several thousands of metrics per device. All these metrics are collected and visualized in real-time. > _Almost all metrics are auto-detected, without any configuration._ This is a list of what it currently monitors: - **CPU**
usage, interrupts, softirqs, frequency, total and per core - **Memory**
RAM, swap and kernel memory usage, including KSM the kernel memory deduper - **Disks**
per disk: I/O, operations, backlog, utilization, space ![sda](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/2662304/14093195/c882bbf4-f554-11e5-8863-1788d643d2c0.gif) - **Network interfaces**
per interface: bandwidth, packets, errors, drops ![dsl0](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/2662304/14093128/4d566494-f554-11e5-8ee4-5392e0ac51f0.gif) - **IPv4 networking**
bandwidth, packets, errors, fragments, tcp: connections, packets, errors, handshake, udp: packets, errors, broadcast: bandwidth, packets, multicast: bandwidth, packets - **IPv6 networking**
bandwidth, packets, errors, fragments, ECT, udp: packets, errors, udplite: packets, errors, broadcast: bandwidth, multicast: bandwidth, packets, icmp: messages, errors, echos, router, neighbor, MLDv2, group membership, break down by type - **Interprocess Communication - IPC**
such as semaphores and semaphores arrays - **netfilter / iptables Linux firewall**
connections, connection tracker events, errors - **Linux DDoS protection**
SYNPROXY metrics - **fping** latencies
for any number of hosts, showing latency, packets and packet loss ![image](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/2662304/20464811/9517d2b4-af57-11e6-8361-f6cc57541cd7.png) - **Processes**
running, blocked, forks, active - **Entropy**
random numbers pool, using in cryptography - **NFS file servers and clients**
NFS v2, v3, v4: I/O, cache, read ahead, RPC calls - **Network QoS**
the only tool that visualizes network `tc` classes in realtime ![qos-tc-classes](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/2662304/14093004/68966020-f553-11e5-98fe-ffee2086fafd.gif) - **Linux Control Groups**
containers: systemd, lxc, docker - **Applications**
by grouping the process tree and reporting CPU, memory, disk reads, disk writes, swap, threads, pipes, sockets - per group ![apps](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/2662304/14093565/67c4002c-f557-11e5-86bd-0154f5135def.gif) - **Users and User Groups resource usage**
by summarizing the process tree per user and group, reporting: CPU, memory, disk reads, disk writes, swap, threads, pipes, sockets - **Apache and lighttpd web servers**
`mod-status` (v2.2, v2.4) and cache log statistics, for multiple servers - **Nginx web servers**
`stub-status`, for multiple servers - **Tomcat**
accesses, threads, free memory, volume - **mySQL databases**
multiple servers, each showing: bandwidth, queries/s, handlers, locks, issues, tmp operations, connections, binlog metrics, threads, innodb metrics, and more - **Postgres databases**
multiple servers, each showing: per database statistics (connections, tuples read - written - returned, transactions, locks), backend processes, indexes, tables, write ahead, background writer and more - **Redis databases**
multiple servers, each showing: operations, hit rate, memory, keys, clients, slaves - **memcached databases**
multiple servers, each showing: bandwidth, connections, items - **ISC Bind name servers**
multiple servers, each showing: clients, requests, queries, updates, failures and several per view metrics - **Postfix email servers**
message queue (entries, size) - **exim email servers**
message queue (emails queued) - **Dovecot** POP3/IMAP servers
- **IPFS**
bandwidth, peers - **Squid proxy servers**
multiple servers, each showing: clients bandwidth and requests, servers bandwidth and requests - **Hardware sensors**
temperature, voltage, fans, power, humidity - **NUT and APC UPSes**
load, charge, battery voltage, temperature, utility metrics, output metrics - **PHP-FPM**
multiple instances, each reporting connections, requests, performance - **hddtemp**
disk temperatures - **SNMP devices**
can be monitored too (although you will need to configure these) And you can extend it, by writing plugins that collect data from any source, using any computer language. --- ## Installation Use our **[automatic installer](https://github.com/firehol/netdata/wiki/Installation)** to build and install it on your system. It should run on **any Linux** system (including IoT). It has been tested on: - Alpine - Arch Linux - CentOS - Debian - Fedora - Gentoo - openSUSE - PLD Linux - RedHat Enterprise Linux - SUSE - Ubuntu --- ## Documentation Check the **[netdata wiki](https://github.com/firehol/netdata/wiki)**. ## License netdata is GPLv3+. It re-distributes other open-source tools and libraries. Please check its [License Statement](https://github.com/firehol/netdata/blob/master/LICENSE.md).