--- dist: focal language: c addons: apt: packages: ['moreutils'] env: global: - RELEASE_CHANNEL=nightly before_install: - exec > >(ts -s '%H:%M:%.S ') 2>&1 - source .travis/utils.sh # Install dependencies for all, once # install: - sudo apt-get install -y libuv1-dev liblz4-dev libjudy-dev libcap2-bin zlib1g-dev uuid-dev fakeroot libipmimonitoring-dev libmnl-dev libnetfilter-acct-dev gnupg python3-pip - sudo pip install git-semver==0.3.2 # 11/Sep/2019: git-semver tip was broken, so we had to force last good run of it - source tests/installer/slack.sh - export NOTIF_CHANNEL="automation-beta" - if [ "${TRAVIS_REPO_SLUG}" = "netdata/netdata" ]; then export NOTIF_CHANNEL="automation"; fi; - export BUILD_VERSION="$(cat packaging/version | cut -d'-' -f1)" - export LATEST_RELEASE_VERSION="$(cat packaging/version | cut -d'-' -f1)" - export LATEST_RELEASE_DATE="$(git log -1 --format=%aD "${LATEST_RELEASE_VERSION}" | cat)" - if [[ "${TRAVIS_COMMIT_MESSAGE}" = *"[Build latest]"* ]]; then export BUILD_VERSION="$(cat packaging/version | cut -d'-' -f1,2 | sed -e 's/-/./g').latest"; fi; - export DEPLOY_REPO="netdata" # Default production packaging repository - export PACKAGING_USER="netdata" # Standard package cloud account - if [[ "${TRAVIS_COMMIT_MESSAGE}" = *"[Build latest]"* ]]; then export DEPLOY_REPO="netdata-edge"; fi; - export PACKAGE_CLOUD_RETENTION_DAYS=30 - if [ ! "${TRAVIS_REPO_SLUG}" = "netdata/netdata" ]; then export DEPLOY_REPO="netdata-devel"; fi; # These are release-related artifacts and have to be evaluated before we start doing conditional checks inside stages - source ".travis/tagger.sh" - export GIT_TAG="$(git tag --points-at)" # Setup notification system # notifications: webhooks: urls: - https://app.fossa.io/hooks/travisci # Define the stage sequence and conditionals # stages: # Mandatory runs, we always want these executed - name: Build process if: commit_message =~ /^((?!\[Package (amd64|arm64|i386) (DEB|RPM)( .*)?\]).)*$/ # Nightly operations - name: Nightly operations if: branch = master AND type = cron AND env(RUN_NIGHTLY) = yes - name: Nightly release if: branch = master AND type = cron AND env(RUN_NIGHTLY) = yes # Scheduled releases - name: Support activities on main branch if: branch = master AND type != pull_request AND type != cron AND repo = netdata/netdata # We don't run on release candidates - name: Publish for release if: >- branch = master AND type != pull_request AND type != cron AND tag !~ /(-rc)/ AND commit_message =~ /\[netdata (release candidate|(major|minor|patch) release)\]/ # Define stage implementation details # jobs: # This is a hook to help us introduce "soft" errors on our process allow_failures: - env: ALLOW_SOFT_FAILURE_HERE=true include: # Ensure netdata code builds successfully - stage: Build process name: Standard netdata build script: fakeroot ./netdata-installer.sh --install $HOME --dont-wait --dont-start-it --enable-plugin-nfacct --enable-plugin-freeipmi --disable-lto env: CFLAGS='-O1 -Wall -Wextra -Wformat-signedness -fstack-protector-all -fno-common -DNETDATA_INTERNAL_CHECKS=1 -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -DNETDATA_VERIFY_LOCKS=1' after_failure: post_message "TRAVIS_MESSAGE" " standard netdata build is failing (Still dont know which one, will improve soon)" - name: Build/Install for ubuntu 20.04 (not containerized) script: fakeroot ./netdata-installer.sh --dont-wait --dont-start-it --install $HOME after_failure: post_message "TRAVIS_MESSAGE" "Build/Install failed on ubuntu 18.04" - name: Build/install for CentOS 7 (Containerized) script: docker run -it -v "${PWD}:/netdata:rw" -w /netdata "netdata/os-test:centos7" ./netdata-installer.sh --dont-wait --dont-start-it --install /tmp after_failure: post_message "TRAVIS_MESSAGE" "Build/Install failed on CentOS 7" - stage: Support activities on main branch name: Generate changelog for release (only on special and tagged commit msg) before_script: post_message "TRAVIS_MESSAGE" "Support activities on main branch initiated" "${NOTIF_CHANNEL}" script: - echo "GIT Branch:" && git branch - echo "Last commit:" && git log -1 - echo "GIT Describe:" && git describe - echo "packaging/version:" && cat packaging/version - if [[ -z "${GIT_TAG}" ]]; then echo "Running set tag for release" && set_tag_for_release; fi; - .travis/generate_changelog_and_tag_release.sh after_failure: post_message "TRAVIS_MESSAGE" " Changelog generation and tag of release, failed" git: depth: false if: commit_message =~ /\[netdata (release candidate|(major|minor|patch) release)\]/ AND tag !~ /(-rc)/ OR (env(GIT_TAG) IS present AND NOT env(GIT_TAG) IS blank) # We only publish if a TAG has been set during packaging - stage: Publish for release name: Create release draft git: depth: false env: - RELEASE_CHANNEL=stable before_script: post_message "TRAVIS_MESSAGE" "Drafting release on github" "${NOTIF_CHANNEL}" script: - echo "GIT Branch:" && git branch - echo "Last commit:" && git log -1 - echo "GIT Describe:" && git describe - echo "packaging/version:" && cat packaging/version - echo "Generating release artifacts" && .travis/create_artifacts.sh # Could/should be a common storage to put this and share between jobs - .travis/draft_release.sh after_failure: post_message "TRAVIS_MESSAGE" " Draft release submission failed" - name: Trigger Docker image build and publish script: - git checkout "${TRAVIS_BRANCH}" && export BUILD_VERSION="$(cat packaging/version | cut -d'-' -f1)" - .travis/trigger_docker_build.sh "${GITHUB_TOKEN}" "${BUILD_VERSION}" after_failure: post_message "TRAVIS_MESSAGE" " Failed to trigger docker build during release" "${NOTIF_CHANNEL}" - name: Trigger deb and rpm package build script: - git checkout "${TRAVIS_BRANCH}" && export BUILD_VERSION="$(cat packaging/version | cut -d'-' -f1)" - .travis/trigger_package_build.sh "${GITHUB_TOKEN}" "${BUILD_VERSION}" "release" after_failure: post_message "TRAVIS_MESSAGE" " Failed to trigger deb and rpm package build during release" "${NOTIF_CHANNEL}" # This is the nightly pre-execution step (Jobs, preparatory steps for nightly, etc) - stage: Nightly operations name: Kickstart files integrity testing (extended) script: ./tests/installer/checksums.sh # This is generating the changelog for nightly release and publish it - name: Generate nightly changelog script: - ".travis/nightlies.sh" - ".travis/check_changelog_last_modification.sh" after_failure: post_message "TRAVIS_MESSAGE" " Nightly changelog generation failed" git: depth: false - name: Clean up package cloud nightly repository from old versions script: - DEPLOY_REPO="netdata-edge" .travis/package_management/old_package_purging.sh - DEPLOY_REPO="netdata-devel" .travis/package_management/old_package_purging.sh # This is the nightly execution step # - stage: Nightly release _template: &NIGHTLY_TEMPLATE git: depth: false script: - echo "GIT Branch:" && git branch - echo "Last commit:" && git log -1 - echo "GIT Describe:" && git describe - echo "packaging/version:" && cat packaging/version - "sudo echo '{\"experimental\": true}' > /etc/docker/daemon.json && sudo systemctl restart docker" - packaging/docker/check_login.sh && tick packaging/docker/build.sh && packaging/docker/publish.sh after_failure: post_message "TRAVIS_MESSAGE" " Nightly docker image publish failed" name: Create nightly release artifacts, publish to GCS script: - echo "GIT Branch:" && git branch - echo "Last commit:" && git log -1 - echo "GIT Describe:" && git describe - echo "packaging/version:" && cat packaging/version - .travis/create_artifacts.sh after_failure: post_message "TRAVIS_MESSAGE" " Nightly artifacts generation failed" git: depth: false before_deploy: echo "Preparing creds under ${TRAVIS_REPO_SLUG}"; if [ "${TRAVIS_REPO_SLUG}" == "netdata/netdata" ]; then openssl aes-256-cbc -K $encrypted_8daf19481253_key -iv $encrypted_8daf19481253_iv -in .travis/gcs-credentials.json.enc -out .travis/gcs-credentials.json -d; else echo "Beta deployment stage in progress"; openssl aes-256-cbc -K $encrypted_8daf19481253_key -iv $encrypted_8daf19481253_iv -in .travis/gcs-credentials.json.enc -out .travis/gcs-credentials.json -d; fi; deploy: # Beta storage, used for testing purposes - provider: gcs edge: branch: gcs-ng project_id: netdata-storage credentials: .travis/gcs-credentials.json bucket: "netdata-dev-nightlies" skip_cleanup: true local_dir: "artifacts" on: # Only deploy on netdata/netdata, master branch, when artifacts directory is created repo: ${TRAVIS_REPO_SLUG} branch: master condition: -d "artifacts" && ${TRAVIS_REPO_SLUG} != "netdata/netdata" # Production storage - provider: gcs edge: branch: gcs-ng project_id: netdata-storage credentials: .travis/gcs-credentials.json bucket: "netdata-nightlies" skip_cleanup: true local_dir: "artifacts" on: # Only deploy on netdata/netdata, master branch, when artifacts directory is created repo: netdata/netdata branch: master condition: -d "artifacts" && ${TRAVIS_REPO_SLUG} = "netdata/netdata" after_deploy: rm -f .travis/gcs-credentials.json - name: Trigger Docker image build and publish script: .travis/trigger_docker_build.sh "${GITHUB_TOKEN}" "nightly" after_failure: post_message "TRAVIS_MESSAGE" " Failed to trigger docker build during nightly release" "${NOTIF_CHANNEL}" - name: Trigger DEB and RPM package build - git checkout "${TRAVIS_BRANCH}" && export BUILD_VERSION="$(cat packaging/version)" - .travis/trigger_package_build.sh "${GITHUB_TOKEN}" "${BUILD_VERSION}" "nightly" after_failure: post_message "TRAVIS_MESSAGE" " Failed to trigger deb and rpm package build during nightly release" "${NOTIF_CHANNEL}"