ARG PYVER=3.8 FROM python:${PYVER}-alpine WORKDIR /netdata # These scripts use Bash(ism) so install Bash # TODO: Maybe rewrite the link checker in something more sane RUN apk add --no-cache -U bash # The scripts also clone the netdata/netdata repo using git # TODO: Maybe also optionally support bind-mounted sources RUN apk add --no-cache -U git # The scripts also use GNU find options RUN apk add --no-cache -U findutils # (20200415) Some Python dependnecy now requires gcc as part of its build step. RUN apk add --no-cache -U build-base # Copy and Install build dependencies first to cache them so we don't have to # do this every single time we want to rebuild the docs. The cache is busted # when/if the SHA of the requirements.txt is changed. COPY docs/generator /netdata/docs/generator RUN pip install -r /netdata/docs/generator/requirements.txt COPY . . CMD ["/netdata/docs/generator/"]